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ZHENG Min-fang, CHEN Min, YANG Jun-hong, ZHANG Run, MA Qiang, YANG Wei-feng, QIU Yu-sheng. Radium-226 as a tracer for the source and movement of water masses in the Prydz Bay of Antarctica[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2010, 32(4): 88-97.
Citation: ZHENG Min-fang, CHEN Min, YANG Jun-hong, ZHANG Run, MA Qiang, YANG Wei-feng, QIU Yu-sheng. Radium-226 as a tracer for the source and movement of water masses in the Prydz Bay of Antarctica[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2010, 32(4): 88-97.

Radium-226 as a tracer for the source and movement of water masses in the Prydz Bay of Antarctica

  • Received Date: 2009-04-29
  • Surface waters were collected from the Prydz Bay of Antarctica for measurements of 226Ra activities during the 22nd China’s antarctic research expedition (from December 2005 to January 2006).226Ra in large volume waters was extracted by Mn-fibers and measured by a 222Rn emanation method.Results show that 226Ra activity in the Prydz Bay ranges from 0.92 to 2.09 Bq/m3 with an average of 1.61 Bq/m3.High contents of 226Ra were observed at deep open-ocean stations, which induced an offshore increase of 226Ra activity.This unique distribution pattern in the Prydz Bay was ascribed to the influence of water masses with different 226Ra signals.Based on the relationship between 226Ra activity and salinity, three water masses were identified: (1) the antarctic summer surface water (AASSW) with a characteristics of high salinity and high content of 226Ra; (2) the ice-melted water (IMW) with a characteristics of low salinity and low content of 226Ra; and (3) the Prydz Bay deep water (PDW) with a characteristics of high salinity and intermediate content of 226Ra.226Ra in the Prydz Bay deep water was assumed to be maintained only by the supply from the seabed sediments.The fractions of the above three water masses were estimated by mass balance calculation of salinity and 226Ra activity.Results show that the AASSW fractions decrease from the deep open ocean to inshore, while the IMW and PDW fractions increase.The maximum fractions of the IMW and the PDW occur in the eastern and the western regions along the front of the Amery ice shelf, respectively, testifying the major flow into the shelf occurs at the eastern end and exits from the west.
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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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