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2007 Vol. 29, No. 1

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A review about coupled ocean-atmosphere dominating modes in three tropical oceans and their interactions
LIU Qin-yu, WU Shu, YANG Jian-ling
2007, 29(1): 1-6.
From the globe climate system, the recent study achievement about ocean-atmosphere interaction, particular ocean-atmosphere coupled dominating modes in three tropical oceans have been reviewed.It is shown that the important science problems are how about the effects of the interannual variation in the tropical Pacific on the other two oceans can be taken as a charging process, how to discover discharging process and what is the important role of ocean dynamic process during interaction of threetropical ocean.
Application of ECOMSED model to the simulation of Hangzhou Bay tide current
DU Pan-jun, HU Ke-lin, KONG Ya-zhen, DING Ping-xing
2007, 29(1): 7-16.
A 3-Dvariable boundary numerical tidal model for the Hangzhou Bay is established.The model is based on ECOMSED model (Blumberg et al., 2002), and is modified by introducing Drying and Wetting scheme technology.AR-coordinate transformation in vertical and a curvilinear coordinate in horizontal are used.The level 2.5 turbulence closure model is also used to give more reasonable verticaleddy viscosity coefficient.A Grant and Madsen model is used to calculate the shear stress of wave and current.Adrying and wetting scheme technology is used to treat the tidal floodebb in tidal flatareas.An application of the model to the Hangzhou Bay grasps the tidal charact erstics well.the computed result in the Hangzhou Bay agrees with the observation well.In order to improve the accuracy of the baroclinic pressure gradient, the impacts of river flow, wind, baroclinic pressure induced by salinity and tide (including M2, S2, K1, O1, M4, Ms4 and S4) are taken into account.The simulated results are fairly consistent with obser vations.
Analysis of the transport mechanism of the saltwater spilling over from the North Branch in the Changjiang Estuary in China
WU Hui, ZHU Jian-rong
2007, 29(1): 17-25.
Based on the 3D numerical model, the transport mechanism of the salt water spilling over from the North Branch in the Changjiang Estuary is analyzed quantitatively by use of the flux analysis method.The tidal averaged unit salt flux around the bifurcation of the South and North Branches and the transec tional salt flux in each water way to gether with their analysis constituents are calculated.Based on the model results the transport mechanism of the saltwater transport is discussed, and the Lagrange residual as well as the tidal pumpare found as the main dynamic factors.The transectional salt flux in each waterway in the South Branch is compared, and then main transport course of saline water is discussed
A method for estimating the intensity of underwater laser backscattering based on the concept of equal phase volume
WEN Qiang, WEN Wen, ZHI Guo-ning
2007, 29(1): 26-30.
The basic properties of the seawat erare discussed as the laser transmitting channel, based on these properties the concept of equal phase volume is proposed, the shape of it is analyzed, and the estimating calculation method of the backscattering intensity of it is studied.It provides an estimating method in underwater measurements or communications by means of pseudo random sequence.
Impact of GCP distribution on the rectification accuracy of Landsat TM imagery in a coastal zone
ZHANG Ying, ZHANG Dong, GU Yan, TAO Fei
2007, 29(1): 31-37.
The purpose is to explore the effect of the spatial distribution of ground control points (GCPs) on the accuracy of imagery rectification in a coastal zone.Choosing southern part of the radiative sandy ridge field along the coast of Jiangsu Province, China as the study area, both areadist ributed and linearly distributed GCPs (namely, AGCP and LGCP methods) were used to rectify a coastal Landsat TM image.Rectification accuracy was checked against 99 independent points over the intertidal mudflats of noground control.Results indicated that the root-mean-square error of residuals over these areas is several times larger than its GCPs-measured counterpart in which the rectification accaracy by the two methods was good.From the directivity of spreading error for the image rectification, it was shown that if the GCPs are spatially dispersed over an area, in east ward residuals fluctuate but increase steadily with distance to the source of control (R2=0.827).In northward they fluctuate around 150 muntil 15 km, beyond which they rise steadily at a small range of fluctuation.These residuals are less predictable from distance to the source of control than in east ward (R2=0.517).And if GCPs are distributed along a control line, residuals rise with distance to it linearly and predictably (R2=0.877) in the direction perpendicular to it.In a direction parallel to it, a distance has little impacton rectification residuals.From the value of spreading error, it could be found that the LGCP method could get an accuracy of about 20 m when the distance to a coastal dyke was less than 30 km while at the same time the AGCP method could only afford the accuracy of about 100 mat the similar distance conditions.This conclusion could give a reasonable reference for the error-spreading rule of Landsat TM image rectification in the area of coast or ocean where there existed little or no GCPs
Effects of size structure and pigment composition of algal population on phytoplankton absorption coefficients in the South China Sea
WANG Gui-fen, CAO Wen-xi, XU Da-zhi, YANG Yue-zhong
2007, 29(1): 38-48.
Data from three cruises conducted in the Zhujiang River (ZR) Estuary, costal waters of Guangdong (CWGD) of China and north of the South China Sea (NSCS) were examined to access the relative importance of pigment composition and package effect in modifying the phytoplankt on specific absorption coefficients.The three cruises differed widely in their phytoplankt on assem blages with large cells dominating the ZR and CWGD cruises and small cells dominating the NSCS cruise.And therefore the package effect for the ZR and CWGD cruises is greater than that of the NSCS cruise, with their estimated contributions to the phytoplankt on specific absorption coefficients at 675 nm being 40%, 20% and 6% respectively.Using the multiple regression analysis approach, pig ment concentrations for each sample were calculated.The accessory pigments, except chlor ophylla, contributed to absorption mainly in the blue-to-green region of the spectrum, for the ZR, CWGD and NSCS cruises, their absorption accounting for about 44%, 43% and 53% on average to total phytoplankton absorption at 440 nm.A mong the accessory pig ments, the photosynt hetic carotenoids played the dominantrole in the ZR and CWGD cruises, while in the NSCS cruise the phot oprotectant carotenoids and the photosynt hetic carotenoids had important contributions.Since the variations of size structure of algal population and the accessory pigments contributed differently to the variability in the phytoplankt on specific absorption coefficients for estuary, coastal waters and open oceanic waters, it is suggested that in order to set up a more perfect bio-optical algorithm in the NSCS, the variations in the optical properties of phytoplankt on caused by the pigment package effect and changes in the relative abundance of accessory pigments should be incorpo rated.
Phosphorus cycling in the upper ocean of the East China Sea using natural 32P and 33P
ZHANG Yuan-hui, YIN Ming-duan
2007, 29(1): 49-57.
Natural activities of 32P (t1/2=14.3 d) and 33P (t1/2=25.3 d) in total dissolved P(TDP), suspended particulate matter, net-plankt on and rainwater during the spring of 2001 were measured by anultra-low level liquid scintillation counter.A continuous steady-state model was used to estimate residence times of various phosphorus pools, uptake rates of the biological food chain within the upper ocean of the East China Sea.32P/33Pratios increased from the dissolved pools to the suspended matter and to net-plankton, reflecting that the age Of Pincreased as one moved up through the food chain.The residence time of P in the dissolved pools of coastal water and mid-shelfarea were very short (3~4 d), which suggests thatlow phosphorus concentrations could support relatively high levels of primary production.A phytoplankton assimilating flux of 189~814 mg/(m2·d) and a zooplankt on grazing flux of 10~161 mg/(m2·d) were also estimated and show that grazing rates of carbon correspo nded to 3%~20% of primary production.In addition, the particulate organic carbon fluxes from the upper ocean were calculated by directly comparing the measured seawater inventory of 32P and 33P with that measured in rain, and were found to range between 102 and 972 mg/(m2·d).
Elemental geochemical records of modern seafloor hydrothermal activities in sediments from the central Okinawa Trough
ZHAI Shi-kui, YU Zeng-hui, DU Tong-jun
2007, 29(1): 58-65.
Major and minor element contents in the sediment core H 9 from the hydrothermal fields of the central Okinawa.Trough show a sharp change at the depth of 80 cm.The elements enriched in the upper 80 cm core are those enriched in the hydrothermal deposits and in the surface sediments recovered from the hydrothermal fields in the trough, which indicates the input of hydro thermal materials.Comparing with other hydrothermal sediments from Midocean Ridges or the LauBasin, the degree of the enrichment of elements firon, copper, cobalt and nickel is relatively low.However, the enrichment of elements manganese, lead, arsenic, stibium and mercury is remarkable.The average contents of these elements in the upper 80 cm core sediments are 3~6 times of those in the lower section, and 3~12 times of those in the surface sediments which are not influenced by the hydrothermal activities.The hydrot hermal activities have contributed significant manganese, lead, arsenic, stibium and mercury to the sediments, and these elements are distinct indicators for the hydrothermal activities in the Okinawa Trough.The significant enrichment of these elements in Core H9 upward from the depth 80 cm indicates the start or the significanten hancing of the hydrothermal activities in this area at about 5 740 a BP.The average accumulation rate of mang anese during this period is about 40.461 µg/(cm2·ka), which is similar to the hydrothermal sediments in the Lau Basin or the East Pacific Rise.
Pre-Cenozoic groups in the shelf basin of the East China Sea
LIU Jian-hua, WU Jian-sheng, FANG Yin-xia, WANG Shu-tian
2007, 29(1): 66-75.
The study on the Pre-Cenozoic groups in the shelf basin of the East China Sea (ECS) has been carried out based on the data of geology collected in adjacent areas and geophysics and drilling wells obtained in the basin.The Mesozoic group is extensively developed in the shelf basin.It is complete in the southern area of the basin, from Triassic to Cretaceous.The central uplift belt is characterized by Jurassic Cretaceous volcanic rocks.There are marine-transitional Mesozoic group developed in the southern area of the basin, namely, the Taiw an Strait and the vicinity.The biotitic hornblende plagioclass gneisses with a rubidium-strontiumage of 1 680 M a found in the southern area of the basin is the extension of Pre-Sinian metamorphic rocks out cropped in the coastarea of Zhejiang and Fujian Provinces, China, and the gneisses found in the northern area is the extension of Later Preterozoic metamorphic rocks out cropped in the northern Zhejiang Province.During Later Paleozoic, tHe cont inental shelf of the ECS can be a miogeo-syncline which is located to the west of the eugeosyncline extendingalong the eastern margin of A sian continent, so the Later Paleozoic metamorphic strat a may exist in the basin, especially in the eastern depres-sion of it.
Approaches to morphological evolution in long-term morphodynamic model
REN Jie, WU Chao-yu, BAO Yun
2007, 29(1): 76-80.
PRD LTMM (long term morpho dynamic model on the Zhujiang River Delta) is a morphodynamic model representing medium-long term evolution processes of delta.Reduction approaches should be considered in a modelinput, a modeling physical system and a model out put.Representative input conditions are the base of modeling reduction, and the increase of the morphological time step is a key point of improving modeling efficiency, the most common approaches are a straight forw ard extrapo lation, a time centered extrapolation, a lengthening tide and a linearity of sediment transport.The sensitive experimentindi-cates that the PRD LTMM should adopt the lengt hening tide method to increase morphological time step, and increasing time scale is 10 a.On the basis of the approaches, the stability of PRD LTMM is very good, and its modeling precision is very high also.
Study on the key technology of “digital seabed” system modeling
ZHENG Yan-peng, LIU Bao-hua, LIANG Rui-cai, MAO Feng, ZHOU Wen-sheng, SU Tian-yun, FU Qiang
2007, 29(1): 81-85.
On the basis of study of theoretical foundation of digital seabed system and the technical implementation in marine sciences, the meaning, composing and framework of the digital seabed system are presented.Some key technical questions of digital seabed system are discussed, for example, spatial database management technology, XML-based spatial database display technology of WebGIS, three-dimen-sional modeling technology for complicated seabed, integrative conformity and displayt echnology of multi-source information and virtualr eality technology.It can provide multi-level reference and help for the people being engaged in the investigation and exploitation of the marine resources.
Effects of starvation and refeeding on digestive enzyme activity of Lutjanus sebae juveniles
OU You-jun, LIU Ze-wei
2007, 29(1): 86-91.
The specific activities of digestive enzy mes of Lutjanus sebae juveniles were determined during starvation and refeeding.The fish were starved for 0(control), 2, 4, 6, 9, 11d and refed for 10 d with enough food.The specific activities of protease, lipase and amy lase were determined during starvation and refeeding.The results showed that the specific activities of protease and lipase decreased clearly during the starvation, but the specific activity of amylase had a bigger wave;after refeeding, the specific activities of protease and lipase had a little rising, but the protease specific activity was lower than the control group while lipase was higher.The specific activity of amylase had no change compared with the control group.
Ecological characteristics on macro—medium planktonic copepods in the subtropical circulation zone east of Taiwan Island
LIN Jing-hong
2007, 29(1): 92-97.
The abundance distribution and ecological characteristics of planktonic copepods are analyzed.Their relations to the environmental factors are discussed based on data obtained from 4 cruises during a multidisciplinary survey in the waters under the subtropical circulation zone east of Taiw an Island from 1995 to 1997.The results show that the macro-medium planktonic copepods in this region is the characteristics of low abundance (four seasons average 6.75 cells/m3), low dominance (Y< 0.131) and low seasonal variations.A total of 206 copepod species recorded coexisted respectively to 5 ecotypes.It is suggested that these ecotypes were dynamically governed by different water masses nevert heless, the tropical oceanic group was consistently dom inated.
Fouling organisms in the open ocean cage culture area in Weitou Bay,Fujian Province in China
HUANG Gui-fan, ZHENG Guo-fu, WEI Guan-yuan, DING Lan, DAI Tian-yuan
2007, 29(1): 98-104.
The Weitou Bay, with wide mouth open to the Taiwan Strait, is located in the middle of Fujian Province.From March 2004 to February 2005, the netting test panels, which were made of blacknetting of PA210D/26×3-60 fixed on rigid frame of 50 cm, were laid down in the open ocean cageaquaculture area of the Weitou Bay in order to examine the set tlement and stat us of fouling organisms.154 species were recorded with the dominants of Ceramium tennuissmun, Tubularia mesembry anthemum, Caprella equilibra in spring and Balanusreti culates in summer.The monthly average biomass of fouling organisms was 449.42 g/m2 in the depth of 1 m and 580.25 g/m2 in 4.5 m, and the highest amount appeared in April and March respectively.The seasonal average biomass was 3 142.30 g/m2 in the depth of 1 m and 6 030.97 g/m2 in 4.5m, and the highest amount occurred in spr ing and summer respectively.The fouling organisms in open ocean cagearea occurr ed throug hout the year but is much different from the inner bay, where the biomass of Ceramium tennuissmun, Tubularia mesembry anthemum, Caprella equilibra and Balanus were much smaller than that in the open ocean cage culture area.
Dynamic surveys for TCBS and EMB group bacteria within the Zhujiang River Estuary,South China Sea during 1999~2002
MENG Fan-mei, YIN De-sheng, PAN Zi-qiang, ZENG Yan-hui, ZHU Yi-fu, AI Yun-can
2007, 29(1): 105-110.
Dynamic surveys for TCBS and EMB group bacteria among 26 observation stations within the Zhujiang River Estuary, South China Sea (21°50'~22°50'N,113°20'~114°50'E) were conducted during 1999~2002, and the results are as follows:(1) TCBS group includes 37% Ⅰ (Pseudomonas, Aeromonas), 5% Ⅱ (Vibrio parahemolyticus) and 58% Ⅲ (Vibriocholerae, Vibrio cholerae biotype EI-Tor, Vibrioal ginolyticus).EMB group includes 14% Ⅳ(Proteus, Salmonella, and Shigella), 50% Ⅴ(Enter-obacter, Klebsiella, Hafnia, Sarratia), and 36% Ⅵ (Escherichia coli).(2) The values of annualmean CFU/mm3 among the 26 stations are significantly different.Each station has more TCBS group than EMB group, indicating that TCBS group becomes native dominant whereas EMB group mainly comes from land-originated pollutions.(3) The 26 stations are clustered into four subclusters with no coincidence with their reallinkages of geolocations, suggesting that the interference effects by human activities are dominant over those by natural geoisolations.Station G (Wanshan Islands) and Sta.H (Dangan Island) are the farthestisolated islands, but are clustered into two different subclusters.Station H has the highest value of TCBS group[(3.7±2.6×104CFU/cm3)]whereas Sta.Gas a natural farming area has the highest value of EMB group[(9.5±6.6×103CFU/cm3], indicating that farming activities produced pollutions dramatically.(4) The values of monthly mean CFU/cm3 among TCBS and EMB group show similar variations annually and seasonally.(5) The Zhujiang River Estuary is further divided into south and north parts.The south part is heavily polluted by the land-originated EMB group bacteria, reflecting the high-through-put contaminations from the network of the Zhujiang River, the self-produced pollutions from costal farming areas, and the amplification in situ of all pollutions through farming activities.
A new species of Isochrysis(Isochrysidales)——I.zhanjiangensis and its observation on the fine structure
HU Hong-jun, LÜSong-hui, LIU Hui-rong
2007, 29(1): 111-119.
A new species of genus Isochrysis I.zhanjiangensisi sp.nov.H.J.Hu, SH Let H.R.Liu was reported in this investigation.It was sampled and isolated from Nansan Island of Zhanjiang of Guangdong Province, China.The fine structure of its motile cells was observed through transmission electron microcope (TEM).The cellular surface is covered with 2~4 layers of scales with two different types of shape:either larger elliptical scales or smaller circular ones.Two equal, smooth flagella are protruded at the anterior end of the cell.Between the two flag ella is a very short and rudimentary hapto nema consisting of one or two microt ubules.The flagella transitional region is wound by 5~6 turns of a helix between centralax onema and peripheral microtubules.There are two golden brown chloroplasts situated on two parietal sides of the cell.Within the stoma are stacks of Thylakoids and a stack of three thylakoids consists of a Granum lacking girdle lamellar.In the cytoplasm of a cell, there is naked-pyrenoid wrapped with a single layer of membrane.An array of thy lakoids is typically shaped transversely with pyrenoid.The Golgiapparat us is located in the base of the flagella.Mitochondria are usually long, tubular in shape with branched or unbranched cristae.One to several chrysolaminaran granules are widely distributed in the middle or later of the cell.The nucleus lies between two plastids at the base of the cell.
Cloning and analysis of 28S rDNA partial sequences of several strains of Prorocentrum
WANG Bo, MI Tie-zhu, LÜSong-hui, SUN Jun, LI Rong-xiu, YU Zhi-gang
2007, 29(1): 120-126.
The 28S rDNA partial sequences of several strains of Prorocentrum were cloned and sequenced, and other 14 corresponding sequences of Prorocentrum were obtained from Genbank.Then the phylogenetic trees of Prorocentrum were constr ucted with the methods of NJ(neighbour-joining) and M E(minimume-volution).The results demonstrated that the sequenced partial 28S rDNA of 7 strains was 950~958 bp.The phylogenetictree based on the NJ method was similar with that based on the ME method.The sequences of the different strains within the same species are highly conservative;other wise, the diversity among the sequences from different species was obvious.P.micans separated from the South China Sea was very different from the P.micans strains separated from other area of the world, and the dist ances between them were even long erthan the distances between two species.The sequences from the 28S rDNA would be helpful to design species-specific probes of the phytoplankton.
Effects of solar UVR on the effective quantum yield of Ulva lactuca
XU Jun-tian, GAO Kun-shan
2007, 29(1): 127-132.
T he marine green macroalga Ulva lactuca was selected to study the effects of solar UVR (280~400 nm) on its photochemical efficiency.Results showed that the photochemical efficiency decreased when the thalli were exposed to high solar radiation in the late morning and recovered when it decreased in the late afternoon.The photochemical efficiency showed a typical pattern that it was the lowest during noon period with the higher values in the early morning and later afternoon.This noontime inhibition was caused not only by the photosynthetic active radiation (PAR, 400~700 nm) but also UV radiation.UV-Bsignificantly affected the photochemical efficiency.Long-term experiments showed that the photochemical efficiency was mostinhibited on the second day, how ever, it became less and less suppressed by UVR while the thalli became acclimated.
Reflection and transmission properties of double-submerged rectangular blocks
LIU Peng-fei, YOU Ya-ge, HU Cheng
2007, 29(1): 133-138.
An analytic method is used to analyze the transmission and reflection coefficients of double-submer gedrect angular blocks (DSRB) in oblique waves.The diffraction potential functions are obtained by using the eigenfunction expansion method, and expressions for reflection and transmission coefficients are defined.The boundary element method is used to verify the correct ness of the present analytic method.The DSRBs have better performance than single submerged rectangular blocks in some certain cases.The reflection and transmission properties of the DSRBs are studied for some specific cases, and the influence of geometrical parameters is also presented.
Experimental study on mean overtopping discharge of sloping seawall under oblique and multidirectional irregular waves
LI Xiao-liang, YU Yu-xiu, ZHAO Feng-ya, LU Gui-rong
2007, 29(1): 139-149.
On the basis of three-Odimensional physical model tests the relations among the wave overtopping of sloping breakwater under oblique and multidir ectional irregular nonbreaking waves and some influencing factors involved in an incident wave and breakwater were investigated.By paying special at tention to the effect of obliquity of incident wave on overtopping the phenomena so-Ocalled "increasing at small degrees of obliquity" have been found for the multidirectional waves but not for the unidirectional waves.It is found that the wave overtopping of multidirectional waves is larger than that of the unidirectional waves if the incident wave is oblique.After comparing the test results with existent for mulae, aformula suitable for estimating the overtopping of concrete and block armor sloping structures under oblique and multidirectional irregular waves is presented.
Study on scour around a structure on silt-sandy seabed by extension method of series models
HAN Xi-jun, CAO Zu-de, YANG Shu-sen
2007, 29(1): 150-154.
A similar theory of series model test on sand scour is introduced, parameters of similar relation fo rmula are analysed through test results of series model.Conclusions are:(1) series model test is a effective way for test harvest by models whose geometry and current movement are similar and silt movement is not similar;(2) it is to of easible to employ series model test with prototype sand;and (3) only making two models that their scales are greater difference, the needful result can be obtained by test data extension and the adequat eprecision can be ensured.
Dissolved organic carbon in sediments from the equatorial northeastern Pacific
NI Jian-yu, MAGGIULLI Michael
2007, 29(1): 155-160.
Temporal and spatial variations of primary production in Quanzhou Bay
CHEN Xing-qun, LIN Rong-cheng, TANG Sen-ming
2007, 29(1): 161-169.
The sea ice chlorophyll a and meiofauna of the arctic Beaufort Sea in summers of 2002 and 2003
ZHANG Qing, TANG Xue-xi, LIU Zi-lin, GRADINGER Rolf, MEINERS Klaus
2007, 29(1): 170-180.