2006 Vol. 28, No. 1
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2006, 28(1): 1-8.
Seven different mechanisms being responsible for the interdecadal variability of the Pacific Ocean are reviewed.The primary perspectives to the future study on the interdecadal variability of the ocean atmosphere system multi-modes and multi-mechanisms of the Pacific Ocean interdecadal variation,interaction among the different temporal and spatial scale ocean phenomena,interdecadal variation of the southern Pacific Ocean and its impacts on the whole Pacific Ocean variation,prediction of ENSO and PDO,interdecadal variation of the ocean general circulation and its influence on the climate change are also proposed.
Seven different mechanisms being responsible for the interdecadal variability of the Pacific Ocean are reviewed.The primary perspectives to the future study on the interdecadal variability of the ocean atmosphere system multi-modes and multi-mechanisms of the Pacific Ocean interdecadal variation,interaction among the different temporal and spatial scale ocean phenomena,interdecadal variation of the southern Pacific Ocean and its impacts on the whole Pacific Ocean variation,prediction of ENSO and PDO,interdecadal variation of the ocean general circulation and its influence on the climate change are also proposed.
2006, 28(1): 9-17.
Two improved schemes(Ⅰand Ⅱ) of quasi-harmonic method for tide prediction of shallow water ports are proposed.SchemeⅠadds 14 circles perday,16 circles perdya and 6 quasi-harmonic terms which are related to previous tide status based on Fang Guohong(2001).SchemeⅡis the method proposed by Wang Ji in 2001 and adopts another 5 quasi-harmonic terms based on the SchemeⅠ.Both of them adopt the same 57 harmonic constituents.However,how to group the constituents and what kind of quasi-harmonic terms are derived from the constituents are different.It takes 40 quasi-harmonic terms to denote the shallow water effect in the SchemeⅠ.The 18 terms of long period,diurnal and semidiurnal quasi-armonic terms are included in the SchemeⅡ.The results show that the precision of both SchemeⅠand SchemeⅡ is obviously improved compared with Fang Guohong(2001) and traditional standard harmonic analysis method.For the first type shallow water ports,such as Wusong Station,all 8 prediction indexes are obviously improved.Especially the roo-tmean-square of low water time is reduced from 26.8 to 15.1 min.For the second type shallow water ports,such as Chensanjiao Station,the root-mean-square of high water time is reduced remarkably from 39.6 to 26.7 min.
Two improved schemes(Ⅰand Ⅱ) of quasi-harmonic method for tide prediction of shallow water ports are proposed.SchemeⅠadds 14 circles perday,16 circles perdya and 6 quasi-harmonic terms which are related to previous tide status based on Fang Guohong(2001).SchemeⅡis the method proposed by Wang Ji in 2001 and adopts another 5 quasi-harmonic terms based on the SchemeⅠ.Both of them adopt the same 57 harmonic constituents.However,how to group the constituents and what kind of quasi-harmonic terms are derived from the constituents are different.It takes 40 quasi-harmonic terms to denote the shallow water effect in the SchemeⅠ.The 18 terms of long period,diurnal and semidiurnal quasi-armonic terms are included in the SchemeⅡ.The results show that the precision of both SchemeⅠand SchemeⅡ is obviously improved compared with Fang Guohong(2001) and traditional standard harmonic analysis method.For the first type shallow water ports,such as Wusong Station,all 8 prediction indexes are obviously improved.Especially the roo-tmean-square of low water time is reduced from 26.8 to 15.1 min.For the second type shallow water ports,such as Chensanjiao Station,the root-mean-square of high water time is reduced remarkably from 39.6 to 26.7 min.
2006, 28(1): 18-25.
With the Lanczos filter and wavelet transform methods,the observational daily rainfall for the period 1958~2000 and winds at 850 hPa level for the period 1980~2001 of Xisha Station(16.5 N,112.2 E) in the north of South China Sea are used to study the intraseasonal variability of monsoon in the South China Sea.It is shown that the daily rainfall and winds at 850 hPa level have intraseasonal oscillation(ISO) which has spectral time scales about 10~50 d with two peak values of 10~20 and 30~50 d,and the ISO has a prom inentannual variation.The rainfall ISO starts in the middle of May and ends in the middle of October,which time is consistent with the time of summer monsoon onset and ending in the South China Sea.The 850 hPa winds ISO exists nearly in all the year round.And the strong and weakyears of the rainfall and 850 hP a winds ISO are inconsistent with the strong and weak years of summer monso on in the South China Sea.The study shows that the summer monsoon in the South China Sea has ISO,but the relationship between the summer monsoon and the ISO is complex.
With the Lanczos filter and wavelet transform methods,the observational daily rainfall for the period 1958~2000 and winds at 850 hPa level for the period 1980~2001 of Xisha Station(16.5 N,112.2 E) in the north of South China Sea are used to study the intraseasonal variability of monsoon in the South China Sea.It is shown that the daily rainfall and winds at 850 hPa level have intraseasonal oscillation(ISO) which has spectral time scales about 10~50 d with two peak values of 10~20 and 30~50 d,and the ISO has a prom inentannual variation.The rainfall ISO starts in the middle of May and ends in the middle of October,which time is consistent with the time of summer monsoon onset and ending in the South China Sea.The 850 hPa winds ISO exists nearly in all the year round.And the strong and weakyears of the rainfall and 850 hP a winds ISO are inconsistent with the strong and weak years of summer monso on in the South China Sea.The study shows that the summer monsoon in the South China Sea has ISO,but the relationship between the summer monsoon and the ISO is complex.
2006, 28(1): 26-34.
By using composed and case analysis the climatic background of sea fog formation of the Huanghai Sea in summer(July) has been analyzed,which includes circulation,vapour transport condition,SST,and net long wave radiation.The results show that the summer monsoon determines the foggy days,and vapour formatted fog is not afforded by local at mosphere but by lower tropospheric jet from tropic atmosphere.Cooperated with the circulation,the SST is very important for the form ation of fog.
By using composed and case analysis the climatic background of sea fog formation of the Huanghai Sea in summer(July) has been analyzed,which includes circulation,vapour transport condition,SST,and net long wave radiation.The results show that the summer monsoon determines the foggy days,and vapour formatted fog is not afforded by local at mosphere but by lower tropospheric jet from tropic atmosphere.Cooperated with the circulation,the SST is very important for the form ation of fog.
2006, 28(1): 35-41.
The meteorological parameters near the surface layer from AWS on the Antarctic ice sheet in Princess Elizabeth L and East Antarctica in 2002 were used to investigate the characteristics of meteorological factors including sensible heat flux(Qh),lat ent heat flux(Qe),Richardson number(Ri),bulk transport cofficient(Cd) ect;,and compare them with meteorological factors for the corresponding period at Zhongshan Station.It shows that the annual air temperature at LGB69 Station is-25.6℃,and 16.4℃ lower than of Zhongshan Station,because of their difference in altitude and position.The tem perature lapse rate is about 1℃/110 m for the initial from coast to inland.The turbulence flux of Antarctic ice sheet displays an obvious seasonal variation,the average sensible heat flux is -17.9 W/m2 and the average latent heat flux is -0.9 W/m2,the heat source int ensity(Qh+Qe) is -18.8 W/m2,which means the surface obtains energy from atmosphere.The nearsurface at mosphere is controlled by near-neutral stratifications in which bulk transport cofficient(Cd) is 2.8×10-3,and it is constant when the wind speed surpass 10 m/s.There is the typical source of the katabatic wind at LGB69,where speed is 2m/s higher than that of Zhongshan Station and higher frequency than that of Zhong shan Station.
The meteorological parameters near the surface layer from AWS on the Antarctic ice sheet in Princess Elizabeth L and East Antarctica in 2002 were used to investigate the characteristics of meteorological factors including sensible heat flux(Qh),lat ent heat flux(Qe),Richardson number(Ri),bulk transport cofficient(Cd) ect;,and compare them with meteorological factors for the corresponding period at Zhongshan Station.It shows that the annual air temperature at LGB69 Station is-25.6℃,and 16.4℃ lower than of Zhongshan Station,because of their difference in altitude and position.The tem perature lapse rate is about 1℃/110 m for the initial from coast to inland.The turbulence flux of Antarctic ice sheet displays an obvious seasonal variation,the average sensible heat flux is -17.9 W/m2 and the average latent heat flux is -0.9 W/m2,the heat source int ensity(Qh+Qe) is -18.8 W/m2,which means the surface obtains energy from atmosphere.The nearsurface at mosphere is controlled by near-neutral stratifications in which bulk transport cofficient(Cd) is 2.8×10-3,and it is constant when the wind speed surpass 10 m/s.There is the typical source of the katabatic wind at LGB69,where speed is 2m/s higher than that of Zhongshan Station and higher frequency than that of Zhong shan Station.
2006, 28(1): 42-46.
A neural network methodology is presented to retrieve wind vectors from ERS 1/2 scatterometer data,and resolving directional ambiguities for scatterometer winds are removed by a circular median filter algorithm.Training data set and test data set come from ERS 1/2 scatterometer data collocated pairs with ECMWF vectors.Comparing the inversion wind velocity and wind direction with CMCD 4 and ECM WF wind vector,the result is good,the run speed is quicker than other method.The good per formance of the neural net work method suggest sthat wind retrieval from ERS 1/2 scatter ometer is possible.
A neural network methodology is presented to retrieve wind vectors from ERS 1/2 scatterometer data,and resolving directional ambiguities for scatterometer winds are removed by a circular median filter algorithm.Training data set and test data set come from ERS 1/2 scatterometer data collocated pairs with ECMWF vectors.Comparing the inversion wind velocity and wind direction with CMCD 4 and ECM WF wind vector,the result is good,the run speed is quicker than other method.The good per formance of the neural net work method suggest sthat wind retrieval from ERS 1/2 scatter ometer is possible.
2006, 28(1): 47-55.
For the current exact Rayleigh scattering calculation of ocean color remote sensing the look-up-table(LUT) is used,which is created for a special remote sensor and cannot be applied to other sensors.For practical application,a general Rayleigh scattering LUT which can be applied to all the ocean colorremote sensors is produced.The vector radiative transfer equation(VRTE) in a plane-parallel atmosphere with the adding-doubling method is deduced and solved in detail.Comparing with the exact Rayleigh scattering radiance derived from the MODIS exact Rayleigh scattering LUT,it is proved that the relative error of Rayleigh scattering calculation with the adding-doubling method is less than 0.25%,which meets the required accuracy of the at mospheric correction of the ocean colorremote sensing.Therefore,the adding-doubling method can be used to generate the exact Rayleigh scattering LUT for the ocean color remote sensors.Finally,by using the adding-doubling method,the general exact Ray leigh scattering LUT is generated.On the basis of this general LUT,the calculated Rayleigh scattering radiance is tested by comparing with the LUTs of MODIS,SeaWiFS and the other ocean color sensor,showing that relativeerrors are all less than 0.5%,and this general LUT can be applied to all the ocean color remote sensors.
For the current exact Rayleigh scattering calculation of ocean color remote sensing the look-up-table(LUT) is used,which is created for a special remote sensor and cannot be applied to other sensors.For practical application,a general Rayleigh scattering LUT which can be applied to all the ocean colorremote sensors is produced.The vector radiative transfer equation(VRTE) in a plane-parallel atmosphere with the adding-doubling method is deduced and solved in detail.Comparing with the exact Rayleigh scattering radiance derived from the MODIS exact Rayleigh scattering LUT,it is proved that the relative error of Rayleigh scattering calculation with the adding-doubling method is less than 0.25%,which meets the required accuracy of the at mospheric correction of the ocean colorremote sensing.Therefore,the adding-doubling method can be used to generate the exact Rayleigh scattering LUT for the ocean color remote sensors.Finally,by using the adding-doubling method,the general exact Ray leigh scattering LUT is generated.On the basis of this general LUT,the calculated Rayleigh scattering radiance is tested by comparing with the LUTs of MODIS,SeaWiFS and the other ocean color sensor,showing that relativeerrors are all less than 0.5%,and this general LUT can be applied to all the ocean color remote sensors.
2006, 28(1): 56-61.
Information extraction and geographic law knowledge were established based on SPOT5 10m multi-bands high resolution images.In order to reduce error of the information extraction and to improve int erpreting precision,a spectral analysis for the choosed samples,and a fuse information analysis were made.The results show that(1) the samples based on fuse information can indicate spectral information, (2) high resolution images make Dong sha Island characteristics clear and show lagoons,and sea mouth developed states and(3) the fuse information of high resolution images can clearly show land use type On the basis of the Kappa analysis,the error of the method reaches 78.33%,which can indicate Dongsha Island land use well.
Information extraction and geographic law knowledge were established based on SPOT5 10m multi-bands high resolution images.In order to reduce error of the information extraction and to improve int erpreting precision,a spectral analysis for the choosed samples,and a fuse information analysis were made.The results show that(1) the samples based on fuse information can indicate spectral information, (2) high resolution images make Dong sha Island characteristics clear and show lagoons,and sea mouth developed states and(3) the fuse information of high resolution images can clearly show land use type On the basis of the Kappa analysis,the error of the method reaches 78.33%,which can indicate Dongsha Island land use well.
2006, 28(1): 62-66.
The influencing factors of the adsorption of metal ions by immobilized marine alage were investigated.It can be concluded from the experimental results that,the adsorption efficiency of Cu2+ is high during the wide pH range of 30~50;for Cd2+,the pH range is narrow,its adsorption efficiency reaches the maximum when pH=4.0.The efficiency of Cu2+ and Cd2+ decreases as the initial concent ration of Cu2+ and Cd2+ decreases.The adsorption efficiency of Cd2+ increases as the temperature rises.The adsorptionrate increases gradually as the concent ration of the sorbents increases.In contrast,the uptake of Cu2+ and Cd2+ decreases gradually.The particle size little influences on the adso rption efficiency of Cd2+,but influence on of Cu2+ is significant.
The influencing factors of the adsorption of metal ions by immobilized marine alage were investigated.It can be concluded from the experimental results that,the adsorption efficiency of Cu2+ is high during the wide pH range of 30~50;for Cd2+,the pH range is narrow,its adsorption efficiency reaches the maximum when pH=4.0.The efficiency of Cu2+ and Cd2+ decreases as the initial concent ration of Cu2+ and Cd2+ decreases.The adsorption efficiency of Cd2+ increases as the temperature rises.The adsorptionrate increases gradually as the concent ration of the sorbents increases.In contrast,the uptake of Cu2+ and Cd2+ decreases gradually.The particle size little influences on the adso rption efficiency of Cd2+,but influence on of Cu2+ is significant.
2006, 28(1): 67-76.
The spreading model of the South China Sea is questioned on the basis of integrated analyses and interpretation of geological and geophysical evidences in the South China Sea Basin and its vicinity from the view of plate tectonics,geology,geophysics and geody namics.The spreading model of the South China Sea cannot be admitted because of these following key questions:(1) The boundary parameters of mathematical theoretical model cannot be selected uniquely,and their results are different or even away from geological and geophysical evidences;(2) their results can neither explain crust structure and rock characteristics,nor explain fault distribution and magma action characteristics,which are indicated by geophy sical surveys and studies;(3) it is difficult for geodynamical evidences to support the spreading model of the South China Sea;(4) around the South China Sea Basin there are no such geophysical and tectonic characteristics int ensified by the basin spreading;and(5) there is no space for the large-scale spreading of the South China Sea Basin.The spreading model of the South China Sea heavily obstructs the deepening and development of geolog ical and geophy sical research on the South China Sea and its vicinity,therefore it must be given over.
The spreading model of the South China Sea is questioned on the basis of integrated analyses and interpretation of geological and geophysical evidences in the South China Sea Basin and its vicinity from the view of plate tectonics,geology,geophysics and geody namics.The spreading model of the South China Sea cannot be admitted because of these following key questions:(1) The boundary parameters of mathematical theoretical model cannot be selected uniquely,and their results are different or even away from geological and geophysical evidences;(2) their results can neither explain crust structure and rock characteristics,nor explain fault distribution and magma action characteristics,which are indicated by geophy sical surveys and studies;(3) it is difficult for geodynamical evidences to support the spreading model of the South China Sea;(4) around the South China Sea Basin there are no such geophysical and tectonic characteristics int ensified by the basin spreading;and(5) there is no space for the large-scale spreading of the South China Sea Basin.The spreading model of the South China Sea heavily obstructs the deepening and development of geolog ical and geophy sical research on the South China Sea and its vicinity,therefore it must be given over.
2006, 28(1): 77-84.
Since Pleistocene tectonic activities are intensive,and about 100 to 300 m thick sediments are deposited on the southern Huanghai Sea(SHS) shelf.So fold deformations in the sediments are well presevered.Three types of folds with different geometries in the sediments have been revealed by single-channel seismic profiles on the SHS shelf and they are(1) faul-trelated fold(including faul-tpropagation fold and faul-tdrag fold),(2) transversal bending fold,and(3) multiaction-folding fold.Studies on geometry and mechanism of folds show that it is base faults and fault blocks that control foldings in unconsolidated sediments on the SHS shelf.Large quantity of pore water in the sediments plays an important role in the deformation of sediment layers.The continuity of deformations of the fault-propagation fold and the faultdrag fold indicates that there is genesis relationship between them.Potential earthquakes induced by the faul-tpropagation folding and the deformation zone should be taken into account in the marine engineering geology evaluating of the SHS shelf.
Since Pleistocene tectonic activities are intensive,and about 100 to 300 m thick sediments are deposited on the southern Huanghai Sea(SHS) shelf.So fold deformations in the sediments are well presevered.Three types of folds with different geometries in the sediments have been revealed by single-channel seismic profiles on the SHS shelf and they are(1) faul-trelated fold(including faul-tpropagation fold and faul-tdrag fold),(2) transversal bending fold,and(3) multiaction-folding fold.Studies on geometry and mechanism of folds show that it is base faults and fault blocks that control foldings in unconsolidated sediments on the SHS shelf.Large quantity of pore water in the sediments plays an important role in the deformation of sediment layers.The continuity of deformations of the fault-propagation fold and the faultdrag fold indicates that there is genesis relationship between them.Potential earthquakes induced by the faul-tpropagation folding and the deformation zone should be taken into account in the marine engineering geology evaluating of the SHS shelf.
2006, 28(1): 85-91.
On the basis of spore-pollen assemblage analysis in the piston core CSH.collected in the northern Okinawa Trough,the history of vegetation and climatic variation on islands nearby the Okinawa Trough during the Last Glaciation was reconstructed.The shape of spore-pollen curves makes it possible to subdivide the succession into different time inter vals.PeriodⅠis the prosperous period of torpic serra coniferous forest,when pinus and semitropical alpine aiphyllus coniferous forest flourished.The derived spore-pollen assem blage suggests that the paleoclimate during that period is arid and warm.PeriodⅡis a prosperous period of xerolphitic herbage,when Artemisia plants prosper,which suggests the climate is xeric and large-scale marine regression may have occurred.Period Ⅲ is the prosperous period for everg reen latifoliate forest,the decilious broadleaved forest increases,the relative abundance of ferns spore reaches the maximum while herbs decreases rapidly,which suggests it is warm and humid.Atotal of six cooling events were identified based on the curves of some especial pollens,these cold events occurred at 4.1~4.6,11.7~13.0,15.4,23.2,29.4 and 47.4 ka BP respectively and showed good correlation with the coldest stadials of Dansgaard-Oeschgercy cles documented in the record of δ18O from the Greenland GRIP ice core,which correspond to the Younger Dry as event and the four Heinrich events H1,H2,H3 and H5.
On the basis of spore-pollen assemblage analysis in the piston core CSH.collected in the northern Okinawa Trough,the history of vegetation and climatic variation on islands nearby the Okinawa Trough during the Last Glaciation was reconstructed.The shape of spore-pollen curves makes it possible to subdivide the succession into different time inter vals.PeriodⅠis the prosperous period of torpic serra coniferous forest,when pinus and semitropical alpine aiphyllus coniferous forest flourished.The derived spore-pollen assem blage suggests that the paleoclimate during that period is arid and warm.PeriodⅡis a prosperous period of xerolphitic herbage,when Artemisia plants prosper,which suggests the climate is xeric and large-scale marine regression may have occurred.Period Ⅲ is the prosperous period for everg reen latifoliate forest,the decilious broadleaved forest increases,the relative abundance of ferns spore reaches the maximum while herbs decreases rapidly,which suggests it is warm and humid.Atotal of six cooling events were identified based on the curves of some especial pollens,these cold events occurred at 4.1~4.6,11.7~13.0,15.4,23.2,29.4 and 47.4 ka BP respectively and showed good correlation with the coldest stadials of Dansgaard-Oeschgercy cles documented in the record of δ18O from the Greenland GRIP ice core,which correspond to the Younger Dry as event and the four Heinrich events H1,H2,H3 and H5.
2006, 28(1): 92-99.
The area of tidal flat in Jiangsu Province is the biggest in China,and the dynamic change of tidal flat erosion and accumulation is complicated.Spartina alterniflora is introduced artificially to the Jiangsu coast,which has significantly influenced the regional tidalflat evolution in terms of the deposition rate, sediment distribution patterns and tidal creek geometry.A ccording to surface elevations of stations and calculated sedimentation rates in different stages,the applicability of Pethick-Allen model is analysed in Jiangsu tidal salt marshes.137Cs analysis is carried out for sediment samples from the salt marshes of Wangang to determine the sedimentation rate.A ccording to the 137Cs analysis and the data form relative literatre,using P-A model for calculating the sedimentation rates in different stages of Jiangsu tidal flat,the results show that the original patterns of tidalflat accretion has been modified since the introduction of Spartina alterniflora,this "intruding organism" has caused rapid accretion.Surficial sediment samples were collected on typical section,and analyzed for grain size by a laser particle analyzer(Mastersizer 2000, produced by Malvern Instruments in the UK),the result shows that fine-grained sediment has been trapped by the plant,and the sediments deposited on Suaeda salsa and Spartinaang elica flats enter the upside marsh mostly through drainage creeks rather than from gently sloping tidal flats.Analysis results of remote sensing and in situ obser vations indicate that the creeks developed on the Spartina alterniflora flat have a relatively small ratio of width to depth,a relatively high density,and are more stable than other tidal flat creek systems in the region.
The area of tidal flat in Jiangsu Province is the biggest in China,and the dynamic change of tidal flat erosion and accumulation is complicated.Spartina alterniflora is introduced artificially to the Jiangsu coast,which has significantly influenced the regional tidalflat evolution in terms of the deposition rate, sediment distribution patterns and tidal creek geometry.A ccording to surface elevations of stations and calculated sedimentation rates in different stages,the applicability of Pethick-Allen model is analysed in Jiangsu tidal salt marshes.137Cs analysis is carried out for sediment samples from the salt marshes of Wangang to determine the sedimentation rate.A ccording to the 137Cs analysis and the data form relative literatre,using P-A model for calculating the sedimentation rates in different stages of Jiangsu tidal flat,the results show that the original patterns of tidalflat accretion has been modified since the introduction of Spartina alterniflora,this "intruding organism" has caused rapid accretion.Surficial sediment samples were collected on typical section,and analyzed for grain size by a laser particle analyzer(Mastersizer 2000, produced by Malvern Instruments in the UK),the result shows that fine-grained sediment has been trapped by the plant,and the sediments deposited on Suaeda salsa and Spartinaang elica flats enter the upside marsh mostly through drainage creeks rather than from gently sloping tidal flats.Analysis results of remote sensing and in situ obser vations indicate that the creeks developed on the Spartina alterniflora flat have a relatively small ratio of width to depth,a relatively high density,and are more stable than other tidal flat creek systems in the region.
2006, 28(1): 100-105.
The karyotypes of hybrid scallop(hybridizing cross the female Patinop ecteny essoensis with the Chlamys farreri) and their parents were studied and compared by colchine hy potonic air drying-Giemsa staining.Some cytogenetic specificities were detected.The karyotype of C.farreri was found to be 2n=38=6m+10sm+22st,while the karyotype of P.yessoensis was 2n=38=6m+10sm+16st+6t.The chromosome number of the hybrid is 2n=38,however,the karyotypes are quite different from the expectative types,much more number of telocentric chromosomes appear.Moreover,obvious polymorphism of karyotypes was examined in the hybrids izatims.
The karyotypes of hybrid scallop(hybridizing cross the female Patinop ecteny essoensis with the Chlamys farreri) and their parents were studied and compared by colchine hy potonic air drying-Giemsa staining.Some cytogenetic specificities were detected.The karyotype of C.farreri was found to be 2n=38=6m+10sm+22st,while the karyotype of P.yessoensis was 2n=38=6m+10sm+16st+6t.The chromosome number of the hybrid is 2n=38,however,the karyotypes are quite different from the expectative types,much more number of telocentric chromosomes appear.Moreover,obvious polymorphism of karyotypes was examined in the hybrids izatims.
2006, 28(1): 106-110.
The biomass of Spirulina maxima increased 24.6%~25.7% when being added 1g/m3liquid triacontanol into Zarrouk culture medium;the biomass of Spirulina maxima still increased 4.43%~4.92% even if content of NaHCO3 in the medium was decreased half(Test 2).The content of carbohydrate increased 11.9%~16.0% in Test 1 and 5.7%~8.3% in Test 2 respectively.The content of chlorophyll a increased 45.8%~63.3%;the total content of protein keptinvariable basically,but hydrosoluble protein was obviously improved from 36% to 60% or so,while non-hydro soluble protein decreased from 30% to 10% or so.Moreover,39.76% rate of increase of biomass was got when adding 1 g/m3liquid triacontanol on a large-scale culture at Spirulina produce base,higher than on a little-scale at laboratory,but decreased 12% when adding solid triacont anol.So a conclusion can been obtained:the Spirulina biomass and biochemical composition were greatly improved when adding liquid triacontanolinto the culture medium.
The biomass of Spirulina maxima increased 24.6%~25.7% when being added 1g/m3liquid triacontanol into Zarrouk culture medium;the biomass of Spirulina maxima still increased 4.43%~4.92% even if content of NaHCO3 in the medium was decreased half(Test 2).The content of carbohydrate increased 11.9%~16.0% in Test 1 and 5.7%~8.3% in Test 2 respectively.The content of chlorophyll a increased 45.8%~63.3%;the total content of protein keptinvariable basically,but hydrosoluble protein was obviously improved from 36% to 60% or so,while non-hydro soluble protein decreased from 30% to 10% or so.Moreover,39.76% rate of increase of biomass was got when adding 1 g/m3liquid triacontanol on a large-scale culture at Spirulina produce base,higher than on a little-scale at laboratory,but decreased 12% when adding solid triacont anol.So a conclusion can been obtained:the Spirulina biomass and biochemical composition were greatly improved when adding liquid triacontanolinto the culture medium.
2006, 28(1): 111-117.
Pseudo-nitzschia pungens and Skeletonema costatum are two strains of diatoms which cause harmful algal bloom in China.SK-1 and SK-2 are tw o strains of diatoms,assumably species of S.costatum by morphological characteristics.Three strains,SK-1 which was isolated from the East China Sea and SK-2 which was isolated from the Aquatic Farm of Qing dao and one strain of Pseudo-nitzschia pungens which was from the East China Sea,were st udied based on rDNA data.The sequences of 5.8S rDNA and ITS regions of three strains of diatoms were amplified,cloned and sequenced.Meanwhile,seven additional ITS sequences and 5.8S rDNA were included in the data analysis.The results were as follows:(1) The ITS sequence and 5.8S rDNA of P.pungens were 693 bp while the sequence of SK-1 was 715 bp,which contained complete ITS and 5.8S rDNA,partial 18S rDNA and 28S rDNA;The ITS and 5.8S rDNA sequences of SK-2 were 331bp;(2) the sequence of P.pungens had very high level of similarity with that of two strains of P.pungens retrieved from GenBank,and the similarity was 100%;while it showed 82.9% of identity compared with P.multiseries which also belonged to the genus of Pseudo-nitzschia;the ITS sequence similarity of SK-2 and SK-1 was very low,showing 51.5% of identity,but it had very high level of similarity with that of Skeletonema pseudocostatum(95.5%) ;the ITS sequence of SK-1 had lower similarity with S.pseudocostatum;(3) results of evolutionary tree coincided with similarity analysis of all three strains;it was suggested that recognition of P.pungens by morphological characteristics was supported with r DNA and ITS regions;(4) the findings demonst rated that classifications of SK-2 and SK-1 based on morphological criteria maybe were incongruous.SK-2 should be belonged to S.pseudocostatum and more data are needed to classify which groups SK-1 is belonged to.
Pseudo-nitzschia pungens and Skeletonema costatum are two strains of diatoms which cause harmful algal bloom in China.SK-1 and SK-2 are tw o strains of diatoms,assumably species of S.costatum by morphological characteristics.Three strains,SK-1 which was isolated from the East China Sea and SK-2 which was isolated from the Aquatic Farm of Qing dao and one strain of Pseudo-nitzschia pungens which was from the East China Sea,were st udied based on rDNA data.The sequences of 5.8S rDNA and ITS regions of three strains of diatoms were amplified,cloned and sequenced.Meanwhile,seven additional ITS sequences and 5.8S rDNA were included in the data analysis.The results were as follows:(1) The ITS sequence and 5.8S rDNA of P.pungens were 693 bp while the sequence of SK-1 was 715 bp,which contained complete ITS and 5.8S rDNA,partial 18S rDNA and 28S rDNA;The ITS and 5.8S rDNA sequences of SK-2 were 331bp;(2) the sequence of P.pungens had very high level of similarity with that of two strains of P.pungens retrieved from GenBank,and the similarity was 100%;while it showed 82.9% of identity compared with P.multiseries which also belonged to the genus of Pseudo-nitzschia;the ITS sequence similarity of SK-2 and SK-1 was very low,showing 51.5% of identity,but it had very high level of similarity with that of Skeletonema pseudocostatum(95.5%) ;the ITS sequence of SK-1 had lower similarity with S.pseudocostatum;(3) results of evolutionary tree coincided with similarity analysis of all three strains;it was suggested that recognition of P.pungens by morphological characteristics was supported with r DNA and ITS regions;(4) the findings demonst rated that classifications of SK-2 and SK-1 based on morphological criteria maybe were incongruous.SK-2 should be belonged to S.pseudocostatum and more data are needed to classify which groups SK-1 is belonged to.
2006, 28(1): 118-126.
A cell abundance, a species composit ion of phy to plankt on, a chlorophyll a concentration, and the relations with environmental parameters were studied in the Prydz Bay and its adjacent sea area, Antarctica ( 62°~ 70°S, 69°~77°E) during the austral summer of 2000. A total of 65 taxa, belonging to 33 genera and 4 phyla of phytoplankt on in the study sea area were identified. The average cell density of phytoplankt on was 32.67 103ind./dm3, of which, Nitzschia curta was predominant and accounting for 24.80%.The high abundance of phytoplankt on and chlorophylla occurred in the Prydz Bay and the adjacent continental shelf where the average cell density was 88.74 103ind./dm3. The low abundance occur red in the continental slope and deeper open sea area, and the cell abundance was 21.42 103 and 10.26 103ind./dm3,respectively. The vertical distribution of phytoplankt on was the highest in the water column 0~50 m, but the low abundance occurred below 100m. The species composition and cell abundance of phytoplankt on were influenced by water masses stability and seasonalice. The phytoplankt on abundance varied with time, high by day than at night, and the highest abundance occurred at 13:00 pm. The correlations of cell density with water temperature and dissolved oxygen were positive, while those of it withinorg anic phosphate and inorganic nitrogen concentrations were negative.
A cell abundance, a species composit ion of phy to plankt on, a chlorophyll a concentration, and the relations with environmental parameters were studied in the Prydz Bay and its adjacent sea area, Antarctica ( 62°~ 70°S, 69°~77°E) during the austral summer of 2000. A total of 65 taxa, belonging to 33 genera and 4 phyla of phytoplankt on in the study sea area were identified. The average cell density of phytoplankt on was 32.67 103ind./dm3, of which, Nitzschia curta was predominant and accounting for 24.80%.The high abundance of phytoplankt on and chlorophylla occurred in the Prydz Bay and the adjacent continental shelf where the average cell density was 88.74 103ind./dm3. The low abundance occur red in the continental slope and deeper open sea area, and the cell abundance was 21.42 103 and 10.26 103ind./dm3,respectively. The vertical distribution of phytoplankt on was the highest in the water column 0~50 m, but the low abundance occurred below 100m. The species composition and cell abundance of phytoplankt on were influenced by water masses stability and seasonalice. The phytoplankt on abundance varied with time, high by day than at night, and the highest abundance occurred at 13:00 pm. The correlations of cell density with water temperature and dissolved oxygen were positive, while those of it withinorg anic phosphate and inorganic nitrogen concentrations were negative.
2006, 28(1): 127-131.
Prorocentrum donghaiense and P.dentatum from CCMP were re-identified by two molecular makers) nrDN AITS and 18S sequences.The sequences of these two species are very similar.The results show that the nrDNA ITS nucleotide divergence between P.donghaiense and P.dentatum CCMP is only 0.002 and 18S nucleotide divergence is 0.000.According to the molecular data,P.donghaiense and P. dentatum CCMP are a similar species.Other three nrDNA ITS sequences and eight 18S sequences of Prorocentrum were obtained from the Genbank.These sequences were analyzed and the phyogenetic trees were constructed by computer programme(Clustal X and M ega).The results show that an nrDNA ITS region is a more suitable molecular maker to identifying interspecies of Prorocentrum and 18S sequence is too conservative.
Prorocentrum donghaiense and P.dentatum from CCMP were re-identified by two molecular makers) nrDN AITS and 18S sequences.The sequences of these two species are very similar.The results show that the nrDNA ITS nucleotide divergence between P.donghaiense and P.dentatum CCMP is only 0.002 and 18S nucleotide divergence is 0.000.According to the molecular data,P.donghaiense and P. dentatum CCMP are a similar species.Other three nrDNA ITS sequences and eight 18S sequences of Prorocentrum were obtained from the Genbank.These sequences were analyzed and the phyogenetic trees were constructed by computer programme(Clustal X and M ega).The results show that an nrDNA ITS region is a more suitable molecular maker to identifying interspecies of Prorocentrum and 18S sequence is too conservative.
2006, 28(1): 132-138.
A direct method is implemented for computing the free-term coefficient and the Cauchy principal value integral in the highe-rorder boundary element method for potential flow.On the basis of the method a numerical model for wave diffraction and radiation from three-dimensional bodies is developed.Numerical experiments are carried out to examine the computation accuracy and convergence speed of the method for the free-term coefficient and Cauchy principal value integration.The numerical experiment shows that the computation result of the free-term coefficient is very accurate even for bodies with edges and corners,and the convergence speed is high for the Cauchy principle value integ ration from different meshes.Comparison is made with analytic solutions for wave forces on a truncated cylinder.It shows that the wave forces from the present model converge quickly to the analytic solutions.
A direct method is implemented for computing the free-term coefficient and the Cauchy principal value integral in the highe-rorder boundary element method for potential flow.On the basis of the method a numerical model for wave diffraction and radiation from three-dimensional bodies is developed.Numerical experiments are carried out to examine the computation accuracy and convergence speed of the method for the free-term coefficient and Cauchy principal value integration.The numerical experiment shows that the computation result of the free-term coefficient is very accurate even for bodies with edges and corners,and the convergence speed is high for the Cauchy principle value integ ration from different meshes.Comparison is made with analytic solutions for wave forces on a truncated cylinder.It shows that the wave forces from the present model converge quickly to the analytic solutions.
2006, 28(1): 139-145.
A numerical wave tank is developed to simulate the interaction between waves and complicated composite seawalls.In the wave tank,the Reynolds equations and the k-turbulent model are solved numerically,the volume of fluid(VOF) method is used to track free surfaces,and the source generation of waves is applied.Being compared the numerical results with the empirical solutions and the experimental results,it can been found that this numerical wave tank works well.The distribution of the wave pressures on the complicated composite seawalls under the condition of irregular waves is pointed out.The wave motions in front of the seawalls are simulated.It is useful for suggesting the reasonable type of the seawalls.
A numerical wave tank is developed to simulate the interaction between waves and complicated composite seawalls.In the wave tank,the Reynolds equations and the k-turbulent model are solved numerically,the volume of fluid(VOF) method is used to track free surfaces,and the source generation of waves is applied.Being compared the numerical results with the empirical solutions and the experimental results,it can been found that this numerical wave tank works well.The distribution of the wave pressures on the complicated composite seawalls under the condition of irregular waves is pointed out.The wave motions in front of the seawalls are simulated.It is useful for suggesting the reasonable type of the seawalls.
2006, 28(1): 146-151.
The nearshore current generated by the breaking of water waves when the waves propagate to the shore is one of the most important hydrodynamic factors in coastal zones.The wave and longshore current field have been numerically simulated based on the elliptic mild-slope equation and wave-current model.As the wave direction is hard to be defined due to the refraction,diffraction and reflection of waves in some local complicated regions,the wave radiation stresses have been calculated combining with the elliptic mild-slope equation which accounts for the refraction,diffraction and reflection of waves and in which the wave ang les have not been involved,and the nearshore wave current field has been numerically simulated based on these,which has made the numerical model can be widely used in complicated coastal regions.
The nearshore current generated by the breaking of water waves when the waves propagate to the shore is one of the most important hydrodynamic factors in coastal zones.The wave and longshore current field have been numerically simulated based on the elliptic mild-slope equation and wave-current model.As the wave direction is hard to be defined due to the refraction,diffraction and reflection of waves in some local complicated regions,the wave radiation stresses have been calculated combining with the elliptic mild-slope equation which accounts for the refraction,diffraction and reflection of waves and in which the wave ang les have not been involved,and the nearshore wave current field has been numerically simulated based on these,which has made the numerical model can be widely used in complicated coastal regions.
2006, 28(1): 152-157.
2006, 28(1): 158-162.
2006, 28(1): 163-168.
2006, 28(1): 169-175.
2006, 28(1): 176-180.