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QIAO Shu-qing, SHI Xue-fa, WANG Guo-qing, YANG Gang, HU Ning-jing, LIU Sheng-fa, LIU Yan-guang, ZHU Ai-mei, LI Chao-xin. Discussion on grain-size characteristics of seafloor sediment and transport pattern in the Bohai Sea[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2010, 32(4): 139-147.
Citation: QIAO Shu-qing, SHI Xue-fa, WANG Guo-qing, YANG Gang, HU Ning-jing, LIU Sheng-fa, LIU Yan-guang, ZHU Ai-mei, LI Chao-xin. Discussion on grain-size characteristics of seafloor sediment and transport pattern in the Bohai Sea[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2010, 32(4): 139-147.

Discussion on grain-size characteristics of seafloor sediment and transport pattern in the Bohai Sea

  • Received Date: 2009-11-26
  • The grain-size distribution and transport pattern of seafloor sediment collected from the Bohai Sea were studied using grain-size data and Gao-Collins grain-size trend analysis method. The results show that coarse-grained sediment is mainly distributed on Liaodong and Bozhong shoals and occurs occasionally near the Luanhe and Huanghe mouths; fine-grained sediment mainly covers the central and southern part of Bohai Gulf and extends farther to the west of Liaodong Gulf. The fine-grained sediment is better sorted with lower skewness compared with the coarse-grained sediment; the fine-grained sediment area is considered to be a modern depositional center of the Bohai Sea and the sediment outside the center displays a net transport trend toward it. The distribution and transport pattern of sediment in the study area are proposed to be controlled by tidal currents and circulations.
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