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2006 Vol. 28, No. 3

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Overview of studies on some eddies in the China'seas and their adjacent seas Ⅰ.The South China Sea and the region east of Taiwan
GUAN Bing-xian, YUAN Yao-chu
2006, 28(3): 1-16.
Over view of studies on some cyclonic and anti cyclonic eddies is made in the South China Sea and the region east of Taiwan.Meso-scale eddies(MSE)are rather active in the South China Sea(SCS).Some MSE in the central and southern SCSs and the northern SCS are reviewed,respectively.The most interested problem awaiting solution in the northern SCS is as follows.How the deuce is the physical processes about water exchange between the western Philippine Sea(WPS)and the SCS across the Luzon Strait? Could the Kuroshio form a loop current west of the Luzon Strait inside the SCS when the Kuro shio intrudes into the SCS?Up to now the problem remains untouched,especially the studies about their dynamic mechanism.For solving above problems,it is very necessary to get the long-term observed currents and hydrographic data and the longterm sa ellite remote data from the cooperative program in the Luzon Strait in the future.In the region east of Taiwan,the MSE always occur in the both sides of Kuroshio,and their variability is large and complex.The following two cyclonic cold eddies are discussed mainly:the Lanyu cold eddy and the cyclonic cold eddy northeast of Taiwan.
Variability of the Kuroshio in the East China Sea and the currents east of Ryukyu Islands Ⅱ.Variability of the currents and the meso-scale eddies in the region southeast of Okinawa Island
YUAN Yao-chu, YANG Cheng-hao, WANG Zhang-gui
2006, 28(3): 17-28.
On the basis of hydrog raphic data obtained in 5 cruises of 2000 onboad the R/V Chofu Maru and the QuikSCAT wind data during 5 cruises of 2000,the velocity and volumet ransport(VT)of the currents in the region southeast of Okinaw a Island are computed by using the modified inverse method. The following main results have been obtained.
Influence of the extratropical Pacific on the tropical Pacific through oceanic processes
ZHAO Shan-shan, YANG Xiu-qun, ZHU Yi-min, Rong Xin-yao
2006, 28(3): 29-40.
The influence of the extratropical Pacific on the tropical Pacific through the oceanic processes on the interannual and interdecadal time scales was studied with an oceanic general circulation model,the Modular Ocean Model version 2 of Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory.The model was run for 46 a (1945~1993)with the surface conditions taken from COADS,as a control run.Aparallel sensitivity experiment was run with the same surface conditions everywhere as the control run except over the extratropical Pacific where the surface condition was prescribed with clima ology.Difference between the control run and the sensitivity run indicates the influence of the extratropical Pacific on the tropical Pacific through the oceanic processes.On the interannual time scale,the process of wave propagation is important,but its influence is weak.On the interdecadal time scale,dominant process is associated with the thermal transportation of subtropical cell in which the transportation due to anomalous cell is more important than the climatological cell.The oceanic temperature anomaly is mainly located in pycnocline both on the interannual and interdecadal time scales.The surface forcing of the extratropical South Pacific has impact on water mass exchange between the extratropical and tropical Pacific,while such an impact is weak in the extratropical North Pacific.
The force balance for tropic motions in summer northern oceans
WANG Wen-lan, WANG Yuan, WU Rong-sheng
2006, 28(3): 41-46.
By using the NCEP/N CAR reanalysis of daily with the horizontal resolution of 1.0°×1.0°(lat/lon grid),the general characteristics of the tropic motions in the north Pacific during 1998~2003 averaged for June-August,including the horizontal/vertical wind field,divergence and vorticity have been analysed.The main parts of the horizontal dynamical equations have been calculated and compared,according to which the force balance was investigated and the corresponding simplified equations were carried out.It is shown that the zonal wind(u)is geostrophic just out side the equator and the meridional wind(v)attains geostrophic beyond 30 N.For tropical cyclones are commonly generated in the tropical Pacific,the results may be attributed to the mechanism of the tropical cyclone genesis and development.
Indian Ocean subtropical dipole and variations of global circulations and rainfall in China
YANG Qiu-ming
2006, 28(3): 47-56.
Based on the observed data during the period of 1951~2001,the effects of the subtropical dipole of SST in the southern Indian Ocean(IOSD)on the global 500 hPa circulations and the rainfall in China are investigated.Results show that the low frequency wavetrain of circum-Pacific pattern(CP)exists over Pacific Ocean for the extreme phase of IOSD in the Northern Hemisphere winter,in which the main periods are about 2.0 and 6.5 a,and is closely linked to SST in the equatorial central and eastern Pacific.The Eurasian Pacific pattern(EUP)and the central Pacific/the North Pole(CPNP)wavet rain in the Northern Hemisphere and southwestern Pacifict eleconnection pattern(SWP)in the Southern Hemisphere are dominant for the following spring.When there is a pattern with west negative and east positive in the subt ropical southern Indian Ocean in winter,the negative EUP pattern is stronger during the next spring,leading to a weak trough in eastern Asia and plenty rainfall in north of Changjiang River Valley,in particular the upper and middle reaches of Huanghe River Valley.Conversely,the stronger and stable trough in East Asia,resulting in the rare rainfall in east China.It is reflected the connections between the interactions of air-ocean system in the southern Indian ocean and low frequency variations in the tropical and extratropical eastern Asia.Thus,the intensity of IOSD in the Northern Hemisphere winter is considered as one of the main factor for the predicting of the rainfall in the north of China in the following spring.
The development of inversion models of chlorophyll-a concentration from CMODIS data
MAO Zhi-hua, ZHU Qian-kun, GONG Fang, HE Xian-qiang, PAN De-lu
2006, 28(3): 57-63.
Several models have been developed for chlorophyll-a concentration retrieval from Chinese mode-rate resolution imaging spectrometer(CMODIS)data.The CMODIS was launched on Shenzhou No.3 spaceship on 25 March 2002.It has 30 visible channels and four infrared channels,much are different from other ocean color sensors.A series of algorithms need to be developed to pocess the CMODIS data.The development of new algorithms needs enough in situ data,and it is very difficult to simultaneously collect a large number of in situ measurements to establish the models.
Western fault zone of South China Sea and its physical simulation evidences
SUN Long-tao, SUN Zhen, ZHAN Wen-huan, SUN Zong-xun, ZHAO Ming-hui, XIA Shao-hong
2006, 28(3): 64-71.
The western fault zone of South China Sea is a strike-slip fault system and consists of five typical strike-slip faults.It is the western border of the South China Sea opening.The formation of the system has been due to the collision of India with Tibet since Cretaceo us,the extrusion of Indo-China Peninsula and the spreading of the South China Sea in Ceno zoic.There are five times of tectonic movement of this fault zone and it plays an important role in the Cenozoic evolution of the South China Sea.So the tectonic model experiments are done to study the orient ation and motion of the fault zone.
Seasonal and annual variations of marine sinking particulate flux during 1993~1996 in the central South China Sea
CHEN Rong-hua, ZHENG Yu-long, WIESNER M G, JIN Hai-yan, ZHAO Qing-ying, ZHENG Lian-fu, CHENG Xin-rong
2006, 28(3): 72-80.
Total 67 samples from the shallow and deep time-series sediment traps are analyzed during 1993~1996 in the central South China Sea.The results indicate that the fluxes of stable isotope,total particulate matter,carbonate,biogenicopal,organic carbon,surface primary productivity,total planktonic foraminifera exhibit obvious seasonal and annual fluctuations.High values of the fluxes occur in the prevailing periods of the northeast and southwest monsoons respectively,and the low values occur during the periods between the monsoons.Fluxes of planktonic for aminiferal species and their percent ages ehibital-so obvious seasonal and annual fluctuations.
Establishing topology of submarine geomorphologic map
WU Zi-yin, JIN Xiang-long, WANG Xiao-bo, ZHENG Yu-long, LI Jia-biao
2006, 28(3): 81-87.
To design the maps of China's marine project,a mapping technology is explored on the basis of map soft ware of MBChart,which has been established during a China's high tech project from 1996 to 2000,a program of five steps to establish to pological tree is proposed o design submarine geomorpho logic map.(1)Self intersecting curves and intersecting curves and isolated arcs are found and edited until these arcs meet the rule of establishing the topological tree.(2)Anodes network is established which is composed of the arcs extreme points,these arcs are appended to the node chain structure by the order of azimuth angle of closed two arc points,so the bidirectional relationship between the nodes and the arcs is established.(3)The topological area is esablished which is composed of the arcs traced from the nodes network.(4)The nested relationship of polygons is established through minimum external rectangle of polygons and the method of counting angles which are used to determine the relationship between the point and the polyg on,the to pological tree is established finally.(5)The topological areas are edited and the submarine geomorphologic maps are designed through man machine conversation on the basis of map software of MBChart.The geomorphologic maps of China's marine project have been accomplished based on this program.The topological technology will be applied to the geology and geophysics study such as data display and complex area count.
Variation of sediment flux to the sea in various grain-size fractions in relation with the delta accretion of the Huanghe River in China
XU Jiong-xin
2006, 28(3): 88-97.
On the basis of the data from the period 1955~1990,a study has been made of the temporal variation of sediment flux into the sea of the Huanghe River in vario us grain-size fractions in relation with the delta accretion.The results show that the sediment fluxes in all the four grain-size fractions tend to decrease.The significance of decrease of the sediment flux in the four fractions decreases with the grain-size, i.e,the decreasing trend of fine sediment flux is clearer than that of coarse sediment.Since the 1970s,area of soil and water conservation measures in the Huanghe River drainage basin has increased,drawn water from the river by man has also increased,and annual precipitation has decreased.All these result in a decrease in the sediment flux into the sea of the Huanghe River in various grain-size fractions.After the measures were taken of soil and water conservation,the decrease of the sediment flux into the sea in fine grain-size fractions was more than that in coarse fractions.
The preliminary studies of a lectin(CFL) from Charybdis feriatus Ⅱ.The molecular composition and the characterization of CFL
DAI Cong-jie, WANG Gui-zhong, LI Shaojing, AI Chun-xiang
2006, 28(3): 98-102.
Lectin of Charybdis feriatus(shortly call CFL)was studied by biochemistry methods.The results show that the lectin agglutinates every kinds RBC from different animals and microbial cells tested widely in the experiment,as a Ca2+ dependent lect in CFL is inhibited by various sugars.CFL is sensitive to the temperature over 40 e and to the pH over 9.0 or below 5.0.No matter adding or not adding-S-S-reducant to the sample of CFL,it demonstrated one single band on plate SDS-PAGE.It shows that CFL does not contain-S-S-,and its molecular mass is 40.8kDa.The analysis result of aminoacid composition of CFL indicates that acidity amino acids were abundant.
The gastric evacuation rate of anchovy Engrauli japanicus in different growth stages in Huanghai Sea and East China Sea
SUN Yao, MA Zhi-min, LIU Yong, TANG Qi-sheng
2006, 28(3): 103-108.
On the basis of the ecological features of anchovy in the Huanghai Sea and the East China Sea, the GERs of 4 main developing periods were determined.The gastric evacuation rate curve was close to a beeline when the fish individual was smaller or the experiment was carried out under over-wintering temperature.With individual increase and temperature rise,the abovementioned curves gradually changed from linearity to typical exponential ones.The further synthetic assessment indicated that the exponential model was best suitable for describing the gastric evacuation rate curves,square root model came second. During high temperature of seeking food inshore,the GER was lower for small individual.Then,in spite of temperature decrease,the GER still obviously increased with body mass increment.When temperature was continuously declined to over-wintering one,the change brought by body mass was covered up by temperature and the GER declined to the lowest in all of 4 growth stages.After over-wintering,the fish migrated back to inshore waters for spawning.Because both of body mass and temperature significantly increased and sexg land of the determined fish had developed to IV or Vstage,which would increased demand to nutrition,the GER in this stage was larger than that of other 3 stages.
Distributions of chlorophyll-a and carbon fixed strength of phytoplankton in autumn of the southern Huanghai Sea waters
ZHENG Guo-xia, SONG Jin-ming, DAI Ji-cui, WANG Yi-ming
2006, 28(3): 109-118.
Chlorophyll-a(Chl a)concentration,primary productivity and carbon fixed strength in the southorn Huanghai Sea(SYS)were examined for their distribution features and biogeochemical mechanisms based on the investigations along four transects in October and November 2005.The Chl a concentration in surface waters ranged from 0.11 to 2.38 mg/m3 with a mean of 0.66 mg/m3,which was much higher than that in the 50 m layer.Owing to a good seawater exchange induced by strong hydrodynamic process in the SYS,the Chl a distributions in the surface and 20m layer were generally similar with high values observed in nutrient-laden inshore waters.However, in the middle of the southern Huanghai Sea where was occupied by the currents from the East China Sea characterized hylow nutrients contents,the Chl a concent rations were correspondingly low.As for the vertical distributions of Chl a in the southern Huanghai Sea,the deep Chl a maximum profile was the predominant pattern.It followed the previous result of the deep dissolved oxygen maximum profile,which was significantly correlated with phytoplankt on and regional water mass.
Contrast of nutrient limiting phytoplankton growth in the Changjiang River Estuary and the adjacent areas between summer and winter
ZHAO Wei-hong, WANG Jiang-tao, LI Jin-tao, CUI Xin, WU Yu-lin, MIAO Hui
2006, 28(3): 119-126.
Biogeochemical investigations and the field culture experiments were carried out drom 27 July to 11 August,2001 and 8 to 19 January 2002.The results indicated that the phytoplankton growth was limited by the illumination near the Changjiang River estuary where the transparences were less than 1 m both in summer and in winter.In summer,high biomasses were located at the Zhoushan fishing ground and the north of the Changjiang River Estuary where the salinities ranged from 28 to 31.However,the high biomass distribution area moved to the southeast in winter.Four partition areas were plotted according to the limitation conditions of phytoplankt on growth in summer:Ⅰ.illumination limitation near the estuary area;Ⅱ.phosphorus potential limitation;Ⅲ.the conversion of phosphorus to nitrogen potential limitation;Ⅳ.nitrogen potential limitation.Three areas are parted in winter:Ⅰ.illumination limitation near the estuary area;Ⅱ.phosphorus potential limitation;Ⅲ.nonutrients potential limitation.
Complex extinguishment of harmful algae by cupric glutamine and surfactant
LI Hao, MIAO Jin-lai, LIU Xiao-guang, CUI Feng-xia, LI Guang-you
2006, 28(3): 127-132.
Cupric glutamate was studied as a novel algicide formarine harmful algae and hexadecy ltrimethyl-eamine bromide(H DT MAB)as an accelerant.The studies on the extinguishment of Alexandrium cupric sulfate or cupric glutamate showed that cupric glutamate had a higher exting uishing rate than cupric sulfate.Cupric glutamate had an excellent ability to inhibit the growth of Alexandrium sp.,but the inhibition efficiency did not increase with higher cupric glutamate concentration.HDTMAB could stimulate the exting uishments by cupric glutamate obviously.There was a positive correlation between concentration of HDTMAB and increasing effect.Study of the mechanism of the exting uishment of Alexandrium sp. showed that cupric glutamate stimulated the production of MDA and reduced the content of sulf hydryl group.The lipid peroxidation level in cells was higher under cupric glutamate-surfact antjoint operation than cupric glutamate alone.In addition of the content of sulfhydryl group decreased significantly,plasma membrane permeability of leaked cell solution was increased.These indicated the extinguishing mechanism:the cell membrane was damaged followed by the inhibition of the cell growth.
Numerical calculation on the wave forces acting on perforated caisson with top cover
CHEN Xue-feng, LI Yu-cheng, TENG Bin
2006, 28(3): 133-138.
The VOF method,k-ε model and air state equation under a constant temperature condition are utilized to calculate the wave force of regular wave acting on a perforated caisson with a top cover.Through the comparison of various parameters such as the total horizontal forces,the pressure difference between the front face and the back face of the front plate,the pressure on the back wall and the top cover between the numerical results and test data,respectively,it is known that numerical results agree well with the test data.It may be concluded that the established method can be used to calculate the wave forces acting on the perforated caisson with the top cover.
Study of exact Rayleigh scattering arithmetic for COCTS sensor on “HY-1” satellite
ZHAO Wei, LIN Ming-seng, CHEN Guang-ming, TANG Jun-wu, NIU Sheng-li
2006, 28(3): 139-143.
The contents and distribution of phosphorus in natural colloids
CHEN Ding, ZHENG Ai-rong, LIU Chun-lan, CHEN Min
2006, 28(3): 144-150.
Analysis on multivariate statistics for Heterosigma akashiwo blooming in Dalian Bay
WANG Nian-bin, ZHOU Zun-chun, MA Zhi-qiang, HAN Jia-bo, XUE Ke, WAN Li, DENG Huan, SONG Lun
2006, 28(3): 151-156.
RF-RAPD analysis of molecular phylogeny of Dunaliella
SUN Guo-hua, SUI Zheng-hong, ZHANG Xue-cheng, GUO Jian, ZHANG Ji-jun
2006, 28(3): 157-160.
Characteristics of carbonic anhydrase gene and protein sequences from Griffithsia japonica
LIU Chen-lin, HUANG Xiao-hang, LEE Yookyung, LEE Hungkum, LI Guang-you
2006, 28(3): 161-166.
Distribution of bacteria and environmental factors in the large-scale mariculture area of Zhelin Bay in East Guangdong, China
LIN Xiao-tao, YAN Rong-jun, HUANG Chang-jiang
2006, 28(3): 167-172.
Study of seabed pore water pressure based on in-situ test and numerical simulation
LIU Tao, FENG Xiu-li, LIN Lin
2006, 28(3): 173-176.