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WANG Kui, CHEN Jian-fang, XU Jie, JIN Ming-ming, JIN Hai-yan, LI Hong-liang, GAO Sheng-quan, LU Yong, HUANG Da-ji. The relationship between dissolved inorganic nitrogen and fresh-saline water mixing during summer in the Changjiang Estuary and the adjacent East China Sea[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2010, 32(4): 77-87.
Citation: WANG Kui, CHEN Jian-fang, XU Jie, JIN Ming-ming, JIN Hai-yan, LI Hong-liang, GAO Sheng-quan, LU Yong, HUANG Da-ji. The relationship between dissolved inorganic nitrogen and fresh-saline water mixing during summer in the Changjiang Estuary and the adjacent East China Sea[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2010, 32(4): 77-87.

The relationship between dissolved inorganic nitrogen and fresh-saline water mixing during summer in the Changjiang Estuary and the adjacent East China Sea

  • Received Date: 2009-09-27
  • The spatial variations in nitrate (NO-3), nitrite (NO-2) and ammonium (NH+4) concentrations in the Changjiang Estuary and the adjacent East China Sea were described on the basis of the summer cruise in 2006. NO-3 concentrations decreased along a salinity gradient. Owing to the input of the sewage from Shanghai City NO-2 and NH-4 concentrations were very high (up to 8.64, 19.81 μmol/dm3 respectively) in the Changjiang Estuaxy area and decreased seaward. Generally NO-3 and NH+4 concentrations were significantly correlated with salinity, with the coefficient (r2) of 0.815 and 0.255 respectively, suggesting that these two nutrients behaved nearly conservatively, while NO-2 did not behave conservatively (r2=0.074). Theoretical dilution line (TDL) was obtained by assuming river and ocean end-members. NO-3, NO-2 and NH+4 concentrations were above values expected for a conservative mixing relationship with salinity at the freshwater end member due to high nitrogen input from the sewage effluence, and in deep water at the oceanic stations because of the decomposition of the organic matter. In contrast, at the salinity plume with high dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations, the surface NO-3 concentrations were below values expected for the conservative mixing by 1~19 mol/dm3, as a result of high primary production in the euphotic zone, where NO-2 and NH+4 concentrations were also negatively deviated to various extents. In waters with the highest turbidity in the Changjiang Estuary, NH+4 was removed due to the adsorption of suspended matter. Overall, NO-3, NO-2 and NH+4 concentrations at the surface at the oceanic stations deviated from the TDL to less extent, while their concentrations at the bottom were generally beyond values expected for the TDL because the organic matter from the photic zone decomposed and nutrients regenerated.
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