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LV Zhen-ming, LI Huan, WU Chang-wen, FAN Zhen-jiao, ZHANG Jian-she. Genetic variation of Octopus ocellatus populations in Chinas coastal waters based on the COI gene analysis[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2010, 32(1): 130-138.
Citation: LV Zhen-ming, LI Huan, WU Chang-wen, FAN Zhen-jiao, ZHANG Jian-she. Genetic variation of Octopus ocellatus populations in Chinas coastal waters based on the COI gene analysis[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2010, 32(1): 130-138.

Genetic variation of Octopus ocellatus populations in Chinas coastal waters based on the COI gene analysis

  • Received Date: 2009-04-08
  • Studies on genetic variation in marine organisms are an important component of successful and sustainable management of marine fishery resources.Genetic variation of six Octopus ocellatus populations in Chinas coastal waters were investigated using the mitochondrial gene(COI) sequencing method. Results show that ,compared with other cephalopod species, O.ocellatus shows higher genetic diversity in populations. 42 polymorphic sites were detected in 654 bp aligned sequence, which reprented for 6.42% of the total length of sequenced COI gene. 23 hapotypes were detected out of 60 individuals from six populations. The hapotype diversity, mean nucleotide diversity and average number of nucleotide differences reached 0.200~0.867, 0.000 3~0.009 7, 0.200~6.311, respectively. Molecular variance analysis revealed strong genetc sturcture in six O.ocellatus populations(P<0.05). A pattern of genetic-isolation-by-distance, comforming to a stepping stone model, was detected when plotting gene flow against geographic distance.UPGMA tree constructed shows that six O.ocellatus populations studied can be divided into two lineages. One is consisited of Dalian, Qingdao,Lianyungang plulations. The other is consisted of other three populations. Between them, 20 fixed nucleotide sites and two fixed amino acid sites subtitute were detected along the gene sequence and coded protein, respectively. The Fst between them reached 0.8602 (P<0.01) and the gene flow between them turned out to be much lower than 1. AMOVA test, which showing 12.72% of the genetic variation lies within populations and 87.28% lies between populations, further suggested the genetic differentiation between these two lineages. These findings in the aspect of genetic variation of O.ocellatus will contribute to better exploitment and refined management of this precious cephalopod resources along the coast of China in future.
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