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Volume 45 Issue 3
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Kong Xiaolan,Zhang Shuai,Chen Zuozhi, et al. Species composition and distribution characteristic of fish eggs and larvae based on DNA barcoding technology of the Zhujiang River Estuary in spring[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2023, 45(3):52–65 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023032
Citation: Kong Xiaolan,Zhang Shuai,Chen Zuozhi, et al. Species composition and distribution characteristic of fish eggs and larvae based on DNA barcoding technology of the Zhujiang River Estuary in spring[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2023, 45(3):52–65 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023032

Species composition and distribution characteristic of fish eggs and larvae based on DNA barcoding technology of the Zhujiang River Estuary in spring

doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023032
  • Received Date: 2022-08-10
  • Rev Recd Date: 2022-09-22
  • Available Online: 2022-10-08
  • Publish Date: 2023-02-01
  • In order to improve the success rate and accuracy of species identification of fish eggs and larvae, fish eggs and larvae samples collected from the Zhujiang River Estuary in spring were identified by DNA barcoding technology based on the mitochondrial COⅠand 12S rRNA genes. A total of 391 samples were amplified and 60 species in 7 orders, 25 families, 42 genera were successfully identified (2 species were not identified). Among them, Perciformes had the most species and quantity accounting for 51.6% and 47.91% respectively, followed by Clupeiformes with 25% and 34.56% respectively. There were 10 dominant species, among which Coilia mystus had the highest dominance of 0.071, Collichthys lucidus had the lowest dominance of 0.014. The amplification results of COⅠand 12S rRNA gene fragments showed that the success rate of 12S rRNA gene amplification in eggs and larvae (95.60%) was significantly higher than that of COⅠgene (43.22%). Genetic distance and ABGD analysis showed that the intraspecies genetic distance of COⅠ gene was 0−0.005 (average was 0.003), and the interspecific genetic distance was 0.061−0.376 (average was 0.253), and there was an obvious “barcode gap” between them. The intraspecific genetic distance of 12S rRNA gene was 0−0.011 (average was 0.007), and the interspecific genetic distance was 0.007−0.487(average was 0.283). which do not form a “barcode gap” between the interspecific and intraspecies genetic distances. The Bayesian phylogenetic tree based on COⅠ and 12S rRNA genes showed that all species could be clustered into independent branches and can be effectively distinguished. The above results show that both COⅠ gene and 12S rRNA gene can be used for the identification of most fish eggs and larvae, but the success rate of COⅠ gene amplification is low, and it is difficult to distinguish some closely related species of 12S rRNA gene. The combined use of the two genes can improve the success rate and accuracy of species identification of fish eggs and larvae.
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