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Wang Libo, Li Jun, Zhao Jingtao, Dou Yanguang, Hu Bangqi, Sun Rongtao. Detrital mineral assemblages and distributions as indicators of provenance and dispersal pattern in surface sediments from Liaodong Bay, Bohai Sea[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2014, 36(2): 66-74.
Citation: Wang Libo, Li Jun, Zhao Jingtao, Dou Yanguang, Hu Bangqi, Sun Rongtao. Detrital mineral assemblages and distributions as indicators of provenance and dispersal pattern in surface sediments from Liaodong Bay, Bohai Sea[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2014, 36(2): 66-74.

Detrital mineral assemblages and distributions as indicators of provenance and dispersal pattern in surface sediments from Liaodong Bay, Bohai Sea

  • Received Date: 2013-02-01
  • In the present paper, we investigated the detrital mineral composition, assemblage and distribution in surface sediments from Liaodong Bay (LDB), Bohai Sea. The log-ratio method was used to represent mineral compositional data for the multiple statistical analysis. Heavy mineral weight percentage is 6.3% on average, and the high value areas are located at Liuguhe river mouth and nearshore zone of northwestern coast. A total of 7 species of light mineral and 38 species of heavy minerals were identified by using the classical microscopic method. Light minerals are dominated in quartz, plagioclase and K-feldspar; whilst heavy minerals are mainly composed of hornblende, epidote, magnetite, garnet, ilmenite, titanite, actinolite, limonite, hematite, apatite and augite. The LDB could be divided into 2 detrital mineral provinces, including 6 sub-provinces, according to the detrital mineral assemblages and their distribution pattern. Sediments in Liuguhe river mouth and nearshore zone of northwestern coast are mainly derived from Liuguhe river, small streams flowing into the northwestern LDB and coastal erosion; sediments in northern LDB are mainly originated from Shuangtaizihe river and Daliaohe river; central LDB province is a multi-source depositional area; sediments in southern LDB are mainly affected by adjacent sea and Fuzhouhe river; sediments in Liaodong Shoal province, which is located in southeastern LDB, may be dramatically reformed by tidal current. Compared to sediments from rivers around LDB, quartz/feldspar ratio and ZTR index of surface sediments show an increasing trend. Assemblages and distribution pattern of detrital minerals in the bay are mainly controlled by provenances, and also affected by hydrodynamic and grain density.
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