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2004 Vol. 26, No. 3

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The zonal distribution features of high frequency oscillations in the oceans derived from satellite altimeter data
QIAO Fang-li, TAL Ezer, YUAN Ye-li
2004, 26(3): 1-7.
Based on TOPEX/Poseidon(T/P) and ERS-1 and 2 satellite altimeter data between October 1992 and December 2000,high frequency oscillations with periods less than 150 d are analyzed and their spatial distributions are described.The ratio,instead of the energy itself,of the energy corresponding to certain frequency band from power spectrum relative to the total energy in the 20~143 d range is analyzed.The results show that the period of the most energetic oscillations in this band continuously increases with latitude fr om about 1 month near the tropics to about 4 months near 30b,in agreement with the latitudinal dependency of the phase speed of westward propagating Rossby waves,which dominate the variability in those latitudes.As a result,the global spatial distributions of the period of the dominant oscillations are largely zonal,with relatively small differences between different ocean basins.It suggests that the oscillations with periods around 60 d are mainly associated with Rossby waves except being often regarded as tidal aliasing.
A large eddy simulation turbulence model and a local filtering assimilation method for ocean circulation problems
ZHAN Jie-min, YAN Xiao-hai
2004, 26(3): 8-15.
A local spectral filtering expansion method is proposed,which is a data assimilation method.Using this method,the high frequency waves in computation and measurement can be filtered.TOPEX/Poseidon altimetric sea surface height(SSH) data are assimilated into a large eddy simulation model to drive the circulation of the tropical and north Pacific Ocean.With data assimilation,the root mean square method is used to estimate optimizing data between the simulated SSH field and the observed SSH field.In large scale motions of circulations in coastal seas and shallow-water problems,different characteristics of flow on the horizontal plane and in the vertical direction are expected.A new large eddy simulation model(LES) is proposed.There are some differences between the present method and the other LES models.The philosophy of the large eddy simulation and the directional eddy viscosity method are applied to the horizontal plane and to the vertical direction,respectively.Comparing with the other LES models in which there is no difference between horizontal viscosity and vertical viscosity,the proposed method is more reasonable.Numerical results agree very well with the observed results.
The circulation on the both sides of the Ryukyu Islands during the summer of 1995 and 1996
LOU Ru-yun, YUAN Yao-chu
2004, 26(3): 16-27.
Based on the CTD data obtained by the R/V Chofu Maru in summer cruise of 1995 and the R/V Yoko-Maru in summer cruise of 1996,respectively,the currents on the both sides of the Ryukyu Islands are calculated by the P-vector inverse method.The calculated results for two summer cruises of 1995 and 1996 show that:(1) A maximum velocity of the Kuroshio is about 115 cm/s in the summer of 1996,which is greater than that in the summer of 1995.The Kuroshio in the summer of 1996 is stronger than that in the summer of 1995.(2) In the summer of 1995 there is a northeastward current(the Ryukyu Current) east of the Ryukyu Islands.A weaker southwest-ward countercurrent exists under the Ryukyu Current.There is a meso-scale anticyclonic eddy east of the Ryukyu Current,which is a warm water from the surface to the lower layer.This warm eddy is located at 25°~25°30'N,128°30'~129°10'E,and its average speed is about 15 cm/s.(3) In the summer of 1996 a south ward current appears in the surface layer east of the Ryukyu Islands while the Ryukyu Current doesn't appear obviously.The Ryukyu Current exists in the layer below of 200 m level.Its corelies in the subsurface layer,and its maximum velocity is about 14 cm/s at 300 m level.A south ward current also exists under the Ryukyu Current.There is also an anticyclonic warmeddy east of the Ryukyu Current.Its position moves northward in the summer of 1996 than that in the summer of 1996.In the region southeast of the Okinawa Island there are an anticyclonic warm and a cyclonic cold eddies,respectively.These two eddies compose adipole,which is discovered first in this region.There is a southward current between the above two eddies with the maximum velocity of 36 cm/s at the surface.
Climatic characteristics of sea fog formation of the Huanghai Sea in spring
ZHOU Fa-xiu, WANG Xin, BAO Xian-wen
2004, 26(3): 28-37.
By comhining composition with case study the climatic background of sea fog formation of the Huanghai Sea in spring(April) has been analyzed,which includes circulation,vapour transport condition,and SST.The results show that vapour required isn't afforded by local atmosphere but by tropic atmosphere.The warm and moist air is offered by appropriate macroscale circulation from the tropics.Compared with circulation,vapour and its transport condition,SST isn't important.Other wise sea fog would feedback to the net long wave radiation.The sea fog of the Huanghai Sea has distinct monsoon characteristics and is the production of monsoon circulation.
Distribution of dissolved organic carbon in and near the Prydz Bay, Antarctica
QIU Yu-sheng, CHEN Min, HUANG Yi-pu, LIU Guang-shan
2004, 26(3): 38-46.
Marine carbon cycling is a hotspot in international marine research due to its close link to global change. Dissolved or ganic carbon(DOC),the most important carbon pool in the ocean,play an important role in marine carbon cycling.One particular interest pertaining to the Southern Ocean relates to its important role as a region for CO2 sequestration through biological processes of carbon uptake,which can counteract greenhouse gasaccumulation in the atmosphere.During the 16th Chinese National Antarctic Research Expedition(CHIN ARE) (from November 1999 to A pril 2000),seawater samples were collected for DOC determination in the Prydz Bay and its nearby sea areas. All of samples were filtered through the pre-combusted GF/F membranes and drained into the pre-combusted brown glass bottles.After acidification with high grade phosphoric acid,samples were stored in a freezer till DOC determination in laboratory.DOC concentration was determined by high temperature catalytic oxidation(HTCO) method (TOC-5000A,Shimadzu Corp.).The results show that the average DOC concentration in the upper water column(0~100 m) ranges from 23.3 to 110.3 μmol/dm3,with averag ing 52.5 μmol/dm3 (n=55).These values are slightly higher than those reported for the Ross Sea,the Pacific Ocean and others.Profiles of the DOC concentration in the study areas show a decreasing concentration with increasing depth in the upper 100 m,which is related to biological activities in the water column.The DOC concentrations below 200 m are relatively constant with a mean of 40.4 μmol/dm3.These DOC are unactive for physical and biological activities and are called refractory DOC.The concentration of the refractory DOC in the study area is consistent with previous reported values for the Southern Ocean,which are about 41 mol/dm3.Based on the difference between the DOC concentration and refractory concentration,the excess DOC concentration in the upper column can be calculated at every station.The excess DOC shows a spatial change with a higher excess in the north of 64°and little excess in the south of 64°.In conclu-sion,the DOC concentrations in the Prydz Bay and its nearby sea areas are consistent with previous reported values in the Souther n Ocean.All of them show a low DOC concentration with respect to the other ocean.The distribution of surface DOC concentrations in the study areas shows an increase from the south-western to the north-eastern, which is ascribe to the northern spread of continental shelf water from the Prydz Bay in summer.The concentration and distribution of DOC in the Prydz Bay and its nearby sea areas are mainly contr olled by physical and biological
The evolvement characteristics of Nanhuizui foreland in the Changjiang Estuary, China
YU Zhi-ying, LOU Fei
2004, 26(3): 47-53.
The Nanhuizui is located between the Changjiang Estuary and the Hang zhou Bay,is the prolongation in the south of Changjiang River Delta.It is the main passage of runoff and sediment transportation into the Hangzhou Bay and southeast coast.With the abundant sediment supply of the Changjiang River and the extension of Changjiang River Delta to the sea,the sea bed of this area was continually deposited before 1990.Because of the decrease of sediment flux from the Changjiang River after the 1990s,the sea bed near the Nanhuizui is eroded instead of deposit.On the other hand,projects such as land making to accelerate the coastal deposit obstruct some passing sediment so that the erosion process has been speeded up.From now on,for some big projects in the Chang jiang Estuary are under construction,the sediment flux into sea will keep in a low level in history,then the sea bed will be eroded sequentially and this phenomenon should be recog nized by the related marine engineering departments.
Tectonic evolution of Cenozoic sedimentary basements in the northwestern South China Sea
LIU Hai-ling, YANG Tian, ZHU Shu-fen, ZHANG Bo-you, QIU Xue-lin, SHI Xiao-bin
2004, 26(3): 54-67.
On the basis of synthetical analyses of geology,geophysics,geochemistry,paleontology and paleomag-netism,the basements which control the major Cenozoic sedimentary basins in the northwestern South China Sea are divided into five districts:Beibu Gulf Paleozoic Erathem faulted basement district,Yinggehai Paleozoic Erathem strike-slip pull-apart basement district,Qiongdong Paleozoic Erathem rift-faulted basement district,nort hern Xisha Paleozoic Erathem rifted basement district and southern Xisha Paleozoic Erathem extended basement district.The evolution history of the basements is divided into five stages:(1)D-P1,the stage of development of eastern Tethyan archipelago ocean;(2)P2,the stage in which Meso-Tethys(Paleo-South China Sea)began to open and the Paleo-Tethys to subduct;(3)T-K1,the stage in which the eastern Paleo-Tethyan blocks sutured;(4)K2-N11,the stage of the formation of modern South China Sea and the consumption of the Paleo-Tethys;(5)since N12,the South China Sea stopped spreading and the Australia plate subducted and compressed northward.
Land-accretion of the Huanghe River Delta influenced by drainage basin factors
XU Jiong-xin
2004, 26(3): 68-74.
Because tidal and wave processes in the Huanghe River mouth are weak but the sediment flux from the river into the sea is huge in quantity,land accreting process of the Huanghe River Delta is predominated by drainage basin factors.Thus,the Huanghe River Delta provides anideal site to study the response of land accreting process to the changing climate and human activities.By using sea charts and remote sensing images,the annual land accreting area is identified and then related with annual precipitation and human activities in the drainage basin.It is found that the land accreting rate of the delta is positively correlated with precipitation,but negatively correlated with the areas of all kinds of erosion control measures and with the quantity of water diversion.A multiple regression equation is established between the land accreting rate of the delta and the influencing factors including the area of terraceland building and tree and grass planting,the area of the land created by the sediment trapped by checkdams,the annual precipitation and the annual quantity of water diversion.T he equation indicates that the land accreting rate of the delta incr eases with annual precipitation,but decreases with the areas of land terracing,tree and grass planting and the land created by the sediment trapping checkdams,and decreases with the quantity of net water diversion.
The principle of least-squares-inverse filtering and its application
YANG Sheng-xiong, FU Xi, WU Ya-dong, WEN Peng-fei
2004, 26(3): 75-81.
In order to improve the resolution of seismic profiles in vertical,the aim of deconvolution is to suppress the ground filtering in exploration.The leas-tsquares error is adopted,that is,considering sum of all anticipant output error as the least condition,to decide the inverse filtering factor.Three kinds of anticipation output is introduced:YUShi wavelet,Ricker wavelet,Buttworth wavelet.These wavelets help to improve the effect of zero-phase.According to the principle above,a software for least-squares-inverse filtering is developed.The results indicate this method not only improves the resolution but also maintains a relatively high ratio of signal-to-noise,especially in the detection of gas hydrate.
Comparative study on sensitivities of Arthrospira platensis and Spirulina subsulsa to seven antibiotics
ZANG Xiao-nan, ZHANG Xue-cheng, WANG Gao-ge, LIU Jin-jie, ZHANG Xiao-hui, LIU Bin
2004, 26(3): 82-92.
The sensitivities of Arthrospira platensis FACHB341 and Spirulina subsulsa FACHB351 to seven antibiotics-chloramphenicol(Cm),erthromycin(Em),ampicillin(Amp),streptomycin(Str),kanamycin(Km),gentamycin(Gm) and neomycin(Nm) are presented.The results reval that sensitivities of the two species to the seven antibiotics show a similar tendency,however significant difference still exists.It is provedthat the two specis of blue-green algae are all highly sensitive to Em,Cm and Str.0.1 μg/cm3,0.5 μg/cm3 Cm or 5 μg/cm3 is the lethal concentration to them.A.341 and S.351 can be inhibited by 1 μg/cm3 Amp,and then they recovered after 6 d.A. 341 and S.351 are not sensitive to Km,Gm and Nm,Besides the difference of sensitivities between the two algae is great.A.351 cannote inhibited by even 300 μg/cm3 Km,whereas to S.351,50 μg/cm3 Km can obviously in-hibit the growth of it and 200 μg/cm3 Km can kill it.200 μg/ml Gm and 300 μg/cm3 Nm cannotinhibit the growth of these two species.It is suggested that Cm,Em and Strare useful selective markers for genetransfer of A.341 and S.351.It is also shown that the significant difference between A.341 and S.351 maybe is based on their genetic discrepancy.
Distribution characteristics of zooplankton biomass in the East China Sea
XU Zhao-li, CHAO Min, CHEN Ya-qu
2004, 26(3): 93-101.
Based on 4 cruises seasonal data of comprehensive oceanographic investigation during October.1997 to March 2000 in the East China Sea(23°30'~33°00'N,118°30'~128°00'E) the research was focused on analyzing and approached dynamic of quantitative temporal and spatial distribution of total biomass of zooplankton and the relationship of fishing grounds of anchovy(Engraulis japoicus).The study results show the seasonal mean value of total biomass of zooplankton(65.32 mg/m3) only.Among them total biomass in autumn(86.18 mg/m3) is greater than in summer(69.18 mg/m3) greater than in spring(55.67 mg/m3) greater than in winter(50.33 mg/m3);average value of diet biomass of zooplankton is 40.9 mg/m3 which is about 60% of total biomass of zooplankton.Among them,total biomass in autumn(56.84 mg/m3) is greater than in summer(46.10 mg/m3) greater than in winter (30.82 mg/m3) greater than in spring(29.82 mg/m3).Total biomass distribution trends toward to similar with diet biomass.Distribution scale of high biomass(200~500 mg/m3) is minimum,which is only about 1%~4% of the whole surveying area.Seasonal variation of biomass in the coastal water of the East China Sea is obviously(west of 125°E,norther n part of 29°N).The distributio n of diet zooplankton biomass depends on distribution of abundance of crustacean.The diet zooplankton biomass is related to the center fishing ground of Anchovy(Engraulis japonicus) and its larvae and young fish.In spring,the center fishing ground of Engranlis japonicus(>100 kg/h) and its high concentration area are located at high concentration area of the highest zone of zooplankton of south region and central region.
Genetic structure of cultivated stocks in Paralichthys olivaceus
LI Zhong-bao
2004, 26(3): 102-108.
Genetic structure of cultivated stocks was investigated using the assay of vertical slab polyacr ylamidegel electrophoresis in Paralichthys olivaceus.Higher level of genetic diversity in the stocks was found:Mean number of alleles perlocus(A) is 1.19(0.11)~1.24(0.10),percentage of polymorphic loci(P0.99) is 14.29%~23.81%, the observed heterozygosity(Ho) is 0.099(0.065)~0.104(0.065),expected heterozygosity(He) is 0.056 (0.036)~0.057(0.033).The results showed that the coefficient of gene differentiation between the stocks is low,Fst=0.005,there is no significant difference in biochemical genetic character istics among the stocks.The genetic distance and genetic identity is 0.001 and 0.999 respectively.Gene flow among the stocks is large(Nm=49.75).
Studies on lead accumulation and elimination in the tissues of Paralichthys olivaceus
ZHAO Yuan-feng, LÜJing-cai, WU Yi-chun, SONG Xiao-yang, WANG Fan, LIU Chang-fa, ZHOU Yong, ZHAO Chong, ZHENG Wei
2004, 26(3): 109-114.
Rule of lead accumulation and elimination in the tissues of viscus,muscle,gill of Paralichthy solivaceus and effects of TOC concentration in seawater on the accumulation of lead in the tissues were studied.It is demonstrated that when the lead concentration is 0.5 mg/dm3,each tissue's lead accumulation increases with the elapse of time, on the ninth day the tissues.lead accumulations reach equilibr ium.At that time,the accumulation order of lead in the fish tissues is viscus(649.8 mg/kg) greater than gill(237.36 mg/kg) greater than muscle(59.71 mg/kg).The lead concentration is maintained at 0.5mg/dm3 for 13 d.During the depuration days all tissues.lead accumulations decrease with the elapse of time.On the 10th day the rate of elimination sequence of lead in the fish tissues is viscus (84.85%) greater than gill(61.26%) greater than muscle(57.03%).The TOC concentration in seawater has significant effect on lead accumulation.The lead accumulation decreases significantly with the increase of TOC concentration.It is demonstrated that TOC in seawater candecrease the bioavailability of lead.
Analytical method for scattering of a wave energy device consisting of dual cylinders
WU Bi-jun, ZHENG Yong-hong, YOU Ya-ge, SUN Xiao-yan, Chen Yong
2004, 26(3): 115-125.
A new analytical expression of the diffraction potential for the wave energy device consisting of dual cylinders is obtained by use of constructing special solution based on eigenfunction expansion method due to a plane incident wave.The vertical wave excitation force is calculated based on the diffraction potential.The effort needed for the computation of the diffraction potential is subequal to that of the radiation potential through the procedures of calculating the velocity potential.It is simple to use the method calculating the vertical wave excitation force comparing with that by means of a theorem of Haskind.The results of the wave excitation force calculated by means of the two methods are presented and are the same under different conditions.Otherwise,the variational trend of the vertical excitation force coefficients is analyzed under different conditions.
Boussinesq equation with moderate current
ZOU Zhi-li, LIU Zhong-bo, SUN Zhao-chen
2004, 26(3): 126-135.
The Boussinesq equations with the transient and non-uniform current of O1/2) are derived.The effects of currents on the distributions of velocities and pressure are discussed.The prediction-correction method of finite difference scheme is employed to solve the equat ions numerically.The numerical results are compared with the experimental data for the case of currents being equal to 0 and the agreements are good,which demonstrates the accuracy of the equations and the efficiency of the numerical methods.The numerical results are also compared with the numerical results of the classic Boussinesq equations and the Boussinesq equations with strong currents of O(1),and the application range of the equations is also investigated.
Research of the effects of atmospheric scattering on red tide remote sensing with normalized vegetation index
TANG Jun-wu, DING Jing, WANG Qi-mao, MA Chao-fei
2004, 26(3): 136-142.
Distribution of chlorophyll a and primary productivity in the adjacent sea area of Changjiang River Estuary
ZHOU Wei-hua, YUAN Xiang-cheng, HUO Wen-yi, YIN Ke-dong
2004, 26(3): 143-150.