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1998 Vol. 20, No. 2

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Numerical simulation for dynamical processes of sea ice
Wu Huiding, Bai Shan, Zhang Zhanhai
1998, 20(2): 1-13.
This study discusses the behavior of ice dynamics and shows a momentum balance describing ice drift,the creation of leads and the building of ice ridge,and the nature of sea ice theology relating the ice stress to the ice deformation and strength.A numerical model is presented for the simulation of sea ice dynamical processes.For modelling the ice interaction,the sea ice is considered to be a nonlinear viscous tompressible material obeying the vinous-plastic constitutive law.The numerical scheme for the model is outlined and discussed in the study.This model is applied to simulate ice drift for the Bohai Sea,the Bothnia Gulf of the Baltic Sea and the Labrador Sea,respectively.The model results show that ice drift in the Bohai Sea has a strong periodical change caused by tides.The creation of leads and ridges in the Bohai Sea are simulated and a sensitivity study of the ice theology parameters is conducted.The ice model is linked to an atmospheric model with a boundary layer model for numerical sea ice prediction and the results for the Bohai Sea are presentedin the study.
Spatial structures of n-dimensional random wavesin homogeneous media
Wu Kejian, Sun Fu, Song Jinbao
1998, 20(2): 14-19.
This study is concerned with the spatial structures of n-dimensional random waves in homogenexus media.The joint probability distribution of apparent amplitude,wave number and phase is derived.Based on this joint distribution, we define the apparent wave number spectrum and derive that the upper limit of the equilibrium range exponent of this spectrum is-(n+2).In case of 2-dimension, the upper limit of the equilibrium range exponent of the apparent wave number spectrum is consistent with the equilibrium range exponent of the Fourier wave number spectrum derived from dynamics.
Characteristics of sea wave over the northern South China Seafrom GEOSAT altimetric observations
Qi Yiquan, Shi Ping, Mao Qingwen
1998, 20(2): 20-26.
Information on the sea state can be derived from remote sensing data of a satellite altimeter.The geophysical data records of the GEOSAT satellite include data on the significant wave height (SWH) of good accuracy.Based on the altimetric observations of SWH over the northern South China Sea from CEOSAT satellite in 1988.the characteristics of SWH are analysed.The results are compared with those based on the historical data from conventional sectional observations with a generally consistent agreement.The altimetric observations,how a distinct advantage in the study of the high sea state.
A numerical model for predicting offshore SST anomaly in the East China SeaⅠ. Establishment of model
Wang Cizhen, Li Xuhua, Qi Jianhua, Su Yusong
1998, 20(2): 27-34.
Based on the definition of the offshore SST anomaly (O-SSTA) and its generating mechanism, the predicting model has been established.It is consisted of three parts:equations of dynamics,equations of model's physics and equations of affecting factors of O-SSTA.The latter,which is stressed here,includes the dynamic response of upper ocean on the strong atmospheric forcing and shallow sea effects,such as the entrainment,Ekman pumping, tidal mixing and absorptivity for solar radiation.The predicting variables consist of the temperature (SST),drift current and depth of upper mixed layer.
Anomalous eastward displacement of the western tropical Pacific warm pool and warming of the eastern tropical Pacific
Long Baosen, Li Bocheng, Zou Emei
1998, 20(2): 35-42.
Based on the data from the Climate Diagnostics Bulletin,Oceanographic Monthly Summary,UH Sea Level Center and T()GA-CUARE IUP.the response of warm pool in the western tropical Pacific and the eastern tropital Pacific SST to the anomalous wind field during 1992/1993 El Nino has been analyzed.The recults show that the eastward transport of warm water of the western tropical Pacific due to the westerly wind burst leads nor only to a drop of sea level but also to a rise of thermocline in the western tropical Pacific.Conseyuently the heat content in upper layer water decreasese especially in the thermocline.Contrary to this,the positive anomalies of heat content and thermocline depth appear in the eastern tropical Pacific.The positive anomalies in the eastern Pacific lag the negative ones in the western Pacific by two months;The anomalous eastward shift of warm pool (2℃ isotherm) is a direct response of ocean current to westerly wind anomalies in low-level atmosphere;Quantitative calculations show that the thermal advection caused by anomalous ocean current is the main force of anomalous eastward displacement of the warm pool (28℃ isotherm) and the one of main causes for anomalous warming of the eastern tropical Pacific.
Remote sensing composite information of the Nansha reef’s closed atoll and model of its spatial structure evolution──Ⅰ
Liu Baoyin, Wang Yanfeng
1998, 20(2): 43-51.
Based on the feature of the growtn and the local limitation of the Nansha reef's closed atoll, also the related remote sensing information of it,the composite analysis is made.The closed atoll conception mote sensing system is construted through the formation mechanism,development law and the space-time tribution of the closed atoll.Solution of the equation consisting of information function value and isostatic value of closed atoll and half-closed atoll using this system,and topologic analysis on the two kinds of atoll's morphologic growth are the basic foundation for the research of their evolutionary comparative model.
Dissolved methane in sea water of the East China Sea
Zang Jiaye
1998, 20(2): 52-59.

Based on our investigated data for the East China Sea in autumn 1991,the paper discusses the dissolved methane distribution features,formation mechanism, and sources of methane in sea water in detail.In the surface water, the dissolved methane is supersaturation and the saturation is 127%-259%.Above the thermocline,the sectional distribution of methane is different from the nutrient's.The values of each station are almost similar to each other.It is not shown that the tongue shaped distribution under the influence of the Changjiang diluted water.There is the higher concentrations in the bottom water and it is shown that the methane diffuses rapidly into the water from the sediments on the continental shelf.The upwelled process of the Kuroshio subsurface water dilutes the methane concentration in the bottom water on the shelf.The methane vertical profiles show various distributions on the shelf and open ocean.The former is mainly controlled by the physical mixing process.The later shows the open oceanic feature.There is the subsurface methane maximum around the thermocline.It is possible that the bottom water with higher methane on the shelf is transported along the isopycnal surface.

Studies on Purification and ultrastructure of a baculoviral pathogen in Penaeus chinesis
Shi Tuo, Kong Jie, Bao Zhenmin, Liang Xingming, Liu Ping, Wang Chongming
1998, 20(2): 60-64.
A kind of baculovirus was islated from the mid-gut gland tissues of sick of morbid Penaeus chinensis.Electron microscopic examination of ultrathin section of the gills, hepatopancrease and mid-gut gland tissues also revealed the presence of rod-shaped baculovirus particles with same sine in the affected cell nuclei.The virion covered with bilaminal envelope was 320-400 nm×100-130 nm in size,whereas the nucleocapsid ranged in the size of 250-300 nm in length and 70-100 nm in breadth respectively.No occlusion bodies have been found in cells.According to the principle of viral classification, this new found virus can probably belong to the non-occluded subgroup of insect baculoviridae,i.e.,C subgroup baculovirus.
Late Quaternary diata and sea level changes in estuarine plain of the Jiulong River
Chen Wenrui, Lan Dongzhao, Chen Chenghui
1998, 20(2): 65-72.
The diatom assemblages discerned in Core ZK5 can be grouped under 4 units,and can be subdivided into 24 zones.The 4 units were deposited in the Late Wiirm Glacial,Early Holocene,Middle Holocene and Late Holocene,respectively.Comprehensive analysis of microbial assemblages,lithological characteristics and age determinations of ZK5 and some other boreholes,shows that during the Late Wurm Glacial the sea level of the study area rose and fell frequently,but had principally been in the environments of estuary-bay.mainly resulted from tectonic subduction.Additionally,in this period,3 low sea levels occurred,resulting in the sedimentary environment of river.As for Holocene,sea water intruded massively and the sea level over the transgression maximum had been 5-10 m higher than that of present.
Assessment of trend and impacts of sea level rise in the Liaohe River Delta
Liu Yuefeng, Wu Lun, Han Mukang, Ren Jinsong
1998, 20(2): 73-82.

Tidal records indicates that the relative sea level in the Liaohe River Delta and on the eastern coast of the Liaodong Bay leas risen at a rate of 5mm/a over the last 40-50 years.Considering the continuous tectonic land subsidence and the accelerated global sea level rise in the future,the amplitude of the relative sea level rice till 2050 will be 10-55cm.The land loss induced by relative sea level rise in scenarios of 0.5m and 1 m is calculated by using TM image interpretation and GIS techniques.If it is not protected,the deltaic area to be inundated will be about 4 000 and 5 000 km2 in the case of the relative sea level rise at 0.5m and 1 m respectively.The impacts of sea level rise on coastal erosion,storm surge and flood are also assessed.

Isolation and purification of somatolactin and its N-terminal amino acid sequence analysis from Japanese sea bass (Lateolabrax japonicus)
Xu Bin, Zhang Peijun, Miao Hongzhi, Li Deshang, Shunsuke Moriyama, Hiroshi Kawauchi
1998, 20(2): 83-89.
Somatolactin(SL),a newly discovered protein pituitary hormone belonging to the GH/PRL family,was first isolated from Japanese sea bass (Lateolabrar japonicus) pituitary in this study.The somatolactin of Japanese sea bass (sbSL) was extracted under alkaline condition from its pituitary glands,and subsequently purified by gel filtration on a Sephadex G-100 column and reversed-phase high performance chromatography (rpHPLC).Japanese sea bass somatolactin (sbSL) was confirmed by the specific reaction with the antibody against chum salmon somatolactin (sSL) through western blotting.The sbSL was found to consist of two forms with molecular weights of 23.2×103 and 28.4×103u in SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDSPAVE),the later may contain a form of glycosylation.Sixteen N-terminal amino acid sequence of sbSL was determined by the dansyl method according to Edman.The sixteen amino acid sequences of sbSL show a higher homology compared to those of known teleost somatolactins,which further revealed that the isolated and purified pituitary hormone was Japanese sea bass somatolactin.
Studies on algal tool enzymes Ⅱ.Preparation and some properties of alginase and separation of cells in Undaria pinnatifida by enzymeHan Baoqin
Han Baoyin, Dai Jixun, Liu Wanshun, Wang Hai
1998, 20(2): 90-95.
Alginase was prepared by fermenting culture strain Al01 of alginate-degrading bacteria Alteromonas espejiana.The optimum temperature and pH for the enzyme were 40℃ and pH7,respectively.The optimum substratz concentration was 1%-2%.The enzyme activity was inhibited by Ca2+,Hg2+ and slightly activated by Mn2+ at ion concentration being 0.5 mmol/dm3.The optimum conditions of the separating mono-cells and protoplasts in Undaria pinnatifida were enzyme solution consisting of alginase 1%,cellulase 100, NaCl 45×10-3, pH 7.0 and incubation 3-4h at the 25℃.
Large-scale ecological study on planktonic ostracoda in China’s seas and adjacent waters Ⅱ. Correlation between planktonic ostracoda and water systems
Chen Ruixiang, Lin Jinghong
1998, 20(2): 96-101.
China's sea, and the adjacent waters are subject to the control of the Kuroshio in different degrees.In aclditon, thr Tsushirna Warm Current,Huanghai Sea Warm Current,Huanghai Sea Mixing Water.Taiwan Warm Current,East Ciuangdong Coastal Current,Fujian-Zhejiang Coastal Current,South China Sea Warm Current and continental runoffs have also exercised on the marine environmental variations,although these water systems have distinct regional features.However,the impact of these water systems,in some periods is always very strong and controls the distribution of planktonic ostracocla.This paper illustrates the control of planktonic ostracoda by various water systems summer and winter which are distinctly correlated.
Karyotypes of three species of marine bivalve molluscs
Wang Jinxing, Zhao Xiaofan, Zhou Linghua, Xiang Jianhaiz
1998, 20(2): 102-107.

The karyotypes of three species of marine molluscs (Bivalva),Scupharcu subcrenata,Solen conriitus and Ruditupes philippinarus were analyzed by means of injection of PHA and colchicine.The chromo-somes were prepared from the gill cells.The diploid number of three bivalve molluscs are the same as 2n=38.The karyotype of Scupharca cubcrenata is 18m+16sm+2st+2t,NF=72.The length of the metaphase chromosomes in diploid (CL)is from 1.93μm to 3.16μm, and their total length (TCL) is 105.9μm.The karyotype of.Solen contric-tus is 30m+6sm+2t,NF=74.CL:2.73-3.61μm,TCL=130.02μm.The karyotype of Rutttapes bhilibbinarus is 28m+10sm,NF=76.CL:2.71-1.02μm, TCL=134.02μm.

Studies on the methods for storing Nitzschia closterium f.minutissima
Sun Jianhua, Wang Rucai, Zhao Qiang
1998, 20(2): 108-112.
This study deals with the storage of Nitzschiu closterium f.minutissima.After three months' storage,the following results have been carried out:(1)When t=20℃,the viability rate of N.closterium f.minutissirna was 76.4% in 15% SAM8 group,54.6 % in 1.5% antibiotic group,45.3% in 0.1% antiseptic group,and 35.4% in control group.(2) When t=0C,the viability rate of N.closterium f.mrnutrssrrrra was 98.4% in 10% SAMa group,78.8% in 1.50% antibiotic group,63.1% in 0.1% antiseptic group,and 65.5% in control group.(3) When t=-30℃,the viability rate of N.closterium f.minutissima was 84.6% in 10% DMSO group,83.1% in 10% glycerine group,and 46.0% in control group.
Further improvement of new Boussinesq-type equations
Lin Jianguo, Qiu Dahong, Zou Zhili
1998, 20(2): 113-119.
By means of velocity transformation and adding high-order terms in the classical Boussinesq equations,the new forms of the Boussinesq-type equations are obtained.The linear dispersion and shoaling characteristics of the new equations are oder of O(β),in which,β=h0/L, h0 and L are typical value of water depth and wavelength.
Numerical study of pollutant transport in sea-bay with mild slope beach
Wang Zeling, Tao Jianhua
1998, 20(2): 120-127.
By using the slot method,the moving boundary problem caused by the change of the tide water elevation is treated.A 2-D advection-diffusion model with moving boundary is proposed,and the input pollutant is considered as moving source to meet the water level variation.The model given in this paper has been used to simulate the pollutant transport in the Bohai Uulf,the computational results are in good agreement with the measured data.
A model for analysis of vibration-sliding motionof upright breakwater
Wang Yuanshan, Chi Lihua, Gong Wei
1998, 20(2): 128-132.
A dynamic model and the approach,which can be used to simulate the vibration-sliding motion of upright breakwater subjected by breaking wave impact,are developed.The sliding distance of breakwater under exceptional water can be estimated.The vibration-sliding motion process of a caisson breakwater is simulated by the model,and the effects of the caisson slide on the displacement,rotation, sliding force,and overturning moment are investigated.
Nonlinear Rossby wave in geophysical fluid
$$$$ Yang Liangui, Hou Yijun, Xie Qiang, Cheng Minghua
1998, 20(2): 133-138.
Characteristics of dynamic sedimentation on tidal flat in channels of Zhoushan Islands
Jiang Guojun, Chen Jiyu, Yao Yanming
1998, 20(2): 139-147.