2005 Vol. 27, No. 1
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2005, 27(1): 1-6.
The nudging assmiilation is used to smiulate the three dmiension temperature field of the Bohai Sea,the Huanghai Sea and the East China Sea to reduce the error of using heat flux as the upper boundary condition with the use of the high resolution satellite remote sensing data SST.The result shows that the smiulated current field can reflect the circulation characteristics of the Bohai Sea,the Huanghai Sea and the East China Sea satisfactorily.The temperature field after data assmi ilation is better than that without data assmi ilation.The RMS bewteen the assmi ilation data and the observed data of the three stations selected are 1.307,0.526,0.744 respectively,while the RMS between the temperature smiulated by heat flux and the observed data are 2.160,0.979,1.330 respectively.Data assmi ilation effects the three dmiensional temperature field a lthough we only assmiilate the sea surface temperature.
The nudging assmiilation is used to smiulate the three dmiension temperature field of the Bohai Sea,the Huanghai Sea and the East China Sea to reduce the error of using heat flux as the upper boundary condition with the use of the high resolution satellite remote sensing data SST.The result shows that the smiulated current field can reflect the circulation characteristics of the Bohai Sea,the Huanghai Sea and the East China Sea satisfactorily.The temperature field after data assmi ilation is better than that without data assmi ilation.The RMS bewteen the assmi ilation data and the observed data of the three stations selected are 1.307,0.526,0.744 respectively,while the RMS between the temperature smiulated by heat flux and the observed data are 2.160,0.979,1.330 respectively.Data assmi ilation effects the three dmiensional temperature field a lthough we only assmiilate the sea surface temperature.
2005, 27(1): 7-18.
The "HY-1A" satellite is the first oceanic satellite in China.During the winter of 2002~2003,the data of the "HY-1A" were applied to the sea ice monitoring and forecasting for in Bohai Sea of China for the first tmie.The sea ice retrieve system of the "HY-1A" has been presented.It receives the 1B data of the satellite,outputs sea ice miages and the digital products of ice concentration,ice thickness and ice edge,which can be used as the important inform ation for sea ice monitoring and the in itialfields of the numeric sea ice forecast and as one of the reference data for the sea ice forecasting verification.This paper describes the sea ice retrieve system of the satellitedate including the processes,methods and parameters.The retrieve results and their application to the sea ice monitoring and forecasting for the Bohai Sea are also discussed.
The "HY-1A" satellite is the first oceanic satellite in China.During the winter of 2002~2003,the data of the "HY-1A" were applied to the sea ice monitoring and forecasting for in Bohai Sea of China for the first tmie.The sea ice retrieve system of the "HY-1A" has been presented.It receives the 1B data of the satellite,outputs sea ice miages and the digital products of ice concentration,ice thickness and ice edge,which can be used as the important inform ation for sea ice monitoring and the in itialfields of the numeric sea ice forecast and as one of the reference data for the sea ice forecasting verification.This paper describes the sea ice retrieve system of the satellitedate including the processes,methods and parameters.The retrieve results and their application to the sea ice monitoring and forecasting for the Bohai Sea are also discussed.
2005, 27(1): 19-26.
A ccording to the earlier international studies on the coupled ice-ocean model and the hydroogy,meteorology,and ice features in the Bohai Sea,a coup led ice-ocean model was developed based on the National Marine Environment Forecast Centerś(NMEFC) numerical forecasting ice model of the Bohai Sea and the Princeton ocean modl (POM).In the coupled model,transfer of momentum and heat bewteen ocean and ice is two-way,and the change of ice thickness and concen tration depends on heat budget not only at the surface and bottom of ice,but also at the surface of open water between the ices.The dynamic and thermodynamic coupling process is expatiated emphatically.Some therm odynamic parameters are discussed as well.
A ccording to the earlier international studies on the coupled ice-ocean model and the hydroogy,meteorology,and ice features in the Bohai Sea,a coup led ice-ocean model was developed based on the National Marine Environment Forecast Centerś(NMEFC) numerical forecasting ice model of the Bohai Sea and the Princeton ocean modl (POM).In the coupled model,transfer of momentum and heat bewteen ocean and ice is two-way,and the change of ice thickness and concen tration depends on heat budget not only at the surface and bottom of ice,but also at the surface of open water between the ices.The dynamic and thermodynamic coupling process is expatiated emphatically.Some therm odynamic parameters are discussed as well.
2005, 27(1): 27-35.
We introduce a global 4-dim ensional ocean data assmiilation system,as one part of operational dynamic model system of National Climate Center,which is routinely serving the marine initial fields for operational dynamic model system.Th is system mainly contains 4 parts such as pretreating data,variation interpo lating and ocean dynamic model and post-treating.Pretreating data inc ludes collect ing data,decoding data and data quality control.A3-dmi ensional variation method is used in our system on the spatial.Meanwhile,a time-window,about 4-weeks,is opened in order to obtain asmore observation information as possible.L30T63OGCM Version 1.0,which is established and developed by LASG,is selected as the dynamic model of our system.Using the observation data from 1981 to 2003,we have performed a series of numerical expermients on this system.It is illustrated that the results of this system in the region of the middle Pacific,for instances SST,SSTA,Nino index,sub-surface temperature,etc.,are coincided with corresponding results of NCEP's very well.Therefore,this system's results can be used as the initial fields of relevant ocean dynamic model system as well as a kind of reanaly zed data sets.
We introduce a global 4-dim ensional ocean data assmiilation system,as one part of operational dynamic model system of National Climate Center,which is routinely serving the marine initial fields for operational dynamic model system.Th is system mainly contains 4 parts such as pretreating data,variation interpo lating and ocean dynamic model and post-treating.Pretreating data inc ludes collect ing data,decoding data and data quality control.A3-dmi ensional variation method is used in our system on the spatial.Meanwhile,a time-window,about 4-weeks,is opened in order to obtain asmore observation information as possible.L30T63OGCM Version 1.0,which is established and developed by LASG,is selected as the dynamic model of our system.Using the observation data from 1981 to 2003,we have performed a series of numerical expermients on this system.It is illustrated that the results of this system in the region of the middle Pacific,for instances SST,SSTA,Nino index,sub-surface temperature,etc.,are coincided with corresponding results of NCEP's very well.Therefore,this system's results can be used as the initial fields of relevant ocean dynamic model system as well as a kind of reanaly zed data sets.
2005, 27(1): 36-44.
TRMM and NCEP/AVN products are taken to investigate the structure and rainfall feature of TC Rammasun(2002) based on the analyses of the associated large-scale environment.It shows that the structures of the NCEP/AVN-derived environment fields,such as horizontal and vertical wind,as well as Slanwtise Convective Available Potential Energy (SCAPE) are in good consistence with the 3-D distribution of TRMM derived rainfall.Furthermore,TRMM data is also used in the numerical expermients with meso-scale model MM5 to evaluate the perform ance of different cumulus parameterization schemes in quantitative precipitation forcasts (QPF) of TC.
TRMM and NCEP/AVN products are taken to investigate the structure and rainfall feature of TC Rammasun(2002) based on the analyses of the associated large-scale environment.It shows that the structures of the NCEP/AVN-derived environment fields,such as horizontal and vertical wind,as well as Slanwtise Convective Available Potential Energy (SCAPE) are in good consistence with the 3-D distribution of TRMM derived rainfall.Furthermore,TRMM data is also used in the numerical expermients with meso-scale model MM5 to evaluate the perform ance of different cumulus parameterization schemes in quantitative precipitation forcasts (QPF) of TC.
2005, 27(1): 45-50.
The sound velocity field in a sea area near the Ry ky-gunt is stuidied by accessing generalized digital environm entalmodel data base.The distribution rules about the depth corresponding to the minmial sound velocity value are analyzed particularly.Profile a long the Guntu A rchipelago and profile across Amami-shot are studied to find out the above characteristic variations of them.There are series of conclusions.First,there is a sea area about the north of the Hangzhou Bay coaswtise area where the minmial sound velocity value always appears on the sea sur-face in winter,spring and autumn and steady surface sound channel exists.Along the coast of Zhejiag and Fujian Province,China,in the range of 30 m topography isoline,the minmial sound velocity value appears on the sea surface in summer.Second,seawater mixed very strongly and ascendant flow stood out in the 130 km range of the eastern Okinawa-shot.It lead to that the minmial sound velocity depth value in winter and summer is 400 m greater than that in spring and autumn.
The sound velocity field in a sea area near the Ry ky-gunt is stuidied by accessing generalized digital environm entalmodel data base.The distribution rules about the depth corresponding to the minmial sound velocity value are analyzed particularly.Profile a long the Guntu A rchipelago and profile across Amami-shot are studied to find out the above characteristic variations of them.There are series of conclusions.First,there is a sea area about the north of the Hangzhou Bay coaswtise area where the minmial sound velocity value always appears on the sea sur-face in winter,spring and autumn and steady surface sound channel exists.Along the coast of Zhejiag and Fujian Province,China,in the range of 30 m topography isoline,the minmial sound velocity value appears on the sea surface in summer.Second,seawater mixed very strongly and ascendant flow stood out in the 130 km range of the eastern Okinawa-shot.It lead to that the minmial sound velocity depth value in winter and summer is 400 m greater than that in spring and autumn.
2005, 27(1): 51-56.
The SeaWiFS loaded on SEASTAR is used as remote sensing data source.With the in-situ data of suspended sedmient concentration (SSC) and total particulate phosphorus(TPP),and inverse regression equation,which suggests the exponential relationship between in-situ suspended sedmient concentration data and in-situ radiance data,is employed:ySSC=0.382 6exp[4.9748(R670/R555)],r2 =0.9179.Meanwhile the concentration of particulate phosphorus can be obtained by the following algorithm:yTPP=0.0076xSSC+0.1599,r2=0.720.So the distributive characteristics of suspended sedmients and particulate phosphorus in the Changjiang River Estuary and nearshore were retrived through satelite data.The result suggests that (1) the retrieved concentration distribution accords with the ground trouth,and reflects the actual transport path of ocean current to some extent;(2) the concentration of TPP declines gradually from inshore to offshore;and (3) the a lgorithm is only applicable for Case Ⅱ water,not for Case Ⅰ water.
The SeaWiFS loaded on SEASTAR is used as remote sensing data source.With the in-situ data of suspended sedmient concentration (SSC) and total particulate phosphorus(TPP),and inverse regression equation,which suggests the exponential relationship between in-situ suspended sedmient concentration data and in-situ radiance data,is employed:ySSC=0.382 6exp[4.9748(R670/R555)],r2 =0.9179.Meanwhile the concentration of particulate phosphorus can be obtained by the following algorithm:yTPP=0.0076xSSC+0.1599,r2=0.720.So the distributive characteristics of suspended sedmients and particulate phosphorus in the Changjiang River Estuary and nearshore were retrived through satelite data.The result suggests that (1) the retrieved concentration distribution accords with the ground trouth,and reflects the actual transport path of ocean current to some extent;(2) the concentration of TPP declines gradually from inshore to offshore;and (3) the a lgorithm is only applicable for Case Ⅱ water,not for Case Ⅰ water.
An investigation of organotin compound contamination in three harbors along southeast coast of China
2005, 27(1): 57-63.
Using headspace solid phase microextraction combined with gas chromatography and flame photom etric detector,organotin compounds in water,bottom soil and marine gastropod (Thais clavigera) are invest igated at 21 sampling stations in three hobors (Xiamen,Shantou,and Huiyang) along southeast coast of China from November 2001 to August 2002.The results show that the concentrations of monobutyltin (MBT) in most of samples are the highest,followed by tributyltin (TBT),but dibutyltin is a mlost under detect limit.The concentrations of TBT varied from below detect lmiit to 9.8 ng /dm3 in water samples,0.3~174.7 ng/g(dw) in bottom soil,and 2.1~23.0 ng/g(ww) in marine gastropods.TBT is highest in the water samples from Huiyang Hobor,but in bottom soils and marine gastropods the highests are all found in the samples from Xiamen Harbor.The factors to a ffect concentration of organotins and its special distribution are ship throughput and hydrological condition in each harbor,investigated season,and distance from sampling station to large-scale dock.Based on the data in the present and correlative studies,organotin contamination along Chinese Coast would be universal and serious,and have showed adverse effect on ecosystem,especial to marince gastropods.
Using headspace solid phase microextraction combined with gas chromatography and flame photom etric detector,organotin compounds in water,bottom soil and marine gastropod (Thais clavigera) are invest igated at 21 sampling stations in three hobors (Xiamen,Shantou,and Huiyang) along southeast coast of China from November 2001 to August 2002.The results show that the concentrations of monobutyltin (MBT) in most of samples are the highest,followed by tributyltin (TBT),but dibutyltin is a mlost under detect limit.The concentrations of TBT varied from below detect lmiit to 9.8 ng /dm3 in water samples,0.3~174.7 ng/g(dw) in bottom soil,and 2.1~23.0 ng/g(ww) in marine gastropods.TBT is highest in the water samples from Huiyang Hobor,but in bottom soils and marine gastropods the highests are all found in the samples from Xiamen Harbor.The factors to a ffect concentration of organotins and its special distribution are ship throughput and hydrological condition in each harbor,investigated season,and distance from sampling station to large-scale dock.Based on the data in the present and correlative studies,organotin contamination along Chinese Coast would be universal and serious,and have showed adverse effect on ecosystem,especial to marince gastropods.
2005, 27(1): 64-69.
The geochemical characteristics of transferable nitrogen in different grain size sediments are different.The content of SOEF-N is the highest in all transferable nitrogen.IEF-N is the predominant form in inorganic transferable nitrogen,which could take part in cycling more easily.If all the transferable forms of nitrogen could take part in cycling in suitable conditions,their relative contributions to cycling decrease according to the orderof SOEF-N,IEF-N,SAEF-N and WAEF-N.In differen grain size sedmients,the absolute contents of different trans-ferable forms of nitrogen are the highest in fine sedmients and the lowest in coarse sediments.If the proportions of each grain in sedmients are the same,the contents of transferable nitrogen in fine sediments can amount to 60% of the total transferable nitrogen,which is twoldtmies of that in medium size sedmients and amlost seven tmies of that in coarse sediments.Namely that,fine sediment has the highest potential contribution to nitrogen cycling.In addition,the relative contents of organic transferable nitrogen increase with grain size finer,while those of inorganic nitrogen decrease.
The geochemical characteristics of transferable nitrogen in different grain size sediments are different.The content of SOEF-N is the highest in all transferable nitrogen.IEF-N is the predominant form in inorganic transferable nitrogen,which could take part in cycling more easily.If all the transferable forms of nitrogen could take part in cycling in suitable conditions,their relative contributions to cycling decrease according to the orderof SOEF-N,IEF-N,SAEF-N and WAEF-N.In differen grain size sedmients,the absolute contents of different trans-ferable forms of nitrogen are the highest in fine sedmients and the lowest in coarse sediments.If the proportions of each grain in sedmients are the same,the contents of transferable nitrogen in fine sediments can amount to 60% of the total transferable nitrogen,which is twoldtmies of that in medium size sedmients and amlost seven tmies of that in coarse sediments.Namely that,fine sediment has the highest potential contribution to nitrogen cycling.In addition,the relative contents of organic transferable nitrogen increase with grain size finer,while those of inorganic nitrogen decrease.
2005, 27(1): 70-77.
Past sea surface temperature(SST) and sea level change are reconstructed for the last glacial period using the U37K and δ18O.The U37K-SST was 23.3~26.9 in the Post Glacial Period and 22.2~23.8 in the last glacial period,respectively.On the average the temperature in the last glacial period is 4.7 lower than that in present tmie.The seasonal difference of temperature was from 4.5 to 7.0 in the Post Glacial Period and 7.0 to 9.0 in the last glacial period,muchh igher than that observed at the same latitudes in the Pacific Ocean.The temperature has been decreasing while the sea leave descending during the last glacial period.Sea level change is completely controlled by the alternation of cold and warm clmiate.
Past sea surface temperature(SST) and sea level change are reconstructed for the last glacial period using the U37K and δ18O.The U37K-SST was 23.3~26.9 in the Post Glacial Period and 22.2~23.8 in the last glacial period,respectively.On the average the temperature in the last glacial period is 4.7 lower than that in present tmie.The seasonal difference of temperature was from 4.5 to 7.0 in the Post Glacial Period and 7.0 to 9.0 in the last glacial period,muchh igher than that observed at the same latitudes in the Pacific Ocean.The temperature has been decreasing while the sea leave descending during the last glacial period.Sea level change is completely controlled by the alternation of cold and warm clmiate.
2005, 27(1): 78-83.
The natural therm olum inescence (NTL) of foram in iferal shells from piston cores MD81349 and MD77181 from the Ninetyeast Ridge and the Bengal Fan of the Indian Ocean were studied for the climate changes during the past 300 ka.It has been found that the TL fluctuations are closely corre lated to the oxygen isotope curves.The high and low TL intensities correspond to the interglacial and glacial stages respectively.The spectrum analysis of TL profile reveals several significant periodicities at 99,46,23,20 and 11 ka.Apparently,the periodicities of 99,46,23 and 20 ka coincide with the orbital eccentricity,obliquity and processional cycles respectively.The results of spectrum analysis and TL fluctuations ind icate that glacialinterg lacial climatic cycles are controlled by the change in the solar insolation.The TL intensities of plank tonic foram in iferal shells can be used to indicate the paleoclmiate changes and the solar insolation.
The natural therm olum inescence (NTL) of foram in iferal shells from piston cores MD81349 and MD77181 from the Ninetyeast Ridge and the Bengal Fan of the Indian Ocean were studied for the climate changes during the past 300 ka.It has been found that the TL fluctuations are closely corre lated to the oxygen isotope curves.The high and low TL intensities correspond to the interglacial and glacial stages respectively.The spectrum analysis of TL profile reveals several significant periodicities at 99,46,23,20 and 11 ka.Apparently,the periodicities of 99,46,23 and 20 ka coincide with the orbital eccentricity,obliquity and processional cycles respectively.The results of spectrum analysis and TL fluctuations ind icate that glacialinterg lacial climatic cycles are controlled by the change in the solar insolation.The TL intensities of plank tonic foram in iferal shells can be used to indicate the paleoclmiate changes and the solar insolation.
2005, 27(1): 84-92.
Dissolved and particulate 234Th,particulate organic carbon (POC),particulate organic nitrogen (POC),and chlorophyll a concentrations in the upper 200 m of water columns from seven stations in the northw estern North Pacific Ocean were determined in the winter of 1997.The dissolved,particulate,and total 234Th activities (dissolved plus particulate) show a pronounced deficiency with respect to its parent 238U in the euphotic zone whereas the total 234Th shows near-equilibrium at the depth greater than 100 m.The 234Th data were used to derive the fluxes of particulate organic carbon and nitrogen output of the euphotic zone.The POC and PON fluxes range from 3.8 to 8.2 and 0.50 to 0.98 mmol/(m2·d),respectively,and are higher in the west region than in the east,and higher in the south than in the north.The co-influence of Kuroshio-Oyashio Currents with supply of substances from the coast area to the study area and the light condition are two factors determining the horizontal distribution of POC fluxes in winter.The depth distribution of the chlorophylla as well as the consistence of the ratio of POC to PON with the Redfield ratio suggest that phytoplankton is themain contributor to the export of POC in this area in winter.The POC fluxes in the northw estern North Pacific Ocean in winter are comparable to some areas in the world oceas in spring and summer seasons.
Dissolved and particulate 234Th,particulate organic carbon (POC),particulate organic nitrogen (POC),and chlorophyll a concentrations in the upper 200 m of water columns from seven stations in the northw estern North Pacific Ocean were determined in the winter of 1997.The dissolved,particulate,and total 234Th activities (dissolved plus particulate) show a pronounced deficiency with respect to its parent 238U in the euphotic zone whereas the total 234Th shows near-equilibrium at the depth greater than 100 m.The 234Th data were used to derive the fluxes of particulate organic carbon and nitrogen output of the euphotic zone.The POC and PON fluxes range from 3.8 to 8.2 and 0.50 to 0.98 mmol/(m2·d),respectively,and are higher in the west region than in the east,and higher in the south than in the north.The co-influence of Kuroshio-Oyashio Currents with supply of substances from the coast area to the study area and the light condition are two factors determining the horizontal distribution of POC fluxes in winter.The depth distribution of the chlorophylla as well as the consistence of the ratio of POC to PON with the Redfield ratio suggest that phytoplankton is themain contributor to the export of POC in this area in winter.The POC fluxes in the northw estern North Pacific Ocean in winter are comparable to some areas in the world oceas in spring and summer seasons.
2005, 27(1): 93-100.
The high-resolution content sequences aboutiron,manganese,ratios of iron to manganese,CaCO3 and acetic acid-soluble magnesium in the SZ2 column from the northeast continental slope of the South China Sea have been set up.There are remarkable positive correlations among iron,manganese and CaCO3 and negative correlations between CaCO3 and the ratios of iron to manganese.The positive correlat ions between iron and manganese show that their content changes on the vertical are identical.The depth of redox boundary of iron is deeper than that of manganese.In the process of diagenesis,the original content of iron has been kept in the deposit column,and the content of manganese kept in the column is much less than its original content,however,the content of manganese in the column is enriched during glacial era.It is concluded that the changes of manganese content reveal the strong fluctuation of sea productivity,deposit rate and temperature,and the fluctuation of the concentration of iron reveals the fluctuation strength and frequency of global clmiate and supply of iron from the continent.The changes of concentration of manganese in the column are abrupt,which often happen in the depth where there are the turning points of content changes of CaCO3.The ratios of iron to manganese in the glacialera are less than those of interglacial.The ratios of iron to manganese are an miportant and sensitive proxy indicators for the deposit rate,and for the changes of CaCO3 in the column,and for the changes of CO2 in the atmosphere
The high-resolution content sequences aboutiron,manganese,ratios of iron to manganese,CaCO3 and acetic acid-soluble magnesium in the SZ2 column from the northeast continental slope of the South China Sea have been set up.There are remarkable positive correlations among iron,manganese and CaCO3 and negative correlations between CaCO3 and the ratios of iron to manganese.The positive correlat ions between iron and manganese show that their content changes on the vertical are identical.The depth of redox boundary of iron is deeper than that of manganese.In the process of diagenesis,the original content of iron has been kept in the deposit column,and the content of manganese kept in the column is much less than its original content,however,the content of manganese in the column is enriched during glacial era.It is concluded that the changes of manganese content reveal the strong fluctuation of sea productivity,deposit rate and temperature,and the fluctuation of the concentration of iron reveals the fluctuation strength and frequency of global clmiate and supply of iron from the continent.The changes of concentration of manganese in the column are abrupt,which often happen in the depth where there are the turning points of content changes of CaCO3.The ratios of iron to manganese in the glacialera are less than those of interglacial.The ratios of iron to manganese are an miportant and sensitive proxy indicators for the deposit rate,and for the changes of CaCO3 in the column,and for the changes of CO2 in the atmosphere
2005, 27(1): 101-106.
The carbon and nitrogen budgets are estmi ated on the adult females,juveniles and post-furcilia larvae of Pseudeuphausia sinica in the laboratory with newly hatching nauplii of Artemia salina as food.It is found that the ingestion rate is linearly related to the food concentration,suggesting high feeding potential.The linear correlation can be established bewteen the resp iration rate (carbon consumption rate) and carbon ingestion rate,as well as carbon assmi ilation rate.The regression coefficients (i.e.specific dynamic action coefficients) are 9%~16% (ingest C) and 10%~17% (assmi ilated C) respectively,with lower in the post-furcilia larvae.There also existed a linear correlation equation bewteen estmi ated total nitrogen excretion rate and the rates of nitrogen ingestion and assimilation separately,except for the juveniles.The defecation rates increas with increasing the ingestion rate,as a result,assmiilation efficiency is not related to the ingestion rate,ranged from 0.84~0.95.The results indicated that the nitrogen content in food particles is a key factor lmiiting the growth of P.sinica.The critical ingestion rate is 10 μg/mg body dry weight perday.A ssimilated N is lostmostly by excretion,following a llocated to somatic growth.The nitrogen loss by moult only account for a minor part.As for carbon budget,resp iration and som atic growth also account for most of assimilation,but varie with ingestion rates.Moult loss isminor.Estimated reproductive growth (C&N) in the adult fem ales accounted for somewhat higher percent of assmi ilation than the moult growth.The net growth efficiency (K2) increasw ith increasing ingestion rates,but decreas slightly for juvenile and post-furcilia larvae after the rates up to a certain value.
The carbon and nitrogen budgets are estmi ated on the adult females,juveniles and post-furcilia larvae of Pseudeuphausia sinica in the laboratory with newly hatching nauplii of Artemia salina as food.It is found that the ingestion rate is linearly related to the food concentration,suggesting high feeding potential.The linear correlation can be established bewteen the resp iration rate (carbon consumption rate) and carbon ingestion rate,as well as carbon assmi ilation rate.The regression coefficients (i.e.specific dynamic action coefficients) are 9%~16% (ingest C) and 10%~17% (assmi ilated C) respectively,with lower in the post-furcilia larvae.There also existed a linear correlation equation bewteen estmi ated total nitrogen excretion rate and the rates of nitrogen ingestion and assimilation separately,except for the juveniles.The defecation rates increas with increasing the ingestion rate,as a result,assmiilation efficiency is not related to the ingestion rate,ranged from 0.84~0.95.The results indicated that the nitrogen content in food particles is a key factor lmiiting the growth of P.sinica.The critical ingestion rate is 10 μg/mg body dry weight perday.A ssimilated N is lostmostly by excretion,following a llocated to somatic growth.The nitrogen loss by moult only account for a minor part.As for carbon budget,resp iration and som atic growth also account for most of assimilation,but varie with ingestion rates.Moult loss isminor.Estimated reproductive growth (C&N) in the adult fem ales accounted for somewhat higher percent of assmi ilation than the moult growth.The net growth efficiency (K2) increasw ith increasing ingestion rates,but decreas slightly for juvenile and post-furcilia larvae after the rates up to a certain value.
2005, 27(1): 107-113.
129 species were identified,the species composition and distributing characteristics of phytoplankton in relation to environmental factors and central fishing ground were analyzed,The warm-water group was dom inant (58.9%) in species composition,the proportion of cool-water group was quite low in species composition (10.9%),while it was obviously dominant in quantitative composition (68.05%),which miplied that tropic zone,subtropic zone and subfrigid zone existed in this area meantmie.The analyzing results show that the distribution of phytoplankton is not even during the investigation period,and the average concentration is 54.60×103 cell/m3;the warm water and the cold water species have such a great influence on species composition and quantitative distribution of phytoplankton;and the form of central fishing ground is close related to high quantitative zone of phytoplankton.
129 species were identified,the species composition and distributing characteristics of phytoplankton in relation to environmental factors and central fishing ground were analyzed,The warm-water group was dom inant (58.9%) in species composition,the proportion of cool-water group was quite low in species composition (10.9%),while it was obviously dominant in quantitative composition (68.05%),which miplied that tropic zone,subtropic zone and subfrigid zone existed in this area meantmie.The analyzing results show that the distribution of phytoplankton is not even during the investigation period,and the average concentration is 54.60×103 cell/m3;the warm water and the cold water species have such a great influence on species composition and quantitative distribution of phytoplankton;and the form of central fishing ground is close related to high quantitative zone of phytoplankton.
2005, 27(1): 114-119.
Population densities of genus Pseudo-nitzschia,phytop lankton and zoop lankton were investigated daily from Apirl to May,2000,in the Daya Bay,the South China Sea,and relationships among these characteristics were also analyzed.The results show that at the beg inning of survery,species composition and densities of planktonic community were both rare followed by a rapidly increasing growth of Pseudo-nitzschia with a highest density of 2.93×105 cells/dm3 which have reachecd the bloom density.P.pseudodelicatissmia and P.pungens were the joint-causative species as well as species composition and densities of diatom and dinoflag llate enriched during the bloom.It was found that Pseudo-nitzschia became the most miportant component in the spirng diatom bloom due to its advantage in the competition among the different species.The effect of zoop lankton's (especially copepods) down-control on Pseudo-nitzschia was't obviously mostly because of the less grazing pressure.The reasons mentioned above made Pseudo-nitzschia abundant and it a potential bloom-causing species in the study area.
Population densities of genus Pseudo-nitzschia,phytop lankton and zoop lankton were investigated daily from Apirl to May,2000,in the Daya Bay,the South China Sea,and relationships among these characteristics were also analyzed.The results show that at the beg inning of survery,species composition and densities of planktonic community were both rare followed by a rapidly increasing growth of Pseudo-nitzschia with a highest density of 2.93×105 cells/dm3 which have reachecd the bloom density.P.pseudodelicatissmia and P.pungens were the joint-causative species as well as species composition and densities of diatom and dinoflag llate enriched during the bloom.It was found that Pseudo-nitzschia became the most miportant component in the spirng diatom bloom due to its advantage in the competition among the different species.The effect of zoop lankton's (especially copepods) down-control on Pseudo-nitzschia was't obviously mostly because of the less grazing pressure.The reasons mentioned above made Pseudo-nitzschia abundant and it a potential bloom-causing species in the study area.
2005, 27(1): 120-124.
The paired mandibular organs are located at the base of the mandibular tendon.The plasmamem brane of the glandular cells is convoluted,especially at the adjaction to the hemolymph channels.The cytoplasm has numerous smooth endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria with tubular cristae.In the maturation stage of the ovaries,the mitochondria grow up in number,a few of which change morpholog ically;the developed Golgicom plexes are frequently observed;the scatteredt SER reduces,while the highly convergedt SER increases;vastarrays of vesicles varying in size are located adjacent to the plasmamem brane;the degree of convo lution enhances.The structure change of this organ may associate with the increasing ability of synthesis and secretion of the mandibular organin.
The paired mandibular organs are located at the base of the mandibular tendon.The plasmamem brane of the glandular cells is convoluted,especially at the adjaction to the hemolymph channels.The cytoplasm has numerous smooth endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria with tubular cristae.In the maturation stage of the ovaries,the mitochondria grow up in number,a few of which change morpholog ically;the developed Golgicom plexes are frequently observed;the scatteredt SER reduces,while the highly convergedt SER increases;vastarrays of vesicles varying in size are located adjacent to the plasmamem brane;the degree of convo lution enhances.The structure change of this organ may associate with the increasing ability of synthesis and secretion of the mandibular organin
2005, 27(1): 125-129.
Immunocytochem istry technologies were applied to observe the mimunoreactive neurons and neuropils of seroton in (5-HT),glucagon (Glu),neuropeptide Y (NPY) and somatostatin (SOM) in the optic ganglia of Scylla serrata.The results are as follows:5-HT-mimunoreactive cells are located in lamina ganglionaris(LG),medulla externa(ME),medulla interna(MI) and medulla term inalis(MT).Except one large mimunoreactive cell in the Xorgan,the other mimunoreactive cells are small.The presence of Glu-mimunoreactive cells is found in the optic ganglia except LG.The mimunoreactivity is strong in the neuropils of MT.Many mimunoreactive cells in MT are aggregated in Xorgan.The sinus gland is mimunoreactive.The NPY-imm unoreactive cells are small in LG and ME and large in MI and MT.Small cells are also seen dispersing in the Xorgan.A few SOM-immunoreactive cells are distributed in the four neuropils in the optic ganglia.The specific distribution patterns of the four immuno-reactive substances may thus supply morphological proofs for their different neurophysio logical function.
Immunocytochem istry technologies were applied to observe the mimunoreactive neurons and neuropils of seroton in (5-HT),glucagon (Glu),neuropeptide Y (NPY) and somatostatin (SOM) in the optic ganglia of Scylla serrata.The results are as follows:5-HT-mimunoreactive cells are located in lamina ganglionaris(LG),medulla externa(ME),medulla interna(MI) and medulla term inalis(MT).Except one large mimunoreactive cell in the Xorgan,the other mimunoreactive cells are small.The presence of Glu-mimunoreactive cells is found in the optic ganglia except LG.The mimunoreactivity is strong in the neuropils of MT.Many mimunoreactive cells in MT are aggregated in Xorgan.The sinus gland is mimunoreactive.The NPY-imm unoreactive cells are small in LG and ME and large in MI and MT.Small cells are also seen dispersing in the Xorgan.A few SOM-immunoreactive cells are distributed in the four neuropils in the optic ganglia.The specific distribution patterns of the four immuno-reactive substances may thus supply morphological proofs for their different neurophysio logical function.
2005, 27(1): 130-136.
L-ascorhy l-2-polyphosphate (LAPP) was used as a vitam in C source to study the dietary Vc requirements of the juvenile crabs,Eriocheir sinensis.A cultured trial for 25 d was performed using six levels of LAPP at 0(C0),100(C1),200(C2),400(C3),800(C4) and 1 000 mg/100 g(C5) diet in isonitrogen and isoenergy purified diets.Each treatment was run in triplicate.The results show tha tthe normal growth,survival and ecdysis of the juvenile crabs were maintained when purified diets were supple mented with 100~400 mg /100g diet vitam in C.The weight growth rate,survival rate and averagemolt frequency of juvenile crabs at Stages Ⅱ and Ⅲ fed with C2 and C3 are higher than those of crabs fed with C0,C1,C4 and C5.In the range from 200 mg/100 g diet to 400 mg/100g diet,the weight growth rate,survival rate and ecdysis frequency of the juvenile crabs at Stages Ⅱ and are Ⅲ are increased with increase of vitam in C content,when juvenile crabs at Stage Ⅲ fed with C2 and C3,the results are 516.18%,458.89%,62.83%,66.17%,2.58 and 2.61 respectively.Performance of juvenile crabs at Stage Ⅲ are significantly reduced by feeding Vc-deficient diets.Those data of the C0 are 265.31%,26.67% and 2.26 respectively.Diets that are excessively supplem ented in Vc do not perform better.When diets were supplemented Vc at 800~1 000 mg/100g diet,the weight growth rate,survival rate and ecdysis frequency of the juvenile crabs at Stages Ⅱ and Ⅲ are lowered.The results of the juvenile crabs evaluations at Stage Ⅲ are 355.7%,307.53%,31.33%,28.56%,2.39 and 2.19 respectively.The anti-stress trial results also demonstrate that when the juvenile crabs fed with the diets supplemented with Vc their ability to endure hypoxia and pH saltation was enhanced(P < 0.05).However the Vc levels do not show significant effects on to lerance for salinity saltation of the juvenile crabs (P > 0.05).In conclusion,The optmial vitam in C levels for juvenile crabs are 200~400 mg/100g diet.Vitam in C can also increase the anti-stress abilities of juvenile crabs.
L-ascorhy l-2-polyphosphate (LAPP) was used as a vitam in C source to study the dietary Vc requirements of the juvenile crabs,Eriocheir sinensis.A cultured trial for 25 d was performed using six levels of LAPP at 0(C0),100(C1),200(C2),400(C3),800(C4) and 1 000 mg/100 g(C5) diet in isonitrogen and isoenergy purified diets.Each treatment was run in triplicate.The results show tha tthe normal growth,survival and ecdysis of the juvenile crabs were maintained when purified diets were supple mented with 100~400 mg /100g diet vitam in C.The weight growth rate,survival rate and averagemolt frequency of juvenile crabs at Stages Ⅱ and Ⅲ fed with C2 and C3 are higher than those of crabs fed with C0,C1,C4 and C5.In the range from 200 mg/100 g diet to 400 mg/100g diet,the weight growth rate,survival rate and ecdysis frequency of the juvenile crabs at Stages Ⅱ and are Ⅲ are increased with increase of vitam in C content,when juvenile crabs at Stage Ⅲ fed with C2 and C3,the results are 516.18%,458.89%,62.83%,66.17%,2.58 and 2.61 respectively.Performance of juvenile crabs at Stage Ⅲ are significantly reduced by feeding Vc-deficient diets.Those data of the C0 are 265.31%,26.67% and 2.26 respectively.Diets that are excessively supplem ented in Vc do not perform better.When diets were supplemented Vc at 800~1 000 mg/100g diet,the weight growth rate,survival rate and ecdysis frequency of the juvenile crabs at Stages Ⅱ and Ⅲ are lowered.The results of the juvenile crabs evaluations at Stage Ⅲ are 355.7%,307.53%,31.33%,28.56%,2.39 and 2.19 respectively.The anti-stress trial results also demonstrate that when the juvenile crabs fed with the diets supplemented with Vc their ability to endure hypoxia and pH saltation was enhanced(P < 0.05).However the Vc levels do not show significant effects on to lerance for salinity saltation of the juvenile crabs (P > 0.05).In conclusion,The optmial vitam in C levels for juvenile crabs are 200~400 mg/100g diet.Vitam in C can also increase the anti-stress abilities of juvenile crabs.
2005, 27(1): 137-144.
The effects of changes in concentrations of potassium,magnesium and calcium on settlement and metamorphosis in the Styela canopus Savigny larvae in artifical seaw ater and the characteristic of the potassium channels in externally accessible,excitable cell mem brane were studied.K+ effectively induced larval settlement and metamorphosis during the concentrations of 20~40 mmol/dm3,but showed inhibitive effect in the concentrations being less than or egual to 4.5 mmol/dm3 or being greater than or egual to 80 mmol/dm3.The inductive effect of 0~32 mmol/dm3 Mg2+ was remarkable,but 88 mmol/dm3 Mg2+ inhibited larval settlement and metamorphosis.The settlement and metamorphosis of the larvae would be inhibited no matter whether increased or decreased Ca2+ in artificial seawater.The failure of inhibiting the inductive effect of K+ by a K+ -channel blocker TEA (tetraethylamm onium chloride) indicated that the potassium channe ls in externally accessible,excitable cellmem brane of Styela canopus Savigny larvae are insensitive to external TEA.Like 80 mmol/dm3 K+,K+ -free or Mg2+-free sea waterw ould produce evidence of toxicity.The mechanisms of ionic control of settlement andmetamorphosis in the Styela canopus Savigny larvae were discussed.
The effects of changes in concentrations of potassium,magnesium and calcium on settlement and metamorphosis in the Styela canopus Savigny larvae in artifical seaw ater and the characteristic of the potassium channels in externally accessible,excitable cell mem brane were studied.K+ effectively induced larval settlement and metamorphosis during the concentrations of 20~40 mmol/dm3,but showed inhibitive effect in the concentrations being less than or egual to 4.5 mmol/dm3 or being greater than or egual to 80 mmol/dm3.The inductive effect of 0~32 mmol/dm3 Mg2+ was remarkable,but 88 mmol/dm3 Mg2+ inhibited larval settlement and metamorphosis.The settlement and metamorphosis of the larvae would be inhibited no matter whether increased or decreased Ca2+ in artificial seawater.The failure of inhibiting the inductive effect of K+ by a K+ -channel blocker TEA (tetraethylamm onium chloride) indicated that the potassium channe ls in externally accessible,excitable cellmem brane of Styela canopus Savigny larvae are insensitive to external TEA.Like 80 mmol/dm3 K+,K+ -free or Mg2+-free sea waterw ould produce evidence of toxicity.The mechanisms of ionic control of settlement andmetamorphosis in the Styela canopus Savigny larvae were discussed.
2005, 27(1): 145-148.
By bringing up continously clone gametophyte of Laminaria,make clone cells processing ismade continuously protonema clone gam etophyte is shattered,using twain system crossbreed culling cultivate breed heterosis.The expermient result shows that the increasing-weight rate per day of female and male clone gametophyte of Laminaria is 14.03% and 13.87%,After 42 d cultivating,their weight increasing proportions are 6.9 and 6.8 tmies.The expermient of seedling clone of Lam inaria is a lso done.Under the proportion of 2.1(cells count),female and male clone cultures 16 d,the ovulate rate is 100%.After 60 d cultivated,young sporophyte slength is 2~3 cm,by culturing in the sea,one crossbreed breed is selected.
By bringing up continously clone gametophyte of Laminaria,make clone cells processing ismade continuously protonema clone gam etophyte is shattered,using twain system crossbreed culling cultivate breed heterosis.The expermient result shows that the increasing-weight rate per day of female and male clone gametophyte of Laminaria is 14.03% and 13.87%,After 42 d cultivating,their weight increasing proportions are 6.9 and 6.8 tmies.The expermient of seedling clone of Lam inaria is a lso done.Under the proportion of 2.1(cells count),female and male clone cultures 16 d,the ovulate rate is 100%.After 60 d cultivated,young sporophyte slength is 2~3 cm,by culturing in the sea,one crossbreed breed is selected.
2005, 27(1): 149-153.
A incubating temperature of 15℃ was used to induce triploidy in Eriocheir sisnensis through inhibition of the release of polar bodyⅡ,and 18℃ was used to induce tetraploidy through inhibition of the first cleavage.Flow cytometry was used to identify the ploidy in different developmental stages.For induction of triploidy in fertilized eggs in vitro,the highest induction rate observed in blastulaby cytochalasin B,6-DMAP and KCl was 49.1%,51.7% and 77.5%,respectively.In KCl treatment of pregnant crabs with fertilized eggs,the highest triploid induction rate observed in the zoea was 85.3%.For induction of tetraploidy,the highest induction rate observed in the blastula by cytochaslasin B,6-DMAP and KCl were 50.3%,54.9% and 79.8% respectively.In the KCl treamtent of pregnant crabs with fertilized eggs,the highest induction rate in zoea was 27.3%.Throughth is study such difficulty as in vitro culture is overcome.Triploid zoea Eriocheir sisnensis was developed for the first tmie.The induction rate of tetraploid zoea was also greatly miproved.
A incubating temperature of 15℃ was used to induce triploidy in Eriocheir sisnensis through inhibition of the release of polar bodyⅡ,and 18℃ was used to induce tetraploidy through inhibition of the first cleavage.Flow cytometry was used to identify the ploidy in different developmental stages.For induction of triploidy in fertilized eggs in vitro,the highest induction rate observed in blastulaby cytochalasin B,6-DMAP and KCl was 49.1%,51.7% and 77.5%,respectively.In KCl treatment of pregnant crabs with fertilized eggs,the highest triploid induction rate observed in the zoea was 85.3%.For induction of tetraploidy,the highest induction rate observed in the blastula by cytochaslasin B,6-DMAP and KCl were 50.3%,54.9% and 79.8% respectively.In the KCl treamtent of pregnant crabs with fertilized eggs,the highest induction rate in zoea was 27.3%.Throughth is study such difficulty as in vitro culture is overcome.Triploid zoea Eriocheir sisnensis was developed for the first tmie.The induction rate of tetraploid zoea was also greatly miproved.
2005, 27(1): 154-158.
In order to compare the possible influence on reliability index β values of structure in assuming that the load variables are independent or correlated,the normal of tangent plane at one point on the limit state surface is used to determine the β values.The Hasofer-Lind method,which is generally used in Europe for determining the reliability index β of vertical breakwater,is extended in a generalized stochastic space to be applicable to the condition of the horizontal wave force being correlated with uplift.The calcu lation for a practical example of vertical breakwater shows that the values of β obtained by the improved JC method and this new method (extended HL method) are coincided well with the case of correlated variables,and the β value for the case of correlated variables is obviously smaller than that for the case of independent variables.
In order to compare the possible influence on reliability index β values of structure in assuming that the load variables are independent or correlated,the normal of tangent plane at one point on the limit state surface is used to determine the β values.The Hasofer-Lind method,which is generally used in Europe for determining the reliability index β of vertical breakwater,is extended in a generalized stochastic space to be applicable to the condition of the horizontal wave force being correlated with uplift.The calcu lation for a practical example of vertical breakwater shows that the values of β obtained by the improved JC method and this new method (extended HL method) are coincided well with the case of correlated variables,and the β value for the case of correlated variables is obviously smaller than that for the case of independent variables.
2005, 27(1): 159-162.
2005, 27(1): 163-167.
2005, 27(1): 168-172.