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2001 Vol. 23, No. 3

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Conditional characteristic periods of sea waves
XU De-lun, LIU Xue-hai, ZHANG Jun
2001, 23(3): 1-7.
A conditional probability density function of wave period,assuming wave height,is derived on the basis of normally distributed waves.Comparison between the density function and the data measured in a wind-wave tank shows a favorable agreement for waves of narrow-banded spectrum.Three conditional characteristic periods are defined and the relationships between them and the average period are derived from the density function.Interms of these relationships,some problems concerning ocean engineering are explained and discussed.
Application of P vector method to the diagnostic calculation of circulation in the South China Sea in summer
BU Xian-wei, YUAN Yao-chu, LIU Yong-gang
2001, 23(3): 8-17.
The P vector method is used to compute diagnostically the circulation of the South China Sea(SCS)in summer,based on the hydrographic data obtained during the SCScruise in June to July,1998.The results show that:The Kuroshio intrudes into the SCS,and then it makes a cyclonic meander to the northeast,and it finally has the trend of flowing out the SCS through the Bashi Channel.There is a cyclonic circulation in the northern part of the SCS,and its strength and scope decrease with the depth increases.There is a cold centre in this cyclonic circulation,and its position moves slightly the south with the depth increases.There are two obvious cyclonic and anticyclonic gyres in the central part of the SCS,and their scales are both about 250 km and they are quite stable above the 200 m level.The anticyclonic gyre lies to the east of Vietnam,and its centre is at 11°53'N,111°50'E.The centre of cyclonic gyre is at 13°17'N,112°55'E.There is an anticyclonic gyre west of Luzon Island.There is an anticyclonic gyre above 100 m level east of Balawan Island in the southern part of the SCS,but it becomes a cyclonic gyre at the levels below 200 m,and its current is quite weak.There is the intensify of curent in the western part of the SCS.
The simulation of Northwest Pacific circulation in summer of 1997
XU Dong-feng, YUAN Yao-chu
2001, 23(3): 18-25.
Based on the CTD data dur ing July of 1997 from the cruise of China-Japan Cooperative Study on the Subtropical Circulation and the data of the same period of Global Temperature Salinity Profile Program(GTSPP) Realtime Data Sets,the MOM2 model is used to calculate the circulation for the region of 21.875°~35.125°N, 120.875°~137.125°E.Both diagnostic and robust diagnostic simulations are done.The result of diagnostic simulations is more reliable.The main feature of the circulation pattern in this season is as below:(1)The Kuroshio east of Taiwan Island does not split into two branches as usual.(2)The volume transport(VT)of Kuroshio in the East China Sea is about 30×106 m3/s.The VT south of Japan is about 70×106 m3/s.(3)There is a westward flow at 21.875~25 N coming from 137°E.It splits into three br anches south of Okinawa Islands,the main branch flows northeastward east of Ryūkyū-guntö.(4)The Ryūkyū Current comes mainly from the above westward flow.
The relationship between the thermocline depth of tropical ocean and the intensity of the South China Sea summer monsoon
ZHANG Xiu-zhi, LI Jiang-long, WANG Dong-xiao
2001, 23(3): 26-34.
The intensity index of the South China Sea(SCS)summer monsoon is calculated from 1975 to 1999. Based on the index of strong monsoon and weak monsoon,the anomaly field of themocline depth in the Pacific Ocean to the India Ocean has been composed.Four distribution patterns have been getten.Calculating the relationship between the intensity index of monsoon and the anomaly of ther mocline depth is found that positive correlation is higher in the Bay of Bengal and the centre of the Pacific,and negative correlation is good in the ocean lying east of Taiwan Island.These are important factors of monsoon forecast.
The research on the remote sensing composite information of the Huanghe River zero flow aftereffect feedback to its estuary spatial field
LIU Bao-yin, WANG Yan-feng, HAO Qing-xiang
2001, 23(3): 35-47.
The evolvement of geographical factors related to the Huanghe River zero flow's aftereffect feedback to its estuary spatial field is discussed.Based on the built estuary evolvement-remote sensing conceptual system,the correlative information basis of the recent estuary evolvement is analyzed.According to the result by the information requirement analysis(IRA)of the research target and the trend surface analysis of underwater geomorphology,the feedback information of the estuary spatial field,the intuitionistic and hidden information in variation are discussed.
Sulfur isotopic composition of modern seafloor hydrothermal sediment and its geological significance
ZENG Zhi-gang, JIANG Fu-qing, QIN Yun-shan, ZHAI Shi-kui
2001, 23(3): 48-56.
A total of 1 264 sulfur isotopic values for modern seafloo rhydrothermal sediments from different hydrothermal fields have been collected.Sulfur isotopic data for surface hydrothermal sediments from the Jade hydrothermal field in the Okinawa Trough with the TAG hydrothermal field in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge,spectively. Comparing the sulfur isotopic compositions and discussing their sources of sulfur in seafloor hydrothermal sediments from different geologic-tectonic setting are comared and their soures of sulfurard discussed.The results show that: (1)Sulfur isotopic values of sulfides and sulfates in modern seafloor hydrothermal sediments are mostly concentrated in a narrow range,δ34 S values of sulfides vary from 1‰ to ~9‰,with a mean of 4.5‰(n=1042),δ34 S values of sulfates vary from 19‰ to ~24‰,with a mean of 21.3‰(n=217);(2)Comparing the sulfur isotopic compositions of hydrothermal sediments from the sedimen-thosted hydrothermal fields,the range of sulfiur isotopic values for hydrothermal sediments from the sediment-free hydrothermal fields is narrow relatively;(3)The differences of sulfur isotopic compositions in sulfides from different hydrothermal fields show the differences in the sources of sulfur.The sulfur of hydrothermal sulfides in the sediment-free mid-ocean ridges is mainely from mid-coean ridge basalt,and partial from reduced sea water sulfate,it is the result of totally to partially reduced sea water sulfate mixing with basaltic sulfur.And in the sedimen-thosted mid-ocean ridges and the back-arc basins,besides the volcanics,the sediments and the organic matters also can offer their sulfur for forming hydrothermal sulfides;(4)The variations of sulfur isotopic compositions and the different sources of sulfur for hydrothermal sediments may probably be attributed to the variations of physical-chemical properties of hydrothermal fluids,the magmatic evolution and the different geologic-tectonic settings of seafloor hydrothermal systems.
Nutrient limitation of phytoplankton in the Changjiang Estuary Ⅱ. Condition of nutrient limitation in spring
PU Xin-ming, WU Yu-lin, ZHANG Yong-shan
2001, 23(3): 57-65.
During May 11 to May 15,1999,it was investigated in the Changjiang Estuary and adjacent areas in order to determine nutrient in these areas is the limiting factor of phytoplankton grouth.From the analyses on the distributions of phytoplankton,chlo rophylla,nutrients,temperature and salinity,as well as the result of field and laboratory experiments,it is known that Pis the limiting nutrient in the diluted areas and the limiting intensity is higher than that in November 1998.This is due to the volume and direction of the diluted water and the vertical steady state of water.This area is divided into four parts according to the limiting status of phytoplankton growth.Because this investigation was at the end of the spring bloom,the number of species and density of phy to plankton are much lower than that in November 1998.
Changes in lipid class and fatty acid compositions in the ovaries and hepatopancreas of the mud crab Scylla serrata during the vitellogensis of the second ovarian maturation
CHENG Yong-xu, LI Shao-jing, WANG Gui-zhong, CHEN Xue-lei, LIN Qing-wu, XU Jin
2001, 23(3): 66-77.
From the first vitello gensis to the second vitellogensis,total lipid contents(mg/g body wet weight)and lipid concentration(% wet or dry ovarian weight)of the ovary,are significantly increased(P<0.05),and the neutral lipids(NL)and polar lipids(PL)occupy all increased total lipids,and may mainly be from the diet source,because total lipid contents and lipid concentration of the hepatopancreas are no sig nificant changes.NL[mainly triacylglycerils(TG),cholesterol and small amount of free fatty acids(FFA)]in ovaries is about 60% of total lipids, and PL(mainly phosphatidylcholine PC and phosphtidylethanolamine PE)is about 40%. During vitello gensis stages,polar lipid(mainly also PC and PE)concentration(% total lipids)in hepatopancreas is more than 30%,and NL(mainly TG,FFA and small amout of cholsterol)is less than 70%,never theless, it is notew orthy that FFA content increased during the vitellogensis,and its content is even more than that of TG in late vitellogensis.
Distribution and seasonal change of algae in Fujian mangrove areas
LIU Wei-gang, LIN Yi-ming, CHEN Zhen-fen, LIN Peng
2001, 23(3): 78-86.
The distribution of algae in different mudfalt,seasonal changes of algae species composition and community type of algae in Fujian mangrove areas throug hout the year in 1990 are mainly dealt with.The results are shown as follows:(1)In different intertidal mudfalt,the distribution of algae in Fujian mangrove areas shows that Rhodophyta species appropriated to the shade and damp habitat,and Chlorophyta species to sunshine habitat. (2)The seasonal changes in species number of blue-green algae are undefined,the number of red algae is relatively stable throughout the year,green algae number changes with season,the highest is found in spring,gradually reduces in summer,but increases again from autumn to winter.(3)From the algae communities of four seasons in Fujian mangrove areas,the dominant species of algae are mainly Rhodophyta and some Chlorophyta.
RAPD analysis of the reared and wild Pseudosciaena crocea
WANG Jun, QUAN Cheng-gan, SU Yong-quan, DING Shao-xiong, ZHANG Wen
2001, 23(3): 87-91.
Genetic diversity of DNA in both reared and wild large yellow croaker P.crocea(Richardson)stocks collected from Bay Sandu'ao in Ningde on May 29,1999 is analyzed by RAPD.The DNA genetic diversity of wild population is relatively low,with 18.98% of the polymorphism and 0.096 0 of the mean difference.However,the genetic diversity of reared stock is lower than that of the wild one with just 16.7% of the polymorphism and 0.074 7 of the mean difference.The results from the practical fish culture and the this study reveal that genetic diversity of both P.crocea stocks has seriously been lost since the 1990 s.In order to protect and use the good genetic characteristics of P.crocea cont inuously,some suggestions are conducted.
The reproductive biology of the spadenose shark, Scoliodon laticaudus, from southern Fujian coastal waters
CHEN Ming-ru, QIU Shu-yuan, YANG Sheng-yun
2001, 23(3): 92-98.
The reproductive biology of spadenose shark is studied,the main objective is to provide scientific basis for resources protection and fisheries management.The main results are as follows:The size at sexual maturity is 382~448 mm in total length for males and 405~467 mm for females.Sex ratio of the adult population is 1.13:1(♀:♂).The pregnancy begins from January to April,the parturition occurs in June to August.The gestation is short (5~6 month).Litter size in one uterus ranges from 1 to 12,in 67.8% of specimens,there are 3~6 embryos.Litter size in two uteri ranges from 2 to 24,with a mean of 9.1,there are 6~13 embryos in 70% of specimens.The number of embryos in 57% of the females is the same.The number of embryos per-litter increases with adult length.The reproductive cycle is about 2 a and the female reproduces 2~3 times in the whole life. Young are born at a size of about 138~142 mm in total length,and it is about 30%~35% of the size at maturity.The sex ratio of embryos is 1.17:1(♀:♂).The situation of embryonic development in the one or in both uteri is the same.The problems on resources protection and fisheries management are discussed.
Studies on Cymatium pileare Ⅲ. Structure and function of digestive system
ZHOU Yong-can, ZENG Shui-xiang, SU Yong-quan
2001, 23(3): 99-104.
The digestive system of Cymatium pileare consists of buccal cavity,oesophagus,stomach,intestine, anus,salivary gland and liver.There is a contractible "argobuccinum" form proboscis in the anterior extremity of its body,and the buccal cavity lies in the anterior part of the proboscis.There are a pair of jaws and a piece of radular ribbon in buccal cavity.The jaws have many neatly arranged sickle-shaped sharpen denticles.The dentition formula of radula is:2·(7)1·(5~6)1(5~6)·1(7)·2.In the middle of oesophag us,there is an expanded crop,which has the function of temporarily storing food and preliminarily digesting food.The stomach is U-shaped and there are 2 entrances for liver ducts in its ventral side.The intestine is short and can be divided into 2 parts based on the struture of epithelia of their inner walls.The inner wall of for eintestine is stratified columnar epithelium,but the inner wall of hindintestine is pesudostratified columnar epithelium.The salivary gland of C.pileare is toxic gland and the tox in extracted from it plays a great role on its predation.The liver of C.pileare is compound tubuloacinar gland with mitochondrion,rough endoplasmic reticulum,Golgi complex and lysosome in its glandular cells.
Influences of starvation on the development, ingestion and survival of Panulirus stimpsoni phyllosoma(Ⅰ)
CHEN Chang-sheng, CHEN Zheng-qiang, HU Jia-cai, WU Zhong-qin, CHEN Hao-liang
2001, 23(3): 105-111.
The results of the study on the growth,development,ingestion and survival of P.stimpsoni phyllosoma (Ⅰ)under the condition of starvation show that they have a high ability in bearing starvation.After 144 h of complete star vation,the survival rate of phyllosoma is 100%,and 55% of phyllosoma could feed still.After 192~216 h of starvation,although the survival rate of the phyllosoma is 76%~68%,but no phyllosoma could catch food organism any more.Delaying the feeding time about 24~36 h,there is no obvious influence on the growth of phyllosoma.The early phyllosoma which were starved for 1~5 d can feed the Artemia sp.nauplius,whose body length is 1/2~1/3 body length of phyllosoma,this phenomenon is not often seen in crustacean phyllosoma.When the phyllosoma store up more enough of nutrition,after had been fed about 60 h,their metamophosis process could remained normally,even though without feeding anythings.According to the effects of intermit tent feeding,it shows that there are no obvious influence on the metamorphosis of phyllosoma.which were feeding after an interval of 8,16,24 h.The results of these observations may provide some referential meaning on the study of lobster's basic biology,artificial breeding and improving the survival rate of artificial breeding.
Latitudinal distribution of MSA in precipitation over the southern Pacific Ocean and the sensitivity of its decomposition to temperature
2001, 23(3): 112-116.
Methane-sulfonic acid(MSA)measurement is done for the precipitation samples collected along the voyage course of the 12th Chinese National Antarctic Research Expedition,for the southern Pacific Ocean.MSA exhibits an increasing trend from tropic to subant arctic ocean,with two abruptly increasing areas corresponding to 15 Sand 60~65 S,respectively.The two areas coincide with the upwelling currents of the ocean.MSA/nssSO42- ratio is found to be sensitive to the temperature change,which is shown by δD values of the samples and the simultaneous temperature records.
Geochemical characteristics of sediments from the middle Okinawa Trough since the latest pleniglacial period and periodic characteristics of its sediment sources
GUO Feng, YANG Zuo-sheng, LIU Zhen-xia, GUO Zhi-gang, FAN De-jiang, SAITO Y, BERNE S
2001, 23(3): 117-126.
Chemical compositions of 21 sediment samples from Core DGKS9603 taken in the middle Okinawa Trough are analyzed by ICP-AES.The characteristics of 18 elements are analyzed.By means of correlation analysis and factor analysis,five factors(F1,F2,F3,F4,F5)are acquired and sorted into three major factors.The first factor(F1),which includes the elements of Fe,Al,V and K,Mg,Rb,etc.,stands for the sediments or iginated from the continent source(for example:the Huanghe River or continental shelf).The second factor(F2,F3)is biogenetic derivation factor,including Ca,Sr,Ba,Mn and P.The third factor(F4,F5)indicates that sediment compositions are contr olled by volcanism and hydrothermal fluid in the trough,and the element combination of this factor is Na,Co and Ni.Core DGKS9603 can be divided into four sections based on the factor scores of the samples.In Section A the score of the second factor is high and biogenetic sediments are the major source of this section,and also a little material maybe comes from land source.In Section Bthe contents of Na,Co and Ni are higher than those in other sections and the sediments of this section are derived from volcanic activities,including volcanism eruption and hydrothermal activities.In Section C the variety of element contents is small.Terrigenous and biogenetic compositions comprise the sediments.Section Dischiefly composed of terrigenous material that may come from the continental shelf exposed to the air during the latest pleniglacial.These four parts with different sediment sources in this core are coincident with the change of paleoclimate and paleoenvironments,the periodic change of material source corresponds the change of paleoclimate and paleoenvir onments.
Geochemistry of rare earth element in sediments at HY126EA1 hole in the continental shelf of the East China Sea
LI Shuang-lin
2001, 23(3): 127-132.
The total content of rare earth element(∑REE)ranges from 123.45 to 187.12 μg/g in sediments of HY126EA1 hole.The average content of ∑REE is 164.07 g/g,approaches the average content of ∑REE in sediments in the world,and is similar to that of surface sediments in the Huanghai Sea,the Bohai Sea and the East China Sea.The change trend of standard curves of ∑REE has no difference in various types of sediments,and the same kind of sediment at different time.It suggests that the sediments of HY126EA1 hole come from the same material source.∑REE,Eu and Ce have obvious change in vertical,which may reflect the stage change of climatic environment in sediment source area.
The study of influence of mesoscale enhancement on subgrid-scale sea surface fluxes of large-scale model
ZHANG Qiang, ZENG Xu-bin, ROBERT E. Dickinson, DANIEL E. Johnson, TAO Wei-kuo
2001, 23(3): 133-141.
Application of fractal theory to distribution of polymetallic nodules from the Pacific Ocean
HAN Xi-qiu, LI Jia-biao, WANG Ying, JIN Xiang-long, LI Shu-feng
2001, 23(3): 142-146.