2001 Vol. 23, No. 1
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2001, 23(1): 1-12.
The origin and path of the Huanghai Warm Current(HWC) during winter and early spring are analyzed further on-the basis of the observations of the China-Korea Joint Investigation of Ocean Circulation Dynamics in the southern Huanghai Sea in the recent years and historical data.The results different from the past similar studies have mainly two aspects:(1) The path of the HWC has obvious seasonal and interannual variations.The numerical calculations also show that the variations are closely related to the strength.of tie northward wind.(2) It is confirmed further by analyzing the path of the mixed water west of the Cheju-do that a part of the mixed water moves around the Cheju-do and enters the Cheju -haehyop.Meanwhile,preliminary analyses indicate,that the mixed water entering the Huanghai Sea,i.e.,the HWC water,contains much more components of the East China Sea continental mixed water.
The origin and path of the Huanghai Warm Current(HWC) during winter and early spring are analyzed further on-the basis of the observations of the China-Korea Joint Investigation of Ocean Circulation Dynamics in the southern Huanghai Sea in the recent years and historical data.The results different from the past similar studies have mainly two aspects:(1) The path of the HWC has obvious seasonal and interannual variations.The numerical calculations also show that the variations are closely related to the strength.of tie northward wind.(2) It is confirmed further by analyzing the path of the mixed water west of the Cheju-do that a part of the mixed water moves around the Cheju-do and enters the Cheju -haehyop.Meanwhile,preliminary analyses indicate,that the mixed water entering the Huanghai Sea,i.e.,the HWC water,contains much more components of the East China Sea continental mixed water.
2001, 23(1): 13-20.
A variational optimal control technique is used to assimilate both meteorological and oceanographic(sea surface current and subsurface current) observations into an oceanic Ekman layer model.An identical twin experiment is discussed.By fitting the model results to the data,the unknown boundary condition(the wind stress drag coefficient) and the unknown vertical eddy viscosity distribution are deduced simultaneously from the data.
A variational optimal control technique is used to assimilate both meteorological and oceanographic(sea surface current and subsurface current) observations into an oceanic Ekman layer model.An identical twin experiment is discussed.By fitting the model results to the data,the unknown boundary condition(the wind stress drag coefficient) and the unknown vertical eddy viscosity distribution are deduced simultaneously from the data.
2001, 23(1): 21-28.
The temporal variations and geographical distributions of sensible and Latent heat fluxes over the Pacific were calculated and analyzed by using the Goddard Earth Observing System(GEOS)-four-dimensional Data Assimilation System(DAS).The calculated results show that the heat flux over the northwestern Pacific varies obviously with seasons,but over the other ocean areas of the Pacific there are no such phenomena.There is always the highest value region of latent heat fluxes over the Pacific,but the values of sensible heat fluxes are often very small except over the ocean area north of 20°N and there is no highest value region at all.The latent heat fluxes have different distributions with longitude in different latitudes.And the variation of latent heat fluxes with latitude is not the same in different longitude and also it varies with seasoivs.
The temporal variations and geographical distributions of sensible and Latent heat fluxes over the Pacific were calculated and analyzed by using the Goddard Earth Observing System(GEOS)-four-dimensional Data Assimilation System(DAS).The calculated results show that the heat flux over the northwestern Pacific varies obviously with seasons,but over the other ocean areas of the Pacific there are no such phenomena.There is always the highest value region of latent heat fluxes over the Pacific,but the values of sensible heat fluxes are often very small except over the ocean area north of 20°N and there is no highest value region at all.The latent heat fluxes have different distributions with longitude in different latitudes.And the variation of latent heat fluxes with latitude is not the same in different longitude and also it varies with seasoivs.
2001, 23(1): 29-34.
The equator day SST time series(ESST) and the nine points moving average month air temperature data of Qingdao(NMAMAT) are detected using the frequencies spectrum and the probability density of points in recon structed phase space.The results show that the hidden periods of other physical variables in ESST system and NMAMAT system are 23.3,10.5,7.7 d and 10.6,5.7,4.5,2.9 a,3 months,respectively.The physical variables of these hidden periods are guessed by experience in knowledge of these systems.
The equator day SST time series(ESST) and the nine points moving average month air temperature data of Qingdao(NMAMAT) are detected using the frequencies spectrum and the probability density of points in recon structed phase space.The results show that the hidden periods of other physical variables in ESST system and NMAMAT system are 23.3,10.5,7.7 d and 10.6,5.7,4.5,2.9 a,3 months,respectively.The physical variables of these hidden periods are guessed by experience in knowledge of these systems.
2001, 23(1): 35-42.
A simulation model for the radar backscattering cross-section(σ0) of the sea surface has been developed based on the synthetic aperture radar(SAR) imaging mechanism of sea bottom topography.The relationship between topographic parameters and SAR mapping of sea bottom topography has been analyzed using the results of the simulation model.It is shown that water depth measured by SAR increases with increase of the height of the bottom topography.The bigger the slope of topography is,the easier it can be observed by SAR.SAR mapping of sea bottom topography also depends on the direction of the topography.The optimal direction of topography is the direction parallel to the flight direction of satellite while the perpendicular direction is the worst.
A simulation model for the radar backscattering cross-section(σ0) of the sea surface has been developed based on the synthetic aperture radar(SAR) imaging mechanism of sea bottom topography.The relationship between topographic parameters and SAR mapping of sea bottom topography has been analyzed using the results of the simulation model.It is shown that water depth measured by SAR increases with increase of the height of the bottom topography.The bigger the slope of topography is,the easier it can be observed by SAR.SAR mapping of sea bottom topography also depends on the direction of the topography.The optimal direction of topography is the direction parallel to the flight direction of satellite while the perpendicular direction is the worst.
2001, 23(1): 43-51.
Based on the investigation information from 12 cruises on the Nansha Islands during 1985 to 1999,obtained by the Multidisciplinary Oceanographic Expedition Team of the Chinese Academy of Sciences for the Nansha Islands,the vertical.characteristics for the physical and chemical parameters are discussed.The phenomenan for the extremes including maximum and minimum,for the mutation,for the wave,and for the physical-chemical and biological parameters in the Nansha Islands are found.The characteristics reflect that a special living environment existed in the subsurface layer of the Nansha Islands,corresponding to the subsurface ecosystem.Therefore,a viewpoint for the existence of thermocline ecosystem in the Nansha Islands is put forward.
Based on the investigation information from 12 cruises on the Nansha Islands during 1985 to 1999,obtained by the Multidisciplinary Oceanographic Expedition Team of the Chinese Academy of Sciences for the Nansha Islands,the vertical.characteristics for the physical and chemical parameters are discussed.The phenomenan for the extremes including maximum and minimum,for the mutation,for the wave,and for the physical-chemical and biological parameters in the Nansha Islands are found.The characteristics reflect that a special living environment existed in the subsurface layer of the Nansha Islands,corresponding to the subsurface ecosystem.Therefore,a viewpoint for the existence of thermocline ecosystem in the Nansha Islands is put forward.
2001, 23(1): 52-59.
The quantities of water and sediment discharged into the Huanghe River Estuary in Qingshuigou course(1976-1995) are less than those of the other three courses before 1976,and the annual and yearly variations are abundant and dry alternately,the scouring and alluviating areas of the delta are closely-related to the quantity of water-sediment into the estuary.The silting topography of the profile,the status of area growing and the alluviation distribution of the sediment discharge are analyzed,and it is found that the evolution of the Huanghe River Delta has been undergoing three period:in the primary period from 1976 to 1980 the river delta grew in a widely estuary region,in the mid-period from 1981 to 1990 the river delta grew quickly,and in the last period from 1990 to 1995 the river delta grew gently.According to the condition of water-sediment quantity in the Qinshuigou course,the areasediment analogue model is used to forecast the area growth trend of river delta in the future.
The quantities of water and sediment discharged into the Huanghe River Estuary in Qingshuigou course(1976-1995) are less than those of the other three courses before 1976,and the annual and yearly variations are abundant and dry alternately,the scouring and alluviating areas of the delta are closely-related to the quantity of water-sediment into the estuary.The silting topography of the profile,the status of area growing and the alluviation distribution of the sediment discharge are analyzed,and it is found that the evolution of the Huanghe River Delta has been undergoing three period:in the primary period from 1976 to 1980 the river delta grew in a widely estuary region,in the mid-period from 1981 to 1990 the river delta grew quickly,and in the last period from 1990 to 1995 the river delta grew gently.According to the condition of water-sediment quantity in the Qinshuigou course,the areasediment analogue model is used to forecast the area growth trend of river delta in the future.
2001, 23(1): 60-65.
Abstract:An area in the China Pioneer Area of polymetallic nodule in the East Pacific Ocean is selected as the study area,and models which reflect the relations between distribution of polymetallic nodules and the geologic factors are established by the artificial neural network BP method to probe into the influence of terrain slope on polymetallic nodules.The results show that:the terrain slope plays an more important role in affecting the distribution of polymetallic nodules as compared with longitude,latitude and depth; the polymetallic nodules are mostly distributed on the area whose slope is less than 5°;when the terrain slope is less than 5°,there is positive correlation between the abundance and the terrain,there is negative correlation between the grade and the terrain,and the abundance is negatively correlated with the grade; there is the exponential relation between the polymetallic grade and the slope,with empirical equation y=2.2495·x-0.2166 a can expressed it.
Abstract:An area in the China Pioneer Area of polymetallic nodule in the East Pacific Ocean is selected as the study area,and models which reflect the relations between distribution of polymetallic nodules and the geologic factors are established by the artificial neural network BP method to probe into the influence of terrain slope on polymetallic nodules.The results show that:the terrain slope plays an more important role in affecting the distribution of polymetallic nodules as compared with longitude,latitude and depth; the polymetallic nodules are mostly distributed on the area whose slope is less than 5°;when the terrain slope is less than 5°,there is positive correlation between the abundance and the terrain,there is negative correlation between the grade and the terrain,and the abundance is negatively correlated with the grade; there is the exponential relation between the polymetallic grade and the slope,with empirical equation y=2.2495·x-0.2166 a can expressed it.
2001, 23(1): 66-72.
In early summer,concentration of total suspended matter(TSM) in the surface layer water in the middle area of the central-southern Okinawa Trough sea area is a relative higher than that in the north and south.While in the middle and bottom layers water,the concentration of TSM in the northeast of the central-southern Okinawa Trough is higher than that in the southwest.The sectional distribution of TSM from the shelf to the Okinawa Trough can be divided into three provinces,namely,the high TSM zone mainly corresponding to the shelf,the lowest TSM zone mainly corresponding to the continental slope,and the low TSM zone corresponding to the Okinawa Trough.The suspended matter chiefly consists of rock and mineral debris dominating in the middle-bottom layers water in the shelf,skeletal debris dominating in the whole water column in the Okinawa Trough and the upper water layer in the shelf,and aggregation distributing in the whole study area.The main factors controlling the distribution and composition of suspended matter are the obstruction of the Kuroshio Current which prevents the transport of terrigenous debris from shelf to the Okinawa Trough,marine organism production,and topographic and geographic environment.
In early summer,concentration of total suspended matter(TSM) in the surface layer water in the middle area of the central-southern Okinawa Trough sea area is a relative higher than that in the north and south.While in the middle and bottom layers water,the concentration of TSM in the northeast of the central-southern Okinawa Trough is higher than that in the southwest.The sectional distribution of TSM from the shelf to the Okinawa Trough can be divided into three provinces,namely,the high TSM zone mainly corresponding to the shelf,the lowest TSM zone mainly corresponding to the continental slope,and the low TSM zone corresponding to the Okinawa Trough.The suspended matter chiefly consists of rock and mineral debris dominating in the middle-bottom layers water in the shelf,skeletal debris dominating in the whole water column in the Okinawa Trough and the upper water layer in the shelf,and aggregation distributing in the whole study area.The main factors controlling the distribution and composition of suspended matter are the obstruction of the Kuroshio Current which prevents the transport of terrigenous debris from shelf to the Okinawa Trough,marine organism production,and topographic and geographic environment.
2001, 23(1): 73-78.
There exists a minicistron in the leading sequence of p204 gene through the sequencing and analysis of 1ibraries of DNA and cDNA from WSBV,p204gene is predicted to be a membrane polypeptide gene.The minicistron utilizes unusual colons of genes from prawn and WSBV.The p204 genes with and without the miniciston in their leading sequence can be expressed in E.coli.But the amount of expressed products between them are different.Maybe the minicistron controls the expression of p204 gene.
There exists a minicistron in the leading sequence of p204 gene through the sequencing and analysis of 1ibraries of DNA and cDNA from WSBV,p204gene is predicted to be a membrane polypeptide gene.The minicistron utilizes unusual colons of genes from prawn and WSBV.The p204 genes with and without the miniciston in their leading sequence can be expressed in E.coli.But the amount of expressed products between them are different.Maybe the minicistron controls the expression of p204 gene.
2001, 23(1): 79-84.
RAPD(randomly amplified polymorphic DNA) analysis was performed with filaments of 15 Porphyra lines representing P.Yezoensis,P.Haitanensis,P.Katadai var.hemiphylla and P.oligospermatangia.Eight stable and repeatable RAPD bands amplified with two primers,OPN-02 and OPJ-18,were selected for the construction of DNA fingerprinting.The RAPD results are scored based on the presence or absence of each of the 8 bands and then converted to wmputer language expressed with two digitals,1 and 0,which represent the presence(numbered as 1) or absence(numbered as 0) of each band,respectively.Based on these results,a model DNA fingerprint and a cqmputerized DNA fingerprint are constructed.In the constructed DNA fingerprint,each Porphyra line has its unique fingerprinting pattern and can be easily distinguished from each other.Later,a software,named as PhGI,is designed based on this DNA finaerorintina for Porphyra line identification.
RAPD(randomly amplified polymorphic DNA) analysis was performed with filaments of 15 Porphyra lines representing P.Yezoensis,P.Haitanensis,P.Katadai var.hemiphylla and P.oligospermatangia.Eight stable and repeatable RAPD bands amplified with two primers,OPN-02 and OPJ-18,were selected for the construction of DNA fingerprinting.The RAPD results are scored based on the presence or absence of each of the 8 bands and then converted to wmputer language expressed with two digitals,1 and 0,which represent the presence(numbered as 1) or absence(numbered as 0) of each band,respectively.Based on these results,a model DNA fingerprint and a cqmputerized DNA fingerprint are constructed.In the constructed DNA fingerprint,each Porphyra line has its unique fingerprinting pattern and can be easily distinguished from each other.Later,a software,named as PhGI,is designed based on this DNA finaerorintina for Porphyra line identification.
2001, 23(1): 85-93.
Investigation data in-situ and simulation data in laboratory are used,combining with Chinese Ecological Research Network(CERN) investigation data of 8 cruises from 1997 to 1998 in the Daya Bay,to assess eutrophication status by nutrient quality index(NQI) method in the Daya Bay.Most of water areas of the Daya Bay are oligotrophication,except the cultural water area is mesotrophication.The growth of phytoplankton is governed now by phosphorus instead of by nitrogen in the past.The nutrients content and their chemical forms in the interstitial water,the overlying water and the bottom water are analyzed.The diffusive fluxes of nutrient across sediment-sea water interface have been calculated,and the,average fluxes of ammonium,nitrite,nitrate,phosphate and silicate are 302.0,-0.06,-1.82,2.53,47.96 μamol/(m2·d),respectively.The desorption-absorption of nutrients in surface sediments is simulated and the absorption isotherm of phosphate on sediments is studied under the natural sea water system.The relationship of nutrients and red tides in the Daya Bay are discussed.
Investigation data in-situ and simulation data in laboratory are used,combining with Chinese Ecological Research Network(CERN) investigation data of 8 cruises from 1997 to 1998 in the Daya Bay,to assess eutrophication status by nutrient quality index(NQI) method in the Daya Bay.Most of water areas of the Daya Bay are oligotrophication,except the cultural water area is mesotrophication.The growth of phytoplankton is governed now by phosphorus instead of by nitrogen in the past.The nutrients content and their chemical forms in the interstitial water,the overlying water and the bottom water are analyzed.The diffusive fluxes of nutrient across sediment-sea water interface have been calculated,and the,average fluxes of ammonium,nitrite,nitrate,phosphate and silicate are 302.0,-0.06,-1.82,2.53,47.96 μamol/(m2·d),respectively.The desorption-absorption of nutrients in surface sediments is simulated and the absorption isotherm of phosphate on sediments is studied under the natural sea water system.The relationship of nutrients and red tides in the Daya Bay are discussed.
2001, 23(1): 94-101.
Fe2+/Vc system is used to generate hydroxyl radical.The proliferation of marine microalgae under hydroxyl radical stress is studied.The results indicate that the cell growth of microalgae is stimulated,the lipid peroxidation increases in the certain ranges and the activities of SOD of algal cells are enhanced under low concentration of hydroxyl radical stress.The growth of algal cell stimulated by ROS can be inhibited by antioxidant.Under high concentration of hydroxyl radical stress,the proliferation of algal cells is inhibited,the lipid peroxidation increases rapidly and the activities of SOD of cells declines.The antioxidant can alleviate the damage of algal cells under high concentration of hydroxyl radical stress.The sensitivities are different for different species of marine microalgae under ROS.stress.
Fe2+/Vc system is used to generate hydroxyl radical.The proliferation of marine microalgae under hydroxyl radical stress is studied.The results indicate that the cell growth of microalgae is stimulated,the lipid peroxidation increases in the certain ranges and the activities of SOD of algal cells are enhanced under low concentration of hydroxyl radical stress.The growth of algal cell stimulated by ROS can be inhibited by antioxidant.Under high concentration of hydroxyl radical stress,the proliferation of algal cells is inhibited,the lipid peroxidation increases rapidly and the activities of SOD of cells declines.The antioxidant can alleviate the damage of algal cells under high concentration of hydroxyl radical stress.The sensitivities are different for different species of marine microalgae under ROS.stress.
2001, 23(1): 102-108.
An explicit nonlinear expression that approximated to the nonlinear dispersion relation developed by Kirby and Dalrymple is presented.The precision of the explicit expression is nearly the same as that of the dispersion relation of Kirby and Dalrymple.Using this explicit nonlinear dispersion relation and comhining it with the mild-slope equation with weakly nonlinear efffect term,a wave transformation model taking into account effect of nonlinear dispexsion can be obtained.The numerical computation shows that the results taking into account effect of nonlinearity for modelling the wave transformation are better than those without considering the linearity.
An explicit nonlinear expression that approximated to the nonlinear dispersion relation developed by Kirby and Dalrymple is presented.The precision of the explicit expression is nearly the same as that of the dispersion relation of Kirby and Dalrymple.Using this explicit nonlinear dispersion relation and comhining it with the mild-slope equation with weakly nonlinear efffect term,a wave transformation model taking into account effect of nonlinear dispexsion can be obtained.The numerical computation shows that the results taking into account effect of nonlinearity for modelling the wave transformation are better than those without considering the linearity.
2001, 23(1): 109-119.
A new form of Boussinesq-type equations is developed for the case of wave propagating over a bed with a slope of the magnitude of O(1) or over rapidly varying topography such as rippled beds.The assumption of mildslope is not used.The formulation of the new equations is the extension to one-order higher than the classical Boussinesq equations derived by Peregrine in 1967,the velocity distribution along depth is a fourth polynoriiial and the accuracy of the dispersion and nonlinearity of the new equations is one-order higher than that of the classical Boussinesq equations.As an example of application,the new equations are used to consider the Bragg reflection problem.
A new form of Boussinesq-type equations is developed for the case of wave propagating over a bed with a slope of the magnitude of O(1) or over rapidly varying topography such as rippled beds.The assumption of mildslope is not used.The formulation of the new equations is the extension to one-order higher than the classical Boussinesq equations derived by Peregrine in 1967,the velocity distribution along depth is a fourth polynoriiial and the accuracy of the dispersion and nonlinearity of the new equations is one-order higher than that of the classical Boussinesq equations.As an example of application,the new equations are used to consider the Bragg reflection problem.
2001, 23(1): 120-126.
2001, 23(1): 127-132.
2001, 23(1): 133-138.
2001, 23(1): 139-142.