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CAI Qiong-qiong, ZHOU Tian-jun, WU Bo, LI Bo, ZHANG Li-xia. The East Asian subtropical westerly jet and its interannual variability simulated by a climate system model FGOALS_gl[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2011, 33(4): 38-48.
Citation: CAI Qiong-qiong, ZHOU Tian-jun, WU Bo, LI Bo, ZHANG Li-xia. The East Asian subtropical westerly jet and its interannual variability simulated by a climate system model FGOALS_gl[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2011, 33(4): 38-48.

The East Asian subtropical westerly jet and its interannual variability simulated by a climate system model FGOALS_gl

  • Received Date: 2010-10-28
  • The performance of the fast version of IAP/LASG coupled climate system model, named FGOALS_gl, in simulating the East Asian subtropical westerly jet (thereafter EASWJ) is evaluated. The model can reasonably reproduce the climatological characteristics of the EASWJ, including the spatial structure and the seasonal meridional displacement. Compared with the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data, the major model deficiency is the weaker intensity and the southward shift of the EASWJ. It is found that the deficiency of EASWJ simulation is resulted from the bias in middle-upper troposphere temperature. The cold tropospheric temperature bias south to the EASWJ axis is stronger than that in the north. On the interannual timescale, the meridional displacement of EASWJ is reasonably simulated, although the model overestimates the interannual variability which is partly attributed to the bias in ENSO simulation. The southward displacement of EASWJ is evident in the summer of El Nio decaying year. The NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data and FGAOLS_gl are consistent in this regard. Since the simulated ENSO is stronger and persists into the following autumn, thus has a phase-locking in spring-summer. Correspondingly the ENSO-related tropospheric warming is still significant in El Nio decaying summer, leading to a stronger interannual variability of the EASWJ.
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