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LIU Yan-guang, SHI Xue-fa, SUK Bong-Chool, LI Chao-xin, WANG Kun-shan, LI Xiao-yan. The depositional environment in the southern Ulleung Basin in the East Sea since the last 48 000 a[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2010, 32(1): 94-106.
Citation: LIU Yan-guang, SHI Xue-fa, SUK Bong-Chool, LI Chao-xin, WANG Kun-shan, LI Xiao-yan. The depositional environment in the southern Ulleung Basin in the East Sea since the last 48 000 a[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2010, 32(1): 94-106.

The depositional environment in the southern Ulleung Basin in the East Sea since the last 48 000 a

Funds:  无
  • Received Date: 2009-03-12
  • Sedimentological data are acquired from a piston core KCES1 off the southern Ulleung Basin margin in the East Sea (the Sea of Japan). These data include sediment color, X-ray radiographs, grain-size distribution and AMS carbon-14 dating. Four kinds of sediments (homogeneous, laminated, crudely laminated and hybrid sediments) are identified according to the characteristics of the sedimentary structures that are considered to reflect changes in bottom-water oxygenation. The alternations of dark laminated /crudely laminated sediments and light homogeneous sediments represent millennial-scale variations which are possibly associated with the high-resolution changes in East Asian monsoon (EAM). The relative contributions of the East China Sea coastal water (ECSCW) and the Tsushima Warm Current (TWC) have been likely main reasons for the repetition of the anoxic and oxic depositional conditions in the East Sea since the last 48 ka BP. During the interstadial, the strengthened summer EAM was attributed to the development of expansion of the ECSCW because of more humid climate in central Asia, and more strongly low-salinity, nutrient-enriched water was introduced into the East Sea. The ventilation of deep water was restricted and the dark laminated layer deposited therefore under the anoxic bottom water condition. During the lowest stand of sea level in last glacial maximum, the isolated East Sea dominated by stratified water masses and the euxinic depositional environment formed. The homogenous sediments predominated since 17.5 ka BP indicate that the TWC has intruded into the East Sea gradually with the stepwise rise of sea level and the bottom water oxygen level is high. During the late Younger Dryas (YD) period, the last dark laminated layer deposited because the ventilation of bottom water was restricted by stronger summer EAM. The TWC has strengthened and the bottom water has become oxic again since 10.5 ka BP.
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