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2004 Vol. 26, No. 4

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On the circuit and propagation of El Niño/La Niña signals
QIAO Fang-li, YU Wei-dong, YUAN Ye-li
2004, 26(4): 1-8.
Based on the T/P altimeter dataset between October 1992 and December 2000,the circuit of El Niño/La Niña signals are studied.(1) In El Niño cases,positive sealevel anomaly(SLA) signals propag ate eastward from equatorial west to east in the Pacific.After reaching the coastal area,the signals go to polar directions along the eastern boundary and continuously generate westward propag ating Rossby waves.In the period of El Niño,the fact that the signal of the Rossby waves is the strongest near 10°N suggests that an signal circuit bounded by the equator and 10°N exists.The other El Niño signal circuit bounded by the equator and 10°S also exists,however relatively weak compared with its northern counterpart.Westward La Niña signals mainly are located in the channels centered 5°N and 7°S respectively.Westw ard seasonal signals mainly are located in the three channels centered at 6°N,10°N and 8°S respectively.(2) Two kinds of signals,fast and slow,transport El Niño information from East to West Pacific at the same latitude.The phase speed of the slow one with wavelength of 700~800 km is consistent with that of Rossby wave.The basin scale signals propagate so fast that it should be the oceanic response to atmospheric anomaly.
Characteristics of temporal and spatial variation of salinity and their indicating significance in the Changjiang Estuary
KONG Ya-zhen, HE Song-lin, DING Ping-xing, HU Ke-lin
2004, 26(4): 9-18.
Large scale hydrological observations in the Changjiang Estuary have been respectively carried out in February and July,2003.The survey range extends from Jiangyin to -20 m iso depth out of the mouth,and the measuring stations distribute in four outlets.Field observations show that:(1) temporal and spatial variation of salinity is mainly controlled run off discharge,flow distribution ratio of the outlets,tidal range and geomorphologic situation;(2) the order from high to low for the distribution of salinity is the North Branch,South Passage,North Passage,and the North Channel;(3) the saltwater flows backwards from the North Branch to the South Branch during the dry season,but more than half section of the North Branch is still held by freshwater during the flood season;the mouth sector of the North Channel,where tidal variation of salinity is major and seasonal variation is minor,has stratified interface between saltwater and freshwater;the South Passage,where tidal variation of salinity is minor and seasonal variation is major,is characteristic of mid strongly mixed type;and the situation of the North Passage is between situations of the North Channel and the South Passage;(4) the temporal and spatial variation of salinity reflects that flow distribution ratio to the North Branch,the North Channel and the South Passage increases to a certain extent in the flood season.
Study on hydrodynamic environment of the Bohai Sea,the Huanghai Sea and the East China Sea with wave-current coupled numerical model
HU Hao-guo, YUAN Ye-li, WAN Zhen-wen
2004, 26(4): 19-32.
Based on wave-current coupled numerical model,circulation and tide in the Huanghai Sea and the East China Sea are studied simultaneously.The model simulated the observed seasonal currents and main characteristics,in particular,Changjiang diluted water route in the East China Sea,the cold water mass and thermocline in the Huanghai Sea in summer,the winter and summer circulation in the Bohai Sea,Huanghai Sea and East China Sea.As the result shown,the temperature of upper and bottom layers tends to be uniform by the mixing of wave and tidal mixing,respectively,which are main dynamical mechanism to form thermocline.The modeled vertical temperature structure coincides well with the observations.
Numerical experiments on interaction between the tropical Pacific and the Indian Ocean through the wind-stress “bridge”
ZHAO Shan-shan, YANG Xiu-qun
2004, 26(4): 33-48.
Intermediate tropical atmospheric and oceanic models were used to study the interaction between the tropical Pacific and the Indian Ocean through the wind-stress "bridge".In the control run,the observed SST for 1958~1998 was used to force the atmospheric model generating the surface wind-stress,which was then used to force the oceanic model with the surface heat flux taken from NCEP reanalysis to reproduce the SST.Two parallel sensitivity runs are the same as the control run except for the SST used to force the atmospheric model which was prescribed with climatology in the tropical Pacific and in the tropical Indian Ocean,respectively.The difference between the control and sensitivity runs indicates effect of the SST anomaly(SSTA) in a specific oceanic basin on the other basin through the wind-stress bridge.Such numerical experiments suggest the following results.A positive(negative) SST A in a basin generally produces a westerly(easterly) anomaly in the west and an easterly(westerly) anomaly in the east of the basin.A positive SST A in the tropical Pacific induces an easterly anomaly in the tropical Indian Ocean,which results in a weak positive interannual SST A and a weak negative interdecadal SST A in the tropical Indian Ocean;and vice versa.A positive SST A in the tropical Indian Ocean induces an easterly anomaly in the tropical Pacific Ocean,which results in a negative SST A on both the inter annual and interdecadal times cales in the tropical Pacific,and viceversa.Considering the observational fact that the SSTA in the tropical Indian Ocean is more influenced by the tropical Pacific and that the SSTA with the same polarity in the former basin always follows the latter basin,the results suggest a negative feedback role of the tropical Indian Ocean in the tropical Pacific SSTA,which is more obvious on the interdecadal times cale.
Study of chemical forms of phosphorus and their bioavailability in the sediments
ZHENG Ai-rong, SHEN Hai-wei, LI Wen-quan
2004, 26(4): 49-57.
Chemical forms of phosphorus in the sediments at the Daya Bay,the Zhujiang River Estuary,and the Xiamen Bay were measured with extraction solutions of MgCl2,NaOH,and HCl.Their availabilities to Chlorella sp.and Isochrysis galbana were estimated by using sediments as the sole source of P in the bioassays.The results show that the contents of total phosphorus(T P) in these sediments are 449.3,650.1 and 643.9 mg/kg,respectively.The contents of non-apatite inorganic P(NAIP) extracted with MgCl2 and NaOH in three sediments are 168.8,146.6 and 118.1 mg/kg,respectively,and account for 18.3%~32.6% of TP.The phosphorus extracted with HCl solution is greater than that extracted with NaOH solution,whereas the lowest extracted P is MgCl2-extractable P.The greatest relative growth rates of Chlorella sp.and Isochrysis galbana cultured with sediments are in the range of 4.3%~26.9%.The increasing biomasses of these algae are corresponding to NAIP and AA PP(the estimated alg al-available particulate P).AAPP accounts for 42.4%~78.2% of NA IP,21.1%~27.1% of total inorganic P,and 11.8%~20.3% of T P,respectively.
The analysis of biochemical components of the marine yellow substance in the Jiaozhou Bay
WU Yong-sen, ZHANG Xu-qin, ZHANG Shi-kui, ZHANG Zhen-sheng,
2004, 26(4): 58-64.
After the treatment and analysis of in-situ water samples taken from the Jiaozhou Bay on 1~2,September 1999 in the laboratory,the horizontal distributions and data of 6 kinds of biochemical components in marine yellow substance solution are obtained,among which the total fats measured in the treated solution of yellow substance are 21.03 mg/dm3,exactly,86.90% of the all-up amount of the biochemical components in yellow substance;the amino acids are 1.75 mg/dm3,accounting for 7.22%;and the total sugars 1.41 mg/dm3,5.82%;the amino sugars 14.23 g/dm3,0.06%;and the contents of carotenes and phenols are 1.13 and 0.004 g/dm3,respectively,while the total amounts of yellow substance make up about 24.20 mg/dm3 of the total water amounts.Comparatively speaking,the contents of the amino sugars,carotenes and phenols in the solution are very low,which are several orders of magnitude less than those of total fats,amino acids and total sugars,respectively.It is concluded that the yellow substance in the Jiaozhou Bay mainly derives from the land,its component distributions are affected by the rivers to the bay and the current in the bay,then further diffused and carried away.
The fractal evolution of iron and manganese of polymetallic nodules from the Pacific Ocean and its significance
HAN Xi-qiu, LI Jia-biao, WANG Ying, ZHANG Wei-yan, MA Wei-lin, HE Gao-wen
2004, 26(4): 65-70.
The fractal evolution processes of geochemistrical series of the polymetallic no dule Sample 1783 are studied through computing their correlation dimensions in different embedding spaces.The results are compared with those obtained from the deep-sea sediment Core 1787.It is revealed that there are fractal attractors in the geochemistrical series of both the nodule and the sediment core,the Fe2O3 and MnO in sediment core can be descr ibed with 3 variables,which probably are volcanic,biogenic and terrestrial sources.However,it needs at least 14 variables to describe Fe and Mn in polymetallic nodules,which implies that the sources and/or existence of these elements in nodule are very complicated,at least 14 factors affecting,and complicated biochemical processes probably have taken place during the for mation of nodules.So the studies of the fractal evolution of Fe and Mn in polymetallic nodules may provide indirect mathematic evidence for the biogenic origin of nodules,and also give the rhythmic micro-structure of nodules a reaso nable explanation.
Research on the relationships between cobalt-rich crusts and substrate rocks in the Mid-Pacific Mountains
CHEN Jian-lin, MA Wei-lin, WU Guang-hai, CHU Feng-you, GAO Shui-tu
2004, 26(4): 71-79.
The features of texture and structures,mineral and chemical compositions of substrate rocks and cobaltcrusts in the Mid-Pacific Mountains are identified and analysed.The results indicate that the major types of substrate rocks are alkaline basalt,phosphorite,phosphatized carbonate rocks and cherts in this area.In the above-mentioned rocks,the alkaline basalt is the most widespread one,and has been weathered to some extent.The observation has shown that the carrier of cobaltcrust can be all kinds of rocks.The thickness of crusts on basalts,weathered volcanic rocks, greater than that of cherts.The thicker crusts have more economic value and are major objects for dressing and smelting.The cobal-trich crusts in the research area can be divided into three types according to the shape:plate,gravel-like and nodule-like crust.The relationships between crusts and substrate rocks have been probed from the following four aspects:(1) the characteristics of major metallic elements content in seaw ater,substrate rocks and crusts;(2) the different close relations between different bedrocks and crusts by cluster analysis; (3) the distribution characteristics of crusts;(4) the influence of rock types on the growth of crusts.The conclusion is that volcanic rock,phosphorite,etc.contribute to the formation of the crust.
The seismic frequency effect on recognition of the BSR of gas hydrate
ZHANG Ming, WU Zhong-liang
2004, 26(4): 80-88.
Seism is most common and available way for gas hydrate survey,the bottom simulating reflector(BSR) is the most obvious indicator of gas hydrate.The BSR behaviors with different seismic frequency from the gas hydrate survey in the South China Sea were discussed,the BSR can be recognized easier and its continuity becomes better with lower frequency.From the analyses on the reprocessing profiler,a domain frequency(40~70 Hz) is suggested forgas hydrate seismic reconnaissance survey.
Primary study on changes of landscape heterogeneity and landscape ecological effect: a case study of the Maluan Bay in Xiamen City
CHEN Guo-qiang, CHEN Peng
2004, 26(4): 89-95.
The changes of landscape hetero geneity in the process of rapid urbanization,together with their influence on the landscape ecological effect,were qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed in the Maluan Bay,Xiamen City.The geo-statistics theory and method combining with strong spatial analysis and display function of GIS were applied.Subsequently,the mathematical model and the spatial distribution of landscape ecological effect were also used to this research,based on the analysis of landscape heterogeneity.The result indicates that the main manifestation of landscape pattern and changes of landscape heterogeneity is process of assimilating of urban landscape.In addition,the dimensions and effect of ecological process corresponding to urbanization trends to extend in terms of the figure of landscape ecological effect.
Developmental study of digestive system of the postembryo disk abalone Haliotis discus hannai Ino
CUI Long-bo, ZHOU Xue-ying, LU Yao-hua
2004, 26(4): 96-109.
Development of digestive system of postembryo disk abalone Haliotis discus hannai Ino was studied from trochophore larva after hatching to one year old abalone with histological and histochemical methods and electron microscopic observation.Oesophagus appears in early veliger.The epithelial cells of mid oesophagus secrete proteinase in the stage of larva with peritomal.The lateral pouches of mid oesophagus form in the stage of larva with pallial tentacle.In 45d old juvenile,the epithelium of the lateral pouches differ entiates into cells with microvilli,secretory cells and ciliated cells.Crop does not for muntil 45 d old juvenile,and its lumen is larger than stomach lumen in one year old abalone.Stomach forms in early veliger.In creeping larva,single-cell's algae appear in the lumen of stomach.Intestine also formed in early veliger.The epithelium of intestine differentiates respectively into two and five types of cells in larva with pallial tentacle and 45 d old juvenile.Salivary glands appear in the stage of larva with pallial tentacle.Digestive gland appears in early veliger and begins to differentiate into basophilic cells and digestive cells in mid veliger.The acidophilic cytoplasm of basophilic cells is gradually changed into basophilic one.Refractile spherules containing ir on begin to appear in the basophlic cells since the stage of larva with pallial tentacle.A s creeping larva feeds,digestive cells show endocytosis and contain a number of vesicles.The studies show that structure and function of all digestive organs of 45 d old juvenile are basically similar to ones of adult abalone.
Cloning and expression of the aequorin genes from jellyfish aequorea and characterization of aequorins activities
LUO Wen-xin, ZHANG Jun, LI Shao-wei, CHENG Tong, CHEN Min, LI Shao-jin, XIA Ning-shao
2004, 26(4): 110-117.
Two new aequorin genes aeqxm and aeqxxm were isolated from fellyfish Aequorea macr odactyla and A.parva respectively,which are commonly found in the warmer waters on the coastal region of East China Sea.The DNA sequences of the two genes have no introns and each one contains an ORF of 585 bp in full-length encoding a 195-aa protein.The two genes of aeqxm and aeqxxm share nucleotide homologies of 80.7% and 85.1% with AEVAQ 440X respectively,and the corresponding proteins share amino acid homologies of 84.7% and 84.2% with AEVAQ 440X.High amino acid homology was found between apoaeqxm and apoaeqx xm.The two genes were cloned into expression vector pTO-T7 respectively,and the expression yields were amounted to 40% of the total protein in E.coli BL21.The activities of the two photoproteins were reconstituted by incubating the expressed apoproteins with coelenterazine f.In the presence of Caion,both of the regenerated aeqxm and aeqxxm exhibited an emission peak at the wave length of 470 nm.
Transference, concentration and distribution of 95Zr among seawater, sediment and marine organisms
SUN Ping-yue, SHI Jian-jun, LI Ming-yun
2004, 26(4): 118-124.
In simulated marine environment,the specific activity of 95Zr in water decreased rapidly in the former period of the exper iment.In the first 4 h of the experiment,the concentration of 95Zr in water decreased more than 90% of the original value,and then slowly declined.The specific activity of 95Zr in sediment appeared in increasing tendency in the former period of the experiment,reached concentrating peak at 2d and decreased afterwards.Shell of Narssarius semiplicatus has much stronger capability on concentrating 95Zr than muscle.The concentration factors of shell and muscle are 10.32 and 4.68,respectively.According to the concentrated quantity,viscer a has the strongest capability on concentrating 95Zr among the study tissues/or gans in Boleop hthalmus pectinirostris,and the followings are gill and fin.Muscle of the fish is the organ that has the weakest capability on concentrating 95Zr,and the following is vertebra.Exceptgill,the concentration factors of the other organs in Boleophthalmus pectinirostris are all smaller than 1.Narssarius semiplicatus has much stronger capability on concentrating 95Zr than Boleophthalmus pectinirostris.
Studies on the tissual difference of isozyme patterns of Tegillarca granosa
LI Tai-wu, LÜ Zheng-ming, LING Zhi-hua, SU Xiu-rong, CHAI Xue-liang
2004, 26(4): 125-132.
Nineteenisozy mes in 5 tissues of Tegillarca granosa were tested by vertical polyacrylamide gelelectrophoresis.The result is that:except 4 isozymes show no obvious bands and 2 isozymes show weak and unsteady bands,the rest isozymes present clear and steady bands in different tissues.It not only shows that Tegillarca granosa has possessed abound and complete isozyme system similar to that of advanced animals but also that cer tain self regulation mechanism must exist in the expression of enzyme genes.Meanwhile,comparing with advanced animals and other shellfishes the enzyme genes expression of Tegillarca granosa shows both concordant and specific characteristics in line with its taxonomical position.
Adaptive AR model prediction filtering for ship hydraulic pressure signal on wind wave background
LIN Chun-sheng, DENG Da-xin, REN De-kui
2004, 26(4): 133-138.
In order to effectively detect ship hydraulic pressure signal from wind wave background,according to the characteristic difference between ship hydraulic pressure signal and wave noise,a convenient adaptive filter structure is deduced firstly based on AR model theory of time series,and then prediction filtering for ship hydraulic pressure signal is carried out with NFTF algorithm,obtaining obvious effect.Finally,computer simulation result shows that the proposed method gives excellent perfor mance with anti-interference of wave.
Quantification methods of coastal water quality and classified evaluation for offshore
ZENG Jiang-ning, HUANG Wei-gen, ZENG Gan-ning, ZHENG Ping, ZHOU Qing-song, LÜ Hai-yan, WANG Zheng-fang
2004, 26(4): 139-146.
Response of some zooplankton to the El Niño in the sea the east of Taiwan Island
QIAN Lu-min, LIN Jing-hong, JIAO Nian-zhi, CHEN Rui-xiang
2004, 26(4): 147-152.