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2014 Vol. 36, No. 4

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Applications of compound-specific radiocarbon analysis in oceanography and environmental science
Zhao Meixun, Yu Meng, Zhang Hailong, Tao Shuqin
2014, 36(4): 1-10. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2014.04.006
Compound-specific radiocarbon analysis (CSRA) is a novel approach to isolate and recover sufficient quantities of individual target compounds (so-called biomarker) from complex organic matrices for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) radiocarbon (14C) analysis. This molecular level radiocarbon analysis can reveal the isotopic heterogeneity of total organic carbon, which provides a new approach to understand the carbon source, migration and transformation. In oceanography, CSRA can provide direct information about the residence time of carbon in global reservoirs and estimate the contribution of fossil carbon input; to indicate sediment deposit processes in the past; to understand the prokaryotic metabolic pathways and refine the sediment chronologies. In environmental science, CSRA can be used as a tool for source apportionment of toxic compounds (e.g., PAHs) and for the determination of microbial carbon sources in petroleum contaminated sediments. As the individual compound separation technology and AMS sensitivity both improve, CSRA technology will be more widely applied in the future.
Chemical composition of detrital amphibole in the sediments of the Huanghe River, Liaohe River and Yalu River, and its implication for sediment provenance
Jin Bingfu, Yue Wei, Wang Kunshan
2014, 36(4): 11-21. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2014.04.001
Detrital amphiboles were separated from surface sediment samples obtained from the mainstream of the Huanghe River, Liaohe River and Yalu River. Chemical composition of individual amphiboles and amphibole population (sum of amphibole grains in a sample) were analyzed by electron microprobe analyzer, and ICP-MS, ICP-AES respectively. Results of electron microprobe analyzer show that calcium-amphibole group(more than half are magnesiohornblende) is dominated in the sediments of the three rivers according to their crystallochemical classification. The chemistry composition of individual amphiboles vary in a large extent, and with high Si, Ca, Mg, and low Na, K. Results from amphibole population geochemistry from the Huanghe River reveal significantly higher rare earth element (REE) concentrations than that in loess and whole-rock sediment. Hence, it could be concluded that amphibole is one of the main REE carriers of the Huanghe River sediments and loess deposits. The content changes of amphibole could largely influence the REE content fluctuations in the whole rock. Little difference in trace element content between the new and the abandoned Huanghe River samples possibly indicates the same provenance. Trace elements of amphibole population are significantly different in the three rivers, indicated by more than 20% of relative deviation in terms of some indexes. Some indicators can be used as typomorphic chemical characteristics of amphibole to trace sediments, such as trace elements of Ba, Li, Rb, Cs, Ta, Tl, Pb, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, element ratios of c(La)/c(Y), c(Sr)/c(Rb), c(Zn)/c(Cu), c(Gd)/c(Cd), c(Li)/c(Be), c(Rb)/c(Cs), c(Sr)/c(Ba), c(Hf)/c(Ta), c(Pb)/c(Bi), and distinguished value of ∑c(REE), ∑c(LREE), ∑c(HREE), ∑c(LREE)/∑c(HREE), [c(La)/c(Lu)]N, [c(La)/c(Yb)]N, [c(La)/c(Sm)]N.
Distributions and sources of clay minerals in the surface sediments of the western Arctic Ocean
Dong Linsen, Liu Yanguang, Shi Xuefa, Fang Xisheng, Chen Zhihua, Yan Shijuan, Huang Yuanhui
2014, 36(4): 22-32. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2014.04.010
Regional distribution and variation of clay minerals in the study area are presented in detail based on the clay mineral analysis of the surface sediments. Generally, the smectite and kaolinite contents show an increasing trend from the Chukchi Sea to the deep sea of the Arctic ocean , and the chlorite and illite contents show a decreasing trend. In the study area, from west to east, values of illiteChemical index show an increasing trend, and the values of illite crystallinity is in opposite. Based on clay mineral assemblages obtained from Q-type Cluster analysis, combined with the geological background of the peripheral land, rivers and ocean current, we got the clay mineral assemblages partitions of the study area and discussed its clay mineral source. Clay mineral assemblages type near the Alaska of Chukchi Sea side are mainly Ⅰ type, on the side of the East Siberian Sea contain Ⅱ, Ⅲ and Ⅳ types, on the middle of Chukchi Sea are mainly Ⅵ type.The sources of clay mineral assemblages in Chukchi Sea shelf are volcanic rocks, metamorphic rocks, kaolinite-bearing sediments and ancient soil of Siberia and Alaska from rivers emptying into the Pacific and eastern Arctic ocean and then transported into the Chukchi Sea through three branches of the Pacific Water and the Siberian Coastal Current; Clay mineral assemblages of Western Arctic deep water sediments are mainly Ⅰ and Ⅴ type, indicating that the the source of clay mineral assemblages are ice-rafted deris in sea ice of Eurasian continental shelf and periphery waters of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, in addition, Mackenzie River and the subsurface Atlantic layer circulation can also contribute clay minerals.
The small-scale distributing characteristics of the polymetallic nodules in the West China Example Area
Liang Donghong, He Gaowen, Zhu Kechao
2014, 36(4): 33-39. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2014.04.012
The small-scale distributing characteristics of the polymetallic nodules in the West China Example Area are revealed by the calculating results of the polymetallic nodules' coverage from deep-sea video recording profiles, associated with under-water position processing data and multi-beams recording data. The results show that the distribution of polymetallic nodules is related to the terrain, coverage of polymetallic nodules changes slowly on the gently terrain, but coverage of polymetallic nodules/crusts increases intensely on the steep terrain because of the growth of nubbly crusts. There is a high coverage of polymetallic nodules in the West China Example Area, the coverage of polymetallic nodules is stable fairly from east to west, but it increases from north to south. The distribution of polymetallic nodules is affected obviously by the terrain slope, the higher slope, the higher coverage of polymetallic nodules, in the slope range of 0° to 3.6°.
A comparative study of the geology of Dur’ngoi copper massive sulfide deposit northern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau——A typical example of hydrothermal metallogenesis in a slow spreading mid-ocean ridge
Zhang Huatian, Li Jianghai, Li Honglin, Wang Honghao
2014, 36(4): 40-51. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2014.04.013
Qinghai Dur'ngoi Cu Massive Sulfide Deposit is located in Northern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Its country rock is ultramafic rocks of A'nyemaqen Ophiolite, which represent relicts of Paleo-Tethys Ocean. Dur'ngoi Cu massive sulfide deposit is analyzed in detail, and considered it to preserve an abundance of geology record of submarine hydrothermal activities, which include: thin layers of exhalite on the top of the ore body; colloidal, framboidal, and brecciated textures preserved in porous sulfides; major minerals components; calcite or felsic minerals cementing pyrite breccia; and similar zonation with the Atlantic hydrothermal complex rainbow and TAG. We estimated the spreading rate of the segment of Paleo-Tethys Ocean represented by Dur'ngoi Ophiolite is through the bulk TiO2 composition of basalts. Result turns out to be 1.1—2.5 cm/a. By analogy of the modern hydrothermal sulfide fields, it is put forward that Dur'ngoi Cu massive sulfide deposit experience three major steps: submarine hydrothermal metallogenesis, submarine colling, and subduction emplacement. The first step is supposed to be genetically related to oceanic core complex. In the third step, emplacement of ore body, ultramafic rocks, and basalts are controlled by thrust faults. Compared with similar deposits on land, Dur'ngoi Cu massive sulfide deposit is younger (carboniferous) and much better preserved. It's a typical example of hydrothermal metallogenesis in slow spreading mid-ocean ridge, and can be called Dur'ngoi type.
Biodiversity of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria from surficial sediments of the Bering Sea and Chukchi Sea in the Arctic
Zhang Rongqiu, Dong Chungming, Sheng Huafang, Bai Xiuhua, Jiao Liping, Liu Jinlu, Wang Weiguo, Zhou Hongwei, Shao Zongze
2014, 36(4): 52-61. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2014.04.002
To detect the biodiversity of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)-degrading bacterium from surficial sediments of Bering Sea and Chukchi Sea in the Arctic Ocean. Sixteen kinds of US EPA-listed priority PAHs in 14 surficial sediments were quantified by GC-MS. The degrading-consortia were enriched by using PAHs as sole carbon and energy source. Bacteria from the enriched cultures were isolated on marine agar, and followed by 16S rRNA gene identification and phylogenetic analysis. Further, their degradation ability was tested with PAHs. The bacterial community structures were further examined by PCR-DGGE and Illumina 16S rRNA V6 region high-throughput sequencing. The dry weight contents of PAHs in 14 sediments ranged from 32.99 to 276.97 ng/g. 51 isolates were obtained from the 14 consortia, and 6 isolates of them can degrade PAHs well. The results of plate cultivation, PCR-DGGE and Illumina high-throughput sequencing all indicated that Marinobacter, Pseudoalteromonas, Pseudomonas and Dietzia were the dominant PAH-degrading bacteria in these consortia. Furthermore, the result of Illumina analysis shown 14 consortia were separated according to their sampling geographical regions and clustered into two groups: Bering Basin, Bering and Chukchi Sea Shelves. Meanwhile, a few kinds of low-abundant marine obligate PAH-degrading bacteria were detected, such as Cycloclasticus, Alteromonas and Neptunomonas. These results contributed to the knowledge about the biodiversity of PAH-degrading bacteria from the surficial sediments of Bering Sea and Chukchi Sea.
Characteristics of benthic macroinvertebrate community structure and its coupling relationships with environment factors in Huanghe estuary
Wu Bin, Song Jinming, Li Xuegang
2014, 36(4): 62-72. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2014.04.005
Benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages in 14 sediment stations from Huanghe estuary were investigated to explore the characteristics of benthic community structure and its relationships to potential explanatory factors. Results showed there was a substantial spatial heterogeneity in species composition and community structure. Low degree of dominance was found in the surveyed area and dominance species was found aggregating in the stations near the river mouth. We also found a trend of increasing species diversity with increasing distance from the river mouth in Huanghe estuary. High values of richness and diversity index usually appeared in stations from Bohai Bay and central areas of Bohai Sea, but low values occurred near the river mouth. Reduction of benthic data by non-metric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) and hierarchical cluster suggested low similarity among stations. Ecosystem health assessment examined by combined abundant biomass k-dominance curve (ABC) indicated the overall status of benthic community in the area investigated remained stable. The stations with unstable benthic community mainly situated adjacent to the river mouth and located in the central and west Laizhou Bay. In addition, the presence of larger size species with increasing proximity to stations with higher metal contamination level was inferred from Pearson correlation analysis between benthic data and coupling factors. A holistic assessment of sediment quality by incorporating sediment chemistry, predicted toxicity and benthic community structure indicated that impacted sediment (degraded) was distributed near the river mouth, while unimpacted sediment located far from the river mouth.
Eels mitochondrial protein-coding genes translocation and phylogenetic relationship analyses
Shen Xin, Tian Mei, Meng Xueping, Cheng Hanliang, Yan Binlun
2014, 36(4): 73-81. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2014.04.009
The gene composition of eels mitochondrial genomes is conservative. In 58 mitochondrial genomes, only three ones exist differences of gene number. There are major encoding gene rearrangements in 19 eels mitochondrial genomes. The mutation sites analyses of major encoding genes support that nad5, nad4 and nad2 genes are ideal assistant markers to cox1 and lrRNA genes. Twenty species (subspecies) from Anguillidae are clustered together, which strongly support that the family Anguillidae is a monophyletic group (BPP=100). Three groups (Oceanian group, Atlantic group and the Indo-Pacific group) from Anguillidae are also strong verified (BPP of all three clades are 100). There are closest relationship between Nemichthyidae and Serrivomeridae, and they clustering with a sister group Anguillidae (BPP=100). In the suborder Saccopharyngoidei, Eurypharyngidae is clustering with Saccopharyngidae (BPP=100). Meanwhile, Monognathidae is clustering with Cyematidae (BPP=100), four families are clustered together, which strongly support that the suborder Saccopharyngoidei is one monophyletic group (BPP=100). Within the suborder Saccopharyngoidei, there are major encoding gene rearrangements in three species (Eurypharynx pelecanoides, Saccopharynx lavenbergi and Monognathus jesperseni) mitochondrial genomes. Sixteen eels (Ariosoma shiroanago, Derichthys serpentinus, Coloconger cadenati, Nessorhamphus ingolfianus, Thalassenchelys sp., Cynoponticus ferox, Muraenesox bagio, Myrichthys maculosus, Ophisurus macrorhynchos, Paraconger notialis, Heteroconger hassi, Nettastoma parviceps, Leptocephalus sp., Hoplunnis punctata, Facciolella oxyrhyncha and Conger myriaster) share translocation of nad6 gene, which compared with the Anguilliformes mitochondrial original arrangement. Phylogenetic tree based on the 13 mitochondrial protein-coding genes also strongly support the clustering of them (BPP=100). As a result, however, whether Muraenesocidae, Chlopsidae and Congridae are monophyletic groups or not, which worthy of further exploration.
Ecosystem structure and function in northern Beibu Gulf Ⅱ. Quantitative distribution and dominant species of zooplankton
Zheng Baiwen, Cao Wenqing, Lin Yuanshao, Zheng Lianming, Zhang Wenjing, Yang Weidi, Wang Yujie
2014, 36(4): 82-90. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2014.04.009
The distribution of zooplankton abundance and biomass in northern Beibu Gulf were studied based on the samples collected by vertically towing a net (80 cm diameter, 505 μm mesh) including biological, chemical and hydrographic investigation from July 2006 to December 2007. This study was important to know the variation of zooplankton abundance, biomass and dominant species. Environmental factors which affected the zooplankton abundance were tested using spearman rank correlation by BIOEVN of PRIMER 5.0. The study showed that both abundance and biomass of zooplankton in northern Beibu Gulf varied clearly with season. The average of abundance was (183.5±142.9)ind/m3, while the average biomass was (139.5±116.8)ind/m3. There was a gradual increase in the abundance from inshore to offshore in spring and autumn, while the abundance was high inshore in summer and winter. The abundance was the highest in autumn, followed by summer, winter and spring. Biomass horizontal distribution was similar with abundance, but varied differently during four seasons, in the order of spring, autumn, winter and summer. The correlation between abundance and environmental factors was significant. Depth, temperature and chlorophyll a were the main factors. Flaccisagitta enflata, Subeucalanus subcrassus and Lucifer intermedius dominated in northern Beibu Gulf especially. The dominant species changed dramatically during four seasons.
Zooplankton community in the coastal zone of Leizhou Peninsula in summer 2010
Zhang Caixue, Gong Yuyan, Sun Xingli, Shi Yuzhen, Yang Guohuan, Ke Sheng
2014, 36(4): 91-99. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2014.04.008
We investigated the community structure of zooplankton and the associated environmental factors in the coastal area of Leizhou Peninsula, Guangdong Province, in the summer of 2010. A total of 87 species of zooplankton and 34 species/assemblages of planktonic larvae were identified. Among which, Copepoda (37 species) was the most abundant, accounting for 42.5% of all species, followed by Coelenterata (20, 23.0%), molluscs (8, 9.2%), Chaetognatha (7, 8.0%), Tunicata (6, 6.9%), Protozoa (4, 4.6%); Cladocera and Decapoda (2 each, 2.3%) and 1 species of Ostracoda (1.1%). The dominant species included 13 species of zooplankton and 3 assemblages of planktonic larvae. Copepod larvae were the only dominant assemblages that spread throughout the coastal area. Two copepods, Pavocalanus crassirostris and Microsetella norvegica, were the important dominant species in almost the entire coastal area. Zooplankton species richness increased from landward zone to seaward zone, but the abundance decreased from landward zone to seaward zone. Species richness was highest in the northeast area, followed by the southeast, northwest, southwest and south areas in sequence; the highest zooplankton abundance was found in the northwest area, followed by the southwest, northeast, southeast and south areas; and the highest zooplankton biomass was obtained in the northeast area, followed by the southwest, northwest, southeast and south areas. The horizontal distributions of zooplankton abundance and biomass corresponded well with human activities in the development and utilization of coastal zones. The average diversity index and evenness of species were 2.96 and 0.57 respectively. Correlation analysis indicated that zooplankton abundance was positively correlated with water temperature, total bacterial density and zooplankton biomass, negatively correlated with phosphate; Zooplankton biomass was positively related to TOC, total bacterial density, Chl a, phytoplankton cell abundance and pH, negatively related to salinity.
Marine fouling in Quanzhou Bay, China
Lin Heshan, Wang Jianjun, Zheng Chengxing, Lin Junhui, Huang Yaqin, He Xuebao, Li Rongguan, Zheng Fengwu, Jiang Jinxiang
2014, 36(4): 100-109. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2014.04.007
The investigation of marine fouling assemblages on concrete test panels in Quanzhou Bay was conducted from December 2001 to November 2002. A total of 112 species were identified and the dominant species were Ulva fasciata, Tubularia mesembryanthemum, Obelia sp., Haliplanella luciae, Pseudoceros exoplatus, Stylochus sp., Saccostrea cucullata, Perna viridis, Podocerus brasiliensis, Stenothoe valida, Jassa falcate and Caprella scaura, respectively. The fouling organisms were mainly composed of coastal and warm water affinities and the settlements occurred throughout the year, particularly from April to November. The average biomass on the monthly, seasonal, semiannual and annual test panels were 2 624 g/m2, 5 309 g/m2, 6 210 g/m2 and 8 247 g/m2, respectively.The maximum value reached 11 295 g/m2 in summer. The multivariable statistical analysis showed that, with extending the panel deployment period, the biodiversity indexes increased and community structure tends to be more stable also.
Study on the distribution of dimethylsulfoxide and its influencing factors in the East China Sea during autumn
Gao Nan, Zhang Honghai, Yang Guipeng
2014, 36(4): 110-117. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2014.04.011
The spatial distributions of particulate and dissolved dimethylsulfoxide (DMSOp and DMSOd) and factors influencing them were investigated in the surface water and vertical transect PN of the East China Sea (ECS) in November 2010. The concentrations of DMSOp and DMSOd in the surface water ranged from 2.49 to 85.5 nmol/L and from 2.27 to 86.6 nmol/L, respectively, with average values of (17.2±1.40)nmol/L and (15.3±1.29)nmol/L. The horizontal distribution of DMSOp decreased offshore, with the same pattern as chlorophyll a (Chl a), while higher level of DMSOd appeared in the upwelling region of the southwest ECS. The vertical distribution of DMSOd along transect PN revealed higher concentrations in the surface water, whereas higher values of DMSOp appeared in the coastal bottom water. Significant correlations were observed between DMSOp and particulate dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSPp) as well as between DMSOp/Chl a ratio and salinity, suggesting the similar sources and functions between DMSOp and DMSPp. In addition, the positive relationship between DMSOd and dimethylsulfide (DMS) indicated that the oxidation of DMS was an important source of DMSOd in the ECS.
Contents and distributions of organic carbon and total nitrogen in sediments of Prydz Bay, Antarctic
Liu Ruijuan, Yu Peisong, Hu Chuanyu, Han Zhengbing, Pan Jianming
2014, 36(4): 118-125. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2014.04.003
The organic carbon (OC), total nitrogen (TN) and OC/TN were analyzed in sediments from Prydz Bay (Antarctic) during the CHINARE-18/21/24/25/27 cruises. The results show that the contents of OC and TN were 0.14% to 1.20% and 0.02% to 0.20%, respectively, with averages of 0.63% and 0.11%. OC/TN ranges from 5.5 to 8.2 and 6.8 on average. The obvious positive correlation between OC and TN indicates that organic matters come from same source. OC/TN, approaching to 6.6, reveals the organism is mainly from marine biogenic matter. OC and TN show same distribution tendency and positive correlation with content of mud in sediments, and which both lower in the west of 73°E, but higher in the east, even with the highest value in the southeast of Prydz Bay. This pattern was controlled by primary production in upper water and terrigenous sand carried by glacier. The contents of OC and TN in surface sediments are higher than those in deep layers, and the former decreases with depth of core to a constant value. Higher sedimentation rates can accelerate carbon burial rate. The burial efficiency of OC ranges from 39% to 91%, averagely 66%, indicating Prydz Bay is an important carbon sink area.
Acute hypoxia stress on blood biochemical indexes in selective group of Trachinotus ovatus
Ou Youjun, Fan Chunyan, Li Jiaer, Yu Na, Su Hui
2014, 36(4): 126-131. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2014.04.014
This study dealt with the influence of acute hypoxia stress on blood biochemical indices in selective group of Trachinotus ovatus. Two experiment groups were established in terms of acute hypoxia stress group and control in triplicate for each. The results showed that after acute hypoxia stress ionic components in serum in selective group increased to varying degrees comparing with the control group. Sodium, chloride and calcium concentrations were significantly different (p<0.05) from the control group, and level of iron was greatly higher than that in control group(p<0.01). There were significant differences between two groups in terms of serum protein, uric acid, creatinine, blood fat and blood glucose, with extreme significant higher in creatinine and uric acid contents(p<0.01), and significant lower in total protein and total cholesterol than that in control(p<0.05). Extreme significant higher in serum creatine kinase(p<0.01), significant higher in creatine kinase isoenzyme(p<0.05), and significant lower in γ-glutamyltranspeptidase were found than that in control (p<0.05). Other indexes increased or decreased to varying degrees with no significantly difference. Above research indicated that acute hypoxia stress resulted in damage in gill, kidney, heart and liver, as well as weak immunity in fish.