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LIANG Jun-rong, CHEN Dan-dan, GAO Ya-hui, CHENG Jin-feng. A review on the process and mechanism of marine diatom silica structure formation[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2010, 32(5): 1-8.
Citation: LIANG Jun-rong, CHEN Dan-dan, GAO Ya-hui, CHENG Jin-feng. A review on the process and mechanism of marine diatom silica structure formation[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2010, 32(5): 1-8.

A review on the process and mechanism of marine diatom silica structure formation

  • Received Date: 2009-11-19
  • Diatoms have different morphologies, structure complex and beautiful silica cell wall. They are one of the largest groups of silicifying organisms in the ocean. The genetic control and mechanism of this silica structure formation are a very complicated process, including silica acid transportation across biological membranes to cells, silica acid transformation inside cells, silica polymerization within silica deposition vesicle(SDV), and formation of species-specific cell wall and complex silica structure. An overview of current knowledge about the diatom silica structure formation in recent years was provided. It is focused on the detailed structure and function of silica acid transporters(SITs), three proteins associated with biomineralization-frustulins, silaffins and pleuralins, and the mode of the frustule formation inside SDV.
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