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Volume 42 Issue 10
Nov.  2020
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Article Contents
Wen Jian,Gong Jingwen,Li Ting, et al. Spatio-temporal variations in the habitat of jumbo squid Dosidicus gigas in the Southeast Pacific Ocean off Peru under anomalous climate conditions[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2020, 42(10):92–99 doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2020.10.009
Citation: Wen Jian,Gong Jingwen,Li Ting, et al. Spatio-temporal variations in the habitat of jumbo squid Dosidicus gigas in the Southeast Pacific Ocean off Peru under anomalous climate conditions[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2020, 42(10):92–99 doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2020.10.009

Spatio-temporal variations in the habitat of jumbo squid Dosidicus gigas in the Southeast Pacific Ocean off Peru under anomalous climate conditions

doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2020.10.009
  • Received Date: 2019-06-10
  • Rev Recd Date: 2019-07-22
  • Available Online: 2020-11-13
  • Publish Date: 2020-10-25
  • Jumbo squid Dosidicus gigas is the main fishing target by Chinese squid-jigging fisheries, which mainly distributes in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Its habitat can be greatly affected by climatic changes. In this study, we calculated the habitat suitability index (HSI) on the squid fishing ground in the Southeast Pacific Ocean off Peru based on data of sea surface temperature (SST), the anomalies of sea surface height (SSHA) and Niño3.4 index during 1950 to 2015. Spatio-temporal variations in the squid habitat were further examined under the El Niño, the normal and the La Niña conditions. The results showed that variations in SST anomalies (SSTA) and SSHA in the fishing ground were consistent with those of the Niño3.4 index. Cross correlation analysis indicated that both SSTA and SSHA were significantly positively correlated with the Niño3.4 index. However, the HSI values were significantly negatively correlated with the Niño3.4 index. We divided the years between 1950 and 2015 into three types, the El Niño years, the normal years and the La Niña years. During the El Niño years, water temperature became warm, and the SSH increased; these changes led to contracted areas of suitable SST and SSHA, therefore, the range of suitable habitats largely decreased. However, during the normal and the La Niña years, water temperature was cold, the SSH decreased, and ranges of suitable SST and SSHA enlarged; these changes resulted in the increases in suitable habitat for the squid. Furthermore, the latitudinal gravity centers of suitable HSI on the squid fishing ground were significantly positively correlated with the Niño3.4 index. The latitudinal gravity centers of suitable HSI shifted southward in the El Niño years. Our findings suggested that ENSO events significantly affected environmental conditions on the squid fishing ground, and thus affected ranges and latitudinal distribution of suitable habitat for the squid in the Southeast Pacific Ocean off Peru.
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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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