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2001 Vol. 23, No. 6

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Numerical calculation of the wintertime circulation in the South China Sea by using a baroclinic model
YOU Xiao-bao, LI Rong-feng, ZHANG Ming, ZENG Qing-cun
2001, 23(6): 1-10.
The wintertime circulation in the South China Sea(SCS) has been simulated by using a three-dimensional,primitive-equation model with a free surface.Computed results show that:a realanticy clonic meandering path of the Kuroshio appears west of the Bashi Channel(BC),and a tongue with relatively high temperature and salinity spreads into SCS from BC which represents a intrusion of the Kuroshio.Some observed discoveries in SCS in winter such as the South China Sea Warm Current(SCSWC) which is against wind flowing northeastward(N E-ward),and some mesoscale eddies are all revealed by the model.The vertical structure of velocity and salinity alog 120.75°E Section in BC reproduced by the model compare well with observations.Based on the model results we also discuss further the formation and driving mechanism of SCSWC.
A 3-D numerical simulation of wind-driven currents in the Beibu Gulf
XIA Hua-yong, LI Shu-hua, SHI Mao-chong
2001, 23(6): 11-23.
The Casulli's difference scheme was introduced into the three dimensional ocean model in the present paper,and the wind-driven current and thermohaline current were simulated.The results show that,southwesterly monsoon in summer induces a clockwise circulation in the Beibu Gulf,and the density gradient induces an anti-clockwise one,but the density currents are more intense than the wind-driven one in summer,especially in surface layer,in addition,the northeasterly monsoon in winter induces an anti-clockwise circulation.The simulated results don't support the traditional conclusion that there is a clockwise circulation in Beibu Gulf in summer and a counter-clockwise one in winter,instead of supporting the statement that a counte-rclockwise circulation exists in the Beibu Gulfall year round.
Thermal structural analysis and simulation of the Bohai Sea and the Huanghai Seas
BAO Xian-wen, WANG Ci-zhen, GAO Guo-ping, HUANG Lei
2001, 23(6): 24-31.
The thermal structures of the Bohai Sea and the Huanghai Sea are analyzed by observations and simulated by POM model with monthly mean wind stress and weekly surface water temperature as exter nal forcing respectively.The thermal structure is characteristic homogeneous winter style from October to March of the next year,but is stratified structure(consists of mixed layer,thermocline and tidal mixed layer) summer style from May to August,April and November are transition periods of both styles.The lowest water temperature occurs in February for the whole water column,the highest occurs in August for the surface layer and in November to October for bottom layer.Except for some similar thermal structure between the Bohai Sea and coastal shallow water zone of the Huanghai Sea,for the thermal structure of deep water area in central trough,the Huanghai Sea Cold Water Mass and the Huanghai Sea Warm Current are two special factors.As for effect on the deep water,the former is significant in summer,the later is significant in winter,so that the low layer water appears to be cold in summer,while warm in winter compared with the environment,basically is converse to annual variation of SST.As for the three-dimensional structure of above area,compared with the Bohai Sea,the period of homogeneous structure(from January to March) is shorter and the period of stratified structure(from May to October) is longer,the amplitude of annual variation of low water temperature is smaller(no more than 5) and the intensity of the thermocline layer is stronger.The simulated result shows that the driving power of the Huanghai Sea Warm Current is monsoon circulation,and therefore the question whether there is some dynamic effect on the for mulation and development of the Huanghai Sea Cold Water Mass is deduced.
The simulation of tsunami happened in the Taiwan Strait in 1994
YU Fu-jiang, YE Lin, WANG Xi-nian
2001, 23(6): 32-39.
In this paper,a tsunami numerical model is built.In computing the transoceanic tsunami propagation,the linear shallow-water equations are solved with leap-frog finite difference.Grid size and time step are selected in such a way that the numerical dispersion introduced by the leap-frog method is nearly the same as the frequency dispersion in Boussinesq equations.Therefore,computation time and memory are saved in the condition of notreducing the precision of tsunami computation.In the coastal transfor mation computation,the energy dissipation due to seabottom friction is included.In this model,a nested multiple grid system is developed to improve the resolution of important regions.The tsunami happened in the Taiwan Strait in 1994 is simulated by using this model.The simulation results agree with the observed ones.The model has been used to calculate the pr obable maximum tsunami(PMT) of the Fujian Hui'an Nuclear Power Plant.
Summer arctic sea fog
XIE Si-mei, XUE Zhen-he, QU Shao-hou, JIANG De-zhong, ZOU Bin
2001, 23(6): 40-50.
Synchronous or quasi-synchronous sea-land-air observations were conducted using advanced sea ice,atmospheric and marine instruments during China's First Arctic Expedition.Based on the precious data from the expedition,it is found that in the Arctic Ocean,most part of which is covered with ice or is mixed with ice,various kinds of sea fog formed such as advection fog,radiation fog and vapor fog.Each kind has its own characteristic and mechanics of creation.In the southern part of the Arctic Ocean,due to the sufficient warm and wet flow there,it is favor able for advection fog to form,which is dense and lasts a long time.On ice cap or vast floatingice,due to the strong radiation cooling effect,stable radiating fog is likely to form.In floating ice area there forms vapor fog with the appearance of masses of vapor from a boiling pot,which is different from shor-tlasting land fog.The study indicates that the reason why there are many kinds of sea fog form in the Arctic Ocean is the complicated cushion and the consequent sea-air interaction caused by the sea ice distribution and its unique physical character istics.Sea fog is the atmospheric phenomenon of sea-air heat exchange.Especially,due to the high albedo of ice and snow surface,it is difficult to absorb great amount of solar radiation during the polar days.Besides,ice is a poor conductor of heat; it blocks the sea-air heat exchange.The sea-air exchange is active in floating ice area where the ice is broken.The sea sends heat to the atmosphere in form of latent heat;vapor fog is a way of sea-air heat exchange influencing the climate and an indicator of the extent of the exchange.The study also indicates that the sea also transports heat to the atmosphere in form of sensible heat when vapor fog occurs.
A dynamical diagnosis method on obtaining surface wind field over the Bohai Sea
GAO Shan-hong, ZHANG Xin-ling, WU Zeng-mao
2001, 23(6): 51-58.
A simple dynamical diagnosis method is constructed on obtaining surface wind filed over the Bohai Sea.First,a horizontally two-dimensional dynamical diagnosis model is set up in Cartesian coordinates,which is used to calculate surface wind field based on grid pressure data from weather maps by a computer scanning technique.And then,wind obser vations of ocean observational stations distr ibuted along the Bohai Sea coast including oil plat stations are ingested by a nudging method,which is applied to adjust the already calculated surface wind field repeatedly through integrating the dynamic diagnosis model.The surface wind field over the Bohai Sea can be generated when the model is integ rated up to a steady state.Two cases are presented,and the results show that the dynamical diagnosis method is efficient.
210Pb and210Po in sea water around the hydrothermal vents in the Okinawa Trough
YANG Yong-liang, KUSAKABE Masashi, YAMAMOTO Yoshiyuki
2001, 23(6): 59-75.
Vertical profiles for the uranium-series radioisotopes 210Pb and 210Po were obtained at the two hydro thermal ventsites,the Iheya Ridge and the Minami-Ensei Knoll,in the Mid-Okinawa Trough in 1993 and 1994,respectively.At the Ihey a Ridge,where the hydrothermal activity is not active as reflected by the CH4 and 222Rn data,both the total 210Pb and 210Po activities show deficient relative to their parents,and the mean residence time of 210Pb and 210Po is about 20 and 2~5 a,respectively.At the Minami-Ensei Knoll,which is characterized byblack smokers,the total 210Pb activity(0.167×10-3~2.50×10-3Bq/kg) around the plumes is deficient relative to 226Ra but the total 210Po activity(1.83×10-3~2.83×10-3Bq/kg) is in excess relative to 210Pb.The 210Po activities are higher than those in the East China Sea and the Okinawa Trough,and excess 210Po has beenfound.The 210Pb/226Ra and210Po/210Pb activity ratios are 0.1~0.4 and 1.1~7.8,respectively.210Pb is preferentially scavenged in the hydrothermal plumes.The possible mechanisms governing the concentration of 210Pb in the Minami-Ensei Knoll involve a lateral transport of 210Pb viadiffusion.The high 210Po/210Pb activity ratios in the hydrother mal plumes suggest a depletion of 210Pb and addition of 210Po in the hydrothermal vent area.
Specific activity and distribution of natural radionuclides and 137Cs in surface sediments of the northeastern South China Sea
LIU Guang-shan, HUANG Yi-pu, CHEN Min, QIU Yu-sheng, CAI Yi-hua, GAO Zhong-yong
2001, 23(6): 76-84.
Natural radio nuclides 40K,210,226,228Ra,228Th,238U and 137Cs in surface sediments from the northeastern South China Sea are measured by HPGe γ spectrometer.The mean specific activities of above 7 nuclides are respectively 538,116,27.7,44.9,4210,35.4 and 11.6 Bq/kg.The results show that 210Pb in sediments increases and 226Ra is no variance and others nuclides decrease with distance from coast.By comparison with other China coastal sea areas,the specific activities of 40K and 137Cs are lower and other nuclides are mid-level.
Foraminifera in the surface sediments of the Bering and Chukchi Seas and their sedimentary environment
MENG Yi, CHEN Rong-hua, ZHENG Yu-long
2001, 23(6): 85-93.
Based on a quantitative analysis of foraminifera in 39 surface samples of the Bering and Chukchi Seas,one test of planktonic for aminifera and 742 tests of benthic foraminifera belonging to 26 genera and 28 species are identified.The lack of planktonic foraminifer a in the surface sediments can be related to the low surface primary productivity and strong carbonate dissolution in the study area.It has been revealed that the surface primary productivity,and carbonate dissolution and propert ies of water masses related to the water depth mainly control the distribution of benthic foraminifera.The shelf of the Chukchi Sea is dominated by the Elphidium spp.assemblage and Nonionella robusta assemblage with low foraminiferal abundance and diversity,which is controlled by the coastal water mass of the Arctic Ocean.The slope of the Bering Sea is dominated by the Uvigerina peregrina-Globobulimina affinis assemblage with abundant N.robusta,and relatively high for aminiferal abundance and diversity,which is controlled by the intermediate and deep water masses of the Pacific Ocean.However,the Bering Sea has relatively shallow carbonately socline and compensation depth(CCD),about at 2000 and 3800 m,respectively.In addition,there exist Stetsonia arctica in the surface sediments of the upper slope in the Bering Sea,which is typical deep-sea benthic for aminifera of the slope in the Arctic Ocean.This indicates that the deep waters of the two seas beside the Bering Strait had ever exchanged.
Geochemical characteristics of sediments from the China Pioneer Area equatorial northeast Pacific Ocean
NI Jian-yu, ZHOU Huai-yang, PAN Jian-ming, ZHAO Hong-qiao, HU Chuan-yu, WANG Fang-guo
2001, 23(6): 94-100.
In the China Pioneer Area,located in the western part of the area between the Clarion and Clipperton Fraction Zones,the topmost sediment column can be divided into two layers based on distinctive color and bioturbation properties:an upper pale brown layer(Unit A) and a lower dark brown layer(U nit B).Chemical properties in Unit A and Unit B are clearly different across the color boundary,which can be interpreted to be a hiatus.This results in an overall difference in sediment properties between Unit A and Unit B,that is,older Unit B sediment is higher in P2O5,MnO2,CaO and Na2O contents.Based on the correlation analysis,Mn and Fe in sediments have different genesis.The manganese mainly is authigenes,but Fe is from rock weathering.Ther efore,the chemical differences in sediments are the results of sedimentation setting differences.
Size-fractionated plankton respiration and phytoplankton production rates in shrimp culture ecosystems
LIU Guo-cai, LI De-shang, DONG Shuang-lin
2001, 23(6): 101-107.
Size-fractionated plankton respiration and phytoplankton production rates in shrimp culture ecosystems were studied with five experimental enclosures from June to August 1997 in the shrimp farm of the Huanghai Fisheris Corporation in Shandong Province,China.The results show that(1) the average respiration rates of the plankton of micro-,nano- and pico-plankton are 0.07,0.38 and 0.31 mg/(dm3·d),which are 9%,50% and 41% of the sum of each sized plankton.The phy toplankton production rates of micro-,nano- and pico-phytoplankton are 0.04,1.26 and 0.15 mg/(dm3·d),which are 3%,87% and 10% of the sum of each sized phytoplankton.The ratios of the respiration rates of different sized plankton to corresponding sized phy to plankton production rates are:micro-,175%;nano-,30%;pico-,207%.(2) the respiration rates of zooplankton of micro-and pico-(containing bacteria) are higher than those of the corresponding sized phytoplankton,while the respiration rate of nano-phytoplankton is higher than that of nano-zooplankton.The sequence of the respiration rates of different sized phytoplankton is nano-greater than pico-greater than micro-,and the order of the respir ation rates of different sized zooplankton is pico-(containing bacteria) greater than nano-greater than micro-.
The effects of sea water temperature and salinity on the growth and survival of Tegillarca granosa larvae and juveniles
YOU Zhong-jie, XU Shan-liang, BIAN Ping-jiang, CHEN Jian
2001, 23(6): 108-113.
These experiments were carried out in the marine culture breeding field of Dongfa,Leqing,Zhejiang Province and the marine culture breeding field of Sihai,Ning de,Fujian Province,from 1996 to 1997 and 1999.In the condition of controlled sea water temperature and salinity,the effects of temperature and salinity on the growth and survival of Tegillarca granosa larvae and juveniles are studied.The results show that suitable temperature is 25~33℃ for larvae,and 15~35℃ for juveniles,the best suitable growth temperature is 28~30℃ for larvae,and 25~30℃ for juveniles;suitable salinity is 16.54~30.02 for larvae,and 10.01~30.02 for juveniles;the best suitable growth salinity is 16.54~23.38 for larvae,and 10.01~23.38 for juveniles.The larvae and juveniles of Tegillarca granosa have strong adaptability to high temperature and low salinity,which are concordant with their proliferation season in the summer and natural distribution in estuary.
Screening of marine actinomycetes producing polysaccharides with immunomodulating activity
SU Wen-jin, HUANG Yi-li, HUANG Yao-jian, ZHENG Zhong-hui, SONG Si-yang, CHEN Jin-an
2001, 23(6): 114-119.
The purpose of this work is to investigate the production of the extracellular polysacchar ides(EPS) with immunomodulating activity from marine actinomycetes.996 strains of marine actinomycetes are isolated from intertidal zone of Xiamen Island,and 3.3% of themy ield EPS more than 3g/dm3 when determined by method of phenol sulfuric acid.Among the strains with high yield of EPS,there are 3 strains those produe the EPS having immunomodulating activity in vitro by promoting the proliferation and accumulation of interleukin 2(IL-2) of lymphocytes of mouse spleen and in vivo in the animal model.The EP Sproduced by Strain 2305,Streptomyces sp.,is the most promising candidate to develop into immunomodulator in view of its obvious effects on the non specific,cellular and humoral immunity.The results show that the EPS from marine actinomy cetes can be an important resource for the development of immunomodulators.
The study on the community structure of benthic copepods in the Bohai Sea
MU Fang-hong, ZHANG Zhi-nan, GUO Yu-qing
2001, 23(6): 120-127.
The benthic meiofauna was quantitatively investigated at 20 stations in the Bohai Sea in September 1998.Mean meiofaunal abundance amounts to(868.8±509.7) ind/m2.Benthic copepods are the second in overall abundance,constituting 7.6% of the total meiofauna,with the mean abundance of(66.3±56.9) ind/m2.The cluster or dination and PCA analysis of 11 environmental variables show there are two distinctly different habitats in the Bohai Sea,these two habitats are divided into four sub-areas further.According to the cluster and MDS analysis of 77 benthic copepods species,four groups are divided,these areas are well coincident with natural zone.The major factors which affect the community structure of benthic copepods are depth and grain size of sediment.
A strain of marine actinomycetes with inhibiting tumor cytotoxin activities in vitro isolated from the Taiwan Strait
HUANG Yao-jian, ZHENG Zhong-hui, ZENG Wei, LI Jun, LI Li-jun, SU Wen-jin
2001, 23(6): 128-132.
The result of study on inhibiting tumor activities and identification of a strain of marine Strepto myces,N350 is reported,which is isolated from a species of sea plants,Gracilaria sp.,collected from the Taiwan Strait.Inhibiting tumor activity is studied with MTT assay in vitro and DNA-target activity is studied with BIA spot test.Their effect on the growth of eight cancer cell lines and the ID50 dilutions for the broth against cancer cells ranges from 1:2 560 to greater than 1:20 480.The BIA test shows also the culture displayed inducing activity.The BIA activity of the artificial sea water cultures is 16.4 times higher than tap water.The strain is identified as Streptomyces tauricus var.marinus.
Wave diffraction from a cylinder with porous upper wall and an inner column
TENG Bin, ZHAO Ming, LI Yu-cheng
2001, 23(6): 133-142.
Based on a linear model between the pressure difference of two sides of a porous wall and the fluid velocity inside it,an analysis solution has been established by the eigenfunct ion expansion method for wave diffraction from a cylinder with upper porous outer wall and an inner solid cloumn.Numerical experiment has been carried out to exam ine the effects on the wave force on the cylinder and wave height around the cylinder by porous coefficients of the outer wall,the ratio of radii of inner to outer column,and the water depth inside the cylinder.The numerical results show that the increase on the porous coefficient of outer column and the water depth inside the cylinder will reduce the wave elevation around the cylinder and the wave load on it.