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WU Deli, SHEN Yongming, DU Yongfen, WANG Yanfang. The expanding process and characteristics of Spartina alterniflora in Luoyuan Bay of Fujian Province, China[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2013, 35(6): 113-120.
Citation: WU Deli, SHEN Yongming, DU Yongfen, WANG Yanfang. The expanding process and characteristics of Spartina alterniflora in Luoyuan Bay of Fujian Province, China[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2013, 35(6): 113-120.

The expanding process and characteristics of Spartina alterniflora in Luoyuan Bay of Fujian Province, China

  • Received Date: 2012-06-29
  • As an "ecological engineer", Spartina alterniflora was introduced to China from North Carolina, Georgia and Florida, in 1979,and transplanted firstly in the Luoyuan Bay, Fujian Province, China. To explore the expanding process of S. alterniflora, their characteristics of distribution were analyzed using the remote sensing data of 1989-2010 and field investigations as well. The results show that the expanding process of S. alterniflora on the tidal flat can be divided into three phases: the first phase of 1989-1994, where it expands along the high tidal zone; the second phase of 1995-2000, the coverage of S. alterniflora increases rapidly in the middle tidal zone; the last 10 a of 2000-2010, it expands slowly obviously, and the gaps area within populations is covered gradually by the vegetation. In the Louyuan Bay, the total area of S. alterniflora reached approximately 741.13 hm2 up to 2010. The expanding rate of S. alterniflora along the high tidal zone that is parallel to coastal line is higher greatly than that in the area perpendicular to the coastal line; meanwhile the S. alterniflora exhibits different diffusion characteristics in different areas resulted from the impact of the tidal flow and particle deposition. During their quick diffusion, S. alterniflora appears to be distributed along the sides of tidal channels, which may be related to the tidal flow into the tidal channels and the friction effect from sediment boundary. In comparison, the expanding rate of the S. alterniflora is slow in shallow depressions, where is covered gradually by the plant with the deposition of sediments. It is the inhibition effect of tidal flow and trapping effect of the fine particle form S. alterniflora that makes an appearance of a special zone with a weak tidal flow between patches of the S. alterniflora population. This area is a prevail zone for the potential spread of S. alterniflora in the future.
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