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JIN Qi-hua, HE Jin-hai, ZHU Cong-wen. Impact of ocean-continent distribution over southern Asia on the formation of winter monsoon[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2007, 29(2): 34-44.
Citation: JIN Qi-hua, HE Jin-hai, ZHU Cong-wen. Impact of ocean-continent distribution over southern Asia on the formation of winter monsoon[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2007, 29(2): 34-44.

Impact of ocean-continent distribution over southern Asia on the formation of winter monsoon

  • Received Date: 2006-04-11
  • Rev Recd Date: 2007-09-15
  • Using the CCM3/NCAR,a series of numerical experiments are designed to explore the oceanland interlaced distribution of Africa-Arabian Sea(AS)-India Peninsula-Bay of Bengal(BOB) -Indochina Peninsula-South China Sea(SCS) on the form ation of the Asian Winter Monsoon circulation.The results show that:(1) the oceanOland thermal difference over southern Asia is the primary mechanism that maintains the AS,BOB and SCS winter monsoon circulation and the associated cross-equatorial currents,and its deter minant effect on the formation of the tropical winter north wind component is also revealed;the subplanetary scale thermal contrast likewise exerts pronounced effects on the formation of subtropical and highOlat itudes monsoon;(2) the presence of Indo china Peninsula is liable for a southw ard shift of the continental winter monsoon at SCS during its west ward propagation as to form SCS winterm onsoon,indicating that Indochina Peninsula not only af fects the neighbo ring local winter monsoon,but has an important influence on its propagation.Moreover,because of its more adjacent to the source region of winter monsoon than India and Africa,the elimination of Indochina Peninsula would result in greater variations of winter monsoon in the lower reaches;(3) the presence of Africa,Indian subcont inent and Indochina Peninsula also actsas a crucial role in the formation of the upperair subtropical jets.In addition,the impacts of these thermal contrasts on the distribution of the winter precipitation and surface temperature are also investigated.
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