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Jin Bingfu, Yue Wei, Wang Kunshan. Chemical composition of detrital amphibole in the sediments of the Huanghe River, Liaohe River and Yalu River, and its implication for sediment provenance[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2014, 36(4): 11-21. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2014.04.001
Citation: Jin Bingfu, Yue Wei, Wang Kunshan. Chemical composition of detrital amphibole in the sediments of the Huanghe River, Liaohe River and Yalu River, and its implication for sediment provenance[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2014, 36(4): 11-21. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2014.04.001

Chemical composition of detrital amphibole in the sediments of the Huanghe River, Liaohe River and Yalu River, and its implication for sediment provenance

doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2014.04.001
  • Received Date: 2012-11-12
  • Rev Recd Date: 2013-08-01
  • Detrital amphiboles were separated from surface sediment samples obtained from the mainstream of the Huanghe River, Liaohe River and Yalu River. Chemical composition of individual amphiboles and amphibole population (sum of amphibole grains in a sample) were analyzed by electron microprobe analyzer, and ICP-MS, ICP-AES respectively. Results of electron microprobe analyzer show that calcium-amphibole group(more than half are magnesiohornblende) is dominated in the sediments of the three rivers according to their crystallochemical classification. The chemistry composition of individual amphiboles vary in a large extent, and with high Si, Ca, Mg, and low Na, K. Results from amphibole population geochemistry from the Huanghe River reveal significantly higher rare earth element (REE) concentrations than that in loess and whole-rock sediment. Hence, it could be concluded that amphibole is one of the main REE carriers of the Huanghe River sediments and loess deposits. The content changes of amphibole could largely influence the REE content fluctuations in the whole rock. Little difference in trace element content between the new and the abandoned Huanghe River samples possibly indicates the same provenance. Trace elements of amphibole population are significantly different in the three rivers, indicated by more than 20% of relative deviation in terms of some indexes. Some indicators can be used as typomorphic chemical characteristics of amphibole to trace sediments, such as trace elements of Ba, Li, Rb, Cs, Ta, Tl, Pb, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, element ratios of c(La)/c(Y), c(Sr)/c(Rb), c(Zn)/c(Cu), c(Gd)/c(Cd), c(Li)/c(Be), c(Rb)/c(Cs), c(Sr)/c(Ba), c(Hf)/c(Ta), c(Pb)/c(Bi), and distinguished value of ∑c(REE), ∑c(LREE), ∑c(HREE), ∑c(LREE)/∑c(HREE), [c(La)/c(Lu)]N, [c(La)/c(Yb)]N, [c(La)/c(Sm)]N.
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