1999 Vol. 21, No. 1
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1999, 21(1): 1-10.
The tide response and tide wave distortion are analyzed in Xiangshan Bay using a set of measurement data. The result shows that the semidiurnal tidal component propagated from open sea is amplified in the Xiangshan Bay. The tide and tidal currents are no long symmetrical, because of the M4 and MS4 component generation and their fast growthing. The tidal energy dissipation and tide and tidal current nonlinear coefficients along the main channel provide that the tidal flat has little contribution to the tide wave distortion, but the enhance of the tide wave nolinearty in Niubi Channel is important for the distortion. The effect of quarter-diurnal component co-oscillation amplifies the M4 and MS4 components in the bay.
The tide response and tide wave distortion are analyzed in Xiangshan Bay using a set of measurement data. The result shows that the semidiurnal tidal component propagated from open sea is amplified in the Xiangshan Bay. The tide and tidal currents are no long symmetrical, because of the M4 and MS4 component generation and their fast growthing. The tidal energy dissipation and tide and tidal current nonlinear coefficients along the main channel provide that the tidal flat has little contribution to the tide wave distortion, but the enhance of the tide wave nolinearty in Niubi Channel is important for the distortion. The effect of quarter-diurnal component co-oscillation amplifies the M4 and MS4 components in the bay.
1999, 21(1): 11-16.
Based on the Geosat altimetric data in 1987 and 1988, the distributions of seasonal anomaly of dynamical topography over the South China Sea are analysed. A two-dimensional collinear adjustment method is developed to reduce the calculation errors for the orbit height. The results give a general agreement to those from the in situ observations,especially over the northern area where the seasonal variations of the geostrophic circulation over the South China Sea are anticyclonic in summer, and are cyclonic in winter. It is shown that the altimeter data are efficient in deriving the seasonal variation features of geostrophic current over the South China Sea.
Based on the Geosat altimetric data in 1987 and 1988, the distributions of seasonal anomaly of dynamical topography over the South China Sea are analysed. A two-dimensional collinear adjustment method is developed to reduce the calculation errors for the orbit height. The results give a general agreement to those from the in situ observations,especially over the northern area where the seasonal variations of the geostrophic circulation over the South China Sea are anticyclonic in summer, and are cyclonic in winter. It is shown that the altimeter data are efficient in deriving the seasonal variation features of geostrophic current over the South China Sea.
1999, 21(1): 17-22.
The experiments of random shoaling sea waves, which propagate on different beach slopes from deep water, were designed and undertaken under seveal wave strengths using the modern large wave flune at the Physical Oceanography Laboratory. Ocean University of Qingdao. On the basis of laboratory data and analysis results, it is shown that for non-normal shoaling wave processes, the distribution of surface eleaation obtained from the experiments is in good agreement with that from the first three terms of Gram-Charlier series. The parameters of this distribution, that is, σ、λ3 and λ4 are the functions of water depth and wave strengths of measurement points, an empirical relationship with dimensionless parameter Hs/d is obtained to make it possible to predict the distribution of surface elevation of random shoaling sea waves.
The experiments of random shoaling sea waves, which propagate on different beach slopes from deep water, were designed and undertaken under seveal wave strengths using the modern large wave flune at the Physical Oceanography Laboratory. Ocean University of Qingdao. On the basis of laboratory data and analysis results, it is shown that for non-normal shoaling wave processes, the distribution of surface eleaation obtained from the experiments is in good agreement with that from the first three terms of Gram-Charlier series. The parameters of this distribution, that is, σ、λ3 and λ4 are the functions of water depth and wave strengths of measurement points, an empirical relationship with dimensionless parameter Hs/d is obtained to make it possible to predict the distribution of surface elevation of random shoaling sea waves.
1999, 21(1): 23-31.
Atmospheric metals over the western Taiwan Strait were studied and their sources identified. Al and Fe are mainly from crustal soil. A little amount of Fe is from pollution, Pb and Cd are from pollution sources. A little amount oI Pb is from crustal soil and recycled sea spray. Na is mostly from seawater and a little amount of Na from crustal soil or secondary aerosol particles. Cu is mainly from crustal soil partly from pollutants, and a little amount from recycled sea spray. Comparing the total inputs of the atmospheric deposition of the metals to the Taiwan Strait waters with the inputs from rivers shows that the input of Cu from the atmosphere is lower than that from the rivers, and the input of Pb is higher than that from the rivers; the input of Cd is a little higher than that from the rivers.
Atmospheric metals over the western Taiwan Strait were studied and their sources identified. Al and Fe are mainly from crustal soil. A little amount of Fe is from pollution, Pb and Cd are from pollution sources. A little amount oI Pb is from crustal soil and recycled sea spray. Na is mostly from seawater and a little amount of Na from crustal soil or secondary aerosol particles. Cu is mainly from crustal soil partly from pollutants, and a little amount from recycled sea spray. Comparing the total inputs of the atmospheric deposition of the metals to the Taiwan Strait waters with the inputs from rivers shows that the input of Cu from the atmosphere is lower than that from the rivers, and the input of Pb is higher than that from the rivers; the input of Cd is a little higher than that from the rivers.
1999, 21(1): 32-40.
The temporal and spatial distributions of aerosols were investigated by using aerosol data collected over the East China Sea. The main results are as follows:Due to the influence of Asian continent, the distinct temporal and spatial distributions of crustal and pollution elements were presented. Their concentrations decreased from the Huanghai Sea, the East China Sea to the northwest of the Pacific Ocean. In the spring, the concentrations of crustal elements decreased with their distance to the coast in an exponential decay pattern. The pollution element concentrations depended mainly on their continent sources and distances from continent. The seasonal pattern of crustal and pollution element concentrations indicated that they were the highest in the spring, moderate in the autumn and winter, the lowest in the summer. The principal factors to determine the seasonal variations of atmospheric aerosols from continental source were the intensity of their continental source, the amount and distrihution of rainfall. and the large scale weather situation.
The temporal and spatial distributions of aerosols were investigated by using aerosol data collected over the East China Sea. The main results are as follows:Due to the influence of Asian continent, the distinct temporal and spatial distributions of crustal and pollution elements were presented. Their concentrations decreased from the Huanghai Sea, the East China Sea to the northwest of the Pacific Ocean. In the spring, the concentrations of crustal elements decreased with their distance to the coast in an exponential decay pattern. The pollution element concentrations depended mainly on their continent sources and distances from continent. The seasonal pattern of crustal and pollution element concentrations indicated that they were the highest in the spring, moderate in the autumn and winter, the lowest in the summer. The principal factors to determine the seasonal variations of atmospheric aerosols from continental source were the intensity of their continental source, the amount and distrihution of rainfall. and the large scale weather situation.
1999, 21(1): 41-47.
Dissolved Cu, Pb, Zn and Cd in the Haikou Bay waters were measured to be respectively in the range concentrations of 0.47~1.16 μg/dm3, 0.94~2.36 μg/dm3, 1.28~4.83 μg/dm3 and 0.005~0.072 μg/dm3; with respectively average values of 0.78 μg/dm3, 1.36 μg/dm3, 3.14 g/dm3 and 0.03 μg/dm3.Dissolved Cu and Zn concentrations are relatively high at the stalions near the Longkun Road Outfall for domestic sewage, the Xiuying Outfall for industry waste water and Haidian Island estuary, but dissolved Pb and Cd concentrations are low in these stations. The values in other stations are comparatively homogenous. Vertical dissolved Cu, Pb and Zn concentrations at the bottom layer are higher than those at the surface layer, but dissolved Cd concentration appears to be on the opposite. The measurement results of Cu, Pb, Zn and Cd in suspended particles show that particulate matters in the Haikou Bay seawater play a role in purifying heavy metals. The study on strong complexed form and non-Gable form of dissolved copper shows that the ratio of strong complexed form and dissolved form is about 85%,and non-Gable formic very low with a value lower than 5nmol/dm3. Therefore, copper in the Haikou Bay seawater can not cause influence on marine organisms.
Dissolved Cu, Pb, Zn and Cd in the Haikou Bay waters were measured to be respectively in the range concentrations of 0.47~1.16 μg/dm3, 0.94~2.36 μg/dm3, 1.28~4.83 μg/dm3 and 0.005~0.072 μg/dm3; with respectively average values of 0.78 μg/dm3, 1.36 μg/dm3, 3.14 g/dm3 and 0.03 μg/dm3.Dissolved Cu and Zn concentrations are relatively high at the stalions near the Longkun Road Outfall for domestic sewage, the Xiuying Outfall for industry waste water and Haidian Island estuary, but dissolved Pb and Cd concentrations are low in these stations. The values in other stations are comparatively homogenous. Vertical dissolved Cu, Pb and Zn concentrations at the bottom layer are higher than those at the surface layer, but dissolved Cd concentration appears to be on the opposite. The measurement results of Cu, Pb, Zn and Cd in suspended particles show that particulate matters in the Haikou Bay seawater play a role in purifying heavy metals. The study on strong complexed form and non-Gable form of dissolved copper shows that the ratio of strong complexed form and dissolved form is about 85%,and non-Gable formic very low with a value lower than 5nmol/dm3. Therefore, copper in the Haikou Bay seawater can not cause influence on marine organisms.
1999, 21(1): 48-54.
The chemical species of iodine in 7 marine algae Cadium fragile, Ulrxi pertusa, Monostroma mtidum, Gracilasia confervoides, Sargassum miyabei yendo, IJictyopteris divaricala and Laminara japonica were studied using neutron activation analysis combined with chemical separation. The contents of total iodine, water soluble iodine, organic iodine. I- and IO3- in 7 algae were determined. The results indicate that the chemical species and contents of iodine in various algae are remarkably different. The highest iodine content of 734×106 Cwet basis) was found in Laminara japonica, and with 99.2% of total iodine being water soluble iodine. The iodine contents in other 6 algae are lower, and the soluble iodine makes up 16%~41% of the total. In the aqueous leachate, iodine is mainly I-,which amounts to 61%~93% of total water soluble iodine, the percentages of organic iodine make up 5.5%~37.4%. The content of IO3- is the lowest, which is 1.4%~4.5% of total iodine.,These suggest that the mechanism of iodine enrichment is possibly different for various algae, and its bioavailabiGty varies as well.
The chemical species of iodine in 7 marine algae Cadium fragile, Ulrxi pertusa, Monostroma mtidum, Gracilasia confervoides, Sargassum miyabei yendo, IJictyopteris divaricala and Laminara japonica were studied using neutron activation analysis combined with chemical separation. The contents of total iodine, water soluble iodine, organic iodine. I- and IO3- in 7 algae were determined. The results indicate that the chemical species and contents of iodine in various algae are remarkably different. The highest iodine content of 734×106 Cwet basis) was found in Laminara japonica, and with 99.2% of total iodine being water soluble iodine. The iodine contents in other 6 algae are lower, and the soluble iodine makes up 16%~41% of the total. In the aqueous leachate, iodine is mainly I-,which amounts to 61%~93% of total water soluble iodine, the percentages of organic iodine make up 5.5%~37.4%. The content of IO3- is the lowest, which is 1.4%~4.5% of total iodine.,These suggest that the mechanism of iodine enrichment is possibly different for various algae, and its bioavailabiGty varies as well.
1999, 21(1): 55-60.
It was thought that phosphorus limited the primary productivity in lake while nitrogen in ocean, but recent studies showed that phosphorus limited the phytoplankton growth in the specific coastal waters, results also indicated that phytoplattkton could utilize dissolved organic phosphorus(DOP)and alkaline phosphatase(AP)played an important role in the utilization of DOP. However, the variation and controlling mechanism of AP are stiV poorly understood. The present study focused on the effects of different species of dissolved phosphorus on the variation of AP in algal batch culture. The results showed that variation of alkaline phosphatase activity (APA) was closed to "S" curve, different species of dissolved phosphorus had different effects on APA. The concentrations of dissolved inorganic phosphorus and small molecular dissolved organic phosphorus had a significant effect on APA, while the concentration of large molecular dissolved organic phosphorus (LDOP) has little effect on APA, but the increasing of APA could accelerate the decomposing of LDOP in the medium. Results also showed that algae species and abundance had little effect on APA.
It was thought that phosphorus limited the primary productivity in lake while nitrogen in ocean, but recent studies showed that phosphorus limited the phytoplankton growth in the specific coastal waters, results also indicated that phytoplattkton could utilize dissolved organic phosphorus(DOP)and alkaline phosphatase(AP)played an important role in the utilization of DOP. However, the variation and controlling mechanism of AP are stiV poorly understood. The present study focused on the effects of different species of dissolved phosphorus on the variation of AP in algal batch culture. The results showed that variation of alkaline phosphatase activity (APA) was closed to "S" curve, different species of dissolved phosphorus had different effects on APA. The concentrations of dissolved inorganic phosphorus and small molecular dissolved organic phosphorus had a significant effect on APA, while the concentration of large molecular dissolved organic phosphorus (LDOP) has little effect on APA, but the increasing of APA could accelerate the decomposing of LDOP in the medium. Results also showed that algae species and abundance had little effect on APA.
1999, 21(1): 61-70.
Basement faults in EW, NEE and NE direction are situated along outstendittg tectonic line, most of which are tensionalfracture. Huge basement faults mainly formed and controlled basic tectonic framework of each main tectonic belt and development of tectonics of different feature. The formation of the basement faults is associated with tensional movement of the Okinawa trough-resulted from rising of the mantle stream of the back-arc and the revolving-tensional tilt of the are system toward the trench axis. Most of basement faults in NW,NNW and NW direction are tensional strike-slip fault. They cut the main tectonic zone, forming and controlling the different geophysical and tectonic characteristics of the second tectonic blocks. Miyako fracture zone is a very active zone in a long time, which is the result of stress adjustment of crust by the action of horizontal stress from Philippine Sea direction.
Basement faults in EW, NEE and NE direction are situated along outstendittg tectonic line, most of which are tensionalfracture. Huge basement faults mainly formed and controlled basic tectonic framework of each main tectonic belt and development of tectonics of different feature. The formation of the basement faults is associated with tensional movement of the Okinawa trough-resulted from rising of the mantle stream of the back-arc and the revolving-tensional tilt of the are system toward the trench axis. Most of basement faults in NW,NNW and NW direction are tensional strike-slip fault. They cut the main tectonic zone, forming and controlling the different geophysical and tectonic characteristics of the second tectonic blocks. Miyako fracture zone is a very active zone in a long time, which is the result of stress adjustment of crust by the action of horizontal stress from Philippine Sea direction.
1999, 21(1): 71-79.
Based on Q-mode factor analysis, living foraminifera found in samples collected throughout outer harbour of Sanya tidal inlet of Hainan island can be divided into 4 principal factor foraminifera assemblages that should represent outer harbour water mass, brackish water mass flushing from lagoon, inner shelf water mass outside harbour, and muting water mass of outer harbour and inner shelf water masses separately. The moving and intermixing of these water masses under the control of the tide can be indicated by foraminifera in them. Contour maps of the sum of the percentage contents of the taxa associated with the three highest factor scores of each foraminifera assemblage show a good fit to tidal current circulation made in outer harbour derived from oceanographic studies. The method using living foraminifera distribution as indicators of tidal current circulation model in tidal inlet, which is applied for the first time, has a high potential for analysing sediment transport, poVution discharge and so on in developing the coast meources.
Based on Q-mode factor analysis, living foraminifera found in samples collected throughout outer harbour of Sanya tidal inlet of Hainan island can be divided into 4 principal factor foraminifera assemblages that should represent outer harbour water mass, brackish water mass flushing from lagoon, inner shelf water mass outside harbour, and muting water mass of outer harbour and inner shelf water masses separately. The moving and intermixing of these water masses under the control of the tide can be indicated by foraminifera in them. Contour maps of the sum of the percentage contents of the taxa associated with the three highest factor scores of each foraminifera assemblage show a good fit to tidal current circulation made in outer harbour derived from oceanographic studies. The method using living foraminifera distribution as indicators of tidal current circulation model in tidal inlet, which is applied for the first time, has a high potential for analysing sediment transport, poVution discharge and so on in developing the coast meources.
1999, 21(1): 80-89.
Before Upper Cretaceous, the Paleo-Minzhe-the Paleo-Korea trench-arc system and the Ryukyu trench-arc system constitute the old double-subduction zone. The tectonic movement of the East Clung Sea micro-plate was subjected to the old double-subduction zone. The north-south segmentation of the basement of the East China Sea and the Ryūkyū trench-arc system,cutted by the NW-trending faults, is of different features in the each part. Subduction of substance and stress was changed along the different zone of the western old double trench-arc systems, such a double subduction zone accompanied differential adjustment of the crust horizontal stress with the NW-trending faults.
Before Upper Cretaceous, the Paleo-Minzhe-the Paleo-Korea trench-arc system and the Ryukyu trench-arc system constitute the old double-subduction zone. The tectonic movement of the East Clung Sea micro-plate was subjected to the old double-subduction zone. The north-south segmentation of the basement of the East China Sea and the Ryūkyū trench-arc system,cutted by the NW-trending faults, is of different features in the each part. Subduction of substance and stress was changed along the different zone of the western old double trench-arc systems, such a double subduction zone accompanied differential adjustment of the crust horizontal stress with the NW-trending faults.
1999, 21(1): 90-96.
In the present paper, intact living thalli of Gracilaria lemaneiformis,used to measure room temperature.absorption spectra, low temperature (77 K) fluorescent emission spectra, and chlorophyll-inducing fluorescent dyosmic curve.For wild type material (Wt) and yellow mutant (Ye100),there are 7 peaks in the absorption spectra:435. 498. 540. 56B. 618. 640 and 680 nm, and for green mutants Gr180 and Gr184, there are aV the absorption peaks except 540 nm one. The phymerythrin content in three mutants is lower than that in wild type thallus, the comparative content of phycocyanin in gree.mutants is higher than that in others, but there is no obvious change of allophycocyanin content in all the materials. The results of bw temperature (77 K) fluorescent emission indicate that there is no difference for fluorescent emission peaks of the wild type and mutants (the excitation wavelength are 436, 540 and 580 nm respectively,but the transmission effciency of light energy of phycoerythrin in wild type is lower than that of others. The chlorophyll-inducing fluorescent dynamic curve shows that the activity oI PSⅡ,the trans-mission efficiency in primary light energy and the carbon metabolic activity of PSⅡ in wild type thallus are higher than these in three mutants.
In the present paper, intact living thalli of Gracilaria lemaneiformis,used to measure room temperature.absorption spectra, low temperature (77 K) fluorescent emission spectra, and chlorophyll-inducing fluorescent dyosmic curve.For wild type material (Wt) and yellow mutant (Ye100),there are 7 peaks in the absorption spectra:435. 498. 540. 56B. 618. 640 and 680 nm, and for green mutants Gr180 and Gr184, there are aV the absorption peaks except 540 nm one. The phymerythrin content in three mutants is lower than that in wild type thallus, the comparative content of phycocyanin in gree.mutants is higher than that in others, but there is no obvious change of allophycocyanin content in all the materials. The results of bw temperature (77 K) fluorescent emission indicate that there is no difference for fluorescent emission peaks of the wild type and mutants (the excitation wavelength are 436, 540 and 580 nm respectively,but the transmission effciency of light energy of phycoerythrin in wild type is lower than that of others. The chlorophyll-inducing fluorescent dynamic curve shows that the activity oI PSⅡ,the trans-mission efficiency in primary light energy and the carbon metabolic activity of PSⅡ in wild type thallus are higher than these in three mutants.
1999, 21(1): 97-102.
Bacteria attached to suspended particles in shrimp ponds are studied with five experimental enclosures and several important results are obtained.The number of those bacteria fluctuated between 0.65×104 and 23.49×104 ind /cm3, averaged (4.57×104±3.64×104) ind ·/cm3, and is 1.47% (0.28%~8.73%) of the total bacteria.The number of particles which atcached by 1,2,3 and 4 bacteria is 40%,27%,15% and 11% of the total particles attached by bacteria, respectively.The number of particles which attached more than 4 bacteria is only 70a of the total particles attached by bacteria. The percent of particles attached by bacteria is 52% to the numbers of total particles. There is an obvious correlation between the number of bacteria attached to particles and the number of total particles.The number of particle-bound bacteria is correlated positively with water temperature and the total number of bacteria, but is not rnrrelated with POC and DOC.
Bacteria attached to suspended particles in shrimp ponds are studied with five experimental enclosures and several important results are obtained.The number of those bacteria fluctuated between 0.65×104 and 23.49×104 ind /cm3, averaged (4.57×104±3.64×104) ind ·/cm3, and is 1.47% (0.28%~8.73%) of the total bacteria.The number of particles which atcached by 1,2,3 and 4 bacteria is 40%,27%,15% and 11% of the total particles attached by bacteria, respectively.The number of particles which attached more than 4 bacteria is only 70a of the total particles attached by bacteria. The percent of particles attached by bacteria is 52% to the numbers of total particles. There is an obvious correlation between the number of bacteria attached to particles and the number of total particles.The number of particle-bound bacteria is correlated positively with water temperature and the total number of bacteria, but is not rnrrelated with POC and DOC.
1999, 21(1): 103-110.
A wave breaking model is proposed on the basis of turbulent energy equation and the relationship of energy dissipation due to wave breaking in the surf zone. The model is established by introducing turbulent dissipation terms into the Boussinesq equations and involves the breaking process of individual wave. The model is verified by experiment data in terms of wave height and mean surface elevation. Good agreements are obtained.
A wave breaking model is proposed on the basis of turbulent energy equation and the relationship of energy dissipation due to wave breaking in the surf zone. The model is established by introducing turbulent dissipation terms into the Boussinesq equations and involves the breaking process of individual wave. The model is verified by experiment data in terms of wave height and mean surface elevation. Good agreements are obtained.
1999, 21(1): 111-125.
A relatively systematic summary and comments on methods of tidal current numerical modeling in coastal and estuarine watersare made, and an analysis for the development trend of tidal current numerical modeling is made.
A relatively systematic summary and comments on methods of tidal current numerical modeling in coastal and estuarine watersare made, and an analysis for the development trend of tidal current numerical modeling is made.
1999, 21(1): 126-132.
1999, 21(1): 133-138.
1999, 21(1): 139-145.