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2002 Vol. 24, No. 1

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The numerical study of the dynamic mechanism of the South China Sea upper circulation in summer
CAI Shu-qun, SU Ji-lan, GAN Zi-jun, LIU Qin-yu
2002, 24(1): 1-7.
An divisional barptropic and baroclinic connection model is employed to study the South China Sea(SCS) upper circulation characteritics and its dynamic mechanism in summer.The results are:during summer,the strength and position of the cyclonic eddy adjacent to Dongsha Islands varies due to the instability of wind-driven current,which indirectly cause the intrusion extent of Kuroshio into the northern SCS,the strength and range of the anticyclonicgyre to the south of the above eddy,the cyclonic eddy to the south west of Xisha Isalnds fluctuate.The northward western boundary current in the southern SCS flows northeastw ard off the shoreline of middle Indo-China Peninsular due to the driving of southwest monsoon offshore,which brings about loss of lar ge amount water alongshore and the for mation of a southw ard compensating current alongshore,and then a cyclonic eddy to the southwest of Xisha Isalnds is induced.The above offshore western boundary current flows clockwise,thus forms an anticyclonic gyre in the southern SCS.The local cyclonic eddies adjacent to Nansha Trough and Wanan Shoals are formed by the actions of effect and bottom to pographic effect.
Hydrologic features of the Bering Sea in the summer of 1999
GAO Guo-ping, SHI Mao-chong, ZHAO Jin-ping, DONG Zhao-qian, JI Guo, JIAO Yu-tian
2002, 24(1): 8-16.
Based on CTD data of the 42 stations in the Bering Sea obtained by the Chinese First Arctic Research Expedition in July to November 1999,the horizontal and the vertical distribution of the temperature and salinity,the feature of the water masses,the fro ntnear the slope of the Aleutian Basin are analysed and discussed.In July 1999, the temper ature and salinity of the Bering cold center water is lower about 1℃ and 0.2 than the Levitus 94 monthly mean data.
Numerical experiments of the adjoint model for M2 tide in the Bohai Sea
LÜ Xian-qing, FANG Guo-hong
2002, 24(1): 17-24.
Adjoint method was used to deduce M2 tidal harmonic constants on the open boundary of the Bohai Sea by using M2 tidal harmonic constants in the inter iorregion.To improve the results of numerical simulation,the prescribed bottom friction coefficients were also adjusted by adjoint assimilation.Four experiments were car ried out.Experiment 1 uses only har monic constats at 19 tidal stations;Experiment 2 uses harmonic constants at 37 points on the T/P Satellite Tracks;Experiment 3 uses all the above data;Experiment 4 uses har monic constants at 19 tidal stations and 14 selected points on the T/P Satellite Tracks.The averaged absolute differences between the simulated and the observed are as follows respectively.For Experiment 1 the averaged absolute difference of the amplitude is 2.4 cm and the averaged absolute difference of the phaselag is 5.0°.For Experiment 2 they are 4.4 cm and 5.7°respectively.Experiment 3 gives 5.5 cm and 8.5°respectively.And Experiment 4 gives 3.3 cm and 5.6°respectively.The results of the four experiments coincide with the observed M2 tide in the Bohai Sea fairly well.
The statistical characteristics of the spatio-temporal distribution for global tropical storms
WANG Zhi-ren, WU De-xing, WU Huei-ding, Song Xue-jia, WANG Zhang-gui
2002, 24(1): 25-34.
Statistical analysis to the global tropical storms shows that there are some significant statistical characteristics in the their spatio-temporal distribution.In every oceanic area,the storm-occurring frequency is of seasonal concentration,with the peaks of frequency of the tropical storms corresponding to the peaks of SST.In the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean,the areas of the storm-dense months go geographically counte-rclockwisea year.The total occurrence frequency of the global tropical storms is the highest in August and September,and the lowest in April and May.The occurring density and extending extent of storms are larger in the northern hemisphere than in the southern one.The largest density is located in the North-East and-West Pacific Ocean.The storm-occurring frequency in each oceanic area is of interannual and decadal oscillation,existing distinctly the repeating-change of two to three years,six to seven years,eleven to twelve years and twenty-one to twenty-two years.It is quite often that the strong er the storms,the longer the life-spans of the storms.Among months,the stronger and longe-rlasting storms occur more often in the months with higher storm frequency than in the months with lower storm frequency,yet, among years,the stronger and longer-lasting storms usually occur in they ears with less storms.In the large-scale background,the storm moves along the anticyclonic path.
The dynamical research of TC structure on movement
LEI Xiao-tu
2002, 24(1): 35-46.
Taking the tropical cyclone(TC) as a circular vortex with radius R,horizontal motion equations are averaged over the whole TC area to get its movement with non-friction,weak-environment.Then,weobtain it's analytical resolution,and discuss the influence of the TC structure(include axial symmetry and asymmetry) on movement.The results show that TC moves flutter periodicity with sinuso idalorcosine by the influence of TC structure, and the mobile direction changes abruptly at completeperiod and semi-period.The asymmetrical structure with wave number 2,and more than,can create the extramovement,but can't with wave number 1.
Determination of 27 elements in two polymetallic nodule reference samples from the Pacific Ocean by ICP-MS
HU Guang-lin, CAI Yi-hua, YANG Chao-yong, ZHUANG Zhi-xia, WANG Xiao-ru, HUANG Yi-pu
2002, 24(1): 47-52.
A rapid and accurate method for 27 elements determination in polymetallic nodules by ICP-MS was developed on 2 standard reference materials of polymetallic nodules(GSPN-2 and GSPN-3).The 27 elements include Ba,Ce,Co,Cu,Dy,Er,Eu,Gd,Ho,La,Li,Lu,Mo,Nd,Pr,Sb,Sc,Sm,Tb,Th,Tm,U,V,W,Y,Yb and Zn.Mass interferences and matrix effects were properly reduced or compensated by careful sample preparation, instrumental operating parameters optimization and internal standard(103Rh) correlation.For the 27 elements in GSPN-2 or GSPN-3,the analytical results obtained were in good ag reement with the corresponding certified values with RSD % in the range of 0.0%~11.0%(n=3).The method can be conveniently applied to the analysis of real polymetallic samples.
Distributions and transportation of nutrients in Changjiang River Estuary and its adjacent sea areas
WANG Bao-dong, ZHAN Run, ZANG Jia-ye
2002, 24(1): 53-58.
This paper discusses the distributions and transportation of nutrients in the Changjiang River Estuary and its adjacent sea areas,based on the data obtained during field observations in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea. It is pointed out that there are abundant in nutrients in the area of the east and northern-east of the Changjiang River Estuary in all the season of a year.It is believed that the nutrients come from the extension of the Changjiang River diluted water and the transportation of the Subei Coastal Water.Besides,the maximum extension range of the nutrients of the Changjiang River Diluted Water was observed during the period of super flood in the Changjiang River drainage area during summer,1998.It is of significance for the studies of the influences of the Changjiang River Diluted Water on the biogeochemical processes and the marine environment of the Huanghai Sea and the East China Sea.
Discovery and features of vertical zonations of tidal salt-marsh foraminifera in Jianchuan, North Jiangsu Province, China
YOU Kun-yuan, CHEN Cai-jun, WU Xiao-gen, SHI Bing-wen
2002, 24(1): 59-64.
Through densified surface sampling of foraminifer a and accurate elevation measurement along three transectlines in open-coast tidal sal-tmarsh of Jianchuan,particular sal-tmarsh foraminifera assemblages were found. The sal-tmarsh foraminifera assemblages are distributed in well-defined vertical zonations with respect to elevation and closely parallel marsh floral zonations.At the top of the vertical zonation all foraminifera disappear abruptly which are accurately located at the highest high water datum.This distribution pattern can be used to relocate the former sea levels accurately(to an accur acy of within ±5 cm).A modern regional criterion of foraminifera for relocating the former sea levels in high resolution in our country is provided,and deficiencies of studying the vertical zonation only in sheltered coast sal-tmarsh abroad are filled up.
An algorithm of vector color-fill between contours based on boundaries of DTM oriented submarine mapping
WU Zi-yin, GAO Jin-yao, JIN Xiang-long
2002, 24(1): 65-72.
An algorithm of vector color-fill between contour lines is proposed based on boundaries of DTM oriented submarine mapping.This algorithm traces and stores DTM boundaries on the basis of processing bizar regrid data, and establishes the bidirectional relationship between DTM boundaries and contour lines through the matrix of boundary points,then establishes the topological relationship among unclosed contour lines and traces the polygons based on the order of boundary points,and creates the nested relationship of polygons by minimum external rectangle of polygons and the method of counting angles which is used to determine the relationship between point and polygon.It is successfully applied in the software MB Chart which is used to process and maphuge volume of submarine topographic data surveyed by multi-beam,and it over comes the inconsistency between color blocks and contours produced by mapping software for multi-beam post-processing.
Dynamic analysis of nappe structure region in the southern margin of the Nansha Trough
CHEN Xue, LIN Jin-feng, XU Shi-geng
2002, 24(1): 73-85.
The movement and deformation of nappe structure in the southern marg in of the Nansha Trough are proposed,which have elasto-plastic periodicity,and the periodicity is about 1.4 Ma.Based on the dynamic model and two restricting conditions established for accretionary wedge of the nappe,the analytic solutions of principal stress in thrust direction at the midpoint of the nappe base and dynamic friction coefficient of thrust-fault planes are presented.By establishing mechanical model of shear-fault for mation,density model and model of angle of internal friction which are in the front strata of the accretionary wedge of the nappe,effective-yielding principal stress,lithostatic pressure,pr incipal stress in the thrust direction and their resultant force,structure stress are solved for for ming shear-fault during over thrust.By establishing effective plasticyielding model in the nappe base,principal stresses of being effectively yielded and the thrust direction at the midpoint of the nappe base are solved.Two sections are selected to make dynamic calculation,and two stress figures,the dynamic friction coefficients of thrus-tfault planes and the resultant force of the principal stress in the thrust direction are obtained.
Primary production in the western tropical Pacific and equatorial warm waters
CHEN Xing-qun, ZHANG Ming, CHEN Qi-huan
2002, 24(1): 86-95.
Primary productions in the western tropicl Pacific and equatorial warm waters are studied in the WOCE cruise in November 1991and the TOGA-COA RE cruises from November 1992 to February 1993.It is shown that total amount of integrated chl a is 19.79 mg/m2 in depth of 0~150 m and averagedaily primary production with, 171 mg/(m2·d) appears in the western tropical Pacific while higher chl a(21.68 mg/m2) and primary pr oduction [228 mg/(m2·d) ]occur in equatorial warm waters.The higher chl a is found at the coastal stations of the Philippines and Pulau Irian while lower chl a is at the offshore areas bounded by 2°~4°N.It shows that the distribution pattern of chl a biomass is related to different physical processes.Upwelling,which may have led to a high biomass, is a critical factor varying the distributions of temperature,sanility and nutrient in these areas.
A morphological, histological and histochemical study on the crystalline style of Chlamys farreri
SHENG Xiu-zhen, REN Su-lian, WANG De-xiu, YANG Li-min
2002, 24(1): 96-100.
The morphological,histological and histochemical aspects of the crystalline style of Chlamys farreri were studied using light microscopy,scanning and transmission electr on microscopy and histochemical methods.The crystalline style is divided into two parts:the head and the rod.It appears in transverse section to be shaped the annual ring,no cell and cytoplasmic organelles contain in it,the edge region of the head usually in dissolved condition,a lot of phagocytes and eosinopilic granules exist in this area.There are secretory vesicles on the surface of the rod.The electron-density of the cr ystalline style is low.Electron denser zone,high electron density granules and some electron-lucent vesicles present somewhere.The histochemical results show that the crystalline style contains mucin, acid polysacchride and protein,but no acid phosphatase,alkaline phosphatase,lipase and ester ase activity.The crystalline style hasn't the role of food storage.Difference in the style size is not found between the male and the female,and the style will become dissolved after the scallop being exposed in the air a long time.
Mathematical model of coastal suspended sediment transport
ZHU Zhi-xia, HAN Qi-wei, DING Ping-xing
2002, 24(1): 101-107.
Based on the refraction-diffraction combined numerical model of random wave in tidal current field under the condition appropriate to a mild topography on a large range,the shallow water current equations under the effect of waves and the suspended sediment diffusion equation with interactions of wave and tide current,the 2-dimensional sediment mathematical model with interactions of wave and tide current has been set up.This model in the northern sea zone of the Bohai Gulf is utilized to carry out the numerical simulations of the dredged materials.suspended sediment diffusion,transport and the evolution process of sea-bed.The results are satisfactory,which have had reliable and scientific bases for engineering organization to make a decision.
Numerical simulation of wave propagation in water of slowly varying topography with complicated boundary
ZHANG Hong-sheng, HONG Guang-wen, DING Ping-xing
2002, 24(1): 108-116.
The mild-slope equation is widely applied to the calculation of wave transformation with the computation region being divided into rectangular meshes.While the computation region is divided into irregular quadrilateral, the wave action conservation equation and wave number vector irrotational equation are discretized based on Greenps formula,and the eikonal equation is done with deriving partial differential values by transformation of isoparametric element.There by the numerical simulation model of wave propagation for waters of slowly varying topography is presented.In the case of different incident wave angles,slope angles of bottom and incident wave heights,the systematic numerical simulation has been made for the straight contour condition and the computation region being divided into irregular quadrilateral,and the calculations show that the results of numerical modeling agree with those of the-oretical solution.When the present mathematical model is applied to an example with complicated boundary,the results of numerical solution are basically consistent with those of physical models.
An efficient finite element solver for the elliptic mild-slope equation
2002, 24(1): 117-123.
An efficient finite element method for solving mild-slope equation is proposed.When solving the mild-slope equation,a spongy layer is used.The diffraction potential is subtracted from the total velocity potential at the incident boundary by using discontinuous elements.The error and numerical reflection due to using radiation boundary condition are reduced efficiently because the po tential function is damped at the spongy layer through adding a friction parameter into the mild-slope eqauation.
Application of isopycnal P-vector method to diagnostic study of the South China Sea circulation
WANG Gui-hua, XU Jian-ping
2002, 24(1): 124-128.
Ditermination of biogenic opal in sediment of the Huanghai and Bohai Sea and questions in the method
YE Xi-wen, LIU Su-mei, ZHANG Jing
2002, 24(1): 129-134.
Primary studies on no-polluting culture mode of shrimp
LI Jian, MA Xiang-dong, LIU De-yue, SUN Xiu-tao, MU Nai-hai, SONG Quan-shan, WANG Cheng-bin
2002, 24(1): 135-141.
The study on genetic diversity and genetic differentiation of Avicennia marina populations in different latitudes in China
LI Zhong-bao, LIN Peng
2002, 24(1): 142-147.