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WANG Lu, ZHOU Tian-jun, LIU Hai-long, ZOU Li-wei. Comparison of two thermal forcing schemes in a global ocean model over tropical Pacific Ocean[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2011, 33(4): 9-18.
Citation: WANG Lu, ZHOU Tian-jun, LIU Hai-long, ZOU Li-wei. Comparison of two thermal forcing schemes in a global ocean model over tropical Pacific Ocean[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2011, 33(4): 9-18.

Comparison of two thermal forcing schemes in a global ocean model over tropical Pacific Ocean

  • Received Date: 2010-10-18
  • Both Newton cooling scheme (i.e. prescribed total heat fluxes added with a relaxation term) and bulk formula parameterization scheme are widely used in offline Ocean General Circulation model simulations. These two thermal forcing schemes are compared here in two simulations using LASG/IAP climate ocean model (named LICOM) in terms of the performance over tropical Pacific Ocean. The results indicate that for both the annual mean SST distribution and the annual cycle of SST over tropical pacific, the two schemes show reasonable performance, although the Newton cooling scheme shows even less bias due to its relaxation to observed climatological SST. The El Nio amplitude in the Newton cooling scheme simulation is weaker than that in observation, due to the overestimated negative heat flux feedback which is related with the thermal coupling coefficient. And the suppressed El Nio could further lead to a narrower meridional scale of the SST anomalies in the eastern Pacific. With a reasonable negative heat flux feedback in bulk formula simulation, the model exhibits a more reliable El Nio amplitude and spatial distribution. The study demonstrates that if the simulation aims to get a realistic mean state, the Newton cooling is recommended, but if the simulation focuses on interannual variability of the tropical ocean, the bulk parameterization scheme should be used.
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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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