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Wang Mengyao,Jin Bingfu,Yue Wei. Patterns of heavy mineral combination in different grain-size categories and their sedimentary significance: A case study for surfical sediments in the Changjiang River Estuary[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2019, 41(11):89–100,doi:10.3969/j.issn.0253−4193.2019.11.009
Citation: Wang Mengyao,Jin Bingfu,Yue Wei. Patterns of heavy mineral combination in different grain-size categories and their sedimentary significance: A case study for surfical sediments in the Changjiang River Estuary[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2019, 41(11):89–100,doi:10.3969/j.issn.0253−4193. 2019.11.009

Patterns of heavy mineral combination in different grain-size categories and their sedimentary significance: A case study for surfical sediments in the Changjiang River Estuary

doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2019.11.009
  • Received Date: 2018-11-19
  • Rev Recd Date: 2018-12-28
  • Available Online: 2021-04-21
  • Publish Date: 2019-11-25
  • On the basis of particle size analysis, heavy mineral analysis was carried out in different size fractions with a spacing of 0.5Φ of the Changjiang River Estuary surface sediment. Heavy mineral similarity value calculated between the each grain group and wide window grain size group (1.5Φ to 6Φ). The results show that the surface sediments of the Changjiang River Estuary have a large grain size span, ranging from coarse sand to mud, and the silt content is high. Intrasample variability of heavy mineral contents, species and compositions is ubiquitous, intersample variability has certain regularity. There are about 30 kinds of heavy minerals in the Changjiang River Estuary, about ten kinds of minerals in the coarse-grained fractions, the number of heavy minerals in fine-grained fractions has increased to more than twenty. 3.5Φ to 4.5Φ is a fraction with numerous and complex heavy minerals. Mica is rich in the coarse-grained grade (<3Φ), and the heavy mineral combination is mica+hornblende, but almost absent in fine grains of >4Φ. The amphibole group almost exist all range of grain sizes and the content is high in grain of 3Φ to 5Φ. Epidote group, stable minerals, and especially Fe-metallic minerals increase at fine grain of >3.5Φ. The heavy minerals combination is hornblende+epidote+limonite in the Changjiang River Estuary, sphene is the characteristic mineral. Similarity analysis shows that the main grain size and the wide grain size of the sediment have similarities in the characteristics of heavy minerals, which is the most suitable size for replacing the heavy minerals of the whole sediment. The heavy mineral characteristics are deeply affected by the particle size distribution in the Changjiang River Estuary. Mineral type, mineral combination and indice, and the hydrodynamic and provenance implications must be combined with the grain size analysis.
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