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Ren Xiaobo, Chen Longxun. Numerical simulation of global ocean seasonal variation and impact of anomaly of windstress on sea temperature[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2000, 22(3): 20-33.
Citation: Ren Xiaobo, Chen Longxun. Numerical simulation of global ocean seasonal variation and impact of anomaly of windstress on sea temperature[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2000, 22(3): 20-33.

Numerical simulation of global ocean seasonal variation and impact of anomaly of windstress on sea temperature

  • Received Date: 1997-07-06
  • Rev Recd Date: 2000-01-15
  • By improving a six-layer global ocean model with a resolution of 5°×4°, we have established a ten-layer global ocean model with the same resolution and simulated the seasonal variation of global ocean.After a 250 year integration, an equilibrium state of ocean was reached.The simulated seasonal variation is similar to that of observed except for ocean in high latitude.Then we took the results at the end of seasonal variation as the initial state for a series of sensitive experiments.On the basis of these work mentioned above, we have done three kinds of windstress anomaly sensitive experiments on the response of sea temperature in tropical Pacific to anomaly of tropical monsoon.First kind of sensitive experiment is involved in anomalous westerly propagating eastwards over equatorial western Pacific; second is an experiment on anomaly of windstress oscillation over the whole equatorial Pacific, and third experiment is made on alternating between anomalous westerly propagating eastwards and anomalous easterly propagating eastwards over equatorial western Pacific.The simulation results of three kinds of sensitive experiments show as follows.(a) Sea temperature's warming in eastern Pacific similar to El Niño event can be reproduced by westerly windstress anomaly propagating eastwards in western Pacific in first kind of windstress anomaly sensitive experiment.(b) In second kind of experiment, sea temperature anomaly was first stimulated in east and west part of tentral Pacific respectively by local oscillation of windstress in tropical Pacific, then propagated eastwards and westwards to eastern Pacific and western Pacific respectively.As a result sea temperature anomaly emerged at equatorial eastern Pacific and western Pacific.(c) The third kind of experiment have shown that QBO of windstress can motivate oscillation of ocean similar to QBO.
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