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Cai Deling, Sun Yao, Zhang Xiaoyong, Su Yuanfeng, Wu Yonghua, Chen Zihua, Yang Qian. Reconstructing a primary productivity history over the past 200 a using the sediment organic carbon content and the stable isotope composition from the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2014, 36(2): 40-50.
Citation: Cai Deling, Sun Yao, Zhang Xiaoyong, Su Yuanfeng, Wu Yonghua, Chen Zihua, Yang Qian. Reconstructing a primary productivity history over the past 200 a using the sediment organic carbon content and the stable isotope composition from the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2014, 36(2): 40-50.

Reconstructing a primary productivity history over the past 200 a using the sediment organic carbon content and the stable isotope composition from the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea

  • Received Date: 2012-08-27
  • The reconstruction of paleoproductivity at home and abroad has been a hot spot in the research of marine ecology since the 1980s. However, most of the studies are in abyssal regions. Continental shelf areas are influenced more obviously by the terrigenous matter and more difficult to be studied than abyssal regions. It makes use of carbon stable isotope compositions in organic matter of modern sediments to estimate the sea-derived carbon contents. Based on this, combining the investigation data of the several representative indicators of the primary productivity in surface sediments (phytoplankton biomass, chlorophyll-a concentration, as well as the diatom content), to seek correlation between the sea-derived carbon content and the productivity index in cores. Then, the high resolution of the paleoproductivity records over 200 a can be reconstructed from the sea-derived carbon content in 3 typical columnar sediments from the southern Huanghai Sea cold eddy zone. It has important significance for studying the evolution rule of ecological environment in the continental shelf area. Controlling factors on the primary productivity evolution reconstructed for the southern Yellow Sea are discussed elementarily, it shows that the primary productivity wave elevation over 200 a is consistent with sea surface temperature trends, but its main control factor still is nutrient supply, in which land nutrients and pollutants play an important role.
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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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