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Li Yufeng, Pu Renhai, Qu Hongjun, Li Bin. The characteristics and genesis analysis of the mound at the top of Meishan Formation in the Beijiao Sag of the Qiongdongnan Basin[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2017, 39(5): 89-102. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2017.05.009
Citation: Li Yufeng, Pu Renhai, Qu Hongjun, Li Bin. The characteristics and genesis analysis of the mound at the top of Meishan Formation in the Beijiao Sag of the Qiongdongnan Basin[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2017, 39(5): 89-102. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2017.05.009

The characteristics and genesis analysis of the mound at the top of Meishan Formation in the Beijiao Sag of the Qiongdongnan Basin

doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2017.05.009
  • Received Date: 2016-07-24
  • Rev Recd Date: 2016-12-20
  • The mounded reflections of the mid-Miocene upper Meishan Formation in the Beijiao Sag of Qiongdongnan Basin have been arousing widely the attention of the geologists. Previous studies inferred that the mounded reflection originated from various genesises such as reef, combined result of gravity flow and bottom current, and contourite. Based on drilling, 2D and 3D seismic data, this paper researched on the mounds(remnant mounds) and channels in detail. In the Beijiao Uplift the remnant mounds and channels were not developed well, while in the mid part and high of the marginal slope they occurred well. The scale of them became smaller on the two blank of the highland and they are asymmetric. Mounds and channels with nearly E-W orientation are liner and sub-parallel with each others and locally conjunctive and bifurcate. The strikes of those have a small angle intersection with the strike of Beijiao Uplift. The mounds display mounded widths, heights, and length of 562-1 233 m, 29-87 m, and about 10 m, respectively. There are some seismic reflections with the truncation of the blank of the mounds and the incision of the channel. The 3D seismic attributes showed that long strip strong amplitude infilled by the interbedding of sandstone and mudstone mainly occurred in the S-W part of 3D survey, however, the interior remnant mounds with mid-lower amplitude. Integrated drilling and seismic data, the results of this research showed that mounds were composed of mudstone and calcareous mudstone, which belonged to the bathyal depositional environment. The wave impedance (5.0×106-6.5×106 kg/m3·m/s) of the mounds were lower than that of carbonate rock and igneous rock, which also belonged the scope of the wave impedance of mudstone and sandstone. According the strong amplitude of the lower Meishan Formation channel became weaker, bifurcate, progradation from W to E and the contourite depositional-erosional characteristics in the vicinity of seamount, we inferred that paleo-current of the remnant mound and channel of formation flew from W to E. And the epoch of contourite deposition and erosion could ascend to the early later Miocene(11.6 Ma BP). Integrated analysis of various mounded reflections, we inferred that in study area mid-Miocene mounded reflections originated from the remnant underlying Meishan Formation incised by bottom current in the early later-Miocene.
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