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2015 Vol. 37, No. 6

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The objective definition for the geographic region of Jiangnan Rainy Season and its onset and retreat date
Zhan Fengxing, He Jinhai, Zhang Yizhi, Zhu Zhiwei
2015, 37(6): 1-11. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2015.06.001
Using the 1 675 gauge data from National Meteorological Information Center and the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data, the pentad mean averaged precipitation index which can eliminate the regional differences between gauges is defined. The rotated empirical orthogonal function decomposition (REOF) is applied to investigate the seasonal march of the pentad mean precipitation over the entire China. We obtain two leading modes (e. g. the South and North mode) and their time coefficients. The second mode of REOF presents well the Jiangnan Rainy Season (JRS).Given the consistence of three independent criterion, e.g., the seasonal process of pentad mean precipitation, the interannual variability of precipitation index seasonal variation (April-June mean minus June-August mean) and the interannual variability of mean state of rainy season (April-June) in south of China (south of 31°Nand east of 110°E), the overlap region of these three is objective defined as the geographic region of JRS. Using three variables in the defined geographic region of JRS, e.g., the rainfall index, regional 925 hPa meridional wind and the western North Pacific subtropical high ridge line position at 500 hPa, the onset and retreat dates of JRS from 1961 to 2012 are determined objectively. The purposes of this paper are to provide reference for monitoring JRS and scientific basis for its prediction.
Interannual and interdecadal variations of the sea ice in Bohai Sea and its mechanisms
Zheng Dongmei, Wang Zhibin, Zhang Shuying, Xu Peng, Zhou Zhiqiang
2015, 37(6): 12-20. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2015.06.002
Based on the sea ice grade data in the Bohai Sea during 1951 to 2013, the interannual and interdecadal variations of sea ice in the Bohai Sea are studied using maximum-entropy spectrum analysis, correlation analysis and composite analysis methods. The effects of the local climate, atmospheric circulation, ENSO (El Niño-Southern Oscillation) and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) on the sea ice are also discussed respectively. The results showed that sea ice had distinct interannual and interdecadal variations. Especially it jumped from heavy to light in 1972, and the sea ice grade dropped by 0.7 because of the climate jump. The correlation analysis and composite analysis showed that the interannual variations of sea ice had close relationships with local climate, Western Pacific Subtropical High (WPSH), polar vortex and Eurasian circulation. WPSH in autumn, Eurasian and Asian zonal circulation in winter all had important effects on the interannual variations of sea ice, especially after 1972; these are key factors for Bohai Sea seaice forecasting. But the interdecadal variations of sea ice had close relationships with the PDO, ENSO in spring and Western Pacific Subtropical High in winter.
Study on the concentration variation of CO2 in the background area of Xisha
Lv Honggang, Wang Haiyan, Jiang Yifei, Cheng Hainan, Qiao Ran, Wang Zhanggui
2015, 37(6): 21-30. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2015.06.003
CO2 is the most important greenhouse gases that cause global warming. After the sea absorb excess CO2, the composition of carbonate system changes. Consequently, the pH of the seawater will reduce and damage the marine ecological environment. The atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) was observed at Xisha in the South China Sea from December 2013 to November 2014. A mathematical procedure based on robust local regression was applied to distinguish background and non-background concentration. The CO2 background concentration shows large diurnal and seasonal variations. The CO2 concentration shows lower during daytime and higher during nighttime in four seasons. The maximum is 405.39×10-6 (V/V) and minimum is 399.12×10-6(V/V). The CO2 seasonal cycle shows higher in spring and winter, lower in summer and autumn. The monthly maximum appears in November 2013 (i.e., 406.22×10-6 (V/V)) and the minimum appears in September 2014 . The diurnal variation of background concentration is mainly affected by sunlight and temperature in the region. And the seasonal variation is controlled by monsoon, atmospheric circulation, photosynthesis, and source or sink of the sea to air.
Sea surface partial pressure of CO2 and its controls in the northern South China Sea in the non-bloom period in spring
Zhai Weidong
2015, 37(6): 31-40. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2015.06.004
To clarify air-sea CO2 flux and the controls in the northern South China Sea (SCS) and the adjacent open sea areas around the Luzon Strait, a new dataset of sea surface and atmospheric partial pressures of CO2 (pCO2) associated with underway temperature and salinity obtained from late March to mid-April in 2009 was investigated. In the northern SCS open sea areas other than those estuaries and the coastal current area, atmospheric pCO2 increased from 368 μatm at a south site to 380 μatm at a north site, with the average of 371 μatm, while sea surface pCO2 declined from 405 μatm in the south area to 293 μatm in the north area. The northern SCS pCO2 was significantly influenced by sea surface temperature, although non-temperature effects such as water mixing, air-sea exchanges, and biological activities also affected the sea surface pCO2 distribution. In the Kuroshio-influenced area around the Luzon Strait, however, sea surface pCO2 in given water temperature was generally lower than that in the northern SCS. Based on this dataset, the author suggested that, the springtime CO2 uptake in the northern SCS basin area and the area west of the Luzon Strait from the atmosphere was nearly equal to CO2 release to the atmosphere at the same time, which is similar to the consensus in relevant literatures based on qualified data. The earlier report published in Haiyang Xuebao in 2014 suggesting that the northeast part of the SCS serves as a significant source of the atmospheric CO2 in spring is questionable.
Sources,distribution,and preservation of size-fractionated sedimentary organic carbon of the Changjiang Estuary and adjacent shelf based on water elutriation
Wang Jinpeng, Yao Peng, Meng Jia, Zhao Bin, Pan Huihui, Zhang Tingting, Li Dong
2015, 37(6): 41-57. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2015.06.005
Knowledge of the sources, dispersal and preservation of sedimentary organic carbon in large-river delta-front estuaries (LDE) from the perspective of size fractionation is critical for a better understanding of global carbon cycling. Surface sediments collected from four stations in the Changjiang Estuary mud area and two stations in the Zhe-Min coastal mud area in July 2012 were separated into different size fractions using the water elutriation method. Organic carbon (OC) and total nitrogen (TN), stable carbon isotopic composition, specific surface area (SSA) and lignin of these size-fractionated sediments were analyzed to discuss the effect of hydrodynamic sorting on the variation of sources, distribution and preservation of OC in the Changjiang LDE. It has been showed that OC contents are high in the small size fraction, for examples, the average OC contents of 8-16 μm fractions is 1.30%, while for the 32-63 μm fractions it is only 0.90%. However, the contributions of sedimentary OC (up to 81.3%) are dominated in large size fractions because of the dominance of mass contributions in these size fractions (up to 72.0%). The results of a three end-member mixing model based on Monte-Carlo simulation indicate that marine OC is the predominant OC source (73% in average), whereas the average contributions of soil and C3 vascular plant are 21% and 6%, respectively. The contributions of soil OC in small size fractions (such as 8-16 μm) are higher than those of other fractions, consistent with the fact that soil OC prefers to be absorbed on fine particles. The values of lignin source parameters, such as cinnamyl to vanillyl (C/V, 0.04 to 0.32) and syringyl to vanillyl (S/V, 0.33 to 1.23), indicate that these terrigenous organic matter are derived from a mixture of woody and non-woody angiosperms. As the size increases, the contributions of non-woody angiosperms increase. The sediment specific surface area (SSA) normalized OC contents of all size fractions in the Zhe-Min mud area are lower than those of the Changjiang mud area, indicating that long distance transport is unfavorable for the preservation of OC. The lignin decay indices, such as (Ad/Al)v, 3, 5-Bd/V and P/(S+V) are relatively high in small-size fractions, indicating that fine particles are highly degraded, whereas large-size fractions are characterized by less degradation.
Paleoenvironment changes in the northern Okinawa Trough since 88 ka: evidences from element geochemistry
Zhu Aimei, Shi Xuefa, Zou Jianjun, Zhang Hui, Wu Yonghua, Liu Yanguang
2015, 37(6): 58-69. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2015.06.006
Based on the analysis of major and minor elements in bulk sediments of core CSH1, we reconstructed the changes of sediment components, hydrodynamic conditions and weathering history in the provenance of terrigenous materials over the last 88 ka in the northern Okinawa Trough. The results show that the lithology of parent rock of the terrigenous detritus is felsic, and the volcanic detritus contributes significantly to the sediment components during MIS 1. Over the last 88 ka, the weathering in the provenance of terrigenous detribus is weak (WIP<60%) but gradually increases since the last deglacial period. The Zr/Nb ratio indicates the hydrodynamic condition was much stronger during MIS 1 and MIS 5.1 in the northern Okinawa trough, a potential indicator of the strength of the Kuroshio, which occurs synchronically with the intensified Kuroshio. The terrigenous contributions significantly increased during lower sea level, while the biogenic contributions showed high values during MIS 1 and MIS 5.1. The sediment components are regulated by the Kuroshio and the runoff in the northern Okinawa Trough, which in fact are controlled by sea level and the East Asian Monsoon.
Technology research and development for acoustic subbottom survey in deep sea
Ding Weifeng, Li Jiabiao, Su Xihua, Zhang Jibo, Jiang Weijie, Han Fujiang
2015, 37(6): 70-77. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2015.06.007
Detailed survey of acoustic subbottom is important for deep ocean geological exploration and resource exploitation. Compared to survey in shallow ocean water, deep sea survey faced some serious problems such as energy strongly attenuation, long reflection time series and large digital data size, the vertical stratigraphic resolution reduction, and low transverse space coverage. In order to resolving these problems, main instrument manufactures in the world adopted different possible methods. For example, resampling long reflection time series can decrease the data size, but it strongly reduce vertical stratigraphic resolution. Taking MultiPing technology can solve the transverse space coverage well, but its variable depth range acquisition by seafloor reflection tracking will cause serious jumping off in reflection events, or it cannot get the correct seafloor reflection depth by acquisition with MultiPing transmitting interval. This study further independently developed some related technologies, and correctly solved the reflection events jumping off, and got the recording time delay in computing the deep seafloor depth. All these technologies obtained in the present study will provide some technical support for future acoustic subbottom detailed survey in deep sea.
Relationship between the temporal-spatial distribution of longline fishing grounds of yellowfin tuna and the thermocline characteristics in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean
Yang Shenglong, Zhang Bianbian, Jin Shaofei, Fan Wei
2015, 37(6): 78-87. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2015.06.008
We evaluated the isoline distribution of thermocline characteristics (the upper and lower boundary temperatures and depths) in the yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) fishing grounds in Western and Central Pacific Ocean. We plotted the thermocline characteristics contour on a spatial overlay map using data collected on a monthly basis from Argo buoys and monthly CPUE (catch per unit effort) from yellowfin tuna longlines from the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC). In addition, frequency analysis and the empirical cumulative distribution function (ECDF) were used to calculate the optimum ranges for the thermocline characteristics of the central fishing grounds. Our analysis suggested that there were significant seasonal variations in the upper boundary temperature and depth of the thermocline in the central fishing grounds, which significantly influenced the temporal and spatial distribution of the yellowfin tuna population. However, the lower boundary temperature and depth of thermocline has little seasonal variation. The overlay maps suggest that the central fishing grounds were observed in areas where the upper boundary depth of thermocline was deeper, and south-north moved follow by thermocline. The values between 70 and 100 m in the east zonal areas of New Guinea, and the central fishing grounds were found all year. The fishing grounds distributed where the upper boundary temperature of the thermocline was higher than 26℃, but CPUE was lower than Q3 while temperature higher than 30℃. The fishing grounds located between the two high value shape of the lower boundary depth of thermocline, if the depth was more than 300 m or less than 150 m, the CPUE tended to be low. The lower boundary temperature of the thermocline in the fishing grounds was lower than 13℃ all year in the equatorial zone. Conversely, if the temperature was higher than 17℃, the hooking rates are very low. Frequency analysis and the empirical cumulative distribution function (ECDF) were used to calculate the optimum range of thermocline characteristics. The optimum depth range of the upper boundary temperature and depth were 27-29.9℃ and 70-109 m .The optimum depth range of the lower boundary and the lower boundary temperature were 250-299 m and 11-13.9℃, respectively. The results were confirmed by using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. A preliminarily indication of the optimum distribution interval and seasonal change characteristics of each thermocline in the longline central fishing ground of yellowfin tuna was obtained in this paper. The conclusion could provide a reference for improving the efficiency of yellowfin tuna longline fishing and aid tuna resource management in Western and Central Pacific Ocean.
Influence of sea surface temperature changes on Scomber japonicas habitat in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea
Su Hang, Chen Xinjun, Wang Jintao
2015, 37(6): 88-96. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2015.06.009
Sea surface temperature (SST) is an important indicator representing fish habitat. According to Scomber japonicus fishery-dependent data of large lighting-purse seine, combining with SST by remote sensing, the suitable range of SST of Scomber japonicas during the fishing seasons are analyzed and the changing tendency of the Scomber japonicas habitat caused by variation of water temperature are also discussed. The results proved that suitable range of SST of Scomber japonicas in the East China Sea and Yellow Sea is 15-30℃. This study based on global climate simulations under several emission scenarios (A1FI, A1B, A1T, A2, B1, and B2) from the AR4 of the IPCC to examine the impact on potential habitats of Scomber japonicas for the next 100 years. So we simulate four kinds of water temperatures rise by gradient : (1) monthly average SST increase of 0.5℃;(2) monthly average SST increase of 1℃; (3) monthly average SST increase of 2℃;(4) monthly average SST increase of 4℃. The results indicated that the habitat of Scomber japonicas had a obvious northwards shifting tendency, and the area of habitat would decreased gradually. It is concluded that the rising SST caused by the global climate change would have a seriously effect on the habitat of Scomber japonicas. These results can make us understand the spatial distribution of Scomber japonicas influenced by SST in fishery management and fishery forecasting, which also provide the guide for the prediction of the Scomber japonicus potential habitat in the East China Sea and Yellow Sea.
Proteomic study of the effects of acidified seawater on Calanus sinicus
Zhang Dajuan, Guo Donghui, Wang Guizhong, Li Shaojing
2015, 37(6): 97-105. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2015.06.010
This study compared proteim profiles of Calanus sinicus cultured under CCO2 0.08% and CCO2 0.20% CO2-acidified seawater for 4 days using a proteomic approach, and identified the differentially expressed proteins. The results are shown that, 1 191, 1 117 and 946 protein spots of C.sinicus in control, CCO2 0.08% and CCO2 0.20% groups were detected in the two-dimensional electrophoresis gels, respectively. The 43 protein spots were selected based on their differential expression between control and CCO2 0.08% group, CCO2 0.20% group, and 23 proteins of which were identified by MALDI-TOF/TOF mass spectrometry. The data demonstrated that these differentially expressed proteins were associated with protein synthesize and proteolysis, energy metabolism, DNA repaired and detoxified of organisms.
Investigation and analysis of the distribution status of seagrass resources in the southern part of Hainan Island
Chen Shiquan, Wu Zhongjie, Chen Xiaohui, Li Yuanchao, Cai Zefu, Zhang Guangxing, Yao Haijun, Huang Jieying
2015, 37(6): 106-113. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2015.06.011
Analysis and discussion of the distribution status of the seagrass in the southern part of Hainan island, based on the investigation data that were collected in 2008 and 2014. The results show that, the species of the seagrass in the southern part of Hainan island have 2 families, 3 subfamily, 5 genera and 5 species, namely Cymodocea rotunda, Thalassia hemprichii, Enhalus acoroides, Halophila ovalis, Enhalus acoroides, and the Thalassia hemprichii was distributed widely. Tielugang lagoon and Xiaodonghai were the decreased greatly areas, when the distribution of the seagrass has decreased by 1.64 km2 to 0.50 km2, and the average coverage of seagrass was downed by 35.67% to 26.40% from 2008 to 2014. It was difference to the average density and average biomass when they was subjected to the different influencing factors of the human activity and no one manage. The average density and biomass have increased in Huohai Bay and Luhuitou, while them have decreased in the areas just as Tielugang lagoon, Ximaozhou Island and Xiaodonghai. It hopes all society sectors to protection of seagrass, set up seagrass reserves in the rich seagrass resources areas, increase the government scientific support to protection and restoration of seagrass in the destroyed severity areas, in view of the seagrass resources has showed a degradation phenomena.
Influence of cultivation methods and the frequency of the medium on the growth and phycobiliprotein content of free living conchocelis of Porphyra haitanensis
Ding Lanping, Yan Zewei, Zhang Quanliang, Xu Peihang, Huang Bingxin
2015, 37(6): 114-119. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2015.06.012
The cultivation methods (standing, rocking, ventilating) and the frequency in changing water (once in 5 d, 7 d, 10 d, 20 d ) were studied on influence of the growth and phycobiliprotein (PE, PC) content of free living Conchocelis of Porphyra haitanensis. The results show that under the condition of rocking, its growth is better, which SGR can reach 10.832 7%-10.891 5%; and its PE content is higher than that of under the condition of standing but lower than that of under the condition of ventilating, and the highest value is 36.816 8 mg/g. Under standing, the PC content reaches the highest, which higher than that of under rocking, and it reaches the lowest under ventilating with value 1.082 4 mg/g. Under the same culture way, the frequency in changing water does not much affect the SGR of free living Conchocelis. However, when the frequency is once in 20 d, its PE and PC contents are higher than other frequency except those of under the condition of ventilating. The ANOVA results show that interaction between the culture methods and water changing frequency does not exist on the SGR, PE and PC content of the conchocelis. It provides an experimental and theoretical basis for free living Conchocelis of Porphyra haitanensis applying to industrial application in food processing and pigment picking industry.
The study on community structure of marine fouling in the waters off Bailong Peninsula,Guangxi
Tian Wei, Xu Zhaoli
2015, 37(6): 120-127. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2015.06.013
An annual panel investigation on marine fouling organisms in the waters off Bailong Peninsula was conducted from December 2011 to November 2012. A total of 60 species were identified and the dominant species were Corophium acherusicum, Gammarus sp., Amphibalanus reticulates, Perna viridis, Hydroides elegans, Anthopleura nigrescens, Styela canopus, Musculus senhousia, Perinereis nuntia. The fouling organisms were mainly composed of subtropical and warm water affinities and the settlements occurred through the year, the average abundance and biomass on the seasonal test panel were 45 136 ind/m2 and 4 246.03 g/m2. The highest seasonal abundance and biomass were 153 514 ind/m2 in autumn and 9 418.42 g/m2 in spring. The Shannon-Wiener index, Pielous evenness index and Margalef species richness of the community structure of fouling organisms on seasonal test panels were the highest in summer and lowest in winter. The results of ABC showed that community structures of fouling organisms on winter, autumn, second half year and annual test panels were not stable.
Morphological characteristics of a new recorded pyrosomes species from the South China Sea
Li Kaizhi, Yin Jianqiang, Chen Qingchao
2015, 37(6): 128-133. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2015.06.014
The family Pyrosomatidae, with 8 species in the world oceans, belongs to phylum Chordata, subphylum Urochordata, class Thaliacea and order Pyrosomida. A new recorded species Pyrosomella verticillata(Neumann, 1909) of Pyrosomatidae from the South China Sea was reported in this paper. A detail description and illustration of this new recorded species and the morphological differences between the Pyrosomella verticillata and Pyrosoma atlanticum were provided. The relationships between length and width, and length and the number of verticals of Pyrosomella verticillata colonies were analyzed. The specimens examined were deposited in Marine Biodiversity Collection of South China Sea.