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Li Yuesong, Pan Lingzhi, Guan Wenjiang, Jiao Junpeng. Simulation study of individual-based model on interannual fluctuation of Chub mackerel's (Scomber japonicus) recruitment in the East China Sea[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2018, 40(1): 87-95. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2018.01.010
Citation: Li Yuesong, Pan Lingzhi, Guan Wenjiang, Jiao Junpeng. Simulation study of individual-based model on interannual fluctuation of Chub mackerel's (Scomber japonicus) recruitment in the East China Sea[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2018, 40(1): 87-95. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2018.01.010

Simulation study of individual-based model on interannual fluctuation of Chub mackerel's (Scomber japonicus) recruitment in the East China Sea

doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2018.01.010
  • Received Date: 2017-05-12
  • Chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) is an important economic fish species in China's coastal waters and its internannual resources has a great fluctuation, which is influenced by physical environment. In the paper, an individual-based model of early life-history stages was used to simulate the mount of Chub mackerel's recruitment in the East China Sea during 1978-2013. The result showed that the changes in the physical environment did lead to an interannual fluctuation of Chub mackerel's recruitment in the East China Sea and there was a large fluctuation in late 90s, with the largest amount of recruitment resources in 2002 (1.8×109 ind) and the least one in 1996 (6.5×108 ind), the amount of difference recruitment between 2002 and 1996 is 1.15×109 ind. 15-30 days after spawning, that was the ocean physical environment in April played an important role in recruitment of Chub mackerel in the East China Sea and the survival amount of eggs and larvae in late April basically determined the amount of final Chub mackerel's recruitment. The water temperature was one important physical factors affecting recruitment of Chub mackerel. The higher water temperature was beneficial to improve recruitment of Chub mackerel, On the contrary, the lower one was not conducive to recruitment of the Chub mackerel. Taiwan Warm Current (TWC) was another important physical factor affecting the recruitment of Chub mackerel. The bigger velocity of TWC in April was beneficial to the recruitment. On the contrary, the smaller one was unfavorable to the recruitment. So the water temperature and velocity of TWC in April did determine the final amount of Chub mackerel's recruitment in the East China Sea.
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