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JI Xiao-qing, HAN Xiao-tian, ZHENG Li, BAI Jie, YU Zhi-ming. Interactions between Amphidinium carterae Hulburt and Skeletonema costatum(Greville) Cleve with different densities in cultures[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2011, 33(1): 146-152.
Citation: JI Xiao-qing, HAN Xiao-tian, ZHENG Li, BAI Jie, YU Zhi-ming. Interactions between Amphidinium carterae Hulburt and Skeletonema costatum(Greville) Cleve with different densities in cultures[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2011, 33(1): 146-152.

Interactions between Amphidinium carterae Hulburt and Skeletonema costatum(Greville) Cleve with different densities in cultures

  • Received Date: 2009-11-26
  • In order to investigate the growth interactions between each microalgae, two microalgae Amphidinium carterae Hulburt and Skeletonema costatum(Greville) Cleve were studied with different densities using semi-continuous cultures in controlled laboratory conditions (temperature, light and illuminating periodicity, etc.) and sufficient nutrition supply every day. When 1×104 cell/cm3 A. carterae and 1×104 cells/cm3 S. costatum were inoculated into the same medium, growth of A. carterae was slightly suppressed, while S. costatum was notably suppressed. Other inoculum resulted in reduced S. costatum maximum cell densities. These results were consistent with those of simultaneous assays using cell-free filtrates of mono-algal and semi-continuous cultures. That is, exposure to cell-free filtrates of A. carterae or A. carterae s-S. costatum had a inhibitory effect on S. costatum. A mathematical model was used to simulate growth and interactions of A. carterae and S. costatum in semi-continuous cultures, which indicated that A. carterae outcompeted S. costatum over time. And the inhibition exerted by A. carterae on S. costatum was about 8.2, 3.4 and 14.2 times stronger than the inhibition exerted by S. costatum on A. carterae when they were set at A. carterae and 1×104 cells/cm3 S. costatum, A. carterae and 5×104 cells/cm3 S. costatum and A. carterae and 10×104 cells/cm3 S. costatum, respectively. These results successfully demonstrate that allelopathy is involved in the growth interactions between A. carterae and S. costatum, and extracellular metabolites have been suggested to be one factor contributing to the formation and/or maintenance of dinoflagellate blooms.Cell-free filtrate cultures is one of the basic approaches on allelopathy research which noted that cell-to-cell contact is not necessary for inhibitory effects between algae.
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