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Volume 42 Issue 4
Nov.  2020
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Article Contents
Sun Youfang,Jiang Lei,Lei Xinming, et al. Effects of ocean acidification and warming on the larvae settlement and post-settlement survival of two reef-building corals[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2020, 42(4):96–103,doi:10.3969/j.issn.0253−4193.2020.04.011
Citation: Sun Youfang,Jiang Lei,Lei Xinming, et al. Effects of ocean acidification and warming on the larvae settlement and post-settlement survival of two reef-building corals[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2020, 42(4):96–103,doi:10.3969/j.issn.0253−4193.2020.04.011

Effects of ocean acidification and warming on the larvae settlement and post-settlement survival of two reef-building corals

doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2020.04.011
  • Received Date: 2019-01-16
  • Rev Recd Date: 2019-05-16
  • Available Online: 2020-11-18
  • Publish Date: 2020-04-25
  • Ocean acidification and warming are occurring globally through increasing CO2 absorption into the oceans, and impose two serious and imminent threats to the persistence of scleractinian corals and the reef ecosystem they construct. To evaluate the effects of ocean acidification and warming on the early life stages of the reef-building corals Acropora austera and A. intermedia, their larvae were incubated at a full cross design of two temperatures (about 28℃, about 30℃) and pCO2 (about 570 μatm, about 1 300 μatm) for 8 d. There were no significant differences in rates of settlement. Larval mortality rates of two reef-building corals were unaffected in any treatments. High pCO2 significantly reduced post-settlement survival of A. austera but not A. intermedia, with a 25.87% reduction in post-settlement survival in high pCO2 compared to control. Our results show that larvae settlement and mortality rates of the reef-building corals A. austera and A. intermedia were unaffected by ocean acidification and warming, and high pCO2 are more detrimental to mortality rates of juvenile A. austera than high temperature. Different species of juvenile corals exhibit species-specific response to ocean acidification and warming, with important implications for coral recruitment and even species structure composition of reef-building corals in the future ocean.
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