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2001 Vol. 23, No. 4

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A review of circulation dynamics of the coastal oceans near China
SU Ji-lan
2001, 23(4): 1-16.
Recent studies on the circulation dy namics of the coastal oceans next to China are reviewed.These studies were based on extensive hydrographic surveys and some moored (mostly short-term) current meter observations, as well as through numerical models.Although strong monsoonal winds, large buoyancy fluxes and active tidal mixing are all important in driving circulation in these oceans, interaction between the open-ocean forcing and the unique to pography of the coastal oceans seems be a major contributing factor to many of the outstanding feature found here north of 16°N.
Numerical modeling of upstream movement of storm surge along the Zhujiang River
YU Bin, LIN Shao-yi, WANG Yong-xin, SHI Jian-hui, XIA Zong-wan
2001, 23(4): 17-24.
The storm surge samples are simulated by using numerical model of dynamics and the mechanism is discussed in this paper.The results show that, whether the set up of water level caused by storm increases gradually from south to north along the Zhujiang River is closely related to the strength of the tropical cyclone and to the path of the storm too.Because most of the tropical cyclones are west-going in the South China Sea, this makes they look like passing by storms.The area of Lingding yang for collecting water is not quite large.The river net in the Zhujiang River Delta has the dispersion effect to the water piled up by the storm.These reasons make the set up of water level caused by storm generally no more than 2.5m.Even with this scale of set up the storm surges endanger the safety in this estuary plain.Owing to the coupling of astronomical tide and the shallow water effect, storm surge deforms frequently in various degrees.In the numerical simulation in this paper, the model, parameters and calculation samples were chosen long before; only slight adjustments are required and good result can be obtained.This shows that the modeling is rational and reliable.
The abnormality in the northwest Pacific Ocean
PU Shu-zhen, ZHOU Ming-yu, LIU Zhan-pei, YU Fei, HU Xiao-min
2001, 23(4): 25-30.
Based on the data obtained from all the marine stations of State Oceanic Administration of China, and the ADCP and CTD data measured during "Tropical Ocean and Global Atmosphere (TOGA)", the northward flux of the sea water mass from the original sea-area of Kuroshio into the northwest Pacific Ocean (NWPO), and the water temperature and the sea surface level in NWPO and its adjacent seas are estimated and analyzed.In addition, the spacial and temporal variability of the latent heat flux through the sea surface of NWPO are estimated by use of the Goddard Earth Observing System(GEOS).It is shown from the results of the estimation that there is obvious interannual variability of the northward flux of the sea water mass.The relationship between this variability and the closely associated variabilities of water temperature, sea surface level, and the latent heat flux is the relationship between cause and effect.When the former one becomes decreased, the latter three will get obviously decreased.The physical explanation for the relationship between them is that the sea water mass and heat content transported from the western tropical Pacific Ocean into NWPO will make the water decrement and the total heat budget of NWPO decrease.Furthermore the heat budget decrease will in turn make the water temperature and the latent heat flux decrease.
Numerical simulation of characteristics of semidiurnal tidal waves in sea region around Taiwan
SHA Wen-yu, LÜ Xin-gang, CHEN Xi, ZHANG Wen-jing
2001, 23(4): 31-40.
POM 97, an oceanic model, has been used for the first time to the numerical study on the tidal waves of the sea reg ions around Taiwan.In this paper, we have got the result that the semidiurnal tidal waves of these area mainly are the co-operating tide which comes from the south of 23°N of the western Pacific.Those semidiurnal tidal waves which affect the Taiwan channel come respectively from the south and the north entrance of the channel, and the north one is stronger than the south's.The strongest tidal field is the area from the Meizhou Bay to the Xinhua Bay along the coast of Fujian Province, where the biggest amplitude of the M2 partial tide can reach 240 cm.The strongest tidal current fields lie in Lake Penghu water course, where the maximum velocity of the M2 partial tide can arrived at 196m/s.In the hor izontal structure of the tidal currents, we have found that there is a stream dot in the north of the channel, besides, there still exist four new ones.As for the vertical structure, it mainly bias to right; and near the bottom layer, it bias to left.
Preliminary studies on trophic structure of tidal zone in the Laoshan Bay by using carbon stable isotopes
CAI De-ling, HONG Xu-guang, MAO Xing-hua, ZHANG Shu-fang, HAN Yi-bing, GAO Su-lan
2001, 23(4): 41-47.
By analyses of stable carbon isotopic composition (δ13C values) of the benthos collected in the Laoshan Bay in August 1993 and February and May 1994, it is found that the main food sources of the benthos can be divided into four groups in terms of stable carbon isotopic composition: POM, benthic diatoms, benthic macroalgae and the organic matter in sediments.The results show that the stable carbon isotopic compositions of the benthic animals has a close relation with that of the food they take in.The stable carbon isotopic compositions of benthos may be useful in elucidating their food sources.The carbon isotopic data confirm that POM is the main food source of the benthic filter feeders such as bivalves; crustaceans have a wide range of δ13C values, showing that their food source has diversity; benthic diatoms are an important fraction of the food for most of gastropods.A preliminary investigation of the benthic-pelagic coupling in the Laoshan Bay using the stable carbon isotopic tracers confirms the importance of POM as a food source for benthos in this region, but the organic matter in sediments and benthic diatoms are also relative important for a lot of benthic animals.
Non-destructive γ spectrum analysis of polymetallic nodules from the eastern Pacific
LIU Guang-shan, HUANG Yi-pu, CAI Yi-hua, CHEN Min
2001, 23(4): 48-58.
Non-destructive γ spectrum analyses of 20 polymetallic nodules from the eastern Pacific are carried out.Numerous nuclides, such as 238U,230Th,226Ra,210Pb,228Ra,228Th,235U,227Ac(or 231Pa) and 40K are detected.The count rates of the nuclide when top or bottom side of nodules facing detector are measured and the ratio R of the count rates of nuclides in the top and the bottom sides are obtained.From counts and ratios, some useful information relating to the growth and movement of the nodules, the source of nuclide and relationship between those and environment can be gotten.A new method for clear distinction between the top and bottom sides of the nodule based on the R value of 226Ra or 210Pb is developed.In addition, one can infer the turnover of nodules according to the Rvalue of 230Th.
A approach on the effect of manganese nodule resources associated with plate tectonics in the eastern part of the Pacific
ZHANG Fu-yuan, ZHANG Wei-yan, YIN Ru-guang, CHENG Yong-shou, HE Gao-wen
2001, 23(4): 59-68.
In the western part of the Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone in the Pacific, a series of geological and geophysical work has been carried out in the past years.The photograph of the deep-tow television camera has finished and the coverage of the manganese nodules is estimated.The nodule s abundance is obtained by means of the traditional geological sampling.The detailed Seabeam investigation and the seismic reflection are also measured.According to these important data and adopting the principle of the plate tectonics and the sedimentary dynamics, the effect of manganese nodule resources associated with the tectonics has been approached and the significant phenomena have been revealed.(1) The East Pacific Rise, the Clarion transform fault and the Clipperton transform fault, Line Mountains act as the key that has riched about amount of 200×108t manganese nodule resources.(2) The sea floor of the research area has undergone in the process of the spreading based on the high resolution bathymetric data, the process is very important to the nodule distribution and its miner alization, as well as the material source of forming the nodule.(3) The variations of abundance and coverage of the nodules are coincided with the feature of the sea bottom.The change distance of the pronounced phase is about 15 km.Since the base has formed, it has affected manganese nodules.(4) The geological processes in the earth such as the activities of the magma chamber should be factor that has been controlling the for mation and the growth of the manganese nodules in the area.
Difference in environmental explanation from analysis of living and dead foraminifera in the Lingdingyang estuary
LUO Xian-lin, LI Chun-chu, MOU Chong-jian
2001, 23(4): 69-74.
Difference in environmental explanation from analysis of living and dead foraminifera in the Lingdingyang estuary of the Zhujiang River shows the frequent depositional belt in the river-mouth-barregion, the exotic burial foraminifera assemblages in deep-water channels, the difference in the intrusive process of the shelf-salt-water and in the transportation direction of sediment between the east channel and the west channel, etc.It is possibly provided that the living and dead foraminifer a may be the trace for explaining the smaller difference and change of the environment, and this method will be better than that only using the dead foraminifera assemblages.
Influence of tidal marsh vegetations on hydrodynamics and sedimentation in the Changjiang Estuary
YANG Shi-lun, SHI Zhong, ZHAO Qing-ying
2001, 23(4): 75-80.
Bottom current, wave height, bottom suspended sediment concentration, sediments trapped by plants, deposits and shoreface elevations were measured on the natural and artificial flats and in the pioneer Scirpus as well as the upper distributed Spartina, respectively, to examine the effects of marsh plants on hydrodynamic and sedimentation processes.The parameter ratios of marsh to its neighboring bare flat in the same contour are found to be 0.16~0.84 in mean current velocity (the average of the whole tidal cycle), and 1.4, 0.43 and 0.71 in mean wavelength, mean wave height and mean suspended sediment concentration at the beginning of the flood, respectively.Waves in marsh are in rows while those on bare flat are solitary.The amount of sediments trapped by Scirpus mariqueter reaches 298 g/m2.Deposits in marsh are found to be much finer than those on the neighboring flat.Erosion is restrained and accretion is quickened in marsh environment through comparing with bare flat.The effects of marsh vegetations on hydrodynamics and sedimentation are related to plant features and the shorew ard distance from the low limitation of marsh.
Study on the fishery biology of Laizhou population of Lateolabrax sp.
CHEN Da-gang, GAO Tian-xiang, ZENG Xiao-qi, REN Yi-ping, RUAN Shu-hui
2001, 23(4): 81-86.
Based on the investigation materials, the fishery biology of Laizhou population of Lateolabrax sp.such as morphological characteristics, population structure, age and growth, maturation and reproductive capacity, feeding habit and migration distribution, reported.It provides not only basic materials for the species determination of the China and Japan sea bass and the population division but also fishery biological data for aquaculture enhancement and its conservation of fishery resources.
Cultural conditions of marine Bacillus spp. and effect on produced antagonistic protein
TIAN Li, LI Guang-you
2001, 23(4): 87-92.
The antagonistic protein production, which inhibits 6 species fungi and bacteria from marine Bacillus spp., and the cultural conditions such as temperature, fermentation peried, NaCl concentration and pH of 4 strians marine bacter ia are studied.The result of test shows that suittable factor for both bacteria growth and antimicrobial substance produce are 20~28, 84~108 h, NaCl 1%~3%, pH5~8.Concentration of ammonium sulfate between 50% and 70% is the most fitting saturation for antagonistic protein precipitability.The proteins are insensitive to heat and protein and have high inhibitory value to pathogenetic fungi.
Bacterioplankton production in dilution zone of the Changjiang (Yangtze River) Estuary
LIU Zi-lin, KOSHIKAWA Hiroshi, NING Xiu-ren, SHI Jun-xian, CAI Yu-ming
2001, 23(4): 93-99.
The bacterioplankton production and bacterioplankton abundance were surveyed in dilution zone of the Changjiang Estuary and a mesocosm experimental device for enriched phosphate experiment and oil contaminated experiment was placed in the waters nearby Luhua Island during October 1997 and May 1998.The results show that the average bacterioplankton production in spring is higher than that in autumn, the production at the surface water is higher than that at the bottom in the survey area; the higher values appear in the middle of the area.The results from mesocosm experiment with adding phosphate and oil contaminated show that the bacterioplankton production increases rising trend day by day during the experiment period.
Compensation for influence of ship jolt on ship-borne wave-height meter
ZHENG Zheng-qi, JIANG Chuan-ji, YIN Jie-yi, RUAN Zhi-wei, KANG Wei, ZHANG Jing-jing
2001, 23(4): 100-105.
A Ku-band microwave wave-height meter is proposed.It is a remote wave-height detecting equipment.It can be set up on the head of a ship to detect wave-height dynamically.In order to compensate for the ship jolt, an accelerometer is taken over the microwave detecting unit.Two mathematical models——acceleration uniform changing model and simple harmonic vibration model are proposed to compute the shift of ship moving, and the possible theoretical maximal error is discussed.The result shows that two models can compensate for the shift of ship moving effectively, the mean error of wave-height is less than 8%.
Reliability analysis of static ice force on the action between ice and structure
LI Hong-sheng, ZHENG Jing-ming, YUE Qian-jin
2001, 23(4): 106-112.
There are almost three months of ice period in the Bohai Sea, and the ice force is more powerful than the force of wave on the structure in winter.So, it is necessary to analysing the reliability of static ice force on the process action between ice and structure.First, a numerical simulation of the sea ice thickness on the lines of environment parameters is made based on practical measurements every year, and is compared to other literature.Second, the statistic distribution of sea ice strength is given, taking the strain velocity as main effect during of numeration.Finaly, the reliability of static ice force for different reccurrence periods is calculated by taking Schwarz formula as formula of calculating static ice force and results are simulated by Monte Carlo important sampling method.
Tidal mixing characters and tidal fronts phenomenons in the Bohai Sea
ZHAO Bao-ren, CAO De-ming, LI Wei-fei, WANG Qi-mao
2001, 23(4): 113-118.
Difference between the PFSST and the in-situ data in East China Sea
GAO Guo-ping, QIAN Cheng-chun, BAO Xian-wen, SHI Mao-chong
2001, 23(4): 121-126.
The density salinity scale and buoyancy salinometer
BAO Wan-you, LIU Xi-min, WANG Ji-ye, CHEN Yong-li, ZHAO Yong-ping, HOU Bao-rong
2001, 23(4): 127-130.
The discovering of anatase and barite minerals in the surface sediments of the East Pacific and its significance
SHI Xue-fa, ZHANG Hai-ping, XIN Chun-ying, CHEN Jin, WEI Jian-wei
2001, 23(4): 131-134.
Moraxella cuniculi: a new pathogenin Japanese flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus
SONG Chun-hua, ZHOU Li, ZHAN Wen-bin, SONG Wei-bo
2001, 23(4): 135-140.
Study on multi-utility of the parent shrimp Penaeus japonicus
LIN Qiong-wu, HUANG Jia-qi, ZHOU Wen-li
2001, 23(4): 141-145.