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Ocean Engineering Research Group. ANALYSIS OF CHAIN FORCE OF THE SINGLE BUOY SYSTEM(SBS) UNDER REGULAR WAVE ACTION[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 1980, 2(1): 136-147.
Ocean Engineering Research Group. ANALYSIS OF CHAIN FORCE OF THE SINGLE BUOY SYSTEM(SBS) UNDER REGULAR WAVE ACTION[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 1980, 2(1): 136-147.
Ocean Engineering Research Group. ANALYSIS OF CHAIN FORCE OF THE SINGLE BUOY SYSTEM(SBS) UNDER REGULAR WAVE ACTION[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 1980, 2(1): 136-147.
Ocean Engineering Research Group. ANALYSIS OF CHAIN FORCE OF THE SINGLE BUOY SYSTEM(SBS) UNDER REGULAR WAVE ACTION[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 1980, 2(1): 136-147.
The dynamic response of the single buoy storage system(SBS) is investigated by model test, factors affecting the chain forces are studied,The experimental "mooring force-displacement" relation of the multichain mooring buoy system and a formula for evaluating the force of the middle chain are given,Besides, A measure for decreasing the middle chain force is also discussed.
Sagot,A,and Van Heijet,W,J.,"The Advantages of the single buoy storage system(SBS)",5th Annual Offshore Technology Conference,Houston,1973,OTC 1918.(见大连工学院((科技译文》,1976年3月)
Dangles,O,and Van Heijet,W,J.,"Two years experience with the SBS",8th Annual Offshore Technology Conference,Houston,OTC 2722,(见海洋石油研究所《海洋石油科技局简讯》1977年,第48期)
Maddox,N,R.,"An energy basis for the design of open-ocean single-point moorings",4th Annual Offshore Technology Conference,Houston,OTC 1536,(见大连工学院《科技译文》1976年3月)
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