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YAO Peng, YU Zhi-gang. Anaerobic ammonium-oxidizing bacteria and anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) in the marine environment[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2011, 33(4): 1-8.
Citation: YAO Peng, YU Zhi-gang. Anaerobic ammonium-oxidizing bacteria and anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) in the marine environment[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2011, 33(4): 1-8.

Anaerobic ammonium-oxidizing bacteria and anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) in the marine environment

  • Received Date: 2010-01-29
  • Anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) is the process of microbiological conversion of ammonium to dinitrogen gas and is mainly employed in waste water engineers. In recent years, it was found that anammox was widely distributed in the marine environments and played an important role in marine nitrogen cycle, and influenced the carbon cycle and global climate change. It has been recognized as a major pathway for the removal of fixed N from the marine ecosystem. Ladderane lipids are unique chemical biomarkers of anaerobic ammonium-oxidizing bacteria, and have potential implication for chemotaxonomy and paleooceangraphy. Anaerobic ammonium-oxidizing bacteria and anaerobic ammonium oxidation have become hot-spot research fields in the marine biogeochemistry, microbiology and organic geochemistry.
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