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2014 Vol. 36, No. 8

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A research on water quality characteristics of Nantong nearshore based on factor analysis and cluster analysis
Ding Yanzhe, Li Fei, Xu Min, Huang Xiaolong, Xu Wenjian
2014, 36(8): 1-11. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2014.08.001
Based on the water quality survey data of three seasons from 16 monitoring sites in 2012,factor analysis was used to study the main factors of water quality and their spatial distribution characteristics. By cluster analysis,we estimated the similarity of the sites and divided Nantong offshore into diverse areas. According to factor analysis,there were four factors impacting water quality of Nantong nearshore. F1 was concentrated in the northwest of Lenjia Sandbank caused by the interactions of runoff of Changjiang River and water from open sea.The concentrations of F2 which reflect the effection of water from open sea in the nearshore part were lower than that in the offshore part.The areas with high-value of F3 which reflect the influence of river input and F4 which represent anthropogenic source were distributed in the estuary of Bencha Canal and the Changjiang River. Nantong offshore marine areas could be divided into 5 areas based on cluster analysis. District A adjacent to lands where river feeds into sea was heavily polluted because of its weak water dynamic condition. Pollution of district B covered tidal channel area was lighter. District C located between district B and district D was influenced by both of them. District D which was under the control of intense water dynamic condition caused by Xiaomiaohong Channel and Wangcanghong Channel was influenced by land-based pollution. Pollutants and flows from the Changjiang River influenced district E to some extent. Different types of partitions indicated strong influence on pollutant distribution caused by regional hydrodynamic pattern.
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the surface seawater of the East China Sea and application in depositional fluxes calculation
Lin Tian, Hu Limin, Guo Zhigang
2014, 36(8): 12-18. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2014.08.002
Eleven surface seawater samples collected over the East China Sea (ECS) were analyzed for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in dissolved phase. An estimation of particulate-phase PAH fluxes was performed by using the organic carbon adsorption coefficient (Koc) from an experimental data and total organic carbon burial flux in the ECS. The measured concentrations of total 15 dissolved-phase PAHs in the water samples ranged from 412 to 1 032 ng/L,with the average value of (701±392) ng/L,which were predominated by the three ring PAHs. It is estimated that the concentrations of 15 PAHs in particulate phase were from 20 to 28 μg/g and the total deposition flux of the ECS was from 150 to 210 t/a. The estimated results are consistent with measured concentrations and fluxes of PAHs in the sediments,suggesting feasibility of Koc values-based method for rapid estimation of deposition fluxes of PAHs in this area. The design and implementation of the method is a new quantitative way attempt to estimate PAH fluxes in marine sediment.
Molecular geochemical identification of hydrocarbon microleakage in the Pearl River Mouth Basin of the South China Sea
Mao Shengyi, Zhu Xiaowei, Su Ming, Guan Hongxiang, Sun Yongge, Wu Nengyou
2014, 36(8): 19-29. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2014.08.003
N-alkane components are studied in Site4B profile sediment from the Pearl River Mouth Basin,northern South China Sea,and the results reveal that "similar mature hydrocarbon" distribution is exhibited from 65 cm to 70 cm,80 to 85 cm and 85 cm to 90 cm below the sea floor. An unresolved complex mixture (UCM) of components dominates the gas chromatography mass spectrum (GC-MS) and high molecular weight n-alkanes trend to show no odd predominace with CPI from 1.15 to 1.45 in these layers. Meanwhile,in other layers,alkanes are characteristic of modern/recent organic matter inputs in the profile. Combined with regional geological background and the exploration of gas hydrate in this area,we may conclude that unusual distribution of alkane from 65 cm to 70 cm,80 to 85 cm and 85 cm to 90 cm below the sea floor is resulted by deep hydrocarbon microleakage.
The long-term records of carbon burial fluxes in sediment cores of culture zones from Sanggou Bay
Liu Sai, Yang Qian, Yang Shu, Sun Yao, Yang Guipeng
2014, 36(8): 30-38. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2014.08.004
Total carbon (TC),total organic carbon (TOC),total inorganic carbon (TIC) and marine-derived organic carbon (Ca) in two sediment cores of the Sanggou Bay were analyzed. Combined with sedimentary chronosequence,the burial fluxes (BF) of carbon were determined. The result shows that burial fluxes of carbon were relatively steady before 1900s; however,along with the rise of the industrial revolution,natural small shellfish thrived due to the increase of nutrients in the inner bay,leading to a rapid increase of burial fluxes; and then,from 1960s,with the development of large-scale artificial farming,carbon burial fluxes gradually reached a steady state again because of the growing effort of harvesting.Before the 1960s,the ratios of BFCa/BFTOC and BFCa/BFTC were under 20% and 4% respectively,after that time,with the expansion of farming activities,although the ratios keep increasing,the ratio of BFTOC/BFTC were under 40% all the time. The ratio of BFTIC/BFTC in Sanggou Bay,which were between 60% and 98%,was higher than the ratio (about 15%) in the central Huanghai Sea. The high ratio of TIC/TC in Sanggou Bay may result in great errors when using TOC or Ca to estimate the burial fluxes of carbon.
Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios of authigenic carbonate minerals and calcareous biogenic shells in the cold-seep carbonates,north of the South China Sea and their environmental implication
Yang Kehong, Chu Fengyou, Zhu Jihao, Ma Weilin, Dong Yanhui
2014, 36(8): 39-48. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2014.08.005
There are inclusion and pore space structures in the cold-seep carbonates with plenty of biological marks in the north of the South China Sea. The Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios of the carbonate minerals and the calcareous biogenic shells in different structures are analyzed by the electron microprobe.The results show that the Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios of the authigenic carbonate minerals have a range from 0.50 mmol/mol to 39.19 mmol/mol with the mean 12.50 mmol/mol and from 0.06 mmol/mol to 2.90 mmol/mol with the means 0.53 mmol/mol,individually.The Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios of the calcareous biogenic shells have a range from 1.14 mmol/mol to 84.57 mmol/mol with the mean 24.57 mmol/mol and from 0.77 mmol/mol to 1.84 mmol/mol with the means 1.08 mmol/mol,individually. According to the relationship between Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios,the authigenic carbonate minerals have no groups which are all low to middle Mg/Ca ratio and low Sr/Ca ratio,but the calcareous biogenic shells can be divided into two groups,and the one on the groundmass has high Mg/Ca ratio and middle Sr/Ca ratio,and the other one in the inclusions has low Mg/Ca ratio and middle Sr/Ca ratio. Based on the Mg/Ca characteristic,the sedimental environment is discussed with a result that the calcareous biogenic shells on the ground mass grew up in the methane seep environment and the inorganic carbonate minerals influenced their Mg/Ca ratio,but the calcareous biogenic shells in the inclusions grew up in normal environment without methane seep influences,and they entred into the carbonates by bioturbation and/or bioirrigation.Moreover,according to Sr/Ca ratios varies during diagenis,the Sr/Ca ratios of the calcareous biogenic shells on the ground mass may be higher when they formed initiall.The results can give some directions to find chemical proxies of methane seeps.
Analysis of volatile components from three marine diatoms at different growth stages
Chen Jiao, Xu Jilin, Li Yan, Zhou Chengxu, Yan Xiaojun
2014, 36(8): 49-64. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2014.08.006
The volatile components in marine diatoms Thalassiosira weissflogii,Nitzschia closterium and Chaetoceros calcitrons were analyzed by head space solid-phase micro-extraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The differences of volatile components among three diatoms at different growth stages were studied by SIMCA-P software. The results showed that the content of most unsaturated aldehydes increased through the entire culture stages of three diatoms except for a saturated aldehyde,Nonanal,whose content first increased and then decreased.The content of Alkanes continued to decline. Alcohols also increased first and then decreased. Esters including acetic acid ethyl ester and 2-methyl-2-Propenoic acid methyl ester were significantly enriched in the decline phase of C. calcitrons. According to the present study on volatile components of these diatoms,we can provide important reference not only for choosing microalgae species and feeding period in marine aquaculture,but also for studying the reason of odor formation and further development and utilization of marine diatom.
Application of BP neural network based on principal component analysis in fishing grounds of chilean jack mackerel (Trachurus murphyi) in the southeast Pacific Ocean
Wang Jintao, Gao Feng, Lei Lin, Zou Xiaorong, Guan Wenjiang, Chen Xinjun
2014, 36(8): 65-71. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2014.08.007
Chilean jack mackerel (Trachurus murphyi) is an important target species for Chinese factory trawler fleet in the southeast Pacific Ocean, and the accurate forecasting of fishing ground can provide better scientific guidance for fishing operation. In this paper, we built the forecasting models by using the methods of principal component analysis (PCA) and BP neural networks according to the catch data from the logbooks and fishing yield statistics from Chinese factory trawler fleets, the sea surface temperature (SST) and sea surface height (SSH) obtained by satellite remote sensing from 2003 to 2009. Based on the PCA, we got the principal components of different factors. We also determined the two suitable model structures by using the original-samples and PCA-processed-samples combined with the accuracy of models, respectively. It is found that the model used by PCA-processed-samples is better than that model used by original-sampled based on the results of training and test, and their accuracy rates were 67% and 60% respectively.
Community structure of siphonophores in the tropical northeast Indian Ocean
Li Kaizhi, Ke Zhixin, Li Gang, Yin Jianqiang, Huang Liangmin
2014, 36(8): 72-81. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2014.08.008
Siphonophores,the major constituent of the zooplankton community,are a widespread and abundant group of colonial gelatinous cnidarians that play important roles in the trophic web of the pelagic realm. It has been observed that some species of siphonophores could be used as indicators to certain types of waters and ocean current in a particular region. The distribution of siphonophores is influenced by hydrological and biological process,such as temperature,salinity and chlorophyll a concentration. This study aimed to examine the species composition,abundance distribution and community structure of siphonophore based on the data obtained from the tropical northeast Indian Ocean in April to May,2011. A total of 37 species of siphonophore were identified characterized by the ecological groups with tropical widespread and equator species. The dominant species were mainly represented by Chelophyes contorta,Bassia bassensis,Nanomia bijuga and Abylopsis eschscholtzi. The study area could be divided into three transects: eastern,equator and western transects based on the sampling stations and environmental condition. The range of species richness was from 2 to 14,with the high diversity at eastern and western transects,and the increasing trend from the nearshore to offshore at equator transect. An average of siphonophore abundance was (1.04±0.58) ind/m3,with an uneven distribution characterized by high values at eastern and western transects and low values at equator transect. The similarity percentage of community structure between the eastern and western transects was high than equator transect. The results suggested that the distribution of siphonophore was considered to be the result of physical and biological factors. Nanomia bijuga could be regarded as an indicator species for coastal waters at eastern transect,and Lensia conoides & Rosacea plicata for uplifted cold waters in the western transect.
Effects of 24-epibrassinolide on the resistance of Gracilaria lemaneiformis to high temperature
Li Jing, Wang Qiaoqiao, Xu Nianjun, Sun Xue, Fan MeiHua
2014, 36(8): 82-90. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2014.08.009
To explore the effect of 24-epibrassinolide on the marine red algae Gracilaria lemaneiformis under high temperature stress,the growth rate,chlorophyll fluorescence parameters,antioxidant enzyme activity,as well as the contains of mannitol,malondialdehyde,phycobiliprotein,and the relative expression levels of HSP70,PE and GR were detected in G. lemaneiformis after treated with different concentration of 24-epibrassinolide and heat shock stress. Results showed that the growth rate of 0.1 mg/L treatment group was significantly higher than that of other groups. Chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of Fv/Fm,qP and ΦPS Ⅱ decreased while parameters of NPQ first increased and then decreased along with the extension of high temperature stress. Chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in all treatment groups were higher than those in the control groups. The activities of SOD and POD in treatment groups were significantly higher than those in the control groups. The detected mannitol and phycobiliprotein levels were the highest in 0.1 mg/L treatment group,and increased to the summit at 3 d post treatment. The detected malondialdehyde level was the lowest in 0.1 mg/L treatment group,and decreased to the bottom at 3 d post treatment. The relative gene expression levels of HSP70,PE and GR in treatment groups were higher than those in the control groups. They all presented the highest in 0.1 mg/L treatment group. The results indicated that 24-epibrassinolide could improve high temperature resistance of G. lemaneiformis,and the 0.1 mg/L treatment group showed the best effect.
Bottom-up and top-down controls of the phytoplankton standing stock off the Changjiang Estuary
Song Hongjun, Zhang Xuelei, Wang Baodong, Sun Xia, Wang Xiao, Xin Ming
2014, 36(8): 91-100. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2014.08.010
Based on the field survey data in August 2010, November 2010 and May 2011, and the following analysis from generalized additive model (GAM), the bottom-up and top-down effects on the phytoplankton standing stock (represented as chlorophyll a concentrations) off the Changjiang Estuary were studied. The results showed that the average concentrations of nutrients in the high chlorophyll zone (HCZ) were lower than those in the entire region. The concentrations of phosphate (0.48 μmol/L) and silicate (8.96 μmol/L) in spring in HCZ were the lowest among the three seasons, and the DIN/P ratio (43.3) was the highest, which help to the frequent dinoflagellate bloom in spring. The Si/DIN ratio in the HCZ was higher than that in the entire region in summer, but very close in spring and autumn, which help to the diatom bloom in summer. The concentrations of total suspended solids (TSS) in the HCZ in spring and summer were significantly low in both spatial and seasonal scale. The spatial distribution of high zooplankton biomass zone was not consistent with the HCZ, but they were crossed or neighboring. The further analysis from GAM showed that the environmental factors can explain more than 70% variability of chlorophyll (log-transformed) off the Changjiang Estuary. Salinity and nutrients were the main factors, while the TSS, zooplankton and temperature had no significant direct correlation with the chlorophyll variability (p>0.05). Moreover, due to the impact of Changjiang Diluted Water, the salinity was significantly correlated to the DIN, phosphate, silicate and TSS (p<0.001), which suggested that the effect of salinity on explaining the chlorophyll variability involved those of both the nutrient and the light. Our results suggested that the bottom-up effects from nutrients were the main control of the phytoplankton standing stock off the Changjiang Estuary. Light condition and zooplankton biomass had a certain relation with the phytoplankton standing stock on the spatial and seasonal distribution, but they were not the key controlling factors.
Cloning,expression and activity analysis of a novel serine protease from marine Coccolithovirus
Li Lihua, Qiu Jianjian, Cai Yiqin, Yu Peng, Liu Jingwen
2014, 36(8): 101-110. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2014.08.011
A serine protease (Sp) gene (GenBank accession number: KC161207) was cloned from the genome of marine microalgal Emiliania huxleyi virus (Coccolithovirus) EhV99B1 isolate. Bioinformatic analysis was preformed on its open reading frame and the recombinant protein was expressed in E. coli and purified by affinity chromatography. Results showed that the length of the ORF of EhV99B1-Sp was 1 110 bp,which encoded a protein of 386 amino acids with a molecular mass of 39.5 kDa and pI of 6.255. EhV99B1-Sp shared a high sequence similarity with EhV86-Sp,between whom the similarities of nucleotide sequences and deduced amino acid sequences were 95% and 97%,respectively. However,the sequence similarity between EhV99B1-Sp and serine protease from other organisms was only 28% to 32%. Sequences analysis suggested that EhV99B1-Sp might be a new member of the serine protease family. Secondary structure prediction showed that EhV99B1-Sp protein contained two motifs of typical serine protease catalytic active sites LTAGHC (histidine active site) and AICNGDSGGPLF (serine active site),and two transmembrane domains. A 60 kDa recombinant protein of EhV99B1-Sp was expressed in E. coli and confirmed by myofibril-bound serine proteinase (MBSP) antibody. The recombinant protein had normal biological function in E. coli. These data laid a foundation for further studies of EhV99B1-Sp on regulation of virus-host interaction and its application.
Detection of macrophage migration inhibitory factor in Vibrio alginolyticus disease of Larimichthys crocea tissues and its significance
Sang Benhong, Xu Xiaojin, Mao Yong, Wang Jun, Su Yongquan
2014, 36(8): 111-116. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2014.08.012
To investigate the expression and prognostic value of macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) in Vibrio alginolyticus disease of Larimichthys crocea tissues. MIF expression was detected by immunohistoehemistry in spleen,intense and head kidney specimens of pathologically identified and healthy L.crocea tissues. All negative controls showed no reactivity,MIF staining was intense in V.alginolyticus disease of L.crocea tissues. The spleen,intense and head kidney specimens showed high reactivity in an upward trend.The MIF staining rate of the spleen,intense and head kidney were 56%,64% and 92%.The high MIF expression in the disease tissues indicate that MIF plays an important role in the homeostatic process of V.alginolyticus challenged with L.crocea.
Chromosome composition and AFLP analysis of Pagrosomus major, Spraus macrocephalus and the hybirds
Lin Mian, Miao Liang, Li Mingyun, Yu Yinyin, Xu Wantu
2014, 36(8): 117-121. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2014.08.013
In this paper,the karyotyping analysis and AFLP molecular marker technique were used to analyze the genetic differences among Pagrosomus major,Sparus macrocephalus and the hybrids.The karyotype analysis showed that they all contained 48 chromosomes and the karyotypes were respectively: 2n=2st+46t,NF=48; 2n=4m+4sm+38t+2st,NF=56; 2n=2st+8t+8sm+30m=48,NF=86.The karyotype of the hybrids was different from maternal and paternal species.AFLP analysis of P.major,S.macrocephalus and the hybrids showed that a total of 278 bands were obtained by 2 primer combinations,including 93 paternal species (S.macrocephalus) specific bands and 108 maternal species (P.major) specific bands.Among these parent specific bands,21 male parent specific bands and 67 female parent specific bands were detected in the hybrids.In addition,there were 15 nonparental bands appeared in the hybrids.Analysis of molecular variance revealed that the Nei's unbiased measures of genetic identity were 0.113 between the hybrids and S.macrocephalus and 0.350 between the hybrids and P.major,respectively.The Nei's unbiased measures of genetic distance were 2.180 between the hybrids and S.macrocephalus and 1.050 between the hybrids and P.major,respectively.This study indicated that the hybrids of P.major♀ and S.macrocephalus♂ were heterologous diploid containing 48 chromosomes and the genetic material of maternal and paternal species was partly reorganized during the hybridization and showed a partially maternal hereditary characteristics.
The structure and distribution of phytoplankton community in the Qinzhou Bay during dry season
Lan Wenlu, Li Tianshen, Zheng Xinqing, Shi Xiaofeng, Li Mingmin, Lu Jianjun, Li Bo
2014, 36(8): 122-129. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2014.08.014
Photosynthetic pigment analysis method was used to analyze the structure and distribution of phytoplankton community in the Qinzhou Bay in the dry season of 2011. Data showed that the major phytoplankton pigments were chlorophyll a, fucoxanthin, chlorophyll b, prasinoxanthin and peridinin, while the levels of other photosynthetic pigments were very low. Bacillariophyta, Prasinophyceae and Dinoflagellates were detected as dominant phytoplankton groups during the dry season by converting signal changes into phytoplankton spectra-dynamics with CHEMTAX software. The mean biomass of three groups phytoplankton were (2.36±2.38) μg/L, (0.87±0.53) μg/L, and (0.13±0.14) μg/L, ranging from 0.18 μg/L to 7.45 μg/L, from 0.10 μg/L to 1.80 μg/L, and from 0.02 μg/L to 0.60 μg/L, respectively. The Bacillariophyta, Prasinophyceae and Dinoflagellates occupied the total biomass of phytoplankton by 59%±21%, 30%±16% and 6%±4%, ranging from 29% to 96%, 1% to 53% and 0.4% to 53%, respectively. Bacillariophyta dominated in the Maolingjiang Estuary and its adjacent areas, while both Bacillariophyta and Prasinophyceae dominated in the inner and outer bay areas. The community structure and distribution of the phytoplankton were influenced by river floods, salinity, and nutrients. Large-scale oyster aquaculture might lead to decrease of Bacillariophyta ratio in inner and outer bay areas, while increased water temperature in the outer bay might make Bacillariophyta largely grow and be the dominant group. The diatom red tide might occur under the condition of further increase in temperature and nutrient input.