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Chen Xin, Song Jinming, Yuan Huamao, Li Xuegang, Li Ning, Duan Liqin, Qu Baoxiao. CO2 fluxes across the air-sea interface of the East China Sea in summer 2012 and the change tendency of regional carbon sink strength[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2014, 36(12): 18-31. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2014.12.002
Citation: Chen Xin, Song Jinming, Yuan Huamao, Li Xuegang, Li Ning, Duan Liqin, Qu Baoxiao. CO2 fluxes across the air-sea interface of the East China Sea in summer 2012 and the change tendency of regional carbon sink strength[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2014, 36(12): 18-31. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2014.12.002

CO2 fluxes across the air-sea interface of the East China Sea in summer 2012 and the change tendency of regional carbon sink strength

doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2014.12.002
  • Received Date: 2014-01-07
  • Rev Recd Date: 2014-05-02
  • The surface water partial pressure of CO2(pCO2),dissolved inorganic carbon(DIC),dissolved organic carbon(DOC) and particulate organic carbon(POC) in the East China Sea(ECS) were investigated during the survey in July 2012. The results showed that the adjacent area of the Changjiang estuary had higher DOC and POC contents and lower DIC than the southern shelf. Surface pCO2 in the ECS ranged from 96.28 to 577.7 μatm (mean is 297.6 μatm,1 atm is 101 325 Pa). Low pCO2 levels were found in area (30°-33°N,123°-125°E) of the Changjiang Diluted Water (CDW),whereas high pCO2 levels occurred in the southern ECS shelf affected by the Taiwan Current Warm. The surface pCO2 was mainly influenced by the Changjiang freshwater input and mixing,Taiwan warm current water and biological production. The average summer FCO2 in the ECS was(-6.410±7.486) mmol/(m2·d),indicating that the ECS served as a CO2 sink which absorbed (1.83±1.98)×104 t carbon every day in the summer. The regional carbon fluxes sorted from high to low as CDW,YEMW,SMW,CUW(Coastal Upwelling Water) and TWCW. Comparing with the historical data,the effect of the ECS as a CO2 sink was gradually enhancing in the last ten years. The CDW was the biggest contributor to the increased carbon sink in the ECS. And the FCO2 annual growth rate in the CDW area was -0.814 mmol/(m2·d),meaning that every summer the CDW could take up 5.46×104 t more than last year's.
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