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WU Zhong-jie, WANG Dao-ru, TU Zhi-gang, LI Yuan-chao, CHEN Jia-ri, ZHANG Guang-xing. The analysis on the reason of hermatypic coral degradation in Xisha[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2011, 33(4): 140-146.
Citation: WU Zhong-jie, WANG Dao-ru, TU Zhi-gang, LI Yuan-chao, CHEN Jia-ri, ZHANG Guang-xing. The analysis on the reason of hermatypic coral degradation in Xisha[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2011, 33(4): 140-146.

The analysis on the reason of hermatypic coral degradation in Xisha

  • Received Date: 2010-08-28
  • Species, coverage and recruitment of hermatypic coral and mainly-related environmental factors were investigated at five stations(Yongxing Island, Shidao Island, Xishazhou, Zhaoshu Island and North Island) during 2005-2009.The results show that hermatypic coral has been degraded year by year in Xisha ecological monitoring area.The live hermatypic coral coverage decreases from 65% in 2005 to 7.93% in 2009. In contrast, the dead coral coverage increases from 4.70% in 2005 to 72.90% in 2009.A new coral recruitment also becomes less and less. In 2005 the new coral recruitment is 1.21 ind/m3 but only 0.07 ind/m3 in 2009.Further analysis indicates that the hermatypic coral declines for many reasons in Xisha ecological monitoring area, such as bioerosion, warm water, ocean acidification and overfishing,etc, while outbreaks of the coral-eating crown-of-thorns starfish(Acanthaster planci)are the main reason which causes the hermatypic coral to decline in Xisha ecological monitoring area.
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