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ZHENG Baiwen, CAO Wenqing, LIN Yuanshao, ZHENG Lianming, ZHANG Wenjing, YANG Weidi, WANG Yujie. Ecosystem structure and function in northern Beibu Gulf Ⅰ.The temporal and spatial variation of species composition on zooplankton[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2013, 35(6): 154-161.
Citation: ZHENG Baiwen, CAO Wenqing, LIN Yuanshao, ZHENG Lianming, ZHANG Wenjing, YANG Weidi, WANG Yujie. Ecosystem structure and function in northern Beibu Gulf Ⅰ.The temporal and spatial variation of species composition on zooplankton[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2013, 35(6): 154-161.

Ecosystem structure and function in northern Beibu Gulf Ⅰ.The temporal and spatial variation of species composition on zooplankton

  • Received Date: 2012-07-19
  • The species composition of zooplankton in northern Beibu Gulf was studied based on the samples of Beibu Gulf collected during 2006-2007. The environmental factors which affected the number of species were also analyzed. The study showed that a total of 370 zooplankton taxa were identified, which belonging to 8 phyla, 19 Taxa. Hydromedusae and Copepoda were dominant taxa. The species number of zooplankton, varied seasonally, was highest in summer, followed by autumn, spring and winter. The distribution characteristics indicated that there was a gradual increase in the species number from shallow water to deep water. The wide-temperature-salinity group and the neritic low-salinity group which were dominant in this area formed a uniquely northern Beibu Gulf zooplankton community composition structure with few estuarine group and oceanic group. The temperate group appeared in spring might be brought in Beibu Gulf from neritic Guangdong by Qiongzhou Strait. The environmental factors which affected the number of species were varied during four seasons. Topographic feature, currents and water masses, phytoplankton were the main factors on zooplankton composition.
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