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Wang Jinpeng, Yao Peng, Meng Jia, Zhao Bin, Pan Huihui, Zhang Tingting, Li Dong. Sources,distribution,and preservation of size-fractionated sedimentary organic carbon of the Changjiang Estuary and adjacent shelf based on water elutriation[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2015, 37(6): 41-57. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2015.06.005
Citation: Wang Jinpeng, Yao Peng, Meng Jia, Zhao Bin, Pan Huihui, Zhang Tingting, Li Dong. Sources,distribution,and preservation of size-fractionated sedimentary organic carbon of the Changjiang Estuary and adjacent shelf based on water elutriation[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2015, 37(6): 41-57. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2015.06.005

Sources,distribution,and preservation of size-fractionated sedimentary organic carbon of the Changjiang Estuary and adjacent shelf based on water elutriation

doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2015.06.005
  • Received Date: 2014-09-22
  • Knowledge of the sources, dispersal and preservation of sedimentary organic carbon in large-river delta-front estuaries (LDE) from the perspective of size fractionation is critical for a better understanding of global carbon cycling. Surface sediments collected from four stations in the Changjiang Estuary mud area and two stations in the Zhe-Min coastal mud area in July 2012 were separated into different size fractions using the water elutriation method. Organic carbon (OC) and total nitrogen (TN), stable carbon isotopic composition, specific surface area (SSA) and lignin of these size-fractionated sediments were analyzed to discuss the effect of hydrodynamic sorting on the variation of sources, distribution and preservation of OC in the Changjiang LDE. It has been showed that OC contents are high in the small size fraction, for examples, the average OC contents of 8-16 μm fractions is 1.30%, while for the 32-63 μm fractions it is only 0.90%. However, the contributions of sedimentary OC (up to 81.3%) are dominated in large size fractions because of the dominance of mass contributions in these size fractions (up to 72.0%). The results of a three end-member mixing model based on Monte-Carlo simulation indicate that marine OC is the predominant OC source (73% in average), whereas the average contributions of soil and C3 vascular plant are 21% and 6%, respectively. The contributions of soil OC in small size fractions (such as 8-16 μm) are higher than those of other fractions, consistent with the fact that soil OC prefers to be absorbed on fine particles. The values of lignin source parameters, such as cinnamyl to vanillyl (C/V, 0.04 to 0.32) and syringyl to vanillyl (S/V, 0.33 to 1.23), indicate that these terrigenous organic matter are derived from a mixture of woody and non-woody angiosperms. As the size increases, the contributions of non-woody angiosperms increase. The sediment specific surface area (SSA) normalized OC contents of all size fractions in the Zhe-Min mud area are lower than those of the Changjiang mud area, indicating that long distance transport is unfavorable for the preservation of OC. The lignin decay indices, such as (Ad/Al)v, 3, 5-Bd/V and P/(S+V) are relatively high in small-size fractions, indicating that fine particles are highly degraded, whereas large-size fractions are characterized by less degradation.
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