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LUO Li-ming, HU Hong-jun, LI Ye-guang, QI Yu-zao, LÜ Song-hui, GENG Ya-hong, DENG Guang. Molecular identification on Prorocentrum donghaiense[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2006, 28(1): 127-131.
Citation: LUO Li-ming, HU Hong-jun, LI Ye-guang, QI Yu-zao, LÜ Song-hui, GENG Ya-hong, DENG Guang. Molecular identification on Prorocentrum donghaiense[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2006, 28(1): 127-131.

Molecular identification on Prorocentrum donghaiense

  • Received Date: 2004-09-05
  • Rev Recd Date: 2004-11-25
  • Prorocentrum donghaiense and P.dentatum from CCMP were re-identified by two molecular makers) nrDN AITS and 18S sequences.The sequences of these two species are very similar.The results show that the nrDNA ITS nucleotide divergence between P.donghaiense and P.dentatum CCMP is only 0.002 and 18S nucleotide divergence is 0.000.According to the molecular data,P.donghaiense and P. dentatum CCMP are a similar species.Other three nrDNA ITS sequences and eight 18S sequences of Prorocentrum were obtained from the Genbank.These sequences were analyzed and the phyogenetic trees were constructed by computer programme(Clustal X and M ega).The results show that an nrDNA ITS region is a more suitable molecular maker to identifying interspecies of Prorocentrum and 18S sequence is too conservative.
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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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