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Li Yufeng. The characteristics and origin of unidirectionally migrating channels of Meishan Formation in the Beijiao Sag, Qiongdongnan Basin[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2019, 41(1): 72-86. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2019.01.008
Citation: Li Yufeng. The characteristics and origin of unidirectionally migrating channels of Meishan Formation in the Beijiao Sag, Qiongdongnan Basin[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2019, 41(1): 72-86. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2019.01.008

The characteristics and origin of unidirectionally migrating channels of Meishan Formation in the Beijiao Sag, Qiongdongnan Basin

doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2019.01.008
  • Received Date: 2017-06-02
  • Rev Recd Date: 2017-10-13
  • Process, response and hydrodynamic mechanism of the interaction between turbidity flows and bottom currents are the frontier and weak research of marine sedimentology. Based on 3D seismic data, in this paper, the author found that the evenly spaced unidirectionally migrating channels (UMCs) appear in the Meishan Formation in southwest Beijiao Sag. The results show that unidirectional migration channels with high amplitude are developed in bathyal environment and turbidity flows from South Uplift cut and result in negative geomorphic unit, i.e., channels. These channels are divided into two units of erosional surface (ES) and channel sand-levee mud complexs (CS-LMCs). Trucation reflections under ES on the steep bank are more obvious than the counterparts on the gentle bank. Amplitude of CS-LMCs from steep bank to gentle bank gradually become to weak. Different to unidirectional migration canyons, these channels migrated to the opposite flow direction of bottom current, upstream of bottom current, in the Mid-Miocene. The author proposed the conceptional model of UMCs:channels resulted from turbidity-flow incisions are reshaped by bottom currents, resulting in steep bank corresponding to upsteam of bottom currents and gentle bank corresponding to downsteam of bottom currents. Meanwhile, bottom currents deflect the upper party of turbidity to flow towards gentle bank, which results in higher and lower deposit rate in gentle bank and steep bank, respectively. In this circumstance, the channels persistently migrate towards the upsteam of bottom currents. South Uplift provenance, bottom current associated with intermediate water in South China Sea, paleoclimate and sea-level fluctuation, and paleotopography of Beijiao Uplift are main control factors for unidirectional channel migration. We first found that unidirectionally migrating channels with high amplitude were a novel new type of interaction between turbidity flow and bottom current, which is of great significance to paleocean, paleoclimate, and exploration for oil and gas and gives importance to geologist.
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