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SUN Ye-chen, WANG Ru-jian, XIAO Wen-shen, CHEN Jian-fang, CHENG Zhen-bo, CHEN Zhi-hua, GAO Ai-guo, LI Hong-liang. Biogenic and terrigenous coarse fractions in surface sediments of the western Arctic Ocean and their sedimentary environments[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2011, 33(2): 103-114.
Citation: SUN Ye-chen, WANG Ru-jian, XIAO Wen-shen, CHEN Jian-fang, CHENG Zhen-bo, CHEN Zhi-hua, GAO Ai-guo, LI Hong-liang. Biogenic and terrigenous coarse fractions in surface sediments of the western Arctic Ocean and their sedimentary environments[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2011, 33(2): 103-114.

Biogenic and terrigenous coarse fractions in surface sediments of the western Arctic Ocean and their sedimentary environments

  • Received Date: 2010-07-08
  • Biogenic and terrigenous coarse fractions in the surface sediments from the western Arctic Ocean, which were collected in the First, the Second and the Third Chinese National Arctic Expeditions, were measured by different means in this paper, revealing the surface productivity changes, source of organic matter and input patterns of terrigenous coarse matters in the study area. The surface productivity indicated by the biogenic sediments in the area is closely related to the three Pacific Ocean currents entering into the Chukchi Sea through Bering Strait. High surface productivity in the western Chukchi Sea is resulted from the hyperhaline and hypertrophic Anadyr Stream, whereas low planktonic siliceous productivity in its eastern part is caused by the hypohaline and hypotrophic Alaska Coastal Stream.High planktonic calcareous productivity in the Chukchi Sea Plateau and Alpha Ridge is ascribed to the impact of the northern Atlantic water mass. Low planktonic calcareous productivity in the Chukchi Sea shelf is attributed to the terrigenous matter dilution and life depth of calcareous microorganism. Low calcareous planktonic productivity in the Canada Basin is responded to the strong CaCO3 dissolution. Distribution of terrigenous coarse fraction (ice-rafted detritus-IRD) in the western Arctic Ocean is influenced mainly by sea ice and iceberg transport, terrestrial ice input, river and Pacific currents. The terrigenous coarse fraction in the Bering Strait is impacted by the Pacific currents entering into the Chukchi Sea through Bering Strait. The terrigenous coarse fraction near Alaska coastal area is transported by the terrestrial ice and river. The high IRD in the Northwind Ridge is contributed by the massive sea ice and icebergs conveyed by the Beaufort Circulation, and deposited at the seafloor when the sea ice and icebergs melt.
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