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2005 Vol. 27, No. 3

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Currents in the Luzon Strait during spring of 2002: observation and computation by modified inverse model
YUAN Yao-chu, LOU Ru-yun, Liu Yong-gang, SU Ji-lan, WANG Kang-shan
2005, 27(3): 1-10.
On the basis of the current measurements at 200,500 and 800 m from moored currentmeters with the time series data from March 17 to April 15 at the mooring station (20°49'57"N,120°48'12"E) and the hydrog raphic data obtained on the both sides of Luzon Strait (LS) in spring of 2002 cruise,the circulation in the investigated area is computed by using the modified inverse method.The major observed results are as follows: (1) the average velocity in the observing days is (47.4 cm/s,346°) at the 200 m levels.The average velocity in the observing days is (20.3 cm/s,350°) at the 500 m levels.These mean that the Kuroshio intrudes in the South China Sea(SCS) to flow northwestward through the Luzon Strait at the 200 and 500 m levels.(2) The average velocity in the observing days is (1.2 cm/s,35°) at the 800 m levels,i.e.,its direction is northeastward.This means that the flow condition at the 800 m levels very differs from that at the 200 and 500 m levels.(3) There is the high density and cold water (HDCW) in the middle of western part of in the investigated region,and its center is located near the hydrological station 3 at Section A.(4) There is the lower density and warm water (LDWW) in the southeastern part of investigated region.The major computed results are as follows: (1) The northwestward and southeastward volume transports (VT) through Section B are 32.48×106 (inclusive of VT of anti-cyclonic eddy) and 3.34×106m3/s,respectively.The net northwestward VT through Section B in the investigated area is about 29.14×106m3/s.(2) The eastern and western VT through Section A is about 16.71 and 8.57×106m3/s,respectively.Thus,the neteastward VT through Section A is about 8.14×106m3/s.(3) The net northward VT through Section M is about 24.68×106m3/s.(4) After about 24.68×106m3/s flows through Section M,most of it,about 16.54×106m3/s,flows northward through the eastern part of Section C and then flows northward into the region east Taiwan Island.A part of it,about 8.14×106m3/s,branch out from the main Kuroshio and then flows meanderingly through the western part of Section C.Thus,the Kuroshio has the two cores of current at Section C.(5) The direction of the computed current near the mooring station Magrees with the direction of the current measurements at 200 and 500 m from moored current meters.(6) About 3.34×106m3/s of the SCS water probably flows slowly from the northwest to the southeast in the layer below 550 m at the western part of Section B.
A high-resolution numerical storm surge model in the Changjiang River Estuary and its application
DUAN Yi-hong, ZHU Jian-rong, QIN Zeng-hao, GONG Mao-xun
2005, 27(3): 11-19.
A high-resolution numerical storm surge model in the estuary of Changjing River is developed using the ECOM-Si.Annual average discharge of the Changjiang River is incorporated into the numerical model,and the influential interaction between tide and storm surge is partly taken into account in the model as well.Feasibility of the model is verified to be using eight-case effectual and typical typhoons passing through the Changjiang River Estuary in simulating and forecasting the storm surge and the average error of the resulting storm surge is less than 10 cm.Several numerical experiments are conducted in order to test the sensitivity of the storm surge to the meteorological parameters such as the minimum sea surface pressure and maximum wind radius of typhoon.The effect of interaction between tide and storm surge as well as the discharge on the storm surge are also numerically tested.The sensitive experiment results indicate that the role of the meteorological parameters,Changjiang River discharge,and the tide-surge interaction in the storm surge is remarkable and therefore should be consider in the operational storm surge forecasting.
The upper-ocean response and adjustment to surface forcing in an oceanic general circulation model Ⅱ. Decadal-to-interdecadal variability
RONG Xin-yao, YANG Xiu-qun
2005, 27(3): 20-31.
Decadal-to-interdecadal variability of the temperature and circulation in the North Pacific Ocean,as well as the mechanisms of temperature evolution in the 1976-77 regime shift are investigated with a high resolution oceanic general circulation model forced with COADS 1945~1993 monthly mean data.The model successfully captures the dominant mode of the SST anomalies on the decadal-to-inter decadal timescales,as well as the major feature of SST anomalies in the 1976-77 regime shift.The time series of the simulated SST anomalies in three key regions (central North Pacific,coast of California and KOE region) were found consistent well with the observations.The model also successfully reproduces two distinct subduction events for the mid-latitude temperature anomalies in 1970s and 1980s,respectively.For the surface ocean,the dominant decadal mode in the circulation anomalies displays an oceanic gyre that consists with the wind stress anomalies by Ekman relation.But for the whole upper-ocean,two oceanic gyres were found dominant,the subtropical and subpolar gyres.The subtropical gyre is more prominent than the subpolar gyre,and the anomaly of the subpolar gyre delays the subtropical gyre by about 3 years.Examination of the upper-ocean heat budget in three key regions reveals that the 1976-77 regime shift was caused by both the sustained heat flux input anomalies and the strong horizontal advection anomalies in the central North Pacific.In the Californian coastal region,only the heat flux input anomalies were found dominant,and the effect of the horizontal advection anomalies is negligible.In the KOE region,the vertical advection,heat flux and horizontal advection anomalies are all important in producing the regime shift and the horizontal advection anomalies were found crucial for the time of the regime shift.
Measurements and analyses of the vertical distribution of ocean ambient noise
LIN Jian-heng, JIANG Guo-jian, GAO Wei, LI De-jun
2005, 27(3): 32-38.
The vertical distribution of ocean ambient noise is measured by a vertical array beside shipboard.The results of data processing and analyses show that the wind-generated noise induced by the local wave-breaking contributes much to the ambient noise in six different depths.Both the relations between the ambient noise levels in the frequency band from 0.1 to 20.0 kHz and the receiver depth,and between the ambient noise spectrum levels and the logarithm of wind speeds are given.The linear relations are found between the spectrum levels in the frequency band from 1 to 4 kHz and the logarithm of wind speeds,which are not affected by the receiver depths.
Study on fractal characuerisuics of tidal creeks and information of seashell habitats in the Gaizhou Beach based on high-resolution satellite images
CHEN Xiu-fa, YANG Xiao-mei, WANG Jing-gui, ZHANG Zi-chuan, ZHANG Tian-yu
2005, 27(3): 39-45.
The fractal characteristics of tidal creeks in the Gaizhou Beach were analyzed based on high-resolution images fusion of Landsat TM and ERS-2,and then the graphic models and characteristics of converse information tree of tidal creeks in the Gaizhou Beach were built.A calculation model was built based on the above results,and at the same time,quantitative calculation of the evolution characteristics and the diversity between the north and the south of the Gaizhou Beach was carried out.By the super vised classification of these images,distribution and areas of high tidal flats,middle tidal flats and low tidal flats in the Gaizhou Beach were studied quantitatively,and image characterist cs of seashell habitats in t he Gaizhou Beach and the correlation between mudflat distribution and seashell habitats were studied.At last,the engineering problems in the Gaizhou Beach were discussed.
Study on photoreaction of Fe3+-amino acid complex in seawater
YANG Gui-peng, ZHAO Run-de, LU Xiao-lan, Gao Xian-chi
2005, 27(3): 46-51.
Study on the photochemical reaction of Fe3+-amino acid complex in seawater was conducted under high pressure lamp.In the presence of amino acid,the photoreduction rate constant of Fe3+ is affected by the amino acid concentration,pH,light intensity and temperature.When the proportion of amino acid and Fe3+ is above 2,the photoreduction reaction of Fe3+ at the early stage exhibits a first-order reaction kinetic pattern,but remains nearly stable after 100 min.High light irradiation and low pH value can enhance the photo reduction rate.On the contrary,the temperature has almost no effect on the photor eduction rate.It is proved that the process of photo reduction of Fe3+ is a ligand-to-metal charge transfer process stimulated by free radicals.
Environmental change of palaeo-oceanography recorded in the sediment stratum in the noruhern part of South China Sea since the post glacial period
ZHANG Hai-sheng, ZHOU Huai-yang, LU Bing, CHEN Rong-hua, ZHANG Fu-yuan
2005, 27(3): 52-58.
Comprehensive study is carried out for 69 sediment samples by using the climatic index,U37k-SST18O,δ13C,species composition of fossil micro-organisms as well as sediment type.The result shows that U37k-SST is 23.3~26.9℃ during the post glacial period and 22.2~23.8℃ during the last glacial period.Conversion function of planktonic foraminifer shows that seasonal temperature difference is 4.5~7.0℃ in the post glacial period and 7.0~9.0℃ in the last glacial period.This reflects the change of sea surface temperature as function of palaeo-climate change.The increase of Neogloboguadrina pachyderma density,a cold water dominant species coincides with that of Neogloboquadrina dutertrei whereas the abundance of tropical dominant species such as Pulleniatina obliqueloculata and Glohigerinoi desacculifer decreases during the last glacial period; the opposite trend is noticed during the post glacial period.The direct evidence of temperature alternation is provided by the assemblages and density variation of planktonic foraminifer,calcium micro-fossil in the palaeo-ocean.The resear chalso suggests that the northern part of South China Sea is mainly influenced by fluvial transport during the post glacial period and by wind during the last glacial period,reflecting the intensification of wind during winter season.
The chemical composition of marine aerosol over Zhongshan Station in Antarctica and its sources discrimination in 1998
HUANG Zi-qiang, JI Wei-dong, YANG Xu-lin, HUANG Rong-tan, TANG Rong-kun, YU Tao, ZHANG Gong-xun
2005, 27(3): 59-66.
Fifty two aerosol samples of 6~7 d duration were collected from March 1998 through March 1999 at the Zhongshan Station in Antarctica.The content of 13 chemical elements is presented: Cu,Pb,Zn,Cd,Fe,Al,Mn,Cr,V,K,Na,Ca and Mg.The study results demonstrate that the content of elements in marine aerosol at the Zhongshan Station appeared to be characteristics of seasonal variation,which were related to features of meteorological element.Meanwhile sources of the elements in the marine aerosols are discriminated using methods of enrichment factor,correlation analysis and factor analysis.
Modern sedimentation rates in the intertidal zone on the west coastal zone of the Bohai Gulf
MENG Wei, LEI Kun, ZHENG Bing-hui, WANG Fu, WANG Hong, LI Jian-fen, LI Yong
2005, 27(3): 67-72.
On the basis of the measurement of 210Pbex and 137Cs activities in the sediment cores taken from the intertidal zone on the west coastal zone of the bohai gulf,the average sedimentation rates of modern sediments are calculated.The results indicate that in the sandy area of the intertidal zone (from Daogouzi to the Duliujian River),the sedimentation rate from 1955 to 1963 is 3.43~4.06 cm/a,and is within the range of 0.65~1.59 cm/a since 1963.The average sedimentation rate in the muddy area (around Qikou) is approximately 1.81cm a-1.The results above suggest that the sandy area of the intertidal zone of the western coast of the Bohai Gulf had experienced rapid sedimentation from the 1950s to the 1960s,and the sedimentation sloweds after 1960s,and the sedimentation rates increased from the north to south spatially.The rapid sedimentation from the 1950s to the 1960s in the sandy area was due to the facts that North China had plentiful precipitation during this period and the intertidal zone was supplied with abundant material sources for sedimentation.After the 1960s,the weakened sedimentation might result from the decrease of sand transported to the intertidal zone,which was the consequence of diminished rainfall in North China and the intensive human activities in the Haihe basin.
Miocene deposition and palaeo-slope evolvement of the middle part of northern continental slope in the South China Sea
LI Ming-bi, JIN Xiang-long, LI Jia-biao, CHU Feng-you, FANG Yin-xia, TANG Yong
2005, 27(3): 73-79.
The studies of tectonics and deposition of depression in the middle part of northern continental slope in the South China Sea were dealt with,based on the sequence stratigraphy and depositional facies interpretation of seismic profiles acquired by cruises of "China and Germany Joint Study on Marine Geosciences in the South China Sea" and "The formation,evolution and key issues of important resources in China marginal sea",and combining with the previous studies in the study area.It is shown that the tectonic evolution of continental slope depressions can be divided into rifting,rifting-depression transitional and depression stages,while their depositional environments change from river to shallow marine and abyssal,which results in different topography in different stages.The topographic evolvement in the study area includes three stages,that is,Eogene,middle stage of early Miocene to middle Miocene and late Miocene to present,in which the infill of depressions during the second stage results in the crucial change of slope shape,and forms the present style of the slope.
Biot inversion for in-situ velocity and attenuation data A case study in Hawaii, USA
2005, 27(3): 80-84.
In situ compressional wave velocity and attenuation measurements were made at 2 carbonate sediment sites over a frequency interval between 20 and 100 kHz.Velocity dispersion,while slight,appears in the data.Velocities increase from 1691 to 1708 m/s at Site H3 and from 1579 to 1585 m/s at Site H4 as the frequency increased.Effective at tenuation ranges from 15 to 75 dB/m at Site H3 and from 22 to 62 dB/m at Site H4.Parameters determined by core analysis were fixed in Biot-Stoll models and inversion of velocity and at tenuation data was used to evaluate the 6 unmeasurable parameters.It is found that Site H3 (porosity is 44%) has lower tortuosity,higher permeability and average pore radius than Site H4 (porosity is 56%) after inversion.Good fits were achieved for both velocity datasets,but corresponding modeled attenuation is low.An increase in the low frequency logarithmic decrement well above Stoll's recommended values allowed fits to both velocity and attenuation very well.
Joint probability distribution of wind velocity and wave height in ocean engineering design
DONG Sheng, HAO Xiao-li, FAN Dun-qiu
2005, 27(3): 85-89.
On the basis of the hindcast data,a Poisson bivariate logistic distribution (PBLG) is proposed to calculate the joint probability of extreme wind velocity and wave height simult aneously occurred during the storm processes.Compared with traditional method,the joint design criteria of environmental loads calculated by the PBLG,are recommended to off shore structure design in the Bohai Gulf.The calculated results show that new statistical model fits the design of ocean engineering,which frequently suffers from storm attacks,especially in the exploitation of the marginal fields.
A Fourier analysis method for discontinuous time series for pressure
ZHAO Ming, ZHAO Hai-tao, TENG Bin
2005, 27(3): 90-96.
A Fourier analysis method is proposed for analyzing the discontinuous time series of pressure.In this method a periodic function is expended as Fourier series,but the integral is performed over the sub-period that is part of the function's whole period.Then,a matrix equation is solved to compute the coefficients in the Fourier series.A periodic analytical function is approximated by the Fourier series according to this method for testits validity.If the sampling time is greater than 1/2 of the functions period,the method can give a satisfying result.Experiments are carried out to study the pressure distribution on the surface of a truncated cylinder under the wave action.At the position near the still water surface level,there is no pressure value when it is above the water surface during the wave action.The Fourier analysis method proposed is applied to analyzing the pressure at the position near the still water surface level,and the fitting results agree well with the experimental data,indicating that this method is valid for dealing with the discontinuous data series obtained in the experiment.The wave pressures are computed numerically and the computed first-order and second-order harmonic wave pressures are compared with the measu ed data.
Design on flow of visualization modeling system for ocean remote sensing information extraction
XIA Deng-wen, WANG Hong, SHI Sui-xiang, YU Ge, WEI Hong-yu, WANG Da-ling
2005, 27(3): 97-103.
According to the users requirement and visualization target of ocean information extraction,avisualization modeling system for ocean remote sensing information extraction is designed which includes its software structure,users requirement use-case structure,class structure and flow-chart representation using the unified modeling language (UML) and object-oriented analysis method.The related flow definer and flow at temperment are designed and implemented.The result shows that ocean users can utilize the visualization modeling system to reprocess and transform data without spending much time and learning many domain knowledges of remote sensing information.Moreover,the user can adapt and use the module software of ocean data process and information extraction,and finish their research and development for application based on the software workbench.
Preliminary study on chemical cues in the conspecific aggregation of Styela canopus
HUANG Ying, KE Cai-huan, FENG Dan-qing, ZHOU Shi-qiang, ZHANG Chao-xia, LI Fu-xue
2005, 27(3): 104-109.
The effects of conspecific adult tunic extracts and larval tissue extracts in different concentrations and the effects of different larval density on settlement and metamorphosis in the Styela canopus larvae were investigated.Experiments show that conspecific adult tunic extracts and larval tissue extracts both were able to induce Styela canopus larvae to settle and metamorphose in the concent rations of 5% and 10%.It is found that Styela canopus larvae are induced to settle and metamorphose at densities of more than 25 larvae permillilitre and the settlement and metamorphosis are not influenced at densities of lower than 10 larvae permillilitre.All results suggest that the ability of chemical factors in adulttunic extracts or larval tissue extracts to induce settlement and metamorphosis may explain the conspecific aggregation of Styela canopus in nature.
The spatial pattern of the fish assemblage structure in the mid-southern East China Sea
LI Sheng-fa, CHENG Jia-hua, YAN Li-ping
2005, 27(3): 110-118.
On the basis of data collected with bottom trawl survey during 1997 and 2000 in the mid-southern East China Sea (25°30'~29°00'N,120°30'~127°00'E),the spatial pattern of fish assemblages structure was analyzed through,hierarchical cluster analysis and non-metric multidimensional scaling.Two main fish assemblage styles were identified in the mid-southern East China Sea,which were off shore group and offlying group.These assemblages were relatively persistent,retaining their species compositions over season.Hairtail (Trichiurusjaponicus Temmincket Schlegel,1844) and Glowbelly (Acropomajaponicum Gnther,1859) are dominant species of offshore group,while lesser-spotted leatherjacket [Thamnaconus hypargyreus (Cope,1871)],red big eye (Priacanthus macracanthus Cuvieret Valenciennes,1829),yellowback seabream [Taius tumifrons (Temmincket Schlegel,1842)] are dominant species of offlying group.The relationships between fish assemblages and environmental variables—depth,bottom temperature and bottom salinity—were examined,and the depth was found to be primary variable influencing fish assemblage in the mid-southern East China Sea.
The analysis of genetic variation of Lateolabrax japonicus from Rizhao of Shandong and Xiamen of Fujian by isozyme and RAPD methods
LI Ming-yun, ZHAO Ming-zhong, ZHONG Ai-hua, XUE Liang-yi
2005, 27(3): 119-123.
The sea bass (Lateolabrax japonicus),captured from the coastal seas of Xiamen Fujian and Rizhao of Shandong,was sampled for the study.Polyacry lamide gelelect rophoresis was used to detect the expression of isozymes in two tissues,muscle and liver.Altogether,10 isozymes including LDH,MDH,ME,α-GPDH,ADH,SDH,G-6-PDH,EST,GDH were analyzed.Biochemical genetic analysis shows that the 10 isozymes are coded by 19 geneloci,four of which are polymorphic(ME-1,G-6PGH-2,EST-1,EST-5).The percentage of polymorphicloci is 21.1%.Average heterozy gosity of Rizhao stock is 0.111 2,and Xiamen stock 0.093 9.Genetic similarity and genetic distance between two stocks are respectively 0.990 2 and 0.009 8.RAPD method was also used to analyze the genetic diversity of two stocks.The result shows that using the 31 random primers,263 RAPD sites are detected from Rizhao stock,82 of which are genetic polymor phism,the percent age of polymorphic loci is 31.18%.192 RAPD sites are detected in Xiamen stock,46 of which are polymorphic,the percentage of polymorphic loci is 24.08%.The intra-stock genetic similarity between two stocks is 0.833 8,genetic distance 0.166 2.These adequately show that there is a significant genetic variation between two stocks.Specific DNA fingerprints are obtained by primers of S-11,S-42,S-45,S-52 and S-203.8 proper bands are so obviously that might be used as molecular markers for disting uishing the different fries,also providing the genetic foundation for breeding seed high-quality seed and protecting the germplasm resource of L.japonicus.
Net-phytoplankton community of the Bohai Sea in the autumn of 2000
SUN Jun, LIU Dong-yan
2005, 27(3): 124-132.
Features of phytoplankton community were studied based on the data of phytoplankton net samples from 60 grid stations investigated from 29th August to 4th September 2000 in the Bohai Sea,China.Three phyla including 35 genera and 64 species (not including unidentified taxa) were found in the survey area.The main phytoplankton group is diatom,but the dinoflagellates are also important in the phytoplankton community,it can be the dominant group at some stations.The dominant species are Coscinodiscus excentricus,Ceratium tripos and Eucampia zodiacus,etc.The key species phytoplankton in this season are Coscinod iscus excentricus,Eucampia zodiacus,Ditylum brightwellii,Ceratium fusus and Ceratiumfurca.The horizontal patterns of phytoplankton cell abundance are controlled by that of diatoms,it is high in the northern central Bohai Sea,the southern Bohai Gulf and the southern Bohai Straits.The dinoflagellates abundance is high in the northern Bohai Gulf.There is a phytoplankt on ecot one formed by the Bohai Circulation Current in the northern central Bohai Sea,high species richness,high biological diversity and high cell abundance are found here.The species richness,the Shannon-Wiener index and the evenness of phy to plankton are relatively high in the central Bohai Sea.The fuzzy evaluation of biodiver sity shows that phy toplankton community biodiversity in the Bohai Sea is low.
Microflora and antimicrobial activities of soil microorganisms in mangrove forests in the Jiulong Estuary, China
LIN Peng, ZHANG Yu-bin, DENG Ai-ying, ZHUANG Tie-cheng
2005, 27(3): 133-141.
Microflora and antimicrobial activities of soil microorg anisms were investigated in Kandelia candel forest,Avicennia marina forest and their corresponding mud-flats in the Jiulong Estuary,Fujian of China.The studies on microflora indicate that Bacillus is dominant genus in bacterial genera; Micromonospora is dominant genus followed by Streptomyces in actinomycete genera; increase of percentage of Micromonospora and decrease of that of Streptomyces is presented with descending tidal level from K.candel forest to A.marina forest; the percentage of imperfect fungi is absolutely dominant in isolated fungi,of which Trichoderma,Aspergillus and Penicillum is dominant and conmon genera; microflor a declins with increasing soil depth,however,the percentage of Bacillus and Micromonospora increases relatively with it; the reason why microflora of soil is more in mangrove forest than in mud-flats at tributed to more abundant soil nutrition and better habitat in mangrove forests.Studies on antimicrobial activity reveals that antimicrobial activity of soil fungi is weaker than that of soil actinomycetes,so antibiogram of soil fungi is narrow while that of soil actinomycetes is wide; the genus Micromonospora should be worth paying attention to owing to its strong antimicrobial activities.
Culture medium optimization for pigment production with RSM method
WU Hong-qing, TIAN Li, ZHANG Jiu-ming, WEN Zhan-bo
2005, 27(3): 142-146.
Response surface methodology was used to optimize a medium for pigment production of marine bacterium S-9801 strain.In the first optimization step the influence of yeast extract,peptone,glucose and sodium chloride on pigment production was evaluated using a fractional factorial design.Glucose and sodium chloride influenced pigment production positively while other components had no significant effect.The path of steepest ascent was used to approach the optimal region of the medium composition.In the third step the optional concent ration of glucose and sodium chloride was determined by a central composite design and response surface analysis.The optimized medium allowed pigment production(OD535~650) to be in creased from 463 to 559,320% higher than the original medium.
Effects of cysteamine hydrochloride and luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone analog on growth hormone secretion in Yellow-Fin Porgy
SHI He-rong, ZHANG Wei-min, LIU Xiao-chun, KE Hao, LIN Hao-ran
2005, 27(3): 147-153.
Effects of cysteamine hydrochloride (a somatostatin-inhibiting agent,CSH) and luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone analog on growth hormone secretion in Sparus latus were investigated by i.p.injection.The pituitary GH contents of Sparus latus were significantly increased 2 hposti.p.injection of CSH with doses of 25,50 and 100 g/gb.w,and returned to control levels 24 h post injection.The serum GH levels of Sparus latus were significantly increased 2 h post injection of CSH with dose of 100 g/gb.w,and 6 h post injection of CSH with doses of 25 and 50 g/gb.w; LHRH- A(0.1 g/gb.w) significantly increased pituitary GH contents and serum GH levels 2 h post injection.Combining injection of LHRH-A and CSH significantly increased pituitary GH contents 6 h post injection as compared with CSH or LHRH-A alone,and the serum GH levels were significantly increased 12 h post injection as compared with CSH or LHRH-A alone.These results indicate that both CSH and LHRH-A could stimulate the synthesis and release of GH in Sparuslatus,and the effects of CSH were dose dependent.The combined effects of CSH and LHRH-A were significantly higher than those of CSH or LHRH-A alone.
Studies on the low-temperature lipase of psychrophilic bacterium 2-5-10-1 isolated from the deep sea of the Southern Ocean
LIN Xue-zheng, YANG Xiu-xia, BIAN Ji, HUANG Xiao-hang
2005, 27(3): 154-158.
A strain of psychrophilic bacteria,2-5-10-1,which produces low-temperature lipase,was isolated from the deep sea of the Prydz Bay in the Southern Ocean.The optimal growth temperature of strain 2-5-10-1 is 5,it also produces more extracellular lipase at 5.Tween80 or olive oil in medium enhances the secretion of lipase.The optimal temperature and pH for lipase activity are 35 and 7.5 respectively.At 0,the lipase still has 37% relative enzyme activity.The lipase shows high thermolability,remaining less than 50% activity after incubation at 60 for 15 min.EDT A has no effect on lipase activity,indicating that the lipase activity is independent of divalentcation.In contrast,the lipase activity is inhibited markedly by Cu2+ and Zn2+.
Genetic variation of Porphyra yezoensis by using AFLP
YANG Rui, LIU Bi-qian, LUO Qi-jun, WANG Ya-jun, BAO Jia-mei
2005, 27(3): 159-162.
Genetic variation of 11 lines of Porphyrayezoensis from the coast seas of Kagoshima (Japan),Qingdao,Nantong,Putuo and Naiji islands were studied by using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP).778 bands are obtained with AFLP analysis of 16 primer combinations,among which 15 are unique,about 98.07% are polymorphic.The AFLP data show that the closest genetic distance are 0.180 between two Kagoshima samples,and the furthest one 0.397 is between Kagoshima No.1 line and Nant ng No.9 line.The genetic distance shows that the variation is within the inner species scope.Neighborjoining cluster and UPGMA cluster indicate that samples from Kagoshima and Qingdao were with high similarity and either with the samples of Nantong,Putuo and Nanjiislands.Porphyrayezoensis in China shares high genetic diversity,and the genetic distance shows positive correlation with the geographic distance.
Intercomparison of three sea surface aerodynamic roughness schemes in COARE algorithm
PAN Yu-ping, NIN Jin-zhong, SHA Wen-yu
2005, 27(3): 163-169.
Paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental records in the core sediments from the eastern Pacific Ocean
YE Ying, WANG Ru-jian, TU Xiao-xia, YANG Shuai-jie, LIU Zhi-qing
2005, 27(3): 170-175.