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Wang Jiao, Zhang Chongliang, Xue Ying, Ren Yiping, Xu Binduo. Taxonomic diversity of fish community in the Yellow River Estuary[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2018, 40(4): 86-95. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2018.04.008
Citation: Wang Jiao, Zhang Chongliang, Xue Ying, Ren Yiping, Xu Binduo. Taxonomic diversity of fish community in the Yellow River Estuary[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2018, 40(4): 86-95. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2018.04.008

Taxonomic diversity of fish community in the Yellow River Estuary

doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2018.04.008
  • Received Date: 2017-08-29
  • Rev Recd Date: 2017-11-23
  • Based on the data collected from the bottom trawl surveys in 2013-2014, the spatial and temporal changes of taxonomic diversity of fish assemblages in the Yellow River Estuary were examined using taxonomic diversity indices. In the survey of 2013-2014, in total 52 species belonging to 9 orders, 26 families, 44 genera were caught in the Yellow River estuary, and the species in Perciformes, Clupeiformes and Scorpaeniformes accounted for the majority of fish species composition. The monthly ranges were 39.98-65.48 and 59.15-75.54 for taxonomic diversity and taxonomic distinctness *, respectively. Both two indices were highest in summer months, followed by spring and autumn months, the lowest in winter in 2013-2014 surveys. Except the spring months, the average taxonomic distinctness +of fish community in other months was significantly lower than that of fish master list in the Yellow River estuary. There was a certain spatial variation for the average taxonomic distinctness + in each month in 2013-2014. The average taxonomic distinctness values were in the 95% confidence intervals for most sampling stations in summer and autumn months, and were significantly lower than the expected + in part sampling stations in spring and winter months, which was probably due to concentration of the most fish species in the Perciformes in these stations.
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