2007 Vol. 29, No. 6
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2007, 29(6): 1-9.
The found of well-defined zones of swell dominance,termed "swell pool",located in the eastern areas of the Pacific are presented in this paper,by calculating the global distribution of swell index in 2000.The global monthly mean wave transport for each month of 2000 is derived by taking advantage of the ECWM Freanalysis wave products.By comparing the monthly mean wave transport and monthly mean wind field from QUICKSCAT both of 2000,large difference is found between the wave transport direction and the wind direction in eastern area of the Pacific,approximately 90°,which may serve as an evidence for proving the existence of the swell pool in this Pacific.Analysis also show that the sources of swell in eastern tropical areas of the Pacific mainly locate in the corresponding regions of wester lies of South Pacific and North Pacific,respectively.Acalculation area is defined with boundaries lie on 2.5°N and 2.5°S(from 125°W to the western terrestrial boundary of America) to calculate the swell-caused net Stokes transport into the tropical region.Strong relationships are found between the net Stokes transport across the two latitudinal boundaries and wind intensities,for each specific month.It is pointed out that the bulk transport of swell could have a potential influence on the ocean circulation system.
The found of well-defined zones of swell dominance,termed "swell pool",located in the eastern areas of the Pacific are presented in this paper,by calculating the global distribution of swell index in 2000.The global monthly mean wave transport for each month of 2000 is derived by taking advantage of the ECWM Freanalysis wave products.By comparing the monthly mean wave transport and monthly mean wind field from QUICKSCAT both of 2000,large difference is found between the wave transport direction and the wind direction in eastern area of the Pacific,approximately 90°,which may serve as an evidence for proving the existence of the swell pool in this Pacific.Analysis also show that the sources of swell in eastern tropical areas of the Pacific mainly locate in the corresponding regions of wester lies of South Pacific and North Pacific,respectively.Acalculation area is defined with boundaries lie on 2.5°N and 2.5°S(from 125°W to the western terrestrial boundary of America) to calculate the swell-caused net Stokes transport into the tropical region.Strong relationships are found between the net Stokes transport across the two latitudinal boundaries and wind intensities,for each specific month.It is pointed out that the bulk transport of swell could have a potential influence on the ocean circulation system.
2007, 29(6): 10-14.
In this essay the advantages and disadvantages of the combined solution of the 2-D estuary model and 1-D river net work model have been analyzed.The idea in the elasticity that the consolidated barand block are connected at the junction to calculate jointly with the finite element method,is used as a reference.The finite element combined solution is designed to realize the hydro dynamic solution integrating the river basin net work model and estuary model.The application study proves that this method is logical and the calculated result is satisfactory.
In this essay the advantages and disadvantages of the combined solution of the 2-D estuary model and 1-D river net work model have been analyzed.The idea in the elasticity that the consolidated barand block are connected at the junction to calculate jointly with the finite element method,is used as a reference.The finite element combined solution is designed to realize the hydro dynamic solution integrating the river basin net work model and estuary model.The application study proves that this method is logical and the calculated result is satisfactory.
2007, 29(6): 15-22.
In this paper,the structures of two cyclones,named as M and N,which occurred over the southern oceans in November 2004 and impacted on the navigation of Chinese research vessel Xuelong significantly are investigated by using almost all available observational data,including FNL(Final Analysis) dataissued by NCEP(National Centers for Environmental Prediction),and GOES(Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite)-9 infrared satellite imagery.Firstly,the synoptic back ground situation was introduced.The evlutionary processes of these two cyclones are then described based upon FNL data and GOES-9 satellite imagery.Finally,the vertical structures of these two cyclones are analyzed.It is found that cyclone had distinct warm core structure with weaker baroclinicity,while cyclone N had un-obvious warm core accompanied with a distinct spiral-shaped cloud pattern at satellite imageas well as stronger baroclinicity.
In this paper,the structures of two cyclones,named as M and N,which occurred over the southern oceans in November 2004 and impacted on the navigation of Chinese research vessel Xuelong significantly are investigated by using almost all available observational data,including FNL(Final Analysis) dataissued by NCEP(National Centers for Environmental Prediction),and GOES(Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite)-9 infrared satellite imagery.Firstly,the synoptic back ground situation was introduced.The evlutionary processes of these two cyclones are then described based upon FNL data and GOES-9 satellite imagery.Finally,the vertical structures of these two cyclones are analyzed.It is found that cyclone had distinct warm core structure with weaker baroclinicity,while cyclone N had un-obvious warm core accompanied with a distinct spiral-shaped cloud pattern at satellite imageas well as stronger baroclinicity.
2007, 29(6): 23-32.
In order to explore the impact of cloud motion wind(CMW) data on the numerical simulation of wind fields from upper to lower levels in the sea area of eastern asia,the CMW data retrieved from infrared and water vapor channels of Japan GMS satellite from late June to early July in 1999 is adopted. First the quality of the CMW data is evaluated and the results indicate that the root square meanerror and bias of the CMW's u &v components are in the permmited ranges. Then five different four assimilation simulation experiments are performed for each of ten cases. Mutifold comparisions between the assimilation experiments and non-assimilation ones indicate that after initial 12 h assimilation of regular upper air and surface obser vation and CMW data,it is much evident that the quality of the simulation results is promoted. The maximum difference between assimilation experiments and control ones occurs at 12 h which is also the end hour of assimilation,after this it minishes along with the increasing simulation time. But during 24~36 h the effects that the assimilation experiments are better than the control ones begin to increase,after 36 h it dropsagain. Because of absence of regular observation in sea area,it is impossible to implement observation assimilation on sea part and it is certain that this will influence the simulation quality of sea part. Experiments indicate that the CMW data improves u & v wind fields mainly on the upper troposphere(300~200 hPa) and it has lillte impacton middle-lowlevel,which is consistent with the fact that the CMW data distributes on upper levels. The performance of the CMW assimilation experiments using the quality control is,to some extent,better than that of ones not usingit.
In order to explore the impact of cloud motion wind(CMW) data on the numerical simulation of wind fields from upper to lower levels in the sea area of eastern asia,the CMW data retrieved from infrared and water vapor channels of Japan GMS satellite from late June to early July in 1999 is adopted. First the quality of the CMW data is evaluated and the results indicate that the root square meanerror and bias of the CMW's u &v components are in the permmited ranges. Then five different four assimilation simulation experiments are performed for each of ten cases. Mutifold comparisions between the assimilation experiments and non-assimilation ones indicate that after initial 12 h assimilation of regular upper air and surface obser vation and CMW data,it is much evident that the quality of the simulation results is promoted. The maximum difference between assimilation experiments and control ones occurs at 12 h which is also the end hour of assimilation,after this it minishes along with the increasing simulation time. But during 24~36 h the effects that the assimilation experiments are better than the control ones begin to increase,after 36 h it dropsagain. Because of absence of regular observation in sea area,it is impossible to implement observation assimilation on sea part and it is certain that this will influence the simulation quality of sea part. Experiments indicate that the CMW data improves u & v wind fields mainly on the upper troposphere(300~200 hPa) and it has lillte impacton middle-lowlevel,which is consistent with the fact that the CMW data distributes on upper levels. The performance of the CMW assimilation experiments using the quality control is,to some extent,better than that of ones not usingit.
2007, 29(6): 33-39.
A method of sound propagation in a range-dependent underwater environment is presented. This method is based on the coupled mode-parabolic equation method(CMPE) and the normal mode solution is carried out with the aid of Galerkin's method. The sound fields both in water volume and sediment are predicted. The numerical examples are given to illustrate the accuracy of CMPE with Galerkin's mode solution.
A method of sound propagation in a range-dependent underwater environment is presented. This method is based on the coupled mode-parabolic equation method(CMPE) and the normal mode solution is carried out with the aid of Galerkin's method. The sound fields both in water volume and sediment are predicted. The numerical examples are given to illustrate the accuracy of CMPE with Galerkin's mode solution.
2007, 29(6): 40-44.
SAR images include information of wind field of ocean surface.A new method in which the maximum correlation coefficient method was used to determine the wind direction of ocean surface was presented.This method uses shallow water topography,its SAR image and its simulation SAR image which was obtained by using the shallow water topog raphy SAR image simulation model.The ocean area of Shuangzi Reefs in the Nansha Islands was taken as an example and the wind direction of ocean surface was analyzed by using one scene RADARSAT SAR image.The results show that the method which is used in wind direction detection with the SAR images of shallow water to pography is practicable.
SAR images include information of wind field of ocean surface.A new method in which the maximum correlation coefficient method was used to determine the wind direction of ocean surface was presented.This method uses shallow water topography,its SAR image and its simulation SAR image which was obtained by using the shallow water topog raphy SAR image simulation model.The ocean area of Shuangzi Reefs in the Nansha Islands was taken as an example and the wind direction of ocean surface was analyzed by using one scene RADARSAT SAR image.The results show that the method which is used in wind direction detection with the SAR images of shallow water to pography is practicable.
2007, 29(6): 45-52.
Sedimento logical and geochemical characteristics for the evolution of salt marshes in the Changjiang River Estuary(CRE) were studied based on analy ses of grain sizes,contents of particulate organic carbon(POC) and compositions of stable carbon isotopes(δ13C) for core samples in a small depth inter val(1cm) from three locations with typical elevations(the land-ward part of high tidal flat,the seaw ard part of middle tidal flat and bare flat) at the eastern Chongming beach salt marsh in the CRE. Results indicated that grain-size coefficients,POC contents and δ13C values showed obvious fluctuations with depth,respectively. There existed predominant differencesing rain size and geochemical character istics between the three typical locations of the salt marsh,and clear tendencies from the high tidal flat to the bare flating rain size and geochemical char acteristics, respectively. This was correlated closely to the regularevo lution of the tidal flat. Fluctuations between periods with weak erosion and periods with relative intense erosion were discerned from the limited depth of the cores from high tidal flat and middle tidal flat,sugg esting that the evolution processes of the salt marsh were no nlinear in the CRE. Clay contents exerted great influences on both flat tendencies and vertical changes of POC contents and δ13C values,respectively. This indicated that evolution of the salt marsh in the CRE was constrained obviously by discharges of water and suspended matter from fluvial catchments of the Changjiang River. Sampling in small depth interval(≤1cm) was then effective in sedimentological and geochemical studies on the salt marshes with complex depositional dynamics,frequent accretion and erosion,and that muddy laminae and silty laminae in millimeter thickness developed well in strata. Evolution processes of salt marshes could bestudied in detail by this sampling strategy,which provided a new measure for studies on annual development of salt marshes.
Sedimento logical and geochemical characteristics for the evolution of salt marshes in the Changjiang River Estuary(CRE) were studied based on analy ses of grain sizes,contents of particulate organic carbon(POC) and compositions of stable carbon isotopes(δ13C) for core samples in a small depth inter val(1cm) from three locations with typical elevations(the land-ward part of high tidal flat,the seaw ard part of middle tidal flat and bare flat) at the eastern Chongming beach salt marsh in the CRE. Results indicated that grain-size coefficients,POC contents and δ13C values showed obvious fluctuations with depth,respectively. There existed predominant differencesing rain size and geochemical character istics between the three typical locations of the salt marsh,and clear tendencies from the high tidal flat to the bare flating rain size and geochemical char acteristics, respectively. This was correlated closely to the regularevo lution of the tidal flat. Fluctuations between periods with weak erosion and periods with relative intense erosion were discerned from the limited depth of the cores from high tidal flat and middle tidal flat,sugg esting that the evolution processes of the salt marsh were no nlinear in the CRE. Clay contents exerted great influences on both flat tendencies and vertical changes of POC contents and δ13C values,respectively. This indicated that evolution of the salt marsh in the CRE was constrained obviously by discharges of water and suspended matter from fluvial catchments of the Changjiang River. Sampling in small depth interval(≤1cm) was then effective in sedimentological and geochemical studies on the salt marshes with complex depositional dynamics,frequent accretion and erosion,and that muddy laminae and silty laminae in millimeter thickness developed well in strata. Evolution processes of salt marshes could bestudied in detail by this sampling strategy,which provided a new measure for studies on annual development of salt marshes.
2007, 29(6): 53-57.
The existing methods of downward continuation of potential fields connot be used to continue the aero magnetic data to the sea level because of the limited continuation depth. An iteration method for downward continuation of potential fields with a larger continuation depth has been developed, which can continue the aeromagnetic data to the sea level and get the sea-magnetic chart with the same scale as the aeromagnetic data. This downward continuation method will greatly raise the efficiency of sea-magnetic investigation. The principle of the it eration method is presented and a real case with a discussion on error of continuation is given. The effects of downward continuation of potential fields are compared using the it eration method and the fast Fourier transform(FFT) respectively, the former is much bettert han the latter.
The existing methods of downward continuation of potential fields connot be used to continue the aero magnetic data to the sea level because of the limited continuation depth. An iteration method for downward continuation of potential fields with a larger continuation depth has been developed, which can continue the aeromagnetic data to the sea level and get the sea-magnetic chart with the same scale as the aeromagnetic data. This downward continuation method will greatly raise the efficiency of sea-magnetic investigation. The principle of the it eration method is presented and a real case with a discussion on error of continuation is given. The effects of downward continuation of potential fields are compared using the it eration method and the fast Fourier transform(FFT) respectively, the former is much bettert han the latter.
2007, 29(6): 58-63.
The ore area delineation is the aim of cobaltrich crustresearch because it is related to the economic benefit of countries. After analyzing all kinds of data about cobaltrich crust, the models of terrain, abundance, thickness and diggings are established using GIS. Orear eas are delineated using the prescriptive models which are brought forward by the International Seabed Authority, and one of the results is stated. Parameter, which can indicates the result is better or not, is also discussed. The results show that the data models are not perfect because of the limitation of data, and more researches should be done comb-i ning the geophysical data. In the same prospecting condition, the small block model is better than the big block model. The spot areas, where there are nocobal-trich crusts or cobaltrich crusts cannot formore, can influence the placement and amount of oreblocks only when their areas are more than some value.
The ore area delineation is the aim of cobaltrich crustresearch because it is related to the economic benefit of countries. After analyzing all kinds of data about cobaltrich crust, the models of terrain, abundance, thickness and diggings are established using GIS. Orear eas are delineated using the prescriptive models which are brought forward by the International Seabed Authority, and one of the results is stated. Parameter, which can indicates the result is better or not, is also discussed. The results show that the data models are not perfect because of the limitation of data, and more researches should be done comb-i ning the geophysical data. In the same prospecting condition, the small block model is better than the big block model. The spot areas, where there are nocobal-trich crusts or cobaltrich crusts cannot formore, can influence the placement and amount of oreblocks only when their areas are more than some value.
2007, 29(6): 64-73.
It is shown that the coastal configuration has been changed into the nearly straight coast from a rocky ancient bay, about 7 000 a B. P., w hich is filled with fine grain-size sediments for a long term, comprehensively analyzed with the data on comparing the bathyorography in differenty ears and calculating sediment erosion and accretion on the subaqueo us shore slope area, combining among the observed tidal current, suspended sediment, coastal sedimento logical geomorphology in the field and the distribution in the new and old sea dykes, the previous subbot tomprofiling and archaeological results, etc. The coastline is seaw ards advanced at the speed of 5.3 m/a, under the action both the nature and humanactivity, and the tidal flat is deposited at the speed rate of 0.25 cm/a in the recent 370 a. The average erosion and deposition rater anged from -3.8 to 2.4 cm/a on the subaqueous shore slope area over more than 40 a. The erosional depositional processes are similar nearly to the const ructive characteristics of coastal sandy profile. Sediments repeatedly under went the process in the alternate adjustment of "the slow accretion in the upper part and slighterosion in the lower part" on the on shore off shore profile and did on the whole "the sligh terosion in the eastern end as well as slightaccretion" both in the middle of and in the western end of the alongshore direction. This slope area is developed at present tow ards adjusting an equilibrium profile in the direction of "slow accretion in the upper part and slight erosion in the lower part".
It is shown that the coastal configuration has been changed into the nearly straight coast from a rocky ancient bay, about 7 000 a B. P., w hich is filled with fine grain-size sediments for a long term, comprehensively analyzed with the data on comparing the bathyorography in differenty ears and calculating sediment erosion and accretion on the subaqueo us shore slope area, combining among the observed tidal current, suspended sediment, coastal sedimento logical geomorphology in the field and the distribution in the new and old sea dykes, the previous subbot tomprofiling and archaeological results, etc. The coastline is seaw ards advanced at the speed of 5.3 m/a, under the action both the nature and humanactivity, and the tidal flat is deposited at the speed rate of 0.25 cm/a in the recent 370 a. The average erosion and deposition rater anged from -3.8 to 2.4 cm/a on the subaqueous shore slope area over more than 40 a. The erosional depositional processes are similar nearly to the const ructive characteristics of coastal sandy profile. Sediments repeatedly under went the process in the alternate adjustment of "the slow accretion in the upper part and slighterosion in the lower part" on the on shore off shore profile and did on the whole "the sligh terosion in the eastern end as well as slightaccretion" both in the middle of and in the western end of the alongshore direction. This slope area is developed at present tow ards adjusting an equilibrium profile in the direction of "slow accretion in the upper part and slight erosion in the lower part".
2007, 29(6): 74-79.
Vibrio harveyi is a kind of conditioned pathogen of ten found in the marine fishery aquaculture. In this study, a pair of degenerate primers were designed according to the homologous sequences of the FlaA genes from Genbank to amplify the FlaA gene of V. harveyi TS-628 strain, and the suitable PCR product was clonedin to a pMD 18-T vector. After sequencing and analyzing, the FlaA gene was found to contain 1 140 bp, which encodes 379 deducedamino acids. Presumably the FlaA gene would encode a protein of 40.6 kDa based on DNA-deducedam inoacid sequence. When compared with homologs in other vibrios from Genbank, the FlaA gene of V. harveyi revealed the greatest homology with that of V. choler ae(79.5%). The comparison also indicated that these polypeptides were typically conserved in amino and carboxy-termini, while the central regions were more diverse and there were no cysteine residues in the flag ellin. Then apair of specific primers, with a short nucleotide sequence encoding Flagtag, were designed according to the obtained sequence of the FlaA genes to amplify the FlaA of V. harveyi. The PCR product was clonedinto eukaryotic expression vector pcDNA 3.1(+) and the positive clone was chosen and identified through the digestion analysis and sequencing. A eukaryotic expression recombinant plasmid, pcDNA-FlaA-tag, containing the FlaA gene of polar f lagellin in V. harveyi was constructed, which would be a foundation for fur ther study on its DNA vaccine.
Vibrio harveyi is a kind of conditioned pathogen of ten found in the marine fishery aquaculture. In this study, a pair of degenerate primers were designed according to the homologous sequences of the FlaA genes from Genbank to amplify the FlaA gene of V. harveyi TS-628 strain, and the suitable PCR product was clonedin to a pMD 18-T vector. After sequencing and analyzing, the FlaA gene was found to contain 1 140 bp, which encodes 379 deducedamino acids. Presumably the FlaA gene would encode a protein of 40.6 kDa based on DNA-deducedam inoacid sequence. When compared with homologs in other vibrios from Genbank, the FlaA gene of V. harveyi revealed the greatest homology with that of V. choler ae(79.5%). The comparison also indicated that these polypeptides were typically conserved in amino and carboxy-termini, while the central regions were more diverse and there were no cysteine residues in the flag ellin. Then apair of specific primers, with a short nucleotide sequence encoding Flagtag, were designed according to the obtained sequence of the FlaA genes to amplify the FlaA of V. harveyi. The PCR product was clonedinto eukaryotic expression vector pcDNA 3.1(+) and the positive clone was chosen and identified through the digestion analysis and sequencing. A eukaryotic expression recombinant plasmid, pcDNA-FlaA-tag, containing the FlaA gene of polar f lagellin in V. harveyi was constructed, which would be a foundation for fur ther study on its DNA vaccine.
2007, 29(6): 80-86.
Adhesion of Vibrio alginolyticus to the gill mucus of Pseudosciaena crocea had been investigated using [methyl-3H] thymidine as isotope tracer. The results showed that:the adhesive quantity of V. alginolyticus increased with bacterial concentrations and reached equilibrium after incubated for 180 min;the high eradhesive quantity was obtained at 15~30℃ and sourish conditions;adhesion of V.alginolyticus could not achieved wit hout Na+,and Ca2+ played an auxiliary role in bacterial adhesion;adhesion of V. alginolyticus was inhibited remarkably by starvation, heat treat ment and periodic acid treatment;all of the 8 kinds of carbohydrates investigated enhanced the adhesion of V. alginolyticus to the gillmucus of P. crocea, among them, glucose, mannose, fructose and maltose showed the specially enhanced adhesion. The results indicated that V. alginolyticus could adhere to the gill mucus of P. crocea facilely in seawater, this bacterial adhesion was influenced by environmental factors and closely relation with superficial carbohydrate structures and some heat-sensitive structures.
Adhesion of Vibrio alginolyticus to the gill mucus of Pseudosciaena crocea had been investigated using [methyl-3H] thymidine as isotope tracer. The results showed that:the adhesive quantity of V. alginolyticus increased with bacterial concentrations and reached equilibrium after incubated for 180 min;the high eradhesive quantity was obtained at 15~30℃ and sourish conditions;adhesion of V.alginolyticus could not achieved wit hout Na+,and Ca2+ played an auxiliary role in bacterial adhesion;adhesion of V. alginolyticus was inhibited remarkably by starvation, heat treat ment and periodic acid treatment;all of the 8 kinds of carbohydrates investigated enhanced the adhesion of V. alginolyticus to the gillmucus of P. crocea, among them, glucose, mannose, fructose and maltose showed the specially enhanced adhesion. The results indicated that V. alginolyticus could adhere to the gill mucus of P. crocea facilely in seawater, this bacterial adhesion was influenced by environmental factors and closely relation with superficial carbohydrate structures and some heat-sensitive structures.
2007, 29(6): 87-92.
The physiological and biochemical effects of different doses of Se(IV) on S. platensis were investigated in this study by adding Se(IV) everyday to maintain the Se dose atinvariable levels during the growth of S. platensis. Seadding quantity perbiomass of S. platensis was defined to be Se dose(xSe = CSe/W). The results showed that the activities of antioxidases in S. platensis were increased with Sedoses increasing except APX;the Se has stimulative effects to the growth of S. platensis and the concentrations of pigments and water soluble proteins in S. platensis were higher than those of the control when xSe≤0.1, the concentrations of MDA were less or close to that of the control;the concentrations of pigments and water soluble proteins dropped obviously when xSe≥0.2, and the biomass of S. platensis was decreased by 21% when Se dose was increased to 0.4. Moreover, the concentrations of MDA increased obviously with the xSe increasing. These results indicated that Se(IV) was nutrient to S. platensis when xSe≤0.1 and toxic to S. platensis when xSe≥0.2.
The physiological and biochemical effects of different doses of Se(IV) on S. platensis were investigated in this study by adding Se(IV) everyday to maintain the Se dose atinvariable levels during the growth of S. platensis. Seadding quantity perbiomass of S. platensis was defined to be Se dose(xSe = CSe/W). The results showed that the activities of antioxidases in S. platensis were increased with Sedoses increasing except APX;the Se has stimulative effects to the growth of S. platensis and the concentrations of pigments and water soluble proteins in S. platensis were higher than those of the control when xSe≤0.1, the concentrations of MDA were less or close to that of the control;the concentrations of pigments and water soluble proteins dropped obviously when xSe≥0.2, and the biomass of S. platensis was decreased by 21% when Se dose was increased to 0.4. Moreover, the concentrations of MDA increased obviously with the xSe increasing. These results indicated that Se(IV) was nutrient to S. platensis when xSe≤0.1 and toxic to S. platensis when xSe≥0.2.
2007, 29(6): 93-100.
Total lipids were extracted using Bligh-Dyermethod from 29 species/strains of marine microalgae which had been harvested from suspended culture. Sterols were isolated by solvent partition with chloro-form :hexane(V/V, 1:4), after saponification. Sterols after BSTFA derivatization were subject to GC) MS analysis using Shimadzu QP2010 gas chromatography mass spectrometer. Forty seven sterols had been detected from the 29 marine microalgal species/strains, among which, 36 sterols and one sterolket one had been identified according to mass spectrometric characterization. After careful study, we had found some distribution features for sterols in the marine microalgae. 4-Desmethyl Δ5 sterols existed almost ubiquitously in the marine microalgae, including some commonsterols in higher plants such as cholesterol, brassicasterol, campesterol, stigmasterol, sitosterol, as well as fucosterol, a major sterol in the kelp. However, distribution of 4-desmethyl 5-saturated sterols, 4-methyl sterols and dihydroxyl sterols were limited in some certain species, among which, dinosterol, pavlovol, C27:2(Δ5,22/24Me) and C28:3(Δ5,7,22/24Me) were only detected in one species or belong to the same class, therefore, which could be considered as biomarker sterols. The results obtained in this paper could be provided as useful database in chemotaxo no mic studies and nutritional studies in marine microalgae.
Total lipids were extracted using Bligh-Dyermethod from 29 species/strains of marine microalgae which had been harvested from suspended culture. Sterols were isolated by solvent partition with chloro-form :hexane(V/V, 1:4), after saponification. Sterols after BSTFA derivatization were subject to GC) MS analysis using Shimadzu QP2010 gas chromatography mass spectrometer. Forty seven sterols had been detected from the 29 marine microalgal species/strains, among which, 36 sterols and one sterolket one had been identified according to mass spectrometric characterization. After careful study, we had found some distribution features for sterols in the marine microalgae. 4-Desmethyl Δ5 sterols existed almost ubiquitously in the marine microalgae, including some commonsterols in higher plants such as cholesterol, brassicasterol, campesterol, stigmasterol, sitosterol, as well as fucosterol, a major sterol in the kelp. However, distribution of 4-desmethyl 5-saturated sterols, 4-methyl sterols and dihydroxyl sterols were limited in some certain species, among which, dinosterol, pavlovol, C27:2(Δ5,22/24Me) and C28:3(Δ5,7,22/24Me) were only detected in one species or belong to the same class, therefore, which could be considered as biomarker sterols. The results obtained in this paper could be provided as useful database in chemotaxo no mic studies and nutritional studies in marine microalgae.
2007, 29(6): 101-109.
Through crossbreeding of the wild-type(♀) and red-ty pe(♂) P.haitanensis, mosaic thalluses of different colors and fashions were obtained. 4typical strains were selected and individually cultivated. After enzymolysis, integral thalluses with unicolor were obtained. By comparison of their generant types and economic characters, the following results are observed:(1) Mosaic types includered-and-green, red-and-brown-yellow, emerald-and-wild-color and red-and-croci.(2) The mosaic fashion can be divided into spot, strip, draftline, patch, "V" and etc.(3) Agreat difference occurs in the growth of thalluses among various unicolor mosaics. Aremarkable growth speed of length and weight was observed in red mosaic. Forex ample, the thallus with 3~ 4 cm can grow 8.5~ 9 16cm in length and 0.120~ 0.128 g in weight everyday from 11th day to 15th day in labcondition. This type exhibits better heterosis and application prospect in production.(4) Various unicolor mosaics were cultivated in different temperature from 26 to 31℃. Among them, the red mosaic and the green mosaicex hibited stronger capacity in hight emperature. Both of them had punctate rotbut were integrated after cultivated for 10 days in 29℃ and for 6 or 7 days in 30℃. On the contrary, the brown-green mosaic and traditional breed exhibited lower high-temperature resistance, and they would rotted completely after cultivated for 6 days in 26℃. The above results may provide scientific reference for the biological research of Porphyra haitanensis crossbred mosaic and the selective breeding of advantageous strained.
Through crossbreeding of the wild-type(♀) and red-ty pe(♂) P.haitanensis, mosaic thalluses of different colors and fashions were obtained. 4typical strains were selected and individually cultivated. After enzymolysis, integral thalluses with unicolor were obtained. By comparison of their generant types and economic characters, the following results are observed:(1) Mosaic types includered-and-green, red-and-brown-yellow, emerald-and-wild-color and red-and-croci.(2) The mosaic fashion can be divided into spot, strip, draftline, patch, "V" and etc.(3) Agreat difference occurs in the growth of thalluses among various unicolor mosaics. Aremarkable growth speed of length and weight was observed in red mosaic. Forex ample, the thallus with 3~ 4 cm can grow 8.5~ 9 16cm in length and 0.120~ 0.128 g in weight everyday from 11th day to 15th day in labcondition. This type exhibits better heterosis and application prospect in production.(4) Various unicolor mosaics were cultivated in different temperature from 26 to 31℃. Among them, the red mosaic and the green mosaicex hibited stronger capacity in hight emperature. Both of them had punctate rotbut were integrated after cultivated for 10 days in 29℃ and for 6 or 7 days in 30℃. On the contrary, the brown-green mosaic and traditional breed exhibited lower high-temperature resistance, and they would rotted completely after cultivated for 6 days in 26℃. The above results may provide scientific reference for the biological research of Porphyra haitanensis crossbred mosaic and the selective breeding of advantageous strained.
2007, 29(6): 110-119.
On the basis of the four cruises in the Sany a Bay, a typical tropical coral reef bay of China, located in the northern part of South China Sea in the south coast of Hainan Island, in January(winter), April(spring), July(summer) and October(autumn) 2005, the spatial-temporal distribution patterns of phytoplankt on and bacteria biomass were studied. The relationships between their biomass and environmental factors, suchas temperature, DIN, phosphorus, DO and BOD5, were also analyzed. The results showed that the mean chlorophyll a was(2.48±2.97) mg/m3,and the mean phytoplankt on biomass(PB, C) was(124.2±148.3) mg/m3 in the Sany a Bay in 2005, with highest value in autumn. The vertical distribution of PB was shown as the surface> bottom, except in summer. The annual mean bacterioplankton abundance was 6.90±2.95) ×108ells/dm3,and the mean bacterioplankt on biomass(BB, C) was,with highest value appeared in summer, and winter, spring, autumn, in turn. The BB at the surface layer was higher than bottom layer in all four seasons. The distribution of PB and BB at the surface and bottom layers in almost demonstrated the same pattern, which showed that the highest biomass appeared in the estuary of the Sanya River, and their abundance gradually declined off shore. The distribution feature mainly resulted from the terrestrial input from the Sany a River and invasion by the off shore oceanic sea water. In the inorganic nutrients, DIN was the leading factor of regulating PB and BB. Temperature almost had no influence on them in the tropical Sanya Bay, with temperature higher than 22℃. The correlation was significant between BB and PB(P< 0.01), the ratio of BB to PB ranged from 0.06 to 0.15(average value was 0.12). Primary production was an important factor in controlling the distribution of bacterioplankt on.
On the basis of the four cruises in the Sany a Bay, a typical tropical coral reef bay of China, located in the northern part of South China Sea in the south coast of Hainan Island, in January(winter), April(spring), July(summer) and October(autumn) 2005, the spatial-temporal distribution patterns of phytoplankt on and bacteria biomass were studied. The relationships between their biomass and environmental factors, suchas temperature, DIN, phosphorus, DO and BOD5, were also analyzed. The results showed that the mean chlorophyll a was(2.48±2.97) mg/m3,and the mean phytoplankt on biomass(PB, C) was(124.2±148.3) mg/m3 in the Sany a Bay in 2005, with highest value in autumn. The vertical distribution of PB was shown as the surface> bottom, except in summer. The annual mean bacterioplankton abundance was 6.90±2.95) ×108ells/dm3,and the mean bacterioplankt on biomass(BB, C) was,with highest value appeared in summer, and winter, spring, autumn, in turn. The BB at the surface layer was higher than bottom layer in all four seasons. The distribution of PB and BB at the surface and bottom layers in almost demonstrated the same pattern, which showed that the highest biomass appeared in the estuary of the Sanya River, and their abundance gradually declined off shore. The distribution feature mainly resulted from the terrestrial input from the Sany a River and invasion by the off shore oceanic sea water. In the inorganic nutrients, DIN was the leading factor of regulating PB and BB. Temperature almost had no influence on them in the tropical Sanya Bay, with temperature higher than 22℃. The correlation was significant between BB and PB(P< 0.01), the ratio of BB to PB ranged from 0.06 to 0.15(average value was 0.12). Primary production was an important factor in controlling the distribution of bacterioplankt on.
2007, 29(6): 120-125.
Considering the nonlinear feature of wave in shallow waters, the cnoidal wave theory is used to calculate the wave force for submarine slope stability. A new approximate method is proposed for solving cnoidal wave problem which can be used in the whole water depth. Combined with an example, the calculation steps of wave force are determined on the subm arine slope, and procedures are compiled.
Considering the nonlinear feature of wave in shallow waters, the cnoidal wave theory is used to calculate the wave force for submarine slope stability. A new approximate method is proposed for solving cnoidal wave problem which can be used in the whole water depth. Combined with an example, the calculation steps of wave force are determined on the subm arine slope, and procedures are compiled.
2007, 29(6): 126-133.
Extensive three-dimensional physical model tests have been performed to study the single wave overtopping of sloping seawall underoblique and multidirectional irregular waves. The angle of wave attack varies from 0°to 45°with the directional spreading of 0°~ 25°. The seaw alls contain two types of armor:concrete and do losse. For the concrete armor seawall a formula of single wave overtopping is derived by fitting the cumulative frequencies of single wave overtopping using a three-parameter Weibull function, of which the coefficient and the percentage of overtopping are fixed for different conditions. For the dolo ssearmor seawall the maximal single wave overtopping of about 100 waves is investigated.
Extensive three-dimensional physical model tests have been performed to study the single wave overtopping of sloping seawall underoblique and multidirectional irregular waves. The angle of wave attack varies from 0°to 45°with the directional spreading of 0°~ 25°. The seaw alls contain two types of armor:concrete and do losse. For the concrete armor seawall a formula of single wave overtopping is derived by fitting the cumulative frequencies of single wave overtopping using a three-parameter Weibull function, of which the coefficient and the percentage of overtopping are fixed for different conditions. For the dolo ssearmor seawall the maximal single wave overtopping of about 100 waves is investigated.
2007, 29(6): 134-140.
The ecoenvironment systems of coastal areas are of great variability in a spatial distribution because of the inequalities among developing activities in seashore, as well as the complexities and instability of geographical and hydrody namic conditions within these areas. On the basis of the field measured water quality data, a spatial variation analysis model is established. This model can be used to analyze the spatial variation of the ecoenvironment in a coastal area, then the characteristics and trend of the pollution in different areas can be obtained. By using the spatial variation analysis model, the characteristics of the water environment of the Bohai Gulfnear the Tianjin coast and the main pollutant factors are analyzed. After that, according to the distribution characteristics of the water environment, the division of oceanic functional area and general assessment of aquatic environment can be demonst rated and modified.
The ecoenvironment systems of coastal areas are of great variability in a spatial distribution because of the inequalities among developing activities in seashore, as well as the complexities and instability of geographical and hydrody namic conditions within these areas. On the basis of the field measured water quality data, a spatial variation analysis model is established. This model can be used to analyze the spatial variation of the ecoenvironment in a coastal area, then the characteristics and trend of the pollution in different areas can be obtained. By using the spatial variation analysis model, the characteristics of the water environment of the Bohai Gulfnear the Tianjin coast and the main pollutant factors are analyzed. After that, according to the distribution characteristics of the water environment, the division of oceanic functional area and general assessment of aquatic environment can be demonst rated and modified.
2007, 29(6): 141-146.
The present situation of regional rivers and water resources has been exposited based on the historical hydrographic data since last century in the Haihe River Basin, and the necessity of storage for flood resources was discussed. Combined with the breakwater safety programming of Tianjin, China a design scheme to build a artificial lagoonat the Yongdingxin Riveren-trance as an ocean reser voir was presented. Making use of the 3-D hydrodynamic and water quality coupling computation model, water quantity and salinity dynamic process of impounding into the planning ocean reservoir were simulated under different conditions of opening the drainage sluicegate and closing the intake sluicegate. Results show that salinity in the ocean reservoir was higher when the drainage sluicegate was closed;the dilution and permutation course of high salinity water can be promoted by opening the drainage sluicegate;pumping from the ocean reservoir can cause the intermixing phenomenon of reservoir bottom water body and salinity, however the low-salinity freshwater of top and central section in the ocean reser voir can keep stability.
The present situation of regional rivers and water resources has been exposited based on the historical hydrographic data since last century in the Haihe River Basin, and the necessity of storage for flood resources was discussed. Combined with the breakwater safety programming of Tianjin, China a design scheme to build a artificial lagoonat the Yongdingxin Riveren-trance as an ocean reser voir was presented. Making use of the 3-D hydrodynamic and water quality coupling computation model, water quantity and salinity dynamic process of impounding into the planning ocean reservoir were simulated under different conditions of opening the drainage sluicegate and closing the intake sluicegate. Results show that salinity in the ocean reservoir was higher when the drainage sluicegate was closed;the dilution and permutation course of high salinity water can be promoted by opening the drainage sluicegate;pumping from the ocean reservoir can cause the intermixing phenomenon of reservoir bottom water body and salinity, however the low-salinity freshwater of top and central section in the ocean reser voir can keep stability.
2007, 29(6): 147-154.
2007, 29(6): 155-160.
2007, 29(6): 161-166.
2007, 29(6): 167-171.
2007, 29(6): 172-176.