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2007 Vol. 29, No. 3

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The currents on both sides of the Ryukyu Islands in April and May 2002
YANG Cheng-hao, YUAN Yao-chu, WANG Hui-qun
2007, 29(3): 1-13.
On the basis of the data obtained in cruises of A pril and May 2002 onboard the R/V Chofu Maru of Japan Meteorological Agency and the satellite wind data of QuikSCAT during April and May 2002,the velocity and volume transport (VT) of the currents on both sides of the Ryukyu Islands are computed by using the modified inverse method In the meantime,analyzing the ARGOS satellite-tracked drifters data in 2002 and the simultaneous sea surface height anomalies merged data of CLS AVISO,the main results are obtained as follows: (1) The Kuroshio only has one core at the Section PN the netnortheastward VT through Section PN is about 34.7×106 m3/s,including Taiwan Warm Current,Kuroshio in the East China Sea and the anticyclonic eddy east of the Kuroshio.(2) The Kuroshio has two cores in the Tokara Strait,and its VT is about 25.6×106 m3/s,and then flows towards Section ASUKA (3) In the area southeast of the Okinaw a Island,VT of Ryukyu Current (RC) is about 8.8×106 m3/s,and it flows towards Section AM (4) The net VT of the northward current through the area east of the Amami-Oshima Island is about 12.7×106 m3/s,and then flows towards Section ASUKA.There is a meso-scale anticyclonic gyre at Section ASUKA,its diameter is about 240 km,and its VT is about 28.5×106 m3/s.(5) The VT of Kuroshio through Section ASUKA in the first layer mostly comes from the Kuroshio in the TokaraStrait.In the second and third layers,it comes from the northward current east of the Amami-Oshima.Island and the Kuroshio in the TokaraStrait,and their VTs equal approximately.(6) From analyzing the drifts data,a part of current east of the Amami-Oshim a Island comes from the area east of Section AM,and then it flows through Section ASUKA.
Temporal and spatial variation characteristics on eddies in the South China Sea Ⅰ. Statistical analyses
LIN Peng-fei, WANG Fan, CHEN Yong-li, TANG Xiao-hui
2007, 29(3): 14-22.
Mesoscale eddies were identified and traced in the South China Sea (SCS) from 1993 to 2001 using TOPEX/Poseidon merged ERS-1/2 altimeter data through several criteria.Their space-time variation characteristics were statistically analyzed.Averagely,there were about 18 eddies emerge annually in this region.The amount of eddies emerge annually may be related with ElNiño/La Niña.Generally,eddy life-times were less than 180 days and mainly ranged from 30 to 60 days.Eddy radiiranged from 100 km to 250 km and followed up with the baroclinic Rossby deformation radii.About 80% eddies moved westward.Eddy zonal moving speeds ranged from -8 cm/s to 3 cm/s and changed meridionally like a "E" style.Eddies were active along a band from east of Southern Vietnam to Southwest of Taiwan in the northeast-southwest direction.Statistically calculated on 2°×2°grids,areas of relatively large eddy occurrence probabilities (OPs) were found located to the west of the Luzon Strait and to the east of Southern Vietnam with probabilities of about 23% and 25%,respectively.In the area with depth > 200 m in the SCS,the mean contribution of eddies to the sea level undulation was 36%.The maximum contribution could reach as high as 80% where the rms of SLA was very high,like the relative large eddy occurrence probabilities to the west of the Luzon Strait and to the east of Southern Vietnam.From the places where eddies emerged,propagation paths and speeds,occurrence probabilities and the contributions to the sea level undulation,eddies in the SCS could be separated into two relatively independent systems bounded by 17°N,where eddies could not propagate across.
Atmospheric correction of using Landsat data to retrieve sea surface temperature in coastal waters
XING Qian-guo, CHEN Chu-qun, SHI Ping
2007, 29(3): 23-30.
A mono-window algorithm was introduced to retrieve Sea Surface Temperature (SST) using Landsat data in coastal waters.In this algorithm,the effective mean air temperature and the water vapo rcontent of air column were estimated with the local meteorological parameters of air temperature and relative humidity,based on the facts in troposphere: 1,air temperature decrease linearly with the altitude,and 2,water vapor concentration lapses exponentially with the altitude.The sea-truth temperature data and MODIS Terra SST product were used to validate the SST retrieved from Landsat TM and ETM+Thermal Infrared (TIR) data with the algorithm.The results show that the algorithm can improve the spatial temperature contrast which is often masked due to water vapor effects,and the temperature derived from the algorithm is closer to the sea-truth SST.When applying the algorithm,the initial parameters of air temperature and relative humidity can be easily collected from local meteorological stations,and there is no need to identify the model of air profile.
Sensitivity of CFC-11 uptake in a global ocean model to subgrid-scale mixing parameterizations
LI Yang-chun, XU Yong-fu, ZHAO Liang, WANG Ming-xing
2007, 29(3): 31-38.
It has been pointed out that a subgrid-scale mixing scheme used in the ocean models for the purpose of describing the transport of tracers by mesoscale eddies,proposed by Gent and McWilliams in 1990,can improve the simulation results,compared with the previous mixing scheme.Two main parameters are involved in the scheme: isopycnal diffusivity (AI) and isopycnalt hickness diffusivity (Aith).In this paper the influence of the two parameters on the distributions of both active and passive tracers is studied with a global ocean general circulation model (L30T63),which is developed by the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.A control case and two sensitive cases are designed to study the sensitivity of the uptake and transport of CFC-11 in the ocean to these two parameters.Simulated results show that these two parameters can obviously affect the distribution of temperature and salinity as well as the oceanic uptake of CFC-11.These two parameters play a different role in the transport of both active and passive tracers.It is known from the analysis of CFC-11 distributions at several sections that the increase of isopycnal diffusivity can generally improve the simulated inventory of CFC-11 in the main storage regions whereas the increase of thickness diffusivity makes the simulated result worse.
Annual variation of geostrophic circulation in the Bay of Bengal observed with TOPEX/Poseidon altimeter data
QIU Yun, LI Li
2007, 29(3): 39-46.
TOPEX/Poseidon satellite altimetry data from 1993 to 2003,combined with histroical hydrographic data,is used to reproduce climatological monthly surface dynamic topography in the Bay of Bengal (BOB).The characters and rules of seasonal evolution of the upper circulation in the BOB are then discussed.Analyses indicate that although dominated by the seasonal reversing Indian monsoon,yet annual variation of the BOB surface circulation could be divided into three stages with distinctive patterns.During Jan through April (the late northeasterly monsoon),the BOB circulation is maily controlled by a basinscale strong anticy clonic gyre with a westward current (Indian monsoon current,IMC) developing in the Bay mouth.From May,responsing on southewestly monsoon abrupt onset,IMC reverses,passing throuth south tip of Indian peninsula,and then intrudes into the bay.In the interior bay,the anticyclonic gyredecays,with two cyclonic gyres prevailing in north and south side of it respectively,forming three-eddy structure during May through September.With northeasterly monsoon onset in October,IMC in the Bay mouth reverses again.The interior Bay is dominated by a basin-scale weak cyclonic circulation during October) December.Affected by annual variation of the BOB circulation,the western boundary current in the BOB also indicates corresponding three-stage variation.It is suggested that three-stagevariation of the BOB circulation is mainly driven by wind stress curlin the interior.Both local wind and equatorial remote wind contribute to annual evolution of the BOB circulation.
A retrieval method of antenna pointing information of “SZ-4” space-borne altimeter
ZHANG You-guang, LIN Ming-sen
2007, 29(3): 47-50.
Using "SZ-4" space-borne altimeter waveforms data on 7 to 8 February 2003,raw data are preprocessed,which include waveforms' 1 s average,thermal noise eliminatim and normalization.Then the trailing edge of the sea surface return wave waveforms is fitted with a fitting method to calculate the pointing angle of altimeter antenna.These results show that "SZ-4" space-borne altimeter pointing angle of altimeter antenna is almost wholly less than 0.024°,antenna pointing is very stable within computing time.
Analysis on coral reefs mapping using SPOT5 at Dongsha Atoll
CHEN Jian-yu, MAO Zhi-hua, ZHANG Hua-guo, WU Jun-ping, CHEN Xiao-dong, PAN De-lu
2007, 29(3): 51-57.
Coral reefs are an environment-sensitive complex marine ecosystem.The ecosystem of corals is rich in biodiversity.Remote sensing offers a powerful tool for categorizing coral reefs and is the most effective approach for large-scale reef surveys.The Dongsha Atoll is located on the northern continental margin of the South China Sea.The area of the atoll is more than 300 km2 with an average depth of 10 m,and has being abused by destructive fishing during recent decades.the capabilities of SPOT5 imagery are evaluated to provide data that are useful for categorizing the current distribution of corals in the Dongsha Atoll.Three satellite imageries (Quickbird2,ETM+,and SPOT5) are used to survey this area.In data processing,unsupervised classification functions are adopted for ETM+ and SPOT5 data,and a supervised classification method is used for Quickbird2.The classes are (or not) merged into coral reef,and then will be operated by vectorization,simplification,and to pological analysis.There are 1331 coral reefs larger than 100 m2 with the detection limitation of 3×3 pixels at multi-band data of Quickbird2.This is taken as the comparison-baseline.The results extracted from SPOT5 and ETM images are less in number and area than from Quickbird2 image.And the results from SPOT5 data are better than those of ETM data at silty lagoon due to its higher resolution.SPOT XS Band2 is failed to show the deep substrate inside the atoll comparing with ETM data because of its penetration capability.Only SPOTXS Band 1 cannot differentiate coral reef from sand bottom.Merging the spectral qualities of SPOT5 multi-bands data with the spatial resolution of SPOT5 Pan data and referring to ETM imagery are expected to provide an optimum satellite-based approach to habitat mapping.
Satellite and in situ observations of primary production in the northern South China Sea
HAO Qiang, NING Xiu-ren, LIU Cheng-gang, CAI Yu-ming, LE Feng-feng
2007, 29(3): 58-68.
An improved VGPM model were developed and applied to estimate the primary production in the northern South China Sea.The parameters of the model were gained based on the remote sensing data(including Chla,K490 and SST et al.) provided by SeaWiFS and AVHRR.The model was modified according to the synchronous ship-measured data and the errors were estimated as well.Based on this improved model,the monthly mean of primary production in 7 years (1998 to 2004) in the northern South China Sea were calculated.Results show that the primary production(C) in the studied area gradually decrease from coastal zone [the mean > 400 mg/(m2·d)] to deep sea [100~200 mg/(m2·d)].With respect to the seasonal variation,the daily average primary production in the whole study area is the highest in winter [608 mg/(m2·d)] and the lowest in summer [292 mg/(m2·d)] and it is almost the same between spring and autumn.The main factors which affect the spatial-temporal distribution of primary production are nutrients,temperature and PAR.,particularly nutrients which driven by monsoon-circulation.
Study on the photochemical reaction of manganese in seawater
YANG Gui-peng, WANG Yu-jue, HU Li-ge, HOU Hai-jun
2007, 29(3): 69-75.
The photochemical reaction of manganese in seawater and its influencing factors were studied.The result indicated that the phot ochemical reduction of manganese occurred mainly via dissolved or ganic substances.The changes in the kinds as well as concentrations of organic substances could change the photoreaction rate of manganese in the solution.The increase in light intensity would be propitious to the photo reduction reaction of manganese.The decrease in the pH value of system could enhance the photoreaction rate of manganese.The photoreaction rates of manganese in different media were in the following sequence: deioned water > artificial seawater > natural seawater.Furthermore,the stirring action was necessary for the occurrence of the photoreaction of manganese.However,change in the stirring rate would produce little effect on the photoreaction rate of manganese after the system reached the even state.Our study showed that the photoreductive reaction of manganese in seawater could enhance the biological uptake of dissolved Mn(Ⅱ) and promote the algal growth.
Modeling nitrogen and phosphorus transport and transformation in pelagic ecosystem in mesocosm in Jiaozhou Bay
LI Ke-qiang, WANG Xiu-lin, SHI Xiao-yong, ZHU Chen-jian, LI Rui-xiang
2007, 29(3): 76-83.
A dynamic model for nitrogen and phosphorus transport and transformation in mesocosm was established according to the summary and synthesis of the models available,in which 7 state variables (DIN,PO4-P,DON,DOP,phytoplankton,zooplankton and detritus) were included.Logically it had 5 modules-phytoplankton,zooplankton,dissolvedinorganic nutrients,dissolved organic nutrients and detritus.The results showed that this model could simulate the variations of DIN,PO4-P and phytoplankton biomass in pelagic ecosystem in mesocosm properly,based on the site experiment data in Jiaozhou Bay in autumn 1999 and summer 2000.Not only the logical structure but also the model parameters were feasible,and more than 20 parameters were made certain during the simulation.All of these were necessary to study the control mechanism of nutrients biogeochemical cycling in Jiaozhou Bay and other China's coastal waters.
Quantitative analysis on ratio of MnO2 content to MnO one in cobalt-rich manganese crusts on seamounts by X-ray fluorescence spectrometer
WU Dai-dai, HAN Jie, YE Ying, ZHANG Wei-rui
2007, 29(3): 84-89.
The spectral peak parameters of mixed samples with different ratios of MnO content to MnO2 one were analysed by X-ray fluorescence spectrometer and processing software Peak Fit.Various single spectral peak parameters such as peak position,peak intensity and full width at half marimal were obtained by deconvolution of over lapped spectral peaks.The relationship between the peak parameters and the ratio of MnO2 content to MnO one was determined.According to the refation,the ratio of MnO2 content of MnO one in a number of cobalt-rich manganese crusts from the central Pacific seamounts was quantitatively calculated.The results show that MnO2 content in cobalt-rich manganese crusts increases from the core outwards.It is believed that this tendency has been related to the enhancing activity of Antarctic Bottom Water in this area since Tertiary.
Study on the ecological characters of Chaetognatha in waters of southern Huanghai Sea and East China Sea Ⅱ. Community characteristics
DAI Yan-yu, LIN Mao
2007, 29(3): 90-97.
On the basis of the investigation data of 12 cruises from December 1977 to November 1978 in water of southern Huanghai Sea and East China Sea(28°~34°N,120°30'~127°E),the features and structures of the Chaetognatha community and its relation to the environmental factors were discussed.It shows that there were little significant seasonal alternations of species composition in 28 species recorded,except for seasonal and regional differential in dominant species among the community.Diversity index (H') and evenness (J) of the Chaetognatha community was 1.68 and 0.64 (by annual average),respectively,with much diversified community in the open sea compared with that in the near sea region.Four ecological groups of Chaetognatha are identified,among which warm water neritic and warm water euryhaline are index species of the wane and wax of the Huanghia Seawater mass,coastal waters along Zhejiang and mixed waters from the continental East China Sea.Besides,the analyses show that the most import factor affecting the diversity (H') was temperature andsaline.In these communities,dominant species were mainly composted of warm water low saline neritic and warm water cosmopolitan in addition to some species of warm water neritic and warm water oceanic,which are characteristic of the structure of temperate-subtropical community.
Morphological and RAPD variation among five polulations of Coelomactra antiquata
YOU Zhong-jie, BAO Yong-bo, ZHANG Aiju
2007, 29(3): 98-104.
The Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA(RAPD) technique was applied to assess the genetic variation among five populations of Coelomactra antiquata.Under predetermined optimal reaction conditions,168 RAPD sites were detected ranging from 250 bp to 3 000 bp with 20 primers.The number of amplified bands ranged from 3 t o 15 in every individual.The experimental data were analyzed with the Popgen1.32 and PHYLIP software.The results showed that the genetic distance among individuals of one population and between different polulations were high.the morphological variation and genetic distance of Beihai population were different from other four populations,we presumed it have been a geographical population.The mean heterozygosities and mean proportion of polymorphic loci of five population were 78.97% and 0.308 7 respectively,value of Shannondiversity ranging from 0.301 8 to 0.367 3;the nearest phylogenetic relationship occure between the Shandong and Jiangsu populations,then between the Zhejiang and Fujian groups in turn.It's shown that the resource of Coelomactra antiquata was in good condition with high genetic variation and the prospect of Coelomactraantiquata culture was good.
Ontogeny of immune organs during early development stage of Pseudosciaena crocea
XU Xiao-jin, WENG Zhao-hong, WANG Jun, SU Yong-quan
2007, 29(3): 105-113.
A histological and ultrastructural study was made for the development of the head kidney,thymus and spleen in the P.crocea,prepared from hatching to the 60 day after hatching(DAH).Head kidney was the first present on the 3rd DAH.Primordial haemopoietic stem cells were first observed in the head kidney and rapidly differentiate into different cellular types.Progenitor spleen was present on the 4th DAH,located close to the gut,soon becoming rich in blood capillaries,red blood cells and thrombocytes.The thymus presented obviously on the 4th DAH,located on either side of the upper corner of the opercular cavity,closely under the membrance of the opercuhr cavity.The thymus was the last lymphoid organ appearing but showed a quickly development.This organ seemed to be originated from haemopoietic stem cells migrating from the head region of the kidney.The thymus consisted of outer thymocytic and inner epithelioid zones.There was no obvious demarcation between them,but both zones were visible.Small lymphocytes appeared or Lymphoid organs become lymphoid in the sequence thymus,head kidney and spleen.A small number of lymphocytes appeared only in the later stages.Non-specific systems may play an important role in the imm unocompetence mechanisms of the P.crocea during early development stage.
Artificial induction of gynogenesis in silver sea bream(Rhabdosargus sarba)
CAI Ze-ping, HU Chao-qun, NIU Wen-tao, ZHANG Jun-bin
2007, 29(3): 114-119.
The silver sea bream(Rhabdosar gussarba) is a valuable fishery and aquaculture species in Asia,with sexually dimorphic growth in favor of the females.Gynogenetic diploids were induced using UV-irradiated sperm of conspecifics and cold shock.In the experiments,the sperm was diluted in 1:60 in disinfected natural seawater and then irradiated for 100 sata UV intensity of 700 L W/(cm2·s).This irradiation duration inactivated the spermatozoagenetically but still maintained their physiological vitality to activate eggs.95%~100% of haploid rate was obtained when non cold shock was used.Suitable conditions of time to initiate cold shock,cold shock tem perature and duration to restore the diploidy were evaluated.The results showed the fertilization rate and hatching rate of gynogenetic diploid were 71.3%~82.7% and 24.7%~36.3%,respectively by applying cold shock at 0~8℃ to eggs activated with UV-irradiated homologous sperm,5 min after activation,with shock duration of 15min.The optimum cold shock temperature was 2~6℃.60.0%~67.1% fertilization rate and 30.6%~36.5% hatching rate was attained starting cold shock 4~6 min after fertilization,cold shock at 3℃ for 15 min.Cold shock duration of 11~19 min was appro priate in inducing gynogenesis,which resulted in 46.9%~65.8% fertilization rate and 31.7%~42.4% hatching rate.The results of experiments indicated that eggs were exposed to a cold shock at 3℃,5 min after activation with shock duration of 15min was significantly effective for induction of diploid gynogenesis in silver sea bream.Mass production of diploid gynogenetic fry is possible in this prolific species.
Preliminary study of establishment of families and their growth and development for Fenneropenaeus chinensis
ZHANG Tian-shi, KONG Jie, LIU Ping, WANG Qing-yin, ZHANG Qing-wen
2007, 29(3): 120-124.
Chinese fleshy prawn (Fennerop enaeus chinensis) families were produced by carrying out oriented mating so as to select the off springs in selective breeding of F.chinensis.We used 4 different methods of artificial insemination (AI),namely the entire spermatophores transplantation,the fractional spermatophores transplantation,the sperm duct transplantation and the seminal fluid transplantation.155 cases of artificial insemination experiment were totally applied,108 spaw ners succeeded in spaw ning and hatching the larvae,with 69.7% of the ratio.101 full-sib families that included 29 half-sib families of F.chinensis were established.The larval growth and development were studied,such as fertilization rate,hat ching rate,survival rate and growth were compared.There were nosignificant differences among four different experimental groups (RS(♂)×RS(♀),RS(♂)×QD(♀),RS(♂)×KC(♀) and QD(♂)×KC(♀)).In addition,there were no significant differences between other families that were studied in the experiment at early life history stage of F.chinensis.During growout,analyses of variance for growth indicated there was most significant difference among families.
Molecular cloning and characterization of a homologue of defender against cell death 1 in Epinephelus awoara
WANG Li, WU Xin-zhong
2007, 29(3): 125-130.
Defender against cell death 1(DAD1) is a negative regulator of apoptosis and a subunit of the oligosaccharyltransferase complex.We cloned DAD1 from the spleen of Epinephelus awoara using the combinative methods of suppressive subtraction hybridization,SMART cDNA sy nthesis and RACE-PCR.The full-length cDNA of DAD1 is 721 bp,containing a 342 bp open reading frame that encodes a 113 ami no acid protein.Semi-quantitative RT-PCR analyses showed that mRNA of DAD1 can be detected in the spleen,heart,liver,anterior kidney and kidney of normal E.awoara and lipopolysaccharide-stimulated E.awoara.The expressions of DAD1 in all these tissues showed some increase in the LPS-treated E.awoara,compared with normal E.awoara,which indicates that lipopolysaccharide might be a stimulator of programmed cell death.
Starvation responses of pathogenic Vibrio parahaemolyticus in natural Seawater
YAN Qing-pi, YI Jia-bo, CHEN Qiang, ZOU Wenzheng, ZHUANG Zhi-xia, WANG Xiao-ru
2007, 29(3): 131-136.
Pathogenic V.parahaemolyticus cells in log-phase were collected and the concentration was adjusted to 107 cells/cm3 in natural sea water for starvation studies.The results showed that: total bacteria number、viable bacteria number and CFU number of V.parahaemolyticus increased remarkably at the initial starvation stages;total bacteria number、viable bacteria number and CFU number fell at metaphase and anaphase,among them,the total bacteria number and viable bacteria number fell slowly while the CFU number fell more quickly.Before starvation,the V.parahaemolyticus cells were shortrods and dyed equably;after starvation,a light area appeared at the cell centre and some cells turned into oval.The amount of V.parahaemolyticus cells adhered to the large yellow croaker epidermal mucus dropped sharply during starvation,approaching the level of the control after 7 days starvation.The cellular protein of V.parahaemolyticus was extracted and analyzed by SDS-PAGE,the results showed that: bacteria starved for 30 d had less protein bands in the gel than the unstarved ones;bacteria starved for 60 d had more protein bands compared to those starved for 30 d,but less than the unstarved ones.The results obtained were useful to the underst anding of the epidemiologic characteristics of V.parahaemolyticus.
Analysis of influence of gaseous absorption on “HY-1A” CCD data simulation and correction for Rayleigh scattering
2007, 29(3): 137-145.
The land sank into the sea and possible tsunami by the great earthquake in Qiongzhou in China in 1605
XU Qi-hao
2007, 29(3): 146-156.
Study on hybridization of two different populations of Fenneropenaeus chinensis
TIAN Yi, KONG Jie, YANG Cui-hua, ZHANG Tian-shi, LUO Kun
2007, 29(3): 157-161.
A preliminary study on the thermoluminescence characteristics of sediments from the North Pacific Ocean
LÜHua-hua, SHI Xue-fa, WU Yong-hua, YANG Gang, WEI Jian-wei, WANG Xiang-qin
2007, 29(3): 162-171.
Numerical simulation of freak waves with spectral methods
PEI Yu-guo, ZHANG Ning-chuan, ZHANG Yun-qiu
2007, 29(3): 172-178.